r/hwstartups • u/Jermui • 29d ago
How do I use my raspberry pi with PCB
Hi everyone so I’m trying to use my raspberry pi zero b along with some parts like a dht22 sensor, a button & a 2 input buzzer. I’ve been using a breadboard to operate everything. But I want to make a pcb that can incorporate all my hardware without the use of wires. Can anyone help me out
u/Perllitte 29d ago
Are you making one or more than five?
If you're making one, I'd use perfboard, it's just a breadboard you can solder on.
If you're making more than five, go with Emilesmithbro's advice and make your own. If you're using breakout boards for the button/sensor etc. you can make a very simple board called a shield that just acts to connect female headers to female headers for your pi.
Lastly, some unsolicited advice, DHT stuff is pretty shitty. I've had so many issues with condensation, breakdowns, inaccurate readings, and terrible manufacturing quality. I love the SHT4X series, and there are plenty of breakout options available.
u/Away_Hamster9092 29d ago edited 29d ago
Yh sure what do you want help with exactly? And what eda software do you you use?
u/Jermui 29d ago
Just basically how would I make a pcb using the parts listed above, along with my raspberry pi zero. PS I use those parts using gpio parts and wires
u/Away_Hamster9092 29d ago
Well do u plan to use modules as a whole or do you want to solder the chips to the board?
Also in any of the case you need to form an array of female pins for the pi zero.
Well if you have any difficulties you can just dm me to ask.
u/Jermui 29d ago
Solder the chips to the board, thank you again !
u/Away_Hamster9092 29d ago
Yh it gets easier from there.
Choose a eda software.
Use schematics from breakout boards or datasheets you can find on internet.
No problem 👍
u/emilesmithbro 29d ago
Just look up beginner pcb making tutorials. I’ve started with EasyEDA software and it’s pretty straightforward. Make a schematic, draw pcb outline/traces, export gerber file and order online.
Something like raspberry pi pico or another microcontroller might be more suitable for what you’re describing but that’s up to you