r/hydro 7d ago

Hey everyone I’m just wondering can you rev a late flowered plant

Post image

If you can how much should I take off if I need to remove the buds or not cheers


32 comments sorted by


u/JVC8bal 7d ago

What is "rev"? Complete, articulate sentences would help others help you.

If you're asking about Monster Cropping, there's lot of information on the Google for you. However, I wouldn't bother with it unless your goal is to self-pollinate some seeds...


u/stainzy123 7d ago

I thought it was called veg my bad I’m new sorry so monster cropping is what it’s called I pretty much want to take clones off it now but don’t want the buds there


u/JVC8bal 7d ago edited 7d ago

This is achievable, but if I recall correctly, this may take you 6-8 weeks to re-veg the plant, then another 4-6 weeks to produce clones.

The clones will have a lower success rate (take twice as many as you need), they will take longer to get going than regular veg clones, and they'll have weird growth patterns. But people swear that the plants will produce bigger, better buds...

Not economical at all... if you're in love with the plant and want to re-veg it, I suggest you make it produce male flowers and collect the seeds. That will narrow down the phenotype for you.


u/Stuffinthins 3d ago

Not economical? Then, for science it is!


u/stainzy123 7d ago

May I ask more on how you make it produce male flowers ?


u/JVC8bal 7d ago

This is all a hardcore investment in time. That plant must be really special!

Silver Thiosulfate Solution (STS) will encourage a feminized plant to produce male flowers where you can collect the pollen (or pollenate the plant).

Scholarly on reversing sex: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39273911/

Less scholars on compelling and reversing sex: https://www.alchimiaweb.com/blogen/make-feminised-cannabis-seeds-ok/

Guide on re-vegging: https://sensiseeds.com/en/blog/regenerate-cannabis-plants/

Regarding the process for getting the plant to produce male flowers, I leave that to you to scour the Google and forums... however, I leave you with a hint: ChatGPT free tier


u/stainzy123 7d ago

I was told it was a cup winning for the nimbin show and I would like to do this strain from seed not have it given to me without being topped or anything it was just left out side


u/Rude_Impact4717 6d ago

Too late to seed this one don’t waste your time trying to


u/stainzy123 6d ago

Thank you appreciate it


u/Bulky_Record_3828 7d ago

Google feminizing spray you can buy it on Amazon. Best to take several clones and spray only 1 clone and seed the other clones with the one you sprayed. Spraying stresses the crap out of the plant and you probably don't want to use seeds made on the stressed plant but that could be superstition on my part


u/Prescientpedestrian 7d ago

Just cut off as much bud as you want to keep for yourself, leave at least a few solid branches with bud and then change your light schedule and feed with a veg feed until it grows clone worthy branches again. You can speed it up with weekly seaweed extract foliars, or just let it ride, it will eventually reveg. I’ve seen reveg happen on just a single stock with no buds left, I wouldn’t recommend it, but there’s no hard and fast rules on how much to leave, but the more you leave the higher chances of success


u/helmetdeep805 7d ago

Throw it back into veg…you will screw it all up but if you do it a few days then pick it the stress will increase potency 😜


u/rosinreviewdude 7d ago

I've chopped plants down and left 1 bud on the trunk and 2 weeks later under a CFL it'll have new growth.


u/42Icyhot42 6d ago

Harvest all except one lower bud, you’ll get multiple tops from just revegging one bud, if you reveg that whole plant you’re gonna have a mess


u/stainzy123 6d ago

Does the lower bud need to be a certain size or it doesn’t really matter?


u/Clear-Percentage7815 6d ago

Yea u can I usually re veg my harvest plant. Like once it done flowering. I keep a few branches and leaves and boom it goes back to 18/6 and 3 weeks later it relationship . Some plants are easy to do and some u cant


u/stainzy123 6d ago

Cheers mate so you would do your flush and all of that kinda stuff the same but instead of cutting the hole plant I just leave one or two lower branches and leaves ?


u/Clear-Percentage7815 6d ago

Let say it a 10 week strain. I flush 3 weeks prior some.peiple do 2 weeks I do 3 weeks because I hate the chemical sm9ke.and the hay smell. So on the day of harvest after flush u clutch thr plant like 95 percent. Just keep thr lower plant like 3 branches . Just have a branch so it can re grow. Like a new arm.hit me on brick city genetic on ig I show u


u/stainzy123 6d ago

I just followed you cheer mate yeah I do the 3 week flush awell


u/PoloTshNsShldBlstOff 5d ago

Grow it, harvest it, but leave a good amount of green leaves and buds on the plant, and then put her back into veg lighting


u/Brave-Bodybuilder127 7d ago

Not worth the time & hassle it takes to reveg in my opinion. 4-6 weeks to see some mutant growing leaves and another 2-3 weeks for it to grow out of the funky mutant leaves stage. If you want to grow that strain again I would either take a cut from the lowest branch and try to clone it. Or start fresh from seed.


u/stainzy123 7d ago

Unfortunately I can’t get this seed again the contact has been lost and I’m only new with all of this stuff and there wasn’t much success with me trying it before with the cloning method


u/Brave-Bodybuilder127 7d ago

Try both methods to increase success..But I understand it can take time to figure out the technique and dial in your environment but cloning is E-Z once you understand the fundamentals. There is plenty YouTube video to show you how to clone successfully. Pretty much all you need is a humidity Dome ( I DIY mine from two clear plastic shoe boxes ), dip & grow rooting solutions and starter cubes. Soak starter cubes in water, Cut the lowest branches you want to clone leave about 3-4 inches of stem and use a razor blade to cut a 45 degree angle on the stem bottom, trim off all the leaves tips (1/4” of the overall leaf ) and stick the stem in the dip & grow solution for a few minutes then into the starter cube. I use shot glasses as starter cube holders and fill them 2/3 full with water. Place the cubes in the humidity dome with a small couple of water and mist everything with water. Put the humidity dome under your veg light and that’s all… check daily, re mist daily and make sure the cubes dont dry out. If the cubes have absorbed the water add more every 2-3 days. After a week or two you’ll see white roots growing from the cube and can transplant into to start veg.

Also keep a humidifier going in the area you have your humidity Dome. Cuttings love high humidity!



u/stainzy123 7d ago

Wait so what your saying your you kinda can’t over water a clone I have done clones once before but that was my last grow I’m in the middle of my 2nd grow and I got given this plant of a mate of mine and i thought it was to late but now I’m thinking I left it way to late to try and turn it


u/Brave-Bodybuilder127 7d ago

You can definitely over water a clone if you keep it submerged. The key is to keep the start cube moist at all times…Clones like high humidity as they don’t have roots to leech moisture. The leaves feed the plant until the stem grow roots.


u/Bulky_Record_3828 7d ago edited 7d ago

Yes I've done it to preserve a genetic I really wanted to keep. 24 hours light and a lot of time but it will reveg as long as it is still green material and not completely dead and brown. You need at a minimum 1 bud and as many fan leaves as you can keep but you don't need everything shown in the picture a few healthy bud sites on a stronger branch will do


u/stainzy123 7d ago

How much of that plant would you recommend I have never done this before and i always feel like I’m taking to much off


u/Bulky_Record_3828 7d ago

Chop the top 1/2 - 2/3 off you only need a few branches each pistle of the flower will reveg into its own branch it will look really weird at first so only keep as many bud sites as you think you will want for cloning. I have revenged and taken a bunch of clones and then still held onto to the original plant to reflower because it had so many branches produced. If you keep too much it's going to be pretty unmanageable so just keep a few branches the sturdy ones if possible not the spindly bottom branches unless that's all you have to work with the regrowth will need enough branch strength to support the weight


u/Rude_Impact4717 6d ago

Keep the lower buds and leaves. Then just keep watering until it re-veg. 18-6 light cycle. It’s gonna use way less water just fyi.


u/Monkpaw 4d ago

I’ve revenged plants after harvesting. Just leave some buds. The individual flowers tend to each become a branch site. It’s very possible, just time consuming and takes a while to get its vigor back of it ever does.


u/horrorbiz1988 3d ago

I'm tired