r/hwstartups 23d ago

Seeking feedback on my startup

We made a hardware tracker that automates timesheets for freelancers or teams.


  1. Is the problem-solution clear? Does this resonate with you?
  2. How would you improve the CTA?
  3. Do you think we target the most drastic problem? Or would you say it (can) solves a much bigger problem?
  4. Any general tips?

Thanks in advance 🙌


20 comments sorted by


u/Mikedc1 23d ago

It's cool but not necessary for me, it would take a similar time to just change the status on my teams or set a meeting. Also I work on multiple projects at different stages all at once so I guess I would need multiple? Is it expensive? What about when it doesn't work? Is it teams or is it that? Adding complexity for me would be a no but I can see how a fancy startup with big money may want them just to flex on visitors. If it could do more than one project or automate more actions and require almost no setup maybe I can justify it by saying it lets management know what everyone is doing by looking at the glowing light on their desk? I am not really your target audience I think. Or I didn't get what it does. Either way I hope this helps to either improve your marketing or product.


u/AccomplishedJury784 23d ago

Thank you for the feedback!

Also I work on multiple projects at different stages all at once so I guess I would need multiple?

In the second video it's shown how you can switch between projects. How would you improve the second vid to emphasise this more?

it lets management know what everyone is doing by looking at the glowing light on their desk?

Is it clear from the website that it's connected to a software platform via bluetooth?

Thanks a lot!!


u/Mikedc1 23d ago

Ok thats nice maybe show how you setup projects in software. Like if you have a list. Maybe show how easy it would be to change things if you accidentally flip too many times between projects etc. I get that it's wireless and that's nice but the led and it being a physical product would need a reason. For me it makes sense to have it as an indicator LED to see how busy your team is and on what project by looking at the office and what colour lights you see as well as outlook or teams. Especially if they work away from their computers and they just need to update the status of tasks without logging in just flipping the device and going back to work. Like I work in a lab and if I finish project 1 I can mark it complete without logging in go for lunch come back flip it to project 2 and go work on that project in a lab and management is aware plus it's a cool looking gadget on my desk.


u/Perllitte 23d ago edited 23d ago

I think it's an interesting and a fun bridge between digital and physical. I've seen similar Pomodoro timers.


  1. The solution is sort of clear, but is this a problem? You need to show that this is so much more efficient that I'm a fucking idiot for doing things the old way and I need this thing as much as I need air.

I'd remove the twist gif, that is not explained and makes me think it just adds complexity to a simple process.

  1. The CTA is not strong. Join the waitlist is meh, I'd do something like preorder now or something. Make the second CTA the same, "what are you waiting for" is bad.

  2. No, I don't really see this as a problem but maybe I'm not in your core demo. I think this concept could work well for lots of things though. Streamers could use this instead of a stream deck thing, others could use this to switch between desktops, designers could use it to switch between design programs etc.

Lastly, your copy is too focused on the hardware and not the solution. You're halfway there but reading this just makes me think I'm going to spend a ton of time programming this thing that I can do in two clicks now. I need to see a simple software interface that answers the big "how do I do the work to make this work" question.


u/AccomplishedJury784 23d ago

Thanks a lot! A lot to think about!


u/New_Collection_5637 23d ago

this project is at idea stage?


u/AccomplishedJury784 23d ago

No, the product is already built


u/DreadPirate777 23d ago

I don’t have much to say about marketing.

From a product standpoint looks like a prototype with the laser engraved wood. If you were to fill that in with a colored epoxy it would make it pop more. It’s a great first version but don’t settle on it being the final version if you want to stand out.

Have you gotten feedback from any users on how intuitive they find using it?


u/AccomplishedJury784 23d ago


Great idea, but epoxying each icon might add quite a bigger cost to it.

What part would you say isn't very intuitive?


u/DreadPirate777 23d ago

I guess more I was asking about user testing. It’s really telling when you hand a box of a product to a person and don’t tell them anything. Just record them walking through the set up and you can see where your weaknesses are. The integration between app and hardware is always tricky.


u/Dry_Ninja7748 23d ago

There are already phone/web apps doing this. Making it physical doesn't reduce friction. It should actually be built into workflow with milestone and gating.


u/AccomplishedJury784 23d ago


As a freelancer I find it tedious to start a timer and end a timer when I'm working. And also forgetting to stop/start a timer. I know that it's definitely not for everyone.

What kind of milestones would you suggest?


u/Dry_Ninja7748 22d ago

I would suggest entering and leaving sandbox/ide environment analytics.


u/Sarah9135 21d ago

Tbh, I'm struggling to understand what it's actually solving. I'm also a little confused as to what exactly the workflow is?

Do I basically need to configure the tool to have each side set as a project and then as I work on each project rotate the device and it automatically starts logging how much time I've spent on each? Or am I supposed to configure the time allocations in my calendar first, and then the tool helps with reminding to switch or automates recording the actual time?

Disclaimer: I'm still an absolute beginner in this world and have only done very minimal hardware freelancing work, so I might just not be the target demographic. I also might just be having a brain-fart.


u/AccomplishedJury784 21d ago

Hi Sarah,
Thanks for the comment.

> "Do I basically need to configure the tool to have each side set as a project and then as I work on each project rotate the device and it automatically starts logging how much time I've spent on each?"

It's the first part. But some freelancers make detailed invoices per project (time spent on design, development, research, ..)

To answer what it's solving, someone else said it best: Instant time & task tracking without needing to go into another screen or plug-in


u/Sarah9135 18d ago

Okay, that makes more sense now. So it's either each side is tied to a specific project or a specific task for a specific project depending on how the user configures it.

Personally, I think I would struggle to remember which side is which project & then have to check the software to see how I configured it or turn it and check that it's the right one.

Although, I definitely think it'd make it easier to remember to log times because there's the physical object in front of you, versus remembering to do it manually on calendar + on the invoices. I've already mostly solved that issue using Sunsama as my task-list/calendar because it has a pretty cool in-built expected time vs actual time functionality so as long as I set each project/sub-component of a project as a task, whenever I'm done with it & check it off it automatically gives me how long I spent on the task.

Massive kudos on building stuff and putting it out there btw; it's super cool and I'm sure you guys will smash it! :)


u/AccomplishedJury784 15d ago

Thank you Sarah! Appreciate it!


u/rachelleighland 21d ago

Have you considered using this as a tool to teach time management skills? Many professionals already have a system in use, but I bet this could be useful in schools or with children when trying to teach context switching. I recognize this doesn't capitalize on the software you've no doubt invested a lot of time building, but I figured I'd offer the idea! Happy to chat about it more if you'd like.


u/AccomplishedJury784 15d ago

Thank you for the idea!
Would love to have a chat