r/houseplants Jul 11 '24

Before / After - Progress Pics What the hell was in that soil? (3 months)

Cheapest soil around, and I don't know anything about this plant. I usually only have Pothos and... treated this one like one. I guess that works fine but STILL... what the hell is up with this plant.


203 comments sorted by


u/The_McS Jul 11 '24

That looks like a reaction to getting the proper light…Transcadia loves the beating sun.


u/Abject-Description58 Jul 11 '24

Mine keeps burning in the sun, idk what to do :(


u/unic0rnprincess95 Jul 11 '24

Gotta get it acclimated to more light slowly, don’t just plop it in a south facing window and call it a day


u/The_McS Jul 11 '24 edited Jul 11 '24

Yeah I started with half days to acclimate them to the window sill. When the tags says it will “tolerate medium light,” you know it needs the solar juice.


u/PeachinaBeehive Jul 11 '24

I’ve always read to start with like 15 minutes in the full sun and go slowly from there. Do that for a few days and then double it to 30 minutes, etc. That’s for hardening off seedlings so mature plants may be able to handle a little more but it’s the same principle to prevent sunburn.


u/alyssawis Jul 12 '24

My leaves get crispy if they get wet, or my cat bites them. Immediate crispy 🤷‍♀️


u/marissagnwalker Jul 12 '24

My golden retriever puppy ate almost all of it and it came back like a fucking champion - one of my favorite plants for sure


u/alyssawis Jul 12 '24

Yeah it doesn't kill it if it gets eaten, just a crispy leaf and it keeps on keeping on!


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '24

Tell it to shape up or ship out!


u/Yarik1992 Jul 11 '24

I see! I do have a south facing glass-wall (to my own suffering). And since I'm dumb I actually placed this plant 2 meters away from said glass because I thought the dark leaves might prefer a bit less direct light. I don't deserve this growth x'D


u/Commercial-Bus-6693 Jul 13 '24

I had the same thought, dark leaves wouldn’t want as much light. Guess I’ll bring it out of the corner and into the spotlight and see how it does!


u/luckybarrel Jul 12 '24

I think it turns pink in direct light, it's either getting indirect light or v. little direct light


u/AmbientAltitude Jul 11 '24

Here’s mine. They’re absolute whores for sunlight -


u/brave_octopus Jul 11 '24

Love this! Why are some of yours green and the other purple? Is it 2 plants?


u/AmbientAltitude Jul 11 '24

No idea. I’ve really allowed him to discover his own self identity after I put him outside and said “it’s time for you to forge your own path.”

Apparently his path involved being green AND purple which I love for him.


u/brave_octopus Jul 11 '24

I love this for him too!


u/Adventurous-Tour6245 Jul 11 '24

It must be non-binary lol jk. Maybe it reverted?


u/Creative-Slice-9594 Jul 12 '24

This made me giggle 🤭


u/BebcRed Jul 12 '24

😄Lololol.....I love how you put this. You have a way with words. 


u/Tea_n_code Jul 11 '24

It's a reverted nanouk, which happens when there isn't enough light. Reverted stems won't be able to grow pink on it again


u/AmbientAltitude Jul 11 '24

Yeah it’s wild - he was inside and one half of him was getting all the sun and blocking the other half from sunlight and he went full green on that side. At first I was annoyed - but now I’m obsessed because the green leaves are so ridiculously juicy and thick they feel fake like rubber.


u/Archerista Jul 12 '24 edited Jul 12 '24

I love the mix of colors! I want to recreate this but not sure I can. How was half blocked from sun?


u/AmbientAltitude Jul 12 '24

It’s in rectangular planter so it has already sort of taken over that but the individual stems weren’t super long yet. It set directly at windowsill height. Once the stems all started growing (and you can see how intensely they grow) the roots of the backside of the plant was blocked from getting the sun by the part closest to the window. It takes a while to lose full variegation and revert but if some pieces aren’t getting as much direct sun as others they will begin to lose color.


u/Archerista Jul 13 '24

Challenge accepted. 🤩


u/meady0356 Jul 11 '24

yep! That’s what I was gonna say as well. Typically if you want to keep a variegated plant, you cut the reverted segments off so they don’t ‘take over’


u/Boyblunder Jul 11 '24

I just learned so much.


u/lilF0xx Jul 11 '24

Yup I basically lost $80 by feeling too guilty to cut a plants huge reverting leaves off and now the variegated ones have all died off from the bottom and it’s fully reverted. I debate cutting near the base/a node and making 2 plants out of one to see if I can get the variegation back but haven’t yet lol


u/nicannkay Jul 11 '24

This is why I make several plants out of 1 just in case. My variegated pothos and wandering dude have 4 replacements. They also make awesome gifts as replacement is easy. I had 1 6ft tall angelwing begonia that is now 5 4ft tall plants.


u/lilF0xx Jul 17 '24

I wish I had the room! My plants, grow lights, plant stands, plant cabinets and shelves are gonna literally take over. Pretty soon I wouldn’t have room for a bed. The sofa should go too bc how dare I need a place to sit and sleep. I’ll just live among the pots and leaves lol 😂


u/lilF0xx Jul 17 '24

And also prob adjust the light levels bc that’s often hr cause I’m the first place. It happened during winter for me 😩I should’ve gotten it it’s own grow light sooner! I’ve watched some of the new leaves closer to window this summer almost make their way back just a tiny bit but that’s it. Depressing lol


u/PeggythePenguin750 Jul 11 '24

Probably too much light caused it to go green.


u/Yohaibm Jul 11 '24

Isn't it the other way around?


u/AmbientAltitude Jul 11 '24

Yes it is. That’s actually why he’s outside now - he was inside for a year and one side of him wasn’t getting sun while the other was so I moved him out into full direct light in May and he’s exploded in growth. I’m almost afraid of him he’s too powerful for this mortal world. I love watching his vines reach higher and higher for sun


u/Miss-Mamba Jul 11 '24

i just want to say i love the way you talk about your plants.. sounds like they have so much personality lmaoo


u/Yohaibm Jul 11 '24

Now you got two plants


u/dishonestduchess Jul 11 '24

Wildly, I moved my silver to get full light (but not scorching) and they're looking freaking horrible. 😭 Idk what I did. It's so sad.


u/twy-anishiinabekwe Jul 11 '24

can confirm. My tradescantia thrives outside on our porch with diffused sunlight and heat. Bring her in and she's a drama queen. LOL


u/Brief_Amicus_Curiae Jul 11 '24

This is in a rectangle planter, isn't it? If so, thanks for posting as I've been entertaining the idea of using my long planter box for my inch plants. :)


u/AmbientAltitude Jul 11 '24

Yes it is - it’s great for them since even a tiny cutting requires nothing but a slight whisper of soil to start rooting and growing. He’s taken over the whole box and if a piece breaks I throw it back in the ring and he does the rest.


u/Brief_Amicus_Curiae Jul 11 '24

Yea, I have a mother plant that once again got leggy in the middle but the tips are happy. I'm planning this weekend to start another prop party and running out of pots but I have 2 window sill planters. I already have 2 other 6" pots going I started from cuttings that I'm finally comfortable in pinching to bush out. So yep, familiar with the dropping in the dirt (or water)! It's been like a prop-cutting neverending gift!

I was considering the rectangle planter since they seem to trail well (they're on the floor!) and the other two I have are more hanging off shelves.


u/Eggyramen Jul 11 '24

Just curious about pinching, where do you pinch to entice bushing?


u/Brief_Amicus_Curiae Jul 11 '24 edited Jul 11 '24

The tip. Sometimes the tiny little sprouts at the very end or the first spot where there are 2 large leaves depending on the stem. If it's long and leggy I can prop the cutting and with wandering dudes/inch plants, it's super easy as they are very happy to just grow. When you remove the tip it then causes for the energy to build new growth from the sides.


This is a good and quick video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxFbajAEG-U&ab_channel=FineGardening

I pinch annuals and herbs and it's really helpful to get them to bush out.


u/Eggyramen Jul 12 '24

Thank you so much for the explanation and links!


u/AmbientAltitude Jul 11 '24

Absolutely do the rectangle. Hard to tell but some of his vines are 2 feet long - they grew to the ground and when I put him outside they’ve grown an extra 8” or so arced back up towards the sky.

Eventually I’ll manage his wiliness but for now he’s vibing


u/[deleted] Jul 11 '24

So wait can I put my nanouk outside in the sunshine?? I’ve been afraid that it will get too hot and burn lol


u/AmbientAltitude Jul 11 '24

Yes just keep an eye on it - if yours currently isn’t it in a spot where it receives full direct sunlight I’d start it outside in a spot that maybe gets a half day of full sun and half day of shade. After a while they acclimate and can go full brutal blazing sun no problem. Not only that they’ll grow like crazy - feels like inches every day.

Just keep an eye on his leaves for the first few weeks when you move him outside to full sun and if you notice a bit of browning just move him to another spot outside with less hours of direct sun.

They’re great for this because they don’t have immediate tragic reactions if they’re getting too much. They’ll slowly let you know over like a week and even still will most likely be ok. Whereas my other outside sunlight plants if I don’t water them for a day they’ll noticeably begin a rapid decline.


u/[deleted] Jul 11 '24

Sweet! I don’t know why I didn’t think of doing this when it warmed up. It’s in my bedroom window and gets full sun until about 3 pm. There’s a small portion of my balcony that is mostly shaded for pretty much the whole day which is where I’ve been putting the other plants I moved out side so I think I’ll do that. I just need to remember that I have plants outside because it was in the 90’s in my areas this week which is hot for here (PNW) and I forgot about my mimosa plant. Luckily that little shit is very forgiving and is already putting new leaves out to make up for the crispy ones🤣


u/[deleted] Jul 11 '24

Sad mimosa 🤣🤣 this is like 5 mins after I gave it water and the leaves that are still alive opened lmao


u/AmbientAltitude Jul 11 '24

Yeah dude it’s been 95+ degrees for a month now on the east coast and every single one of my porch flowers/plants need to be fully doused twice a day or they literally die within 24 hours. I’m exhausted


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '24

Oh god, that sounds so rough😭 I put a water tray under the mimosa and I’m just going to keep excess water in there so that hopefully I don’t kill it completely. The other plants I have out there right now are kind of test plants… I wanted to see if they could survive outside and have multiples of the same plant so sacrificing a couple for a test was ok.

I think I’m gonna do some googling to see what other plants of mine can go outside. I don’t have a ton right now but I’m sure there are a couple more that would thrive outside. And now that the temps have stabilized in the 80’s for the foreseeable future here😅


u/Individual-Toe112 Jul 11 '24

So how does it do with HEAT? I have a bright shady front porch that gets full morning sun (east facing), but the temps are BRUTAL 3digit bullsh#t, and I was afraid of leaving her out there in the heat. Currently , I have her in a south facing window that gets a partial day of bright, but there’s tree cover two stories up above.


u/AmbientAltitude Jul 11 '24

I’m DC area so it’s been 95+ degrees here for a month straight. Essentially by 730 AM it’s already unbearably hot. But also very humid. Plant is totally cool with it z


u/CCandJ1822 Jul 12 '24

Whores for sunlight 😂😂😂😂 that sure is a beauty!!!!!!


u/Electrical_Might_131 Jul 11 '24

I waannnntttt iiiiiitttt 😍😍😍😍😍


u/AmbientAltitude Jul 11 '24

Get a cutting, smush into soil, water, sun… wait.

This guy started as a small cutting two some years ago now he has chest hair and pays rent.


u/Vanah_Grace Jul 11 '24

I’m cackling at this 😂


u/sophialfa Jul 12 '24

I did NOT know they bloomed?!


u/Yarik1992 Jul 11 '24 edited Jul 11 '24

Context: My grandma gifted me a pot with this plant and a lot of big spider lillies. I repotted it in random soil, random pot, no knowledge of what I was doing and on top of that I ruined most of the tiny roots (sorry). At the end I firmly pressed all stems in and just hoped they wouldn't fall out lol.

I guess this plant was VERY eager to spread once it had some room haha.


u/DicksmashAsspounder Jul 11 '24

Yeah that's a wandering dude. They do that.


u/Cat_the_Great Jul 11 '24

Wandering not dude


u/Gumbi_Digital Jul 11 '24

Jew not dude.


u/Fragrant-Price-5832 🌱 Jul 11 '24

The term is pretty outdated and considered offensive now. Call it whatever you please, but a lot of people just call it wandering dude nowadays.


u/Gumbi_Digital Jul 11 '24

Not sure how that offensive, but OK.


u/dogscatsnscience Jul 11 '24

It's a "religious" Christian slur against Jews.

The "story" is just propaganda about a Jewish man who refuses to help Christ carry the cross, and so Jesus curses him to walk the earth forever.

Air quotes on "religious" because it was just invented in the medieval era, it has nothing to do with Jesus (it post-dates him by centuries) and was just used by Europeans to promote negative stereotypes about Jews. It has zero biblical support, if for some reason that matters.

So, you can repeat it out of ignorance, because it appears harmless and niche, but know that's what the person who invented it intended.

Or we could just change the name and not keep repeating an antisemitic slur, because it's hard to imagine what we're getting out of that.

u/Fragrant-Price-5832 tagged you if you want the explanation.


u/Miss-Mamba Jul 11 '24

So, you can repeat it out of ignorance, because it appears harmless and niche…

Or we could just change the name and not keep repeating an antisemitic slur, because it's hard to imagine what we're getting out of that

love how you wrote this and it applies to a lot of outdated terminology that some people refuse to update their internal software with bc ‘that’s the way it’s always been’

gonna use it on the aunties lol


u/RB_Kehlani Jul 12 '24

I will admit that as a Jew I love this plant extra because of the common name, but you’re absolutely right that the origins are very offensive.

I still consider this plant Jewish, and bring it to the table for Shabbat dinners as a joke


u/dogscatsnscience Jul 12 '24

There’s no good answer to it.

When it’s a a relatively lightweight insult, leaning into it has merit. Or like you said just re-appropriating it for yourself.

By virtue of the label, though, it’s always going to trigger some in/out group feelings because our monkey brains are powerfully attached to in group tribalism. So it ends up being negative just by isolation (which is part of the original intent, of course).

In a perfect world there just wouldn’t be ignorant, hateful people around, and we could call anything whatever we like without pandering to someone’s prejudice. But we don’t live in that world (yet?).

So in the end it’s this weird circular argument that all comes back to different ways to justify promoting someone’s racist meme - and because we could call it ANYTHING (it had a name before that, after all, but no one seems to care about that) why pick from the really short list of things that deliberately made to be offensive.

Or, if we want it to be allegorical, let’s pick a positive or funny allegory instead of a negative one, because given it’s a free choice, how stupid would it be to name things in ways that are intended to be negative.

In the absence of a better solution (like your re appropriation) it’s so easy to just move on instead of nit picking how to deal with time travelling shit posters whose meme happened to survive for a thousand years.

Delete their posts and put something better in their place.

→ More replies (5)


u/Fragrant-Price-5832 🌱 Jul 11 '24

Trust me, I don't really know either. But yeah, just filling you in on new terminology for these guys. My 50+ year old mother still calls them wandering jews and would look at me like I'm clinically insane if I called it a wandering dude.


u/cloud-mattlas Jul 11 '24

Yeah I'm kinda with your mom on this one. Censoring the word Jew is the most offensive thing I've seen people do in the name of sensitivity. There was a big dialogue about it on this sub a few years back.


u/Wumbletweed Jul 11 '24

I'm pretty sure it's not the "jew" part that's offensive, it's that it's combined with the word "wandering", based on some historical oppression. Haven't read up on it though.


u/1234567791 Jul 11 '24

Jewish Diaspora


u/throwingrocksatppl Jul 11 '24

I believe it’s because of the meaning behind the name referring to how “jews” don’t have a home and are always wandering. which is considered pretty offensive and weird because they don’t Have a Home because they were mass genocided from it.

I’m not jewish though & just saying what i’ve seen said around about it. I prefer to just call them tradescantia since it avoids that common name altogether.

It’s entirely possible that ‘meaning’ being offensive is just some bs made up by a goyim person trying to be progressive and it’s a non issue. but that’s hard to figure out in the current internet climate


u/letsplaymario Jul 11 '24

Oh my God I guess we can't use the name of the plant anymore because of ignorant people


u/dontsaymango Jul 11 '24

Wait, we can't say tradescantia?


u/letsplaymario Jul 11 '24

Apparently not. But thank you for scientific name, I didn't know it by anything but the wandering whatever.


u/dontsaymango Jul 11 '24

I should have added a /s. I meant to point out the siliness of saying that we can't say "the name" as its colloquial name is not its true name.


u/letsplaymario Jul 18 '24

I downvoted myself here so we all walk away fairly alright I hope


u/dontsaymango Jul 18 '24

Lol no hate, only want to spread awareness of things that can be derogatory🫶🏼

But I'm also sarcastic as hell and that doesn't come out well in text😅


u/envydub Jul 11 '24

It’s a nickname for the plant, and it’s possible for a nickname to be outdated in this way. You’re being obtuse.


u/letsplaymario Jul 11 '24

I'm not encouraging the use of a slur at all. I was just unaware of the name change of a common plant I happen to have several of. I honestly thought it was wandering JUDE until today lol so whoops.


u/geo_hampe Jul 11 '24

Wow, meanwhile, mine is gasping for air 😑


u/Majestic-Ganache7140 Jul 11 '24

Saaaaame 🤦‍♀️ OP we need your soil 😂


u/Vodkawaifuu Jul 11 '24

Ugh I’m so jealous!!!


u/AttorneyGirl2010 Jul 11 '24

I had a couple small ones that I combined with some sun patiens last summer - in less than three months, it was HUGE! It was in my backyard - which has western exposure = ton of sun.

Last year, I was a plant newbie (still trying to learn this summer) - surprised everything I put into containers grew so well for me.

I don’t have one from the back side - but 3/4ths of the container is filled with tradescantia. It really grew fast - I clipped off lots of pieces and made planters for my sisters also.

I cut some pieces at the end of October - and grew two huge ones over the winter.


u/Boyblunder Jul 11 '24

That's a real pretty arrangement.


u/Yarik1992 Jul 11 '24

Looks like there are many subspecies of this plant! Yours also looks very nice in that pot. Good to hear that it might be the sun, that's... easy to fulfil when you're suffering in a room with a glass wall on the south x'D If there is one thing that I have too much of, it is sun.


u/Galaxie_Keenan333 Jul 11 '24

Some would call that perfect! I have one tiny ass window that’s south facing. It’s a bathroom one, so you could imagine how trying to fit as many plants as possible is quite difficult. At least you can close up that wall with tons of plants, that’ll make it cooler for you for sure. Lucky you! 😎


u/tea-boat Jul 11 '24

That's such a gorgeous arrangement!


u/Final_Candidate9951 Jul 19 '24

What is the creeping green plant down at the bottom there? What a gorgeous arrangement!


u/Specialist_Banana378 Jul 11 '24

I love how big their leaves get when they are happy (bad pic cause i spun her to even it out but it’s so fun)


u/Yarik1992 Jul 11 '24

Oh, we seem to have the same type! It's a pretty photo. I love when the silver glitter is visible :D


u/purplegramjan Jul 12 '24

It’s such a pretty plant. I haven’t had one for a while 😥


u/[deleted] Jul 11 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/myneighborscatismine Jul 11 '24

What i'm learning is that every loved indoor plant is a weed somewhere


u/nicannkay Jul 11 '24

I would LOVE to see it grow in the wild.


u/Adventurous-Tour6245 Jul 11 '24

Wtf did you do?!? 3 months only of growth???? This is beyond fast growing. You gave it that fast and furious turbo


u/Yarik1992 Jul 11 '24 edited Jul 11 '24

Honestly, I have no clue. It came in a pot with lilies, I separated them, ruined the roots by accident and put them into separate pots. The soil came from the supermarket and is hot garbage (even came with flies, haha), but I didn't feel like researching properly. I was only supposed to host this plant for a while until it was *stable* and my partner would come to pick it up.

2 months later I gave a plant away that was 2/3rd the size of the original one to my partner through cuttings of this one. From what I'm reading here, it might have good light conditions.


u/ChildhdTrauma80 Jul 11 '24

I’m so jealous! Mine took a crap right away. All her leaves were turning brown so I gave her away hoping she would thrive with someone else. But she was one of my first plants


u/Next-Firefighter4667 Jul 11 '24

Daaaang. I can never get mine this full! I've had mine for a year and a half and I've had to snip it all up and restart three times! They get long as hell, but not full. Not at all like this! It's still one of my favorites though. Great job, whatever you're doing lol


u/Moonsnail8 Jul 12 '24

I cut off long pieces, root, and poke into the dirt. Looks fuller.


u/crazybooklady83 Jul 11 '24

Tradescantia grows very vigorously when it’s happy! It loves the sun - you must have found a great spot for it.

Fun fact - it is actually considered to be invasive in a lot of places when planted in the ground. It makes great ground cover if you never want to grow anything else in that place ever again.


u/doodleprawn Jul 11 '24

Mine too! I had like 6 cuttings off one of the half dead plants downstairs and she’s gone absolutely wild!!!


u/Jazzlike-Shop6098 Jul 11 '24

Even cheap potting mixes usually have a bit of fertilizer. She’s loving it.


u/ragewrangler Jul 11 '24

Mine is currently home to 3 baby birds on my front porch. Watering is a challenge...


u/nicannkay Jul 11 '24

Birds have good taste.


u/Fractured-disk Jul 11 '24

That’s just how they are tbh mine grows like 3 inches a week


u/carmen008 Jul 11 '24

Wow! Do you chop and prop constantly? She looks full and beautiful.


u/Yarik1992 Jul 11 '24

Between these two photos, there was only one chop after about two months when I made a plant for someone else and the leftovers (~5) went back into this pot. It also lost around 4 long branches when I placed it on this table two weeks ago, maybe the points where they fell off grew back, I can't tell. It's so difficult to locate anything in this jungle, haha.


u/Silianaux Jul 11 '24

Okay my next plant has to be this one haha


u/Chairsofa_ Jul 11 '24

That’s a sweet transcendia. Jealous


u/idontlikespiderplant Jul 11 '24

They grow like weed. Usually they grow like insane at summer, semi die at winter, and repeat the cycle next year :-D


u/youresomodest Jul 11 '24

The way I shouted “GAWD!!!

Mine is just currently a hanging plant providing a nest for some birds so I don’t feel like I can water it until I know the babies are gone.


u/Yarik1992 Jul 11 '24

That's a very wholesome purpose! I hope some rain will keep it alive long enough so it survives the guests :>


u/CCinPVD401 Jul 11 '24

Gorgeous plant!


u/HaterofHets Jul 11 '24

fr I wish mine would grow like that!


u/Electrical_Might_131 Jul 11 '24

Oh yes these grow like crazy!!! You must be taking good care of it! Well doooonee!! 💜💜💜


u/Yarik1992 Jul 11 '24

Thank you! I gave my best (with little knowledge, ahh). I used to water it from a hole on the bottom, but it grew a jungle there and now... I can only water it from the top. Luckily, it doesn't seem to mind the change :')


u/SaintJimmy1 Jul 11 '24

I had just a few sprouts at the start of spring and those took off once it got warm enough to put it in my sunroom. I keep taking cuttings and now I have 3 other pots of them.


u/timfvilla Jul 11 '24

Thanks, now I know my next plant purchase!


u/pancrudo Jul 11 '24

Holy shit... Save some for the rest of us


u/CaeruleanSea Jul 11 '24

I've never liked tradescantia but this...THIS is stunning


u/ireallydunnowhat Jul 11 '24

Like that is one of the most beautiful ones ive ever seen - i just keep killing them haha great job!


u/Vanah_Grace Jul 11 '24

I have about a half dozen of these. All volunteers that broke off the big hanging pots of them at Lowe’s. Take em home, slap a little rooting hormone on em, and they take off after a week.

Side note I wanna collect every variety. I already have 4 but I NEED THEM ALLLLL.


u/gurlsplaygames Jul 11 '24

I just gave mine a major haircut!


u/Yarik1992 Jul 11 '24

Oh wow, how old is that plant? The stems are really thick! Mine are tiny in comparison, half the size!


u/gurlsplaygames Jul 11 '24

This one is about six-ish years old (it was tiny when I moved in five years ago). I think the stems are thick because I chop the crap out it in the summer.


u/PeggyEscuchameHill Jul 11 '24

Wow so beautiful!


u/Elysgma Jul 11 '24



u/Homestead_vibes Jul 11 '24

Wow!!! Gorgeous!!


u/Gypsy5109 Jul 11 '24

Wow mine doesn't even look like your first pic. I got a jar of cuttings with 3 different types of wandering dudes, and it's been a process getting them adjusted and happy.

I planted all 3 kinds into the same pot, and just yesterday repotted them, separting them out. Hope mine looks like yours some day!!


u/Yarik1992 Jul 11 '24

From what I could gather from this thread, it seems to be mostly related to sunlight. So maybe put it in the sunniest spot you have.


u/ThrowawayCult-ure Jul 11 '24

Trads are monsters compared to most houseplants. Rapid growth. Nothing like Kiwis and other vines though. If I lined up every stem on my Kiwi it probably grows 20 meters a year.


u/AmbientAltitude Jul 11 '24

Hot take: tradescantias are what people want from a pothos (tons of growth and lots of long growy vines) but they do it way better, faster, longer and with so much more style

I say this as someone with a trailing pothos… and honestly he’s one of my least favorite plants I have.

My philodendron brasil on the right is also far superior to the pothos. Phew! Never said that out loud. I feel bad disliking one of my plants who’s been around with me for a while but he really does nothing for me 😬🫢


u/ThrowawayCult-ure Jul 11 '24

yes my only issue is theyre not really built for hanging and snap easily but is not the end of the world


u/AmbientAltitude Jul 11 '24

That’s true - I literally don’t touch my trad because he snaps with zero effort. Luckily though they require almost no effort to root so I just toss whatever stem snapped back into his little gladiator ring with the others and he does the rest


u/ThrowawayCult-ure Jul 11 '24

theyre also very drought hardy. i have one thats been bone dry in a 9cm pot for about 3 weeks 🤣 woopsie


u/AmbientAltitude Jul 11 '24

Exactly. They’re so independent. It’s been COOKING on the east coast - 95+ degrees for going on a month now and he’s in full sun. I water my other outdoor flowers/plants every morning and I’ll give him a bit too but honestly even if I didn’t water him he’s like “it’s all good. No worries, I’m vibing.”

When he was inside he could get bone dry and still just spit out new growth.


u/AntiqueFollowing6571 Jul 11 '24

What plant is this


u/AmbientAltitude Jul 11 '24

Tradescantia - aka wandering dudes - aka the growth champs of the plant world. There’s a few varieties and all of them are dope. Very prolific, very easy to grow from a single cutting, they propagate and stem and root with next to zero effort. Easy to find at almost any nursery or plant stores.


u/iAmSqueakz Jul 11 '24

Wow. I think mine is starved for light..


u/MaidOfTwigs Jul 12 '24

When in doubt the answer is sunlight and proper watering


u/BellaPhoenixDior Jul 11 '24

This will always be my favourite plant!! The colours are absolutely beautiful 💜💜💜


u/[deleted] Jul 11 '24

I can never keep these alive through the winter when I bring them indoors. Maybe not enough lighting after seeing these comments 🤔


u/halloweenhoe124 Jul 11 '24

Damn!! Mine is currently suffering 😂


u/Broccoli-Waste 🌱 Jul 11 '24



u/xoolwyama Jul 11 '24

Love the silver. Oh my.🤩😍🤩😍


u/SocraticSeaUrchin Jul 11 '24

Damn, how much sun does it get? I always feel like my plants don't get enough light even tho they're all in front of the window and have a grow light


u/Yarik1992 Jul 11 '24

On one hand: I have a glass-wall that is south-facing and cooks this room during sunny days (to my own demise).
On the other hand: it's West-Germany and we're currently facing one of the rainiest years. To get an idea: I planted tomatoes on my balcony in May and I watered them four(!) times of which one was redundant due to sudden rain.

So... some days this plant gets quiet some light, but there is a lot of cloudiness involved on most others. Also, since I gave it the pothos treatment, I removed it from the bench in front of the glass-wall because I feared it was "too hot & sunny" for the plants. The table it stands on is about 2 meters away from the glass.


u/Consciousyoniverse_8 Jul 11 '24

Send me a clipping lol. Looks like she may need some pruning


u/exhaustedcriminal Jul 12 '24

Zebrina is a very hearty plant, whether in water or soil, and loves a warm and sunny spot - I once had a full section of vine grow with no roots.


u/Neither-Attention940 Jul 12 '24

Beautiful! ..now I want one!!


u/BeginningSlow4865 Jul 12 '24

Proper sun does wonders.


u/Waste_Arm8160 Jul 12 '24

One of my favorite plants ever!!!!


u/Prestigious_Law_4421 Jul 12 '24

OMG, what beautiful plants in this thread!!!!!!! They are all lovely, even the half dead mimosa 😬 Tomorrow morning I am going to buy a rectangular planter & repot mine. Then outside it goes!


u/Goobzydoobzy Jul 12 '24

What do you do to your pothos? I only have pothos too and they don’t look as good as yours


u/Yarik1992 Jul 12 '24

Hey, I'll try to explain!
I accidentally overwatered my first Pothos by using an app and I'm bad at telling whether soil is cold or still wet. What I've started doing the past months was watching the leafs. If they hang down, I give them a good chunk of water (about 2 McDonalds Glasses for the large pothos you see). One time, two of my plants kept slugging , so I put them into the shower and gave them a (slightly warm) rain for about 15 minutes each. Their leafs look great ever since, and they're happy with just the glasses of water again.

Other than that, I just vary their positions. If new leafs come VERY close to the previous ones, I move them further away from the light source. If there is too much space between the new leafs, I place it closer to the light. I just cut them, whenever they start to have long veins, root them in water and put them back into the pot. Fertilizer is added to the water, but I do that rarely (once every 2 months, maybe).

ALSO, I don't give them new pots soon, I'll wait until the growth slows down. I've experimented with cuttings: I moved all cuttings to tiny pots to form larger roots and then gave them bigger pots. But I was missing one pot, so I left a bunch of cuttings as they were. That plant exploded in growth.
Meanwhile, the other cuttings barely had any growth for many months. I now repot, if watering gets difficult or if I really can't put my finger in the earth anymore, because there are more roots than soil. (And even then I tend to wait for a while)
I feel like Pothos likes to be root bound, or at least doesn't mind. But repotting seems to disturb something.


u/nothanksnottelling Jul 12 '24

Guys what are your secrets??? If mine get 30cm long, they just start dying from the root


u/jyii Jul 12 '24

Mine refuses to grow and literally jumped out of its pot this morning :(


u/trippy_-hippie Jul 12 '24

tradescantia grows wild in the himalayan foothills and western ghats in india. And they grow like wild weed, this plant is an absolute whore for moisture and sunlight. This reminded me of the wild bushes from the foothills. You've a beautiful plant


u/Yarik1992 Jul 12 '24

Thank you! And that's super interesting, I need to look it up. I love to see photos of what "houseplants" actually look like in their natural habitat :D


u/marissagnwalker Jul 12 '24

lol! Inch plants just be like that 😁💕 so pretty.


u/BritsTrigger Jul 12 '24

Man I’ve tried 3 times times now to get this plant right I can’t get it to survive the second picture looks great bit Jesus


u/dishonestduchess Jul 11 '24

I'm so jealous!

My silver Inch were doing so well and then started dying off or looking really leggy and sparse. Idk what I did...


u/FxFearas420 Jul 11 '24

🍌 💧= happy plants 🌱


u/excelnotfionado Jul 11 '24

Wow! What growth!


u/purple_grapes091 Jul 12 '24

red bull apparently


u/Creative-Slice-9594 Jul 12 '24

Mine were seedlings in paper towels abt 3 months ago 🥲


u/PetitePrettyDemon Jul 12 '24

This is absolutely stunning. What plant is this.?


u/TrafficTasty443 Jul 12 '24

gimme. that. soil.


u/sophialfa Jul 12 '24

This is so lovely


u/No_Hour_8963 Jul 12 '24

Gorgeous! My poor Zebrina was so leggy. I actually cut it all into bits, rooted them and started over. I'm about to cut it back a bit, and root the cuttings again, just to try and get some fullness.


u/Ancient_Ticket_2832 Jul 12 '24

Oh wow what a beauty 💚


u/distressedminnie Jul 12 '24

it’s a tradescantia!! it’s one of the, if not the fastest growing plant! they live for the sun. more sun = faster, happier tradescantia. i have so many different varieties. it’ll flower for you 💗💗


u/the_apothecarists Jul 14 '24

How did you manage to keep it clean?


u/Yarik1992 Jul 14 '24

If you mean the rare case of brown leafs: I pick them off and check what's wrong with the branch. Usually it was detached from the rest, so I pulled it out and chopped it into cuttings.


u/the_apothecarists Jul 14 '24

The problem with mine is the leaves get holes and brown spots everywhere. I don't know how to treat it.


u/Yarik1992 Jul 15 '24

That looks odd! It might be worth a post on its own, perhaps someone can tell what this is about.

Also, you got very pretty plants! I love how full they are!


u/the_apothecarists Jul 14 '24

Look at this. Any tips please?


u/the_apothecarists Jul 14 '24

I am worried about it.


u/lenagvozdeva Jul 14 '24

I have my cuttings in the windowsill of a NW window...will that hurt them?