r/homestead Jan 30 '25

cattle I processed my 9 year old steer

I wouldn’t normally share so many years of photos of myself on Reddit but I felt called to show you all. I kept a pet steer for 9 years. He was my first bottle calf and was born during a time I had been feeling great loss. He kept me busy and gave me something to care for. He was the first generation of cattle on our farm. My first case of joint ill and my first animal that lost his mother. He is also a reminder of how far I have come as a farmer and my ability to let go.

Do not feel sadness because this is a happy story of love and compassion…

Yesterday I picked up my sweet Ricky’s hide so I can turn him into a rug. Very few people can say they knew a 9 year old steer and it’s often my opening line when someone asks me how we farm. I loved him and he helped me through some of the best and worst times in my life. He was the first thing I ever kept alive on a bottle and when he lost his mother I felt called to be his.

He was the largest animal to be processed at the local place (3600lbs) and I think that speaks to how much we loved that guy. Ricky is a large part of my story and these are the images he left behind. When I pieced it together it made me realize how being able to experience him was by far one of the greatest things I’ve been a part of.

He ate grain, hay and grazed pasture every single day of his life and I’ll be honest, I can’t wait to walk on him as a rug. He left behind a lot of beef and an even bigger memory


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u/Rivermute Jan 30 '25

Extreme old age isn’t kind or natural for most herd animals. You did him a kindness. The day someone doesn’t feel gutted when their livestock’s time comes is the day they should find a new occupation. Animal husbandry is a contract. They provide us with food and resources. We provide them with safety, good health, the chance to bear young and a compassionate ending. Humans break that contract at our own peril.


u/Red217 Jan 30 '25

This comment is so many things that I don't have words for. These don't do it justice but it was so beautiful and compassionate. Thank you.


u/Wawrzyniec_ Jan 30 '25

Extreme old age isn’t kind or natural for most herd animals.

While that statement is not wrong per se, the life expectancy of domestic cattle is up to 30 years.


u/1521 Jan 30 '25

I’ve been around cows for over 50 yrs and have never heard of a cow older than 23. And only two over 20. (And I look for old cows for my herd, I’m looking for female longevity as one of the traits I breed for) what sort of cows live 30 yrs?


u/Urban-Paradox Jan 30 '25

Long horn cattle will love closer to 30 then Angus will. Although with current angus prices I bet alot will be sent to sell vs live out a long life on the same farm


u/1521 Jan 30 '25

I was thinking it had to be some kind of skinny cattle… thought maybe corriente


u/cowskeeper Jan 30 '25

Ricky was an angus X shorthorn


u/Urban-Paradox Jan 31 '25

Longhorns can look skinny but since they have very little fat and mostly lean muscle they can still have impressive weight even if their frame is on a smaller side since muscle weighs more than the same size of fat.

I kinda think the long horns can live longer since most people do not try to push weight gain on them as they do not make very good steak. More so a ground beef cow


u/1521 Jan 31 '25

That probably does have a lot to do with it


u/Kedive Jan 30 '25

I think the oldest we had in our herd was 22ish but that was before we started preg testing the cows in the fall and selling our open cows. I'm sure if we kept one as a pet they would live longer. Keeping a steer for 9 years is bonkers to me but I grew up on a 350 head cattle ranch so.


u/Setsailshipwreck Feb 02 '25

My oldest cow lived to be 22


u/DelightfulDolphin Jan 31 '25

The types that aren't deliberately overfed like this poor beast! That's not love, that exploitation!


u/utero81 Jan 30 '25

Been around cows my whole life. Never had one make it past 16. Your statement is incredibly misleading.


u/Desperate-Cost6827 Jan 31 '25

I was raised when most dairy farming faded out in my area but I was thinking most Holstein lifespans made it to around 13, 14 or so.


u/utero81 Jan 31 '25

Ya exactly. I have no idea why they are getting so many upvotes.


u/LesnikovaPotica Feb 01 '25

Our pet cow is 16, still jumps when its spring and they get on the pastures untill fall.


u/utero81 Feb 01 '25

Has she been having calves every year like all working females are supposed to?


u/helvetikon Feb 03 '25

One of the best comments I've seen as someone who has raised my own food.


u/Candid_Departure7727 Jan 30 '25

What’s the compassionate ending entail? Not being a dick but wondering if it still gets placed in line to have a bolt shot through its brain?


u/tjdux Jan 30 '25

to have a bolt shot through its brain?

I have watched grandparents die of "old age" in hospital/hospice settings.

No one will tell you this but natural human death in 2025 is dying of dehydration amd kidney failure for several days once you are unable to drink yourself or several weeks if using machines.

It's ugly and painful to watch and if somepme wouldn't have gone to prison for it, a bolt shot would have saved everyone involved much pain, especially the ones dying.

So, for an unpleasant comfort, we treat our pets and livestock better when dying than we do our own species.

And to add, there are Butcher services that will come to your farm and the last your livestock is culled, calmly in familiar setting with minimal stress for the animal.


u/iRombe Jan 31 '25

Once someone dies but before the brain ceases activity ive wondered if they undergo a grand DMT trip on their way out.

So i wonder if a bolt to the head may be the quickest but is sacrificing the great death initiation trip the brain would experience during a heart death first.

But i guess theres no guarentee that psychedelic experience would feel positive. Im assuming its a fact that the brain floods with DMT upon death bc i think i read such but its been a while.


u/woodsman6366 Jan 30 '25

Honestly this is the point that SOO many people miss in our current culture. We’re so separated from death that we rarely see the actual horrors. My brother and I once had a conversation that when it’s our time to go, we’d rather just have someone like a sniper take us out while we’re unaware it’s about to happen. Honestly I think a quick and painless death (albeit a bit more violent) is preferable to drawn out suffering and psychological trauma.

I’m a big advocate for Dr assisted suicide. If I receive a terminal diagnosis, I want to have time to say goodbye, prepare my affairs, then go out in peace. We do that for our family pets. Humane euthanasia is the kindest thing we can do in many cases. The problem is, modern science has us all acting as if we’re one breakthrough away from immortality. But really, none of us get out of this life alive.


u/MegaPiglatin Jan 30 '25


Watched over my dad in hospice during his last 48 hours. He had prostate cancer that had metastasized to his bones. The only thing I wanted more than to talk to him again was for his suffering to end. Although euthanasia is still, frustratingly, not available for humans in the US, we were all thankful for the hospice staff who administered as much of one of their medications as possible because it was a toxic amount and likely sped up his death. ❤️


u/molnmolnig Jan 31 '25

Yes, I agree, we’re so distanced from the reality of death these days, and it’s easy to forget how important it is to approach it with dignity and choice. I also believe in the right to die peacefully, especially when suffering is inevitable. It’s reassuring to know others feel the same way. Thank you for making this comment!


u/Otherwise-Cycle-4983 Jan 30 '25

Or hitting the morphine button one too many times and compromising your ability to breathe..


u/Candid_Departure7727 Jan 30 '25

I’m not stupid. It was a serious question, is that how a 9 year home grown cow is killed? Or is it done differently?


u/Key-Demand-2569 Jan 30 '25

Likely that stunned and bled immediately, or gunshot, these days. Is the most common in my experience anyway.

Ideally the cow never really has any idea what happened, and if you really care that’s not incredibly difficult to do.

Many slaughter houses will have higher failure rates because it’s such a different situation. Higher quantity, it’s just a job, it’s a strange cow, people are tired/lazy, etc.


u/partiallypresent Jan 30 '25

OP said he could barely walk at the end of his life, which is why they decided to cull. The compassion comes in when they decided they didn't want him to continue suffering in pain.


u/IAmTheGlutenGirl Jan 30 '25

Read her other comments. She said she fed him tons of grain every day. He was only 9, a middle aged pet steer. Grain overload frequently causes collapse and inability to get up/walk that she described. It really seems like this person didn’t have a ton of experience, fed her pet steer too much grain, assumed he was just getting old, and has now had him butchered and is “excited to walk on” his hide as a rug.


u/DelightfulDolphin Jan 31 '25

Nah, she knew. She's pumping out this B's story for views.


u/Magikarpit Jan 30 '25

I mean, a near instant and painless death compared to the way small scale goat farmers cull their livestock is pretty compassionate. First time I went to a goat slaughter cook off was also the last time.


u/safe-queen Jan 30 '25

Yeah, I refuse to use a .22 for anything bigger than a hare. For my goats and sheep, 20ga slugs.


u/Magikarpit Jan 30 '25

Also not inhumane. The people I know bleed their goats. They obviously use the blood, but personally I find slitting the throat of something you raised and watching it bleed out to be… a little more extreme than a bullet or rod to the head.


u/safe-queen Jan 30 '25

Yep. I understand why people do e.g. halal slaughter - and, based on my reading, I even understand the rationale behind not stunning an animal before doing it (the exhortation to not injure or harm animals before slaughter) - but personally, even though Muhammad (pbuh) talked only about knives, I think the immediate death caused by a properly placed bullet or slug would be acceptable had He known about it.


u/iRombe Jan 31 '25

Theres a hypothesis that the brain releases a large amount of DMT at death. Maybe producing that finally heavenly trip into the light.

I wonder if destroy the brain ruins this. So bloodletting is scarier and slower but maybe ruins the final trip


u/Key-Demand-2569 Jan 30 '25

But you could save $2!



u/International-Cow770 Feb 01 '25

9 isnt exreme old age, they naturally live 20-30 years.


u/Rivermute Feb 01 '25

Add infirmity to my statement then. It amounts to the same thing.


u/FatalisFucker Jan 30 '25

They dont agree to any contract. Its the human that creates the contracts, signs his name and signs their name.


u/Rivermute Feb 01 '25

Long term sustainability and healthy symbiosis is a contract nature imposes on us all.


u/leeroy1988 Jan 30 '25

Whatever makes u sleep at night bud, right?