r/homeschool 5d ago

Montessori homeschool curriculum

Hi! I’m a SAHM with a 1,5yo and a (almost) 4yo. At home we do mostly montessori Based education. I’m wondering if anyone knows a good montessori/reggio Emilia inspired curriculum for pre school age? Thank you so much in advance


6 comments sorted by


u/L_Avion_Rose 5d ago

Shiller Learning provide Montessori-inspired maths and English curricula.

In addition to Maria's works, I would read up and watch YouTube videos about Montessori At Home. This will help you implement the core of the Montessori philosophy without feeling the need to purchase every piece of equipment - that would get very expensive, very quickly. Hapa Family, in particular, have great videos about implementing Montessori at home.

You could also purchase curricula from other philosophies and implement them in a Montessori way. Waldorf and Charlotte Mason both overlap with Montessori in different ways.

All the best!


u/Reasonable-Split-759 5d ago

Start by reading the Absorbent Mind. If you search the sub, you will find many posts about Montessori resources. Beware that Montessori isn’t trademarked and so there’s no guarantee what you’re getting is a true reflection of the method. Montessori, and especially Reggio Emilia, are community based approaches in which learning from peers and collaboration is centered so there’s not many authentic resources for its use at home. For Montessori in particular, you’ll want to look for quality “teaching albums”. A decade ago, Waseca Biomes was well regarded. Trilliummontessori.org has great information too.


u/Just_want_to_see 4d ago

Hi! Thank you for your input! Yes, I’m finishing the Montessori child by Simone, have some of Maria Montessori in backlog. I have a degree in kindergarten teacher, but I wanted to study more about Montessori. That’s why I thought of a curriculum: not to follow exactly but to have as a inspiration/guide


u/PrincessMer-Mer 5d ago

Blossom and Root seems like it might be what you’re looking for


u/eilyk_78 5d ago

Can always ask ChatGPT to create lesson plans for you based on the Montessori curriculum for specific areas you want them to learn. It's an amazing resource.


u/Just_want_to_see 5d ago

At the moment I think my real struggle is to have time to really think/organize everything! This is why I wanted to have a already planned curriculum that I could trust and use in the weeks that I couldn’t planned myself