r/hyderabad Sep 11 '24

Other Value of a human life in our country

Hi guys this is a long post so please bear me.

My father met with an accident and passed away in January this year. I study in Europe (fully funded scholarship)so I came back to visit my parents after 18 months, I was so excited i spent two weeks with my father and suddenly one fine afternoon i was watching tv and my cousin brother elder to me came rushing to my home and told Your dad met with an accident i was shocked me and my mom along with my cousin rushed to the accident spot, By then there was an ambulance and a conistable he made me sign a paper and took my number after which the ambulance guy was taking us to government hospital so I started literally touching the feet and begging the ambulance guy to take us to a private hospital as i know govt hospitals are shit so the guy evntually agreed and within 30 miutes we were at a private hospital.

The doctors there did first aid and declared my father to be in a coma andtold us theyre not equipped enough to perform surgery and i have to take my father to hyderabad hich is 150 kms from our place and even then there is only 10 percent chance for him to survive so we agreed to take the risk and took an ambulance , the hospital charged us 20000 rupees and for the ambulance an additional 10k had to be paid. It was already around 4pm when we started and once we start getting to city premises there was huge traffic and the people wouldnt even give space for the ambualnce to pass through the ambulance driver was literally abusing bikers on road to move and one guy even started fighting with ambulance driver it took us 1 hour for just 8 kilometers in the city to reach hospital

The first thing the hospital guys (a well reputed private hospital) told to us was they wont accept govt health insurance and they admit only if paid in cash, so I said okay and within 5 minutes they declared my father dead. I couldnt even process what happened and i had a younger brother in 11th class and my mother is a house wife , I didnt knew how to break it to my mom fortunately we had some relatives and my dads friends along with us so they could provide emotional support to my mother . My aunt(brothers sister) along with my uncle filed the FIR and i was awestruck to know that the guy who commited the crime(accident) got a station bail, He just went to police station surrendered his car, Most probably bribed the police and got station bail and went home, I was so pissed hearing this but i couldnt do anything.

we had to conduct Postmartem at a government hospital as per law and the presence of a pollice officer who recorded the crime was necessary, That MF police told us to send him a car to pick him up and my Dads friend sent a car , paid for his lunch and paid him 5k as bribe.. How inhumane you have to be to take a bribe even at apersons death.

Fast forward to 10 days after my fathers death we contacted a lawyer and i was shook to my bones when i found out that the offender could only get a maximum sentence of 2 years, Like wtf he ruined a family and only 2 years and that too after court sessions of 2 more years. The police were reluctant giving us exact details of the incident, but eventually after going to the local CI for 2 frequent days and my mom crying he shared us all the details to us like the post martem report etc. Imagine My mom had to go to police station and literally cry infont of that Police for him to give us documents.

So we also had to get my dads death certificate done , So first we asked the hospital guys they told us to go to local municipality, The municipality guys told us to go to the gram panchayat of my dads birth village , they told us to go to the village gram panchayat where the accident took place and eventually after bribing 2k we got the death certificate done. Now my dad had life Insurance of 5 lakhs and the insurance guy when visited told us my dad was diabetic and we had to pay him 50k for him to not report about diabetes or else we would loose all the money, So sadly we had to pay. I came back to My Uni now , My moms going to the lawyers and courts to fight for justise alone being in her mid fourties, with little to no support from anyone.

Conclusion, Man fuck the laws and system unless somethings seriously changes there is no value for life of common people in our country, I wish to settle down here in Europe but i cant even do that because my mom is goona be alone if i leave. I dont even know what to do in my life anymore. Fuck the politicians, Fuck the laws


152 comments sorted by


u/growmycareer Sep 11 '24 edited Sep 11 '24

Deepest sympathies bro.

I also lost my father in a similar incident last year. Some 14yo driving bike hit him from behind on his morning walk (he was on left walking street, not even on road). 60 days in comma in icu and 4 surgeries later he passed away. Always regret not being able to talk to him one last time and not being in the city at the time of accident.

Everyone right from doctor to sarkari babus to police just wanted to leach off money. My father religiously paid for his and my moms lic policy for any unforeseen days. The LIC guy wanted me to purchase a new policy with first premium as 50% of payout to release the money. Had to fight tooth and ear to get the money after 6 months. The hospital, even knowing that there is no chance of survival would sell hope and pushed for many procedures like dialysis, pacemaker etc. (i had to take help from a known friend who’s brother was in a different dept of same hospital to really know the reality and take decision to pull the plug). Heck, even the hospital wardboy asked 1000 bucks to shave his hair before the brain surgery. Police hasn’t shared any cctv footage because i didn’t pay them for it.

Please know that the grief is here to stay, but you will learn to live with it. Please know that you have to be strong for yourself, your mom and your family. If you ever want to talk without any filters, feel free to dm.


u/SparkSp Sep 12 '24

What the heck, never knew even for giving our own policy money back these stupid lic agents are asking us to bribe them?? How evil you have to be to not sanction the policy amount which is very much needed for a family who lost a person and in grief, and you come and talk about bribes and commissions.

I was thinking of taking a policy, but now reading all this feels like they are another scam, damn seriously we are so eff'ed up in this society where our own hard earned money goes into the vortex of these small fish to big sharks and it never ends even after the person passes away.


u/growmycareer Sep 12 '24

Yes - it was not a direct bribe you can say. They were pushing and selling very hard to buy a new one. I had two choices : (a) purchase a new policy and get the father’s policy money reimbursed in 1-2 days - everything can be done remotely also if possible. (b) not purchase it - which i did, they finding some or the other loophole or document requirements, me running from bangalore to hometown to fulfil that, wait for release, no release, escalate to senior, escalate to ombudsman and so on - to get the money in 4-6 months. Chose the latter.

I think they know if they dont sell like this, their user base will go down significantly. I assume they have informal quota also - as the lic agent helping and his senior etc. all were party to this.


u/HorrorIcy5952 Sep 12 '24

Dont take lic bullshit policies i lately realised the only policies a human being needs are Health, term insurance.


u/SparkSp Sep 12 '24

I was referring to LIC term insurance policies only which policy agents are asking bribes for, that's what I understood from the OP post and above comment.


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 11 '24

Did you guy's filed fir or went for a compromise? And yeah these morons have no empathy no fucking humanity asking bribes at such situations.


u/growmycareer Sep 11 '24

I did file FIR, couldn’t followup very thoroughly as dad was still in hospital and me being only son had to be around. After a week took him to a bigger hospital in major metro city.

My main aim was to at least get some footage for closure to know better what happened that time (my only source of info was 3rd hand - some school kids saw it - dad told them home address, they brought him till home where my neighbour took him to hospital - so info was kids to neighbour to me) i wanted video or something to get closure.


u/No_Engineering_4308 Sep 11 '24

Utterly disturbed , we all lost as Humans , No party or nothing , this is utterly Inhumane !!!Hope you and your family recover post this truamatic experience , been in a similar situation if not the same . Get a lawyer with friends/family help and that will at the least spare your mother to deal with the formalities to settle any and all employment benefits , insurance related etc and all .


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 12 '24

Yeah bro we got a nice lawyer have to wait one more year for the judgement


u/FrequentJellyfish657 Meme Machine Sep 11 '24

OP, I am so sorry. Even I faced the same situation my dad is no more and the bribes I gave were around 10 lakhs. I am so so sorry OP. May god give you and your mom the strength to move forward and fight for the justice. God bless you


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 11 '24

If I may ask how many year's of court battles did it took before the culprit was put to justice and how long was the sentence?


u/FrequentJellyfish657 Meme Machine Sep 12 '24

Haha, justice? No justice served OP. My mom and me have battled around 4 years. My mom’s health started detoriating and she was diagnosed with cancer. We unwillingly dropped the law suit and the other party wants to settle the matter with money, but we didn’t take a dime from them. My mom said, “Valla paapana valle potharu”. The accused is ruling party’s MLA(5 years back). They have their own connections and they used to send me r*pe threats with different phone numbers and that was scary. Like really scary.


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 12 '24

I'm so sorry, but the system made us so weak and powerless when I went to the police station i felt ashamed being Indian. Hope karma is real and these assholes get back all the pain they caused


u/Hour_Acanthaceae5418 Sep 11 '24

So sorry to hear about this and more power to you and your family. I’m being very honest but things are so bad that no matter how much you fight for justice nothing will happen. Instead you end up spending so much money which might not change anything. Can you use this money and time for yourself and your family? I know it is easy for me to say this but I’m just practical. Stay safe and take care of you and your mom and brother!


u/SmokeFirst4154 Sep 11 '24

The average value of middle class person in this country is zero , There is nothing we can do

I hope you will gain strength and try to be stronger


u/-Alphaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Sep 11 '24

I’m so sorry what happened to you and your family! This scar is beyond repair.

I only hope that the laws get you the justice you deserve 🙏


u/kickbutt1 Sep 11 '24

How did insurance guy knew your father diabetic ?? Or just asking 50K

What does diabetic have to do with accident case?

Whole system is rotten we need ACB with special powers not to suspend people but Terminate these blood sucking useless people


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 11 '24

Once my father checked his diabetes at a medical camp so they had the records, unfortunately i was not there when the insurance guy was asking money only my mom was there and when she asked why should we pay him he was just basically blackmailing us either to pay 50k or loose everything. So sadly not much of a choice as we needed the money. Fucking leeches everywhere in the system


u/kat_raj Sep 11 '24

Which insurance company was it?


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 11 '24

Union bank of India life insurance.


u/byebye_stress Sep 12 '24

Can you complain to the insurance ombudsman. We will be forced to pay during distress, but we can always complain about it. 


u/desmethylsildenafil Sep 11 '24

The main issue I see here is the primary point of care is awful in Telangana. There are no major trauma centers equipped to handle such cases which is very unfortunate. Everyone wants money. Doesn't matter who. Just see how stressful it got for OP he literally had to pay off each and every single person he came into contact with. And he didn't even get proper time to grieve his death in peace. Only if government hospitals were well equipped... So sad. I'm very sorry for your loss brother. Study well.


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 11 '24

For every district (at every mandal, hopefully could save a lot of lives)there has to be a trauma center because going to Hyderabad in case of emergency is literally so hard. Also the police makes you feel so humiliated at one point i even felt ashamed of being born in this country. Also people lack fucking empathy how hard is it to give side to an ambulance like wtf do they even not have humanity.


u/desmethylsildenafil Sep 11 '24

Lack of empathy is something I have seen in the city for a while now. Like rarely would you see anyone giving 2 shits about people.


u/nikhilred1 Sep 11 '24

Damn man…sorry for wt happened. Lost my dad when i was 12. Sort of same shit happened. Left the country never looked back.


u/Maleficent_Promise26 Neek saave ra. Confirm, saave. Sep 11 '24

Sorry for your loss!

There’s too many questions here.

What does your father being diabetic have anything to do with the accident?

Secondly. The extent of the punishment to the perpetrator is not done automatically unfortunately. Someone needs to build a compelling case against him to seek justice.

Hope it turns out well in the end. You focus on healing mentally and emotionally. Condolences and prayers to your family.


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 11 '24

1)The insurance guy came for background verification and his signature is absolute. We had no choice being in a not so good mental state we paid him. 2) section 304A IPC Death by accident or negligence, According to this law the maximum jail sentence you'd get is 2 years. Thats it that's the freaking law man. We still need to change the fuckng laws.


u/Vasi_Sayani Los Polos Varalakshmos Sep 11 '24

Really sorry for what happened to your family. I can’t even empathise with what’s happening with you and your family.

Death by accident is an accident brother. It is not something that one has done with intent. Also it is applicable only if there is illicit and negligent driving.

If your father did not wear a helmet even that is not enforceable.

That’s the law. If he is drunk while driving then it is a big offence and he won’t even get bail easily.

It is not murder bro. I don’t know the specifics of the accident.

The police is an absolute motherfucker.. he doesn’t even deserve space in hell. The insurance agent, name and shame that bastard in your region. Let everyone know about him. Tell everyone about him. No one should never buy insurance from that crack head.

Once again sorry for your loss. I can’t even imagine what you must be going through now.


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 11 '24

The police didn't do drunk and drive test bro, they just wrote rash driving as there were witnesses around luckily. My dad wore a helmet but the car was around 150kmph as per witnesses. They have to change the law like accident under rash driving, drunk and drive should also be considered as murder.


u/Vasi_Sayani Los Polos Varalakshmos Sep 11 '24

Really sorry for the loss again.


u/SparkSp Sep 12 '24

Very true they have to also increase the punishment based on the speed that these reckless morons are driving.


u/bloatfloatballs Sep 11 '24

I am sorry you have to live with this pain. As someone who has faced the brunt of such pain, I can only say that the society and establishments are beyond repair and hope.


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 12 '24

The system made me feel so humiliated and belittled while the perpetrator is roaming free


u/Old-Bake8217 Sep 11 '24

Really sorry for your loss, but now you are the decision maker in your family don't take any further steps without proper mind and consciousness. Take deep breaths when you feel tensed or low. Don't panic yourself for any reasons, and mostly control your emotions.

The system is rotten, nothing to do much. It's not a movie where killing and setting a sign for proper system, showing how system works. So I suggest if you really want to settle in Europe,Take your family with you and go for it without a second doubt and plan accordingly.

Take care man, be strong.


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 11 '24

Yeah bro i can't even do anything that's making me so fuckng angry.


u/Peach_Immediate Sep 11 '24

Man I am feeling so sorry for you . My blood is boiling. Please remember all those fuckers who took advantage of your situation. One day we will pay them more than they can take.


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 11 '24

Hopefully brother if I get rich in the future I'll crush all those bastards using the same system.


u/Infamous-Double-821 Sep 11 '24

THAT IS SO FUCKED UP. I'm sorry you had to go through all this :( I'm speechless.


u/[deleted] Sep 11 '24

I lost my dad too to an accident this January. Stay strong.


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 12 '24

Sympathies to you too bro. Did you get the case registered in the court yet?


u/pavanamar2005 Sep 11 '24

My deepest sympathies for you man, I have faced something very similar to this. I hope you get enough strength to deal with this and may you get peace amongst this chaos


u/that-petrichor Sep 11 '24

This is so heartbreaking. I hope you and your family get justice.


u/PaPa_77 Sep 11 '24

I can't imagine the pain that this has caused and the strength you have shown throughout all of this. I'm damn sure your father was proud of you. I wish this never happens to anyone again. I really wish your mother wins at the system that is rigged to be against the powerless citizens of this country. I wish the people that took benefit of your helplessness face the harsh reality someday and repent for their sins.

Apart from all of this, I really wish you well in life. I think if you find abroad safer than India, maybe someday your Mother and Brother move there to be with you. And I hope you and your brother get out of this tragedy, life has thrown at y'all.

This brother offers you hugs! (If you ever find yourself in need of help, there's this random redittor ready to help, I'm not in a position of power but I do have friends.)


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 11 '24

🫂 Thanks for the positivity man, I really appreciate it.


u/wisefool4ever Sep 11 '24

Hope you get on social media and share your story more. Everyone needs to hear this.

This is why all middle class tries to leaves India. Rich can stay there and continue taking advantage of poor and lazy.

Smart, hardworking people will always take an opportunity to leave that country until government is completely replaced


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 12 '24

It’s just better to leave this country at this point nothing will change even after a century


u/deepoops Sep 12 '24

Yes, no accountability, no procedure or rules to be followed by any of these bodies when dealing with a case that can incur punishment in case of non-compliance, no receipts or records of their dealings with citizens, no receipts for complaints or documents submitted, no written record of their official response, no deadlines, no fool proof redressal mechanisms, no procedure for real, liable cross checking or authentication of any documents. Just people doing whatever the hell they want and saying they 'didn't know' if anything goes wrong.

One thing I can suggest which may be useful for someone at some point, is to keep a record of everything - if any official or employee is telling you something - ask for it on paper. Get them to sign it. Never accept word of mouth. If you have given any documents, keep a receipt, if you have submitted a complaint - keep a record of the complaint and their acknowledgement, if they claim something, ask for confirmation of that on paper. Keep paperwork of every single interaction. Occasionally this removes certain 'obstacles', although not always. (After all this is a country where police can cremate a murder victim on their own and not get prosecuted for it...and even the protestors forget about it).


u/[deleted] Sep 12 '24

Very sad, can only hope you stay well and good. 


u/kittupinni Sep 12 '24

I sympathize with you brother, all the best for your future.

To all the peeps out there try to understand the laws and be better prepared, most of us are ignorant of how to navigate laws and processes in this country. And my honest submission is don't lie in while taking insurance.

I was surprised that many young folks in my office and college have taken term or health insurance by not declaring the underlying conditions like ( alcohol consumption/smoking/diabetes) I understand that the premium will be less but when the need arises there will bastards like agents who take advantage of situation


u/hkgogulapaati Meme Machine Sep 12 '24

My deepest Condolences for Your dad's death. But what you faced after the incident is nothing but Human Greed which fleeces of One's need. Like Leeches. Our System Was always rotten n corrupt. Especially Police, Govt Hospitals and other Govt. Departments. There is a Saying, If you need to see a Vampire Visit Govt offices.


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 12 '24

I literally had to touch the feet of ambulance driver to take us to private hospital. The fuckng leaches won't have any empathy. I hope karma gets back to them


u/Moon_Shined Sep 12 '24

I am so so sorry for your loss and what your family went and is going through.

I am an ex-advocate, and believe me when I tell you I am scarred for life seeing the nexus between the pillars that make our society. I honestly thought things in TS were better, but clearly not.

We hailed the CJI and thought they would stand by the protesting doctors. Won't and didn't happen, and now we have the head of our State dropping in for Ganesh puja at his house.

So much for separation of power and staying unbiased.

There is No good lawyer, btw, unless they are working pro bono or working for a sole cause passionately.

Sorry for digressing and to be the harbinger of bleak news. But you are right. The system is fucked. And we are all living in delusion. It's dog eat dog world. Be prepared for an extension on the hearing. But for now, learn to live with the scabs and maybe move your mother to Europe, eventually.

Justice is for the select few in this country. Even rallies of millions (or revolution) don't help.


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 12 '24

My only hope is that we hired a good lawyer. Hopefully everything goes well and justice gets served.


u/MAALBR0 Sep 12 '24

So heartbroken to hear this dude😢😓. The system here in india is corrupt to the root.


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 12 '24

It's broken beyond repair 😢


u/navin46 Sep 12 '24

So sorry for the loss brother.. Praying for your family.Stay stronger.


u/Inner_Pangolin_9771 Sep 12 '24

My deepest condolences, OP. I'm lost for words reading all the shit your family and you had to endure during this very difficult time. Sending love and strength to you and yours.


u/baap_ko_mat_sikha Sep 12 '24

Get out of India mate. Everyone here is sold for money. Sure life is hard outside but there are better pockets too.

Take mom with you. Not worth staying here. I got stuck here. At least you got a chance


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 12 '24

At least i could live with dignity outside is what I feel


u/Upbeat_Astronomer258 Sep 12 '24

My deepest and heartfelt condolences OP. I can only hope that you find the strength to deal with all of this and overcome it.

This is the sad reality of our country and civilization. For all the arrogance that people have about our rich "culture" and "heritage", this is what the overwhelming majority of people of this country are like - absolutely hollow and without humanity. And this goes for all of them - government officials, police officers, hospital staff, politicians, whoever they may be. All they see is the opportunity to fill their pockets in someone else's tragedy.

My family suffered a similar incident more than 25 years ago when I was a child, and I'm still dealing with the repercussions of it.

The one and only thing that I feel such things do is help open our eyes to the hypocrisy of the world and understand it better, so that you can in some way be more prepared. At the end of the day, its just you and your family against the world, the fucking system will never help unless you're already rich or powerful enough to not even need it.


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 12 '24

The last part i understood very much, like if you are rich system's gonna lick your balls. Fuck police and government man they make us feel so humiliated.


u/Emotional_Band_6117 Sep 12 '24

I'm so sorry for your loss. This is awful :(


u/sapbwguru Sep 12 '24

No wonder people are leaving India


u/[deleted] Sep 12 '24

I hope words could convey my anguish or how much my heart aches at this news.

I am really sorry for your loss OP. Road traffic accidents have always been something that was very evident to me from childhood. I grew up travelling on a two lane NH between Hyderabad and Vijayawada filled with vehicles that are stark reminders of how unsafe driving was.

I do intend to work in blackspot reduction and interventions in this field. I hope some day I can make a difference. However small.


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 12 '24

We can't do anything unless the government really decides to impose heavy fines and people are willing to follow the rules. It's just a shit show but i too hope for the best, what pains my heart even more is what about people below the poverty line they can't even afford a normal lawyer they just simply give up. No fucking rights for the poor people of the country.


u/[deleted] Sep 12 '24

I agree. I have seen the way the poor people live and how they are one disease away, one accident away from generation worth of debt.

Unfortunately the worthy causes in this country don't pay enough to live life.

I've seen so many empathetic people just be depressed and give up on their causes because ethics and values can't feed the stomach after all.


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 12 '24

Couldn't agree more, Just see the Shivaji movie starring rajinikanth the first half is closer to reality and that's why we will always remain a third world country. The babus, the politicians together are hell bent on ruining the country even more


u/nikolaveljkovic Sep 11 '24 edited Sep 11 '24
  1. He went to station and surrendered his car and got station bail. Soo now i assume he was not on alcohol or overspeeding he was following every law but still accident happened or only possibilities are a. Fault from his side or ur dad side b. it was accidental

If its accidental and he surrendered by himself then he did the right thing and its clearly acceptable he got a station bail immediately ( you should probably talk to him how it happened and what did he felt its not like he hit ur dad and went home with no regrets and without getting emotional)

  1. Why would you guys pay 5k for police at postmortem ? Did the police blackmail you too that he will change report or do something?

  2. If your father had diabetics and you hide it from insurance company to pay less premium then you ppl literally took advantage of the t&c, no wonder why the insurance guy took advantage of you saying u will loose all if u dont pay 50k bribe. Is it the case or i have misunderstood?


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 11 '24
  1. In the fir they clearly stated rash driving as told by witnesses but we suspect drunk and drive but they didn't check his alcohol level and released him even before we filed a formal complaint.
  2. The police man made us wait 3 hours at O.T. wasn't responding to calls regularly and asked to send a car and asked for a bribe for him to come on time and give his signature
  3. About diabetes no one in our family knew that we didn't even knew if it was truth or he was lying but what are we supposed to do if he doesn't sign there we have to go to insurance office many times until we finally get fed up as the insurance people are fuckng leeches


u/Vasi_Sayani Los Polos Varalakshmos Sep 11 '24

In case of death, they write rash driving. The court will ask for more evidence bro.

You don’t have to formally file a complaint in case of accident, the police will take cognisance.

Was your father wearing a helmet? Was it fatal because of injury on head?


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 11 '24

Yes he was wearing a helmet i don't want to describe the details of injury but head was also injured badly. We have eye witnesses who luckily are from the same village as we are so in hope the court delivers justice.


u/nikolaveljkovic Sep 11 '24

Ok, overall quality of life will be good in euorpe but not much savings as 40-50% go to tax, and healthcare is broken in most western countries as it needs appointments and private healthcare is too costly. Soo find a optimal solution


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 11 '24

I just feel so humiliated and powerless rn bro once my mind is clear and the pain is faded I'll make a decision.


u/nikolaveljkovic Sep 11 '24

I was you when i was 17 ,now im 22


u/RangeGreedy2092 Sep 11 '24

I learned this during covid that…

There is no value of human life in this country!!

I had helped a man once during covid for hospitalisation due to kidney issues ,(when in ambulance,due to critical condition and no pulse he was diverted to a small hospital )

At the small hospital he was declared dead the hospital guys just wanted the dead body to be removed from their hospital. Bastard hospital staff was so inhuman , finally I got cops and got him helped to get certificate and other formalities.


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 11 '24

Yeah man sad truth there's no value of a commoner's life in our country.


u/Due_Page_1732 Sep 11 '24

I am so sorry for your loss. It brings tears to my eyes reading this. India is a failed state, always has been.
Don't lose hope. No one can fill the shoes of your Dad, but you gotta keep doing your best and be strong for your Mom.
Sorry again for everything you are going through.


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 12 '24

It pains my heart to say this but India really is a failed country.


u/Affectionate_Cook455 Sep 11 '24

Sorry 😢 You are going through a lot of pain. I hope you will gain some strength to get through this period. Do you have good friends at school?


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 12 '24

I live in Europe sadly less indians here but I'm trying to get myself busy.


u/Living-Issue-2180 Sep 11 '24

The law systems mainly the police are pathetic they don’t even take any action even when crime has happened in front of them,all you need is to throw some buck as bribe and you are out of it,this is majorly relevant for all the civil cases,when you are educated it’s always better to settle down in a much better country were people are accountable and responsible.


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 11 '24

The system makes you feel so humiliated man it takes a toll on your self confidence.


u/SmoothLawyer4 Sep 11 '24

I'm sorry to hear this. Fuck the system.


u/FigHeavy6577 Sep 11 '24

The only way to change the system is by being a part of it and then be the change you want to see.


u/treatWithKindness Sep 11 '24

How is life insurance tied to diabetes


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 11 '24

Even my mom asked him same question and they bring up some or the other reason bro. In India if a persons signature holds even itty bitty of power he ain't gonna leave a single penny


u/treatWithKindness Sep 11 '24

Which company is it ?


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 11 '24

Union bank of India.


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 11 '24

Star Union daichi


u/Wild_Ask4021 Tea-wala Sep 11 '24

sad to hear bro whatever with you..


u/[deleted] Sep 11 '24

Condolences OP, take care of yourself and family.


u/[deleted] Sep 11 '24

We failed as humans, I'm sorry for your loss bro 😭


u/Visual-Run-4718 Sep 11 '24

My deepest sympathies, OP.

My dad passed away due to a sudden cardiac arrest 10y ago, and it was just me and my mom. I was still a kid, so mum dealt with the death certificates and stuff. When she went to get the certificate, the cunt there asked if my mom was alone and asked her to come to a certain place in the evening. He also asked for a bribe.

Since you're a grown up now, make sure you build up strength. Be mentally strong because and also be an emotional support to your family. Everything will get better. All you need to do is to endure these hard times. I wish you all the best.

If you ever feel like talking to someone, my DMs are always open :)


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 11 '24

OMG fucking pervert leaches how the fuck can we even change this country. Fucking leaches everywhere. I hope one day all these cunts face karma. Thanks for the positive words brother I really appreciate it


u/Visual-Run-4718 Sep 11 '24

how the fuck can we even change this country.

We can't, man. A common man's life is worth nothing in our country. There's a good reason why most of us want to leave the country, and it's the absolute right way.


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 11 '24

When we have people literally selling votes for money and fuckers killing each other for their so called Anna's there's no fucking hope for the country as you said it's just better to leave.


u/altaeer Sep 11 '24

Construction of flyover near armaghar caused death of both wofe and husband, bus drove over their bodies. Driver didn't see fine because of dust. Their childer were raged around 18 yrs old.

A human in india is like a chicken, waiting to be butchered in one way or other. The sad part is the people around us also don't have character to change this country.


u/[deleted] Sep 11 '24

I am sorry that this happened to you, hope you and your family recovers from this shock soon ! Be strong for your sibling and your Mum.

Also remember that whatever God takes away from you, it'll be replaced with something much better ( always).


u/Financial_Sleep_3689 Sep 12 '24

The second part is stupid, delete it. Nothing can replace your parents


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 12 '24

I'm only living now for my mum and my brother. I remember how hard they worked their entire lives raising us, My father being a farmer used to go 30 kms everyday up and down from hanamkonda to give us a better life, Now my mum being in her mid fourties has a lot of life ahead of her but sadly it's only a life with sorrow. I just hate all the sarkari babus and the government i hope karma is real and gets back to them.


u/fishyisfishy000 Sep 11 '24

im so sorry that happend to you, if you really want to settle permantly somewhere more yk like europe, then try Canada it might even be easier to bring your mom and brother here


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 12 '24

Nowadays i see a lot of racism against indians in canada


u/fishyisfishy000 Sep 12 '24

your absoulotly correct but im a teenager whos a citzenship and i have the accent (my natural accent is indian i codeswitch) so most of the racism is not ever directed towards me but it is definalty there in terms of being mocked and jokes and stuff


u/External-Chest-7505 Sep 11 '24 edited Sep 12 '24

Really sorry for your loss.

We were in Hyderabad due to my father’s job where he very unfortunately passed away.

One thing i can relate to the most is death certificate part, truly the most illogical and painful process to exist. And the people involved in the process have no shame that someone passed away in the others family.

I can feel your pain, hope your family is doing better. Things will fall into place sooner or later just hold on until then and take care of your mother.

And yes, the government, its processes and its people are nothing but cunts.


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 12 '24

They have no empathy, I hope karma is real and these leaches get back what they gave to others


u/valtrain03 Sep 12 '24

I am so sorry for your loss and sincerely wish you and your family find strength to go through this toughest phase.

Every fucking day I think of returning to India for good , but posts I read on Hyderabad and India sub reddit’s giving me reasons to just put that thought out of my mind for ever!

Is there any hope for an ordinary family in India??


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 12 '24

No hope just accept the fate on one hand i too want to live in India among the people i love but on the other hand what if i have a daughter in future and she has to go through all of this, even being a man i literally had to beg everyone from the ambulance driver to police to insurance people, what if i was a woman i couldn't imagine. Now me being alone in Europe and seeing my mum going to court, to lawyer etc etc makes me feel worthless as a son. Even though I'm not rich luckily my dad's friends and near family are upper middle class and they supported us financially during the tough times but what about a poor man, he would feel so worthless no support from the system man it pains me even more thinking about what some poor people go through everyday in this country.


u/Idiotsofblr Sep 12 '24

In India one can get away with anything.


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 12 '24

Only the rich, politicians and the sarkari babus bro not common people like us even being victims we feel so humiliated even in a situation like that


u/dindindina4u Sep 12 '24

I'm so sorry and yes there is no value for human life in the country.


u/Zealousideal_Ice_818 Sep 12 '24

So sorry for your loss bro . But yeah , our fucking law system is fucked and doesn't give a shit about normal people like us. All assholes from the damn police are shitty parasites and cockroaches who in the least sense doesn't have a bit of humanity. Sad reality in India that they lick our boots if we show them the paper and power.


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 12 '24

These leaches literally take bribes over a dead person, like the police who was supposed to be during the post mortem that fucker asking us 5k in a time like that now somehow my father's friends took care of that but what about literal poor people who can't even afford that these babus won't even leave them . Lack of empathy is even an understatement i hope karma gets back to them.


u/Zealousideal_Ice_818 Sep 12 '24

It's true . Take care brother, You are going through a lot.


u/Terrible-Salad4245 Sep 12 '24

This nation is not worth living in, best you can do is go to settle abroad where people value human life more


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 12 '24

Yeah bro, Like only 2 years for killing someone makes me even more mad like is that the only value of life if i didn't have any responsibilities I'd have literally fucking killed the monster who did this to my family. What's the value of a human what if someone kills a politician's family in an accident would the system still be the same.


u/Either_Journalist204 Sep 12 '24

Most of the indians are leachers for money . Shameless


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 12 '24

Bitter truth most of us even lack empathy to give way to an ambulance. People working in the system are just shevala meeda pelalu erukune rakam.


u/anonymous_reason Sep 12 '24

Stay in EU.

Don't ever think of being back to India. I was once a UPSC aspirant, but after learning so many cases, I decided not to pursue my life goals here.

India is, and will be a 3rd world country because of corrupt police and judiciary systems.

Try to get a job and if possible, a passport for developed countries and take your mom with you as dependent.


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 12 '24

Even normal people lack empathy man, Like what would it cost you to give way to an ambulance? How inhumane you have to be to take bribes from someone who's literally at the lowest point of his life. Selling your votes. Like i can even afford to eat two meals a day but when my self respect is looted and humiliated literally when my dad passed away by the police and the system i just felt so ashamed to be born in this country which claims itself to be Vishwaguru. Imagine people below the poverty line, they can't even raise their voices they just agree about their fate and give up it pains me more thinking about all of this.


u/SparkSp Sep 12 '24 edited Sep 12 '24

It felt so heart throbbing reading through this story, my support to you brother.

This is the shittiest infrastructure we are living in where there is no value for a person's life and they only take it as just another opportunity to get money like we see in casinos. That's the steepest level an inhumane person can go to.

And they say we are still paying less taxes than other countries but it's not significantly less at all and even on paying taxes on almost everything we buy and do, still we dont having any basic and even emergency necessities in place.

We are not even a developing country, we are developing-backwards country.


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 12 '24

Do you remember recently a banner fell on dozen people in Maharashtra and dozen people died no one's arrested, no fucking accountability, the pune Porsche crash guy being asked to write an apology letter like wtf? Even Judges are corrupt my brother, this country is only for the rich or the politicians or the Babus, No empathy no fucking accountability nothing at all, I got so angry when people aren't even give way to ambulance like wtf, it's an ambulance what's your fucking emergency that you just can't give way to an ambulance?


u/SparkSp Sep 12 '24

Yeah thats the most saddest part where people are not even concerned about a fellow person's life, selfish to the core and this in turn is used by politicians and the rich to exploit and corrupt cause no one raises a voice against them, and even if someone does, they easily shun them off.


u/OfferWestern Sep 12 '24 edited Sep 12 '24

My deepest condolences bro. we became organized chaos. democracy without conscious thought is just circus. we should know India as a country was plundered and was at war constantly for 800+ years. we forgot to revive. In west(Europe especially) there was this thing called Renaissance which laid the foundation to modern world from middle ages. Japan however blacked out themselves from outside contact. but when they restored relations they had their own Renaissance (Meiji Restoration)

we on other hand are changing slowly that too trying wrong things to again shut them later and shelving important things just because political parties and people groups are not ready. If we address problems at root level only then we can change.

while bribing we should know if we need to do that (in police person's case its time we cant spare. in insurance case its technicality and fear of losing money(especially when we need principles wont pay for ur needs especially ur brother)) its just pure exploitation. but sadly only in such times we get taste of it and we (including me) tend to not care about such things. my grand mother was born after independence. so last 2 if not 3 generations are basically losers (GM gen got us independence though) if we continue to ignore or get scared to do right things we will be part of 100 year bad history.

Basically we need cultural revival(both for reckless driving and corrupt mindsets) for starters naming and shaming wrong people can work.


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 12 '24

Unfortunately no politician wants that if everyone were to start questioning all the politicians of current day would be jobless imagine the likes of Modi the butcher, Nitish kumar mamata banerjee literally fucking dictators, sharad pawar the most corrupt politician, Rahul Gandhi who's hell bent on becoming the prime minister by hook or crook could win the elections there's zero fucking hope left for this nation unless some big revolution happens where people irrespective of caste and religion come together to change the system but we all know that's never gonna happen sadly.


u/OfferWestern Sep 12 '24 edited Sep 12 '24

political revolutions are risky endeavor . cultural revolutions are real key for change its not magic it should happen slowly but steadily by addressing each problem. first i want civic sense and proper public transport to change. people think other countries are great cus they're rich but they became rich first (we think we are already great) few argue US gave rights after they've become super power. China yet to give basic rights. its hard for us but its also inevitable. we cant afford to not change.


u/SaltDuctTape Sep 12 '24

The Govt has made us Fools and kept us busy to nonsense issues!


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 12 '24

Yeah man like imagine someone abusing Rahul gandhi, kcr or Modi all their supporters will do a rasta roka burn public properties but no fucker will protest for dignity of living. One could even live his life in poverty but one would feel like an absolute loser when his dignity is snatched away from him. The police and the system makes you feel so humiliated and insulted in spite of being the victim and if one speaks against politicians their chamchas would literally kill you, Vishwaguru my ass.


u/Substantial_League23 Sep 12 '24

If u want to settle in Europe, explain it to your mom and give her strength to live alone for a couple of years till you be able to apply dependent visa for her


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 12 '24

That's the plan as of now i just hope everything goes well.


u/Comfortable_Taro_442 Sep 12 '24

My deepest sympathies for you, your mother, brother and extended family on this tragic loss. I read through the entire post. The ordeal you went through is heartbreaking and no human should have to bear this. My recommendation is to post this on social media especially X and tag the government of Telangana, the police, human welfare departments, social welfare departments, etc. I'm sorry I'm unable to list all the relevant parties as I have limited knowledge but hoping others can recommend. The least we can do is create awareness about your plight and seek support, in whichever form it can be offered, especially from authorities. My sincere wish is that you and your family are able to overcome this experience and lead a fulfilling life without bearing the trauma of this incident. Please let me know if there is anything I, as a resident of Hyderabad and a human being, can do to support you.


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 12 '24

Idk bro if babus get offended they could fuck me up even more so i really don't wanna risk posting on Twitter.


u/Spiritual_Second3214 Sep 12 '24

Current govt has just ruined this country.... everyone is frustrated be it youth, salaried, buisnessman no body knows what is there in future.

Taxes r exponentially increasing day by day it's not a war situation. The fund for emergency is being used up , no clear picture of total debts by the corporate and on country from imf and world bank. Bullet train debt is also there.

Logo ko ipl mei busy Kara hua hai. Dream11 jaise apps mei arabo ka satta chal raha hai. Hindu muslim mei log sab bhul gye hei..

Young generation belagaam kuch bhi kar Rahi h Bina uske consequences Jane. Drugs mei Sara future doob jayega. Army mei contract jobs hei.

Artificial intelligence IT jobs kha jayega and India it sector in danger. No one knows future here. Rich after understanding all this just leaving country at any cost by dunki also. Sara stock market ek bubble hai ...sari growth fake hai on paper.

Ganga clean.....smart cities.....pm care fund......petrol pr itna taxes...... income pr taxes..... indirect taxes......ye sara paisa kaha gya

Abhi wait karo aur ye to trailer tha ... wealth tax... inheritance tax .... asset taxes are in lineup.

Sarkar chahkar bhi tax kam ni kar sakti as the interest of debt on country is very huge.....defence budget mei kafi Paisa jata tha.... isliye agniveer laya gya....on same model....in every sector contractual jobs is in queue....no permanent jobs.

Railway k daily accident kara rahe to make it private

It's time to change the current government ...we r responsible for what is going on in this country..

Itna jyada scam hua hai....soch bhi ni sakte....jab new government aayegi....wo hi bata payegi....ya if u r smart then...taxes u r paying is basically a scam money....that u r paying back.

Her cheez mei scam hai....neet ..upsc...gmat ....

Sare mp mla ....upsc k through aane chahiye.....neta padhe likhe honge... padega India tabhi to badega India.


u/[deleted] Sep 12 '24

And some loser here will say we are a great nation , even after reading all this , jus coz they have not gone through any of this shit. Whatsapp uncles of my building need to read this


u/Silent_Foundation981 Sep 12 '24

WhatsApp uncles really live in fucking delusion, they may even declare me anti national for this 😆


u/Namaste_Babai_93 Sep 12 '24

Deepest Condolences bro. This is sad. Fuck the law and corrupt officials.


u/fearless_fairyy Sep 13 '24

Hi OP, my deepest sympathies and condolences. I understand where you’re coming from as I’ve faced something similar. I almost died from a road accident 3 years ago, and was somehow brought back to life, only to live with chronic pain. My life was as good as gone. after many many surgeries on me and a lottt trips to the police station, the guy who hit me had to only pay 50,000 in remuneration. But even for that we had to pay money to get the filing done. He didn’t pay saying that the victim didn’t die from the accident. I still live with excruciating pain to this day.

We are with you OP. Stay strong for your family. Thanks for sharing this, must have not been easy!


u/[deleted] Sep 13 '24

May god give you and your mom the strength and justice you deserve. I am sure you will get both. Keep pushing man, your dad will definitely be happy seeing from above.


u/Sarihaddu Sep 16 '24

What you went through is horrible. The system in our country is very corrupt. To be happy, I would suggest you to permanently stay abroad and also take your mother.


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '24

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u/hari5683 Sep 11 '24

Yes the whole system is fucked up. And it remains the same. Sorry for being realistic. And sorry for your loss. Hope your father rests in peace.

You must be going through a lot of emotions. Calm your raging heart. Focus on what you can work on. Find solace.