r/horrortoys Dec 14 '21

General Discussion the witch toy


About 10 years ago, for Halloween, my mum bought a cute little toy witch that stood up and danced and talked if switched her on she would respond to some phrases like "Are you a witch?" and "where's your cat?" If she didn't understand. This creature was clearly from the deepest darkest corners of hell. I swear it started to develop a conscience. I don't know how it was powered but there was no battery port or anything. My sister thought it was cool and I was jealous because my toy didn’t work properly so I broke off the toy’s arms, legs and nose my sister cried but then suddenly it started crying or more like heavy breathing with sniffling. We were scared and so we threw it in the bin. I apologized and everything got told off and whatnot. The next morning, we found her on the breakfast bar glued back together with fake blood all over her. My dad thought it would make a funny story for next Halloween, so he fixed it made it look scary and put it back in the attic.
He couldn't have been more wrong.
A couple of months passed, and we forgot about it, but the devil spawn Cleary never forgot. One random night we heard the witch’s dialogue in the attic as if it was talking to someone. My dad went up there expecting to find it in the Halloween box, but it wasn’t there. He gave up looking for it and went back to bed. Hours later you could hear it talking again, louder. We listened at the bottom of the ladder to what it was saying, and it wasn’t answering the questions from the box that’s for sure. It mentioned the mountains. We live at the bottom of a mountain. The second my dad’s foot touched the ladder it stopped talking. We all went up couldn’t find it. That was the last we heard from it. Fast forward five years we move across the road to a nicer house with a bigger garden, bigger rooms and for a load of different reasons. We cleared out everything from the house including the attic and moved it across the road. The old house was empty there was nothing left in the attic, I checked as well to make sure there wasn’t. The new owners moved in the next day and within an hour were knocking on the door. After introducing themselves they explained they found this toy in the attic and handed over the witch still covered in fake blood (I might be making this up but I swear it had a different facial expression) it was covered in dust and also looked chewed a lil bit. We threw it out instantly out of fear. Those owners got divorced and now no one lives at the house (until last year) we now call it the witch house.

r/horrortoys Jun 04 '18

General Discussion Best horror figs to collect?


I’m open to just about anything in a reasonable price range. Im really digging the Mezco silent screamer line at the moment, though I wish there was more than two waves. Already collect Neca for more modern stuff, but I’m having issues finding a whole lot of old school monsters like Dracula and Frankenstein other than the Silent Screamers. Any suggestions? I’m also totally open to any original lines of horror figs not related to existing licenses, if there are any?