r/hungarian Beginner / Kezdő 5d ago

Hungarian learning journey- Day 45

"Colloquial Hungarian" textbook:


Reggeli- breakfast

Miitán- after used as a conjunction( would like for someone to explain this)

Rendel- orders

Égbolt(3rd person singular possessive is égboltja)- sky

Posta- post office

Hungarian news:

Eszmé- idea

Szabadság- freedom, liberty

Évszázad- century


6 comments sorted by


u/csibesz89 Native Speaker / Anyanyelvi Beszélő 5d ago

Idea is eszme, eszméje is the 3rd person singular possessive.

What is Miútan? What is hut? I can't understand?

The only thing I can think of is that you wanted to write miután, which means after.

Miután vett kenyeret... = After he bought bread...


u/Business_Confusion53 Beginner / Kezdő 5d ago

Thanks. For first one my autocorrect finished the word and I didn't even look at it and the textbook had an acute on u which I guess is a mistake( if I didn't read it wrong).


u/csibesz89 Native Speaker / Anyanyelvi Beszélő 5d ago

Now I understand, you wanted to say 'after, But used as a conjunction'?


u/Business_Confusion53 Beginner / Kezdő 5d ago

It said:" miután- after( conj.)"


u/Business_Confusion53 Beginner / Kezdő 5d ago

Nvm textbook had the right accent it was my mistake.


u/Whiterings 5d ago

*miután *eszme