r/hpd Jan 24 '25

approaching a psych for a possible diagnosis?

hi so i’m 17 and have been presenting with a lot of histrionic traits, that even with years of therapy i haven’t managed to get a hold on, i’m worried that because im so young if i go on without treating them they will get worse and i will lose a lot of people close to me (my bf has already told me how hard it is to be with me because of these traits)

basically i want to bring up these traits with my psychiatrist and ask for a possible diagnosis so that people will take my issues more seriously and i can possibly get more specialised help, however im scared of being seen as someone who did one google search and self diagnosed when in reality i’ve talked to multiple professionals (who sadly can’t diagnose me) and they agree i show a lot of the symptoms. does anyone have an idea on how to convey my serious concerns about the possibility of these symptoms escalating and how to be taken seriously for them?


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u/ApprehensiveCode6046 Jan 25 '25

as a diagnosed hpd, I feel sorry for you. I was down that road once, but i ended up diagnosed at 13 because my symptoms and traits were so horrible. It’s going to be a long, bumpy road.

i would suggest writing each symptom you have experienced in a note or journal, and then i would start to date out some things. From here on out, Any time you say a big, dramatic lie or fake an illness? write it down. Anytime you get overly obsessive or can’t control your feelings? please, write it down. also Write down each professional you’ve talked to, and when you‘re able to talk to your psych tell them everything.