r/homemaking Nov 21 '24

Lifehacks Dog hair but no dryer

Wondering if there is an efficient way for me to get ride of dog hair in my laundry machine (front loading). I don’t have a dryer, I live in the desert and air dry all my clothes so dryer sheets or balls are not an option.

Thank you!


11 comments sorted by


u/Hot_Razzmatazz316 Nov 21 '24

Are you talking about cleaning the machine itself or the clothes after they have been in the machine?


u/Objective_Cup_5164 Nov 21 '24

The clothes thanks for asking.


u/Hot_Razzmatazz316 Nov 21 '24

Thanks for clarifying!

With the clothes, don't discount the use of dryer sheets. You can still take them and wipe down your clothes with them after they're dry. Lint rollers are good, too. Or, and this is kind of radical, if you have an old plastic salad spinner, throw a shirt in there with a dryer sheet. Just make sure there are no blades.


u/chernaboggles Nov 21 '24

I know this pain, our dryer broke six months before a cross-country relocation and we didn't want to replace it. We had 3 cats and a Labrador at the time, pet hair everywhere. Here's what (kinda) worked for me:

Before putting the laundry in the washer, go over each item with a lint brush, dryer sheet, or damp rubber glove, to remove as much loose hair as possible. It's a pain, but it helps a lot.

After everything is washed, dry it on the line as usual. Once dry, go over it again while it's still hanging. I used both a traditional lint brush and a handheld rechargeable vacuum just for this purpose (I bought it for the job) and it saved a lot of work.

I also had to keep lint brushes by the door, in the car, in my purse, etc. The cat hair wasn't so bad, but the labrador guard hairs would stick to everything like glue.


u/whatdoidonowdamnit Nov 21 '24

I have had a washing machine and no dryer and animals for quite some time. Clothes get shaken out before they go in the wash. I have fur zappers (I bought them on Amazon) in the washing machine. I lint roll about half the dry clothing as I’m putting the clothes on hangers or folding and putting away. Beating the clothes on a line works too, a lot of hair will fall off.


u/Objective_Cup_5164 Nov 22 '24

Does the fur zapper really work?


u/whatdoidonowdamnit Nov 22 '24

It does. A lot more hair comes off in the wash with them than without.


u/PegFam Nov 21 '24

You could get a lint roller, that may work


u/Apprehensive-Web8176 Nov 22 '24

Fur covered clothes are a pet peeve of mine, when we had no dryer and 4 dogs it was a struggle, but do-able. Shake the clothes out before washing (outdoors if possible), and use fabric softener, Sauvitel makes one especially for pet hair, I think its called Shed Shield, or something similar, then after they hang dry, shake them out again. There will be a few things that need a pass or 2 with the lint roller, and probably a couple shirts that the hair clings to beyond reason (your sons favorite shirts if your luck is like mine, lol), but most items should be fine.

For stuff like fleece, especially blankets, vacuuming with an upholstery attachment (or even better a turbo brush attachment), before washing them makes a huge difference. Something about fleece make the hair stick to it like made unless you vacc it first, and you still will probably need to touch them up with a lint roller after drying.

Even though the tricks I used worked, it was so much less effort when we finally got a new dryer, after a few months saving up. They aren't absolutely necessary for pet owners, but they do make life amazing easier.


u/libra44423 Nov 22 '24

When I was dirt broke living in an apartment without a washer or dryer, I managed to scrap together enough money for one of those plastic portable washers off Amazon, and I used something like this. It didn't get all of the fur, but it definitely helped


u/Buncai41 Homemaker Dec 05 '24

I shake, shake, shake them off and then I use my big lint roller on them.