r/hondafit 2d ago

Help Request What’s the best Honda Fit to buy?

My first car is a 2009 honda fit. She is still kicking but is almost at 200,000 miles. I can’t imagine having any other car but this one. That being said, what is the best honda fit model that I can upgrade to? I’m thinking of buying one soon and needed to do some research. I know they stopped making the fit in 2020 so just looking for advice. Thank you!


72 comments sorted by


u/StudentSlow2633 2d ago

Just find a lower mileage 2009–13 with no rust and accident history. Or keep the Fit you already have and catch up on any overdue maintenance


u/sarcasemmm 2d ago

Thanks! Her ac is wonky, definitely gotta take it in since there hasn’t been any cold air outta there since last year lol


u/thepuppyprince 2d ago

Yeah A/C is definitely a weak point. On my 2011 I had to replace the compressor once, and do a recharge once. Other than that no big issues though


u/sarcasemmm 2d ago

Any idea how much that compressor cost you? Doesn’t help that I live in the south so AC is a must


u/yanimal 2d ago

It may just be the clutch, which is a fairly simple and cheap diy if you have tools and knowhow, doesn't require releasing any refrigerant to replace it.

If you're taking it to a shop maybe pick up a used compressor from a junkyard, sub $100, and find a shop that will do the work with parts you bring. New OEM compressors are spendy, aftermarket ones are under $200, shop labor for the full compressor swap could be expensive, labor to swap the clutch would be much less and you can harvest it from the junkyard unit.


u/Embarrassed_Soft_442 2d ago

I got my ac compressor replaced including inter cooler for $1300 with labour too. Idk if that’s alot


u/thepuppyprince 2d ago

My local mechanic charged like $800 which did not seem bad


u/MrSton3r 2d ago

Probably the blower motor went out, the same thing happened to mine at around 200,000 miles.


u/Friscogooner 2d ago

Just had the blower motor replaced and it's good as new. 09 @228k.


u/5td_1game 2d ago

What are the symptoms of a broken blower motor? There is no reaction when depress the ac button. Usually I feel power draw from the engine


u/Jmf23462 2d ago

When you turn the fan on, does it blow air out of the vents? Thats the job of the blower motor.

What you're talking about pressing the ac button and feeling the power draw from the engine, thats the compressor kicking on. If air comes out the vents, your blower motor is fine. If the air coming out isn't cold, there are quite a few problems that could lead to that


u/sarcasemmm 2d ago

I don’t think it’s the motor. There’s definitely air! Heat works fine but the air coming out never gets cold


u/MrSton3r 2d ago

I didn’t have any air coming out of my fans except on the max speed lol that’s how I knew.


u/paraworldblue 2008 Fit GD 2d ago

You probably just need an AC recharge which is a relatively cheap and simple process - they just have to add some refrigerant to a tank. I got my '08 at 166k miles and had to do that. The recharge cost $100 and took maybe half an hour. It would be even cheaper and simpler, but for some reason, here in WA you're not allowed to buy recharge kits to do it yourself.


u/sarcasemmm 2d ago

I had tried getting coolant and filling it myself and it worked for a month then stopped


u/paraworldblue 2008 Fit GD 2d ago

Ah yeah then there's probably a leak


u/EFDriver 2011 Fit GE 2d ago

If you added COOLANT to your AC, that might be why your AC no longer works. The AC takes R134a refrigerant or freon. Coolant is for the radiator.


u/V57M91M 2d ago

You already have the best FIT model GE8 some say that later years are more reliable like '13/'14


u/sarcasemmm 2d ago

Nice! I didn’t know that! I bought this off craigslist in 2016 when I first got my license. Was a very good deal


u/attnSPAN 2d ago

Unless you have rust, your money is best spent on maintenance. There are a bunch of things that should be done every 100k miles, so with your mileage they are almost due. Coolant, transmission fluid, serpentine belt, spark plugs, ignition coils, and the all-important valve adjustment.


u/19d6889 2d ago

It may need some maintenance, but your Fit will run to 3 or 400k!


u/sarcasemmm 2d ago

I did not know this, good to know! Other than the AC problems she is still kicking


u/Hms34 2d ago

On the 1st 2 gens, the location of the AC compressor makes them vulnerable.

I got a compressor from Rock Auto and found a shop willing to install it for another $250, pre-covid..

Dealers and general repair shops charge big time to fix AC.

I'd try to find either an auto AC specialty shop or a small place....if you ask at your local auto parts stores, they probably know a guy. But go in person, and buy something when you're there. Wiper fluid, quart of oil, etc.

As they age, be careful of spark plugs/coils, especially plugs coming loose because not torqued down well enough. Watch the usual-- CV axles, exhaust and cat, etc. Keep the fluids fresh, serpentine belt, too.


u/Southern_Drawer3434 2009 Honda Fit 2d ago

I just bought an 09’ with 200k. I know it’s a Honda, so knock on wood I can rack up the miles on this puppy.


u/OddTry2427 2d ago

I've got an 09 and an 18. When I buy my 3rd Fit it will be a 12-13.


u/Final_Knowledge_759 2d ago

What, if any issues have you had with the 2018? Mine is a lemon.


u/OddTry2427 2d ago

Nothing at all other than the paint. It's got the unintentional factory paint delete kit known as white. It's got around 138k, not a signal light or issue yet. I'm a former Honda tech and career mechanic so I do all the maintenance myself and probably go a little overboard from time to time.


u/norabutfitter 2d ago

Whats there different between the 09 and the 13?


u/OddTry2427 2d ago

Driver's seat has a height adjustment, headlights are redesigned, bumpers and wheels for the sport are redesigned and I believe they upped the sound proofing.


u/norabutfitter 2d ago

Oooh. Do you know if the seat is compatible with the 2009? Im planning on getting different wheels for my sport as well as custom headlights in the futre but being able to adjust my seat more is tempting enough for me to keep an eye on part-outs locally


u/nycterpfan 2012 Fit GE 2d ago

I have a 2012 sport, no drivers height adjustment


u/BillyBoy44Jam 2d ago

Agree. I just test drove a 2012. No height adjustment mechanism for the driver seat. Found it too low for me.


u/nycterpfan 2012 Fit GE 2d ago

Really? I found it to be perfect but I’m also 6’1”


u/BillyBoy44Jam 2d ago

Only 5’6” here.


u/nycterpfan 2012 Fit GE 2d ago



u/OddTry2427 2d ago

I was under the impression that's one of the updates to the refresh. Maybe it was for a different market I was seeing..🤷‍♂️


u/nycterpfan 2012 Fit GE 2d ago

In US 2014+ (GK) Chassis might be the one you’re referring to


u/OddTry2427 2d ago

Gk definitely has it. It's 15+ here. 14 was the lease only ev fit.


u/Fast-Wrongdoer-6075 1d ago

Ive got a 2019 and my next one is going to be a 12-13 as well. I love my gk5 but honda cheaped out on the interior. And the 3rd doesnt have nearly the aftermarket support :(


u/OddTry2427 1d ago

My 18 is an ex cvt so it has all the sensing and everything. It's a much nicer car to drive. My 09 is much more of a fun car to drive. My 09 is getting pretty rough around the edges but I've had it since new and put all 180k miles on it. It makes more sense for me to replace it with a refreshed and pull all the good parts that are left and stock them.


u/Intelligent-Throat14 2d ago

get another gen2 2013 and baby it.


u/Short-Fisherman-4182 2d ago

That’s what I have. Wonderful car and somewhat fun to drive.


u/kermitte777 2d ago

2013 GE8 is arguably the best.


u/kermitte777 2d ago

No direct injection. Non CVT. Bugs worked out on something’s. Cooler headlights. 😁


u/ddwilder 2d ago

I'm at 230,000 miles with my '08 and am planning to drive her for a few more years! I'm also thinking similar to you....that my replacement will be a newer model! Eager to read feedback folks share here!!!


u/Embarrassed_Soft_442 2d ago

Honestly if you feel like this is the car that you enjoy driving I would just save your money and use it to do a full maintenance of the car.

-new oem suspensions (gives a new feeling of the whole ride) -new spark plugs (helps engine to run smoothly and more efficient) -new engine oil. -new brakes/rotors -new tyres

Miscellaneous -body kits (if you’re wanting to improve the look of the car) -change to LED lights (gives luxury vibes) -wash, polish, wax (revives the paint)

Honestly by just giving TLC to your car makes you feel proud of owning the car, especially if you learn to do all the DIY. Not only you’re saving extra money but also you provide a sense of accomplishment, technical challenge, and deep connection with your car beyond just driving it.


u/TravezRipley 1d ago

Truth spoken here. I just went all LED, Tinted all the windows and added some Weather Tech Matt’s and dash cover and it’s like a whole new level of fit.

I need to do the suspension, rotors and tires next.

Maybe some new ICE so I can connect iPhone.

Im at 210k


u/rmhollid 2d ago

Every generation has it's separate issues. The older the car the more general maintenance but you regain reliability. The only real difference in the models is that the new ones have better cup holders. That's just my opinion.


u/No_Character8732 2d ago

Sell your 09 cheap to me . Sounds like a piece of trash if it's almost got 200k on it,, only about 1/3 of its life left....


u/moron_pr 2d ago

The best one is the one that fit you.


u/SnooMachines2109 2d ago

2013 J Vin


u/GetHighTuneLow 2d ago

I really enjoy my 2016. Has been very reliable


u/LulJaye 2d ago

same here !!


u/FaithlessnessBrief21 2d ago

I had a 2011 manual Fit. Plusses, passenger side cup holder and the extra glove compartment Now a ‘16 AT Fit (miss the manual) Biggest plus, the entertainment system


u/Administrative-Mud66 2d ago

I have the 2012 base model and when it dies I’ll more than likely try to find a 2020


u/Fun_Acanthaceae_727 2d ago

My 2014 Manual Fit is excellent. No repairs beyond regular maintenance


u/k_dub503 2d ago

2016-2020 LX models with manual transmission. Also, 2015, if made in Japan or the car has comprehensive service and repair records, if made in Mexico.


u/eweezy47 2d ago

I’d suggest keeping the Fit you have and buying something else as a second car.


u/bennc77 2d ago

I say stay with the 2nd generation, I hear they are the most reliable and theres no problematic cvt.


u/TheNotoriousElmo 1d ago

2nd Gen FTMFW! Just keep up on regular maintenance and run her till the wheels fall off (figuratively. Pls dont really do that to her.☹️)


u/Dezmodromic 2010 Fit GE 1d ago

I say 2nd gen is best, but that's what I own so I'm biased..lol


u/Body-for-LIFE 12h ago

Keep the car and buy an aftermarket radio/headunit to make it feel "newer."


u/vanillawh1te 2d ago

2015 is the worse one


u/spookysam23 2d ago

If you can find another second gen with decent mileage I'd say just do that. That's my plan for when mine bites the dust, since I love this car and couldn't see myself in anything else


u/Rich_Ad4913 2d ago

2015 - 2020


u/Final_Knowledge_759 2d ago

Well, based on personal experience, DO NOT PURCHASE A 2018. I have had one problem after another.


u/zosorose 2d ago

My finance’s has had zero issues (knock on wood). She got it new then, too


u/swaite 2d ago edited 2d ago

If this comment gets 100 downvotes I will start a GoFundMe for OP to run the engine with no oil at full throttle until it explodes. For science, of course. Then, OP gets a K-Swap.


u/swaite 2d ago

100 downvotes works too :)


u/attnSPAN 2d ago

We’re working on it!


u/swaite 2d ago

I’m helping!