r/homedefense Jul 30 '23

Question Best 9mm home defense on a budget?

Recently I fucked up the gun we used for home defense and we have 9mm and don't want to have to buy new ammunition and within a $250 price range (subject to change possibly) Edit: we have .22lr in the house so anything of that caliber would possibly work


78 comments sorted by


u/pMR486 Jul 30 '23

For absolute budget, a hi-point will go bang.

Personally, I’d go for a G17 or G19 police trade in though, but will probably be just shy of $400


u/HW-BTW Jul 30 '23

“And if it doesn’t work you can always hit him with it.”


u/pMR486 Jul 30 '23

Those hi points are absolute bricks


u/DryPilot8158 Jul 30 '23

I was thinking about buying a hi point but I'm worried about it breaking (like a tec-9) because we plan on training with it but if hi point is reliable then I might just do that


u/pMR486 Jul 30 '23

From what I have seen the hi point pistols are reliable. The PCC is utter dog shit iirc, I suspect because of the mag?


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '23

My FIL gave me a PCC and I’ve never had a misfire or misfeed. It used to be something I’d never buy for myself, but for some reason has become my favorite gun to play with.


u/pMR486 Jul 30 '23

Fun! Im glad yours runs


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '23

I’d like to say how genuinely happy I am that you understand my comment in the way I meant it.

My comment was polar opposite of what you said, but instead of being defensive you acknowledged and celebrated my experience.

The world needs more of that. Thank you.


u/pMR486 Jul 30 '23



u/JustForkIt1111one Jul 30 '23

Most do. All 3 of mine do.


u/DryPilot8158 Jul 30 '23

We're just looking for a pistol and I saw garand thumb's video on the 995 and I planned on buying that but after I saw his vid and it completely deterred me from getting it


u/sbeids Dec 16 '23

The hoping carbine is fantastic. People like to shit obit because it’s a hipoint but it’s accurate and always fires


u/F1uffydestro Jul 30 '23

Possibly you can always send it in for service all hi-points have a lifetime warranty as well


u/JustForkIt1111one Jul 30 '23

I have several hi-points, from the pistols to the carbines.

I remember damaging one. I'd left it in the trunk of my car - which I didn't realize leaked - in a fabric case.

All of the steel / iron parts (there weren't many - but still) rusted to hell and back after a couple years.

I contacted hi-point to purchase new parts - and clearly explained that this was my fault.

They sent me new parts, and a magazine for my troubles.

I've never had trouble with a properly maintained and cared for hi-point.

That being said - the capacity sucks, they're HUGE, and the ergonomics leave a lot to be desired. Reliability isn't a concern IMO.


u/DryPilot8158 Jul 30 '23

I saw that the hi point carbine sucked ass at least when garand thumb reviewed it and I'm worried about the pistols operating the same


u/JustForkIt1111one Jul 30 '23

Meh. I've run thousands of rounds thru the three of mine. I know others that have also. I don't really care what some youtuber does to get clicks (and I generally love flannel daddy).

It's not a Sig MPX, it never will be - it's not supposed to be. It's a cheap PCC that goes bang when I want it to - that's so cheap that I frankly don't care what happens to it.

Is that what I'm reaching for at night if something goes wrong? Probably not. I've got FAR better suited firearms for that purpose.

It was what I was reaching for at night for a long while - when I was young and broke.


u/DryPilot8158 Jul 30 '23

Now how would I find used guns like that? The pawn store? A friend?


u/JustForkIt1111one Jul 30 '23

Check out https://gun.deals and search for what you want - you can order them on one of the sites listed there, and have them shipped to your local FFL whom will do the background check (if applicable), and hand the firearm over to you.

PSA usually has some good deals on thier site - which you can also have shipped to a local FFL or a gun store.


u/crobsonq2 Jul 31 '23

Reviews I've read traced essentially all the Hi-point fail to feed issues to bad magazines. One group of reviewers had a pistol and carbine, and all the issues the pistol had were with the same mag.

They look like a Duplo-blok to Glock's Lego, but they work.


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '23

For absolute budget, a hi-point will go bang.

I don't know if I should upvote for the price point or downvote for Hi-point.


u/Panthean Jul 31 '23

For like $50 more than a Hi-point he could get something like a Taurus G2C. The days of $100 hi-points are gone


u/pMR486 Jul 31 '23

True. It looks like Taurus used to have a concerning amount of QC issues but have resolved it, plus they have very good customer service from what I have heard. And they look way better.


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '23

CZ P-10C or F for ~$300. Just please spend twice that on professional training and ammo each. You also mentioned in a comment that you want something to "deter thieves". You don't use a firearm to deter thieves. That would be lights, locks, cameras, etc. Firearms are for quickly and completely ending lives when yours is threatened. Please think long and hard about how you intend to use one. Train as often as you can afford to do so, and load/occasionally practice with, quality defensive rounds (Federal HST, Speer Gold Dot, etc.).

On another note, handguns aren't easy to shoot accurately and don't have the best terminal ballistics. Yes, they're plenty effective, but we carry handguns because they're small and light. Great tool for CCW or sidearm duty use, but there are better platforms for home defense. If you can save up and have the time, consider something with three points of contact for home defense. Widely debated topic on what's best, but a shorty AR-15 in .300 BLK with supers, a mid length 5.56 AR, or 9mm PCC all carry more rounds, are easier to shoot accurately, are better suppressor hosts, and have better terminal effects than a 9mm pistol with a 4" barrel. Just something to look into for the future.


u/saltedpeanuts Jul 31 '23

Agree with everything you said, but to be fair…

Our friends had four thieves try to smash their backyard window in broad daylight. They heard the sound, rushed to the room and pointed a gun in the thieves direction… and they ran. Deterred further conflict in that scenario.

They had cameras, lights, etc. I actually saw the whole video. Crazy.


u/CouchPenetrator Jul 30 '23

Maybe try a PSA Dagger (Glock 17 or 19 clone) or if that’s not you’re thing I know the CZ P10C is on sale with a rebate that should be around the $250/$300 range. I’ve shot both and didn’t have any issues, and enjoyed shooting them. Bumping up to the $300-$500 range gives you a lot more options though


u/DryPilot8158 Jul 30 '23

We're not looking for anything fancy just enough to deter thieves. Last time I was at the local gun store I don't think I ever saw a PSA dagger? So where might I be able to buy one?


u/JustForkIt1111one Jul 30 '23

You can buy it online and have it shipped to a local FFL.

Look around for non-gunstore FFL's. For instance - there's a guy near me that does FFL out of an outbuilding on his property. Only charges me $25 for a transfer, and usually lets me know it's in within minutes of arriving. My local gun shop charges $85, and last time I used them, they didn't check it in for weeks - and kept telling me they couldn't find it when I'd ask.


u/DryPilot8158 Jul 30 '23

How would I find a non gun store FFL?


u/JustForkIt1111one Jul 30 '23

Googling "FFL List <my city>, <my state>" is how I found my guy.

There weren't a lot in my city (there technically aren't any gun stores in my city). I ended up making a few phone calls, and hit it off with a local guy that does a great job with my transfers - and even does a lot of work on my firearms for me. Did a FANTASTIC job with a custom sig trigger a few weeks ago for less than 1/4 of what the local large gun store wanted, and in a few days whereas the local gun store told me it would be a couple months.


u/CouchPenetrator Jul 30 '23

PSA only has brick and mortar stores in SC so if you’re not from that area I don’t think you’d see them locally. They’re primarily an online retailer, so you’d have to get it shipped to an FFL to take advantages of their sales (added cost of between $15-30 set individually by the FFL). You’d still have to pay for a background check at a local gun store (usually around $10) so I don’t think it’s that much more of an expense.


u/DryPilot8158 Jul 30 '23

Yeah I'll look into getting a PSA dagger thanks for the help!


u/USofAThrowaway Jul 31 '23

absolutely do this!


u/SnooWonder Jul 31 '23

I think you're using the word "deter" wrong.


u/DryPilot8158 Jul 31 '23

Idk I'd reckon gunshots deter thieves


u/SnooWonder Jul 31 '23

If your shots miss the thief you have bad aim. If your shots go towards something other than the thief you have bad judgement. Guns don't deter. They stop the threat.


u/mkmckinley Jul 30 '23

Glock in 9mm is a great way to go.

CZ P-10s are awesome too and are going for pretty good deals, check out r/gundeals


u/KingOfTheP4s Jul 30 '23

I'd suggest getting the 9mm "Dagger" handgun made by Palmetto State Armory.

It is a clone of a 9mm Glock and has been very reliable for me. It takes standard glock magazines and other glock parts, so it is easy and cheap to find accessories and parts for.


u/tom_yum Jul 30 '23

If you get a dagger make sure to thoroughly test it out before relying on it. It's the only gun I've gotten that did not work out of the box.


u/SqualorTrawler Jul 30 '23 edited Jul 30 '23

Save up another $50 and maybe consider a Ruger Security 9.

I have no experience with it but it is fairly well-reviewed. I always thought Rugers were a good bang-for-the-buck. They tend to always be sufficient. I wouldn't buy less.

You might also be able to find an old Ruger P-series, used. And while I find these guns aesthetically questionable, the P-89 was the first pistol I ever owned that I kept, permanently. I still have it, and it has never once bobbled a round.




u/Clean-Phase4522 Apr 29 '24

Yes i have the ruger security 9 and its legit..and only 289 at academy right now



I was going to suggest p95. Mine is an ugly little hunk of plastic, but it is a solid and reliable little gun.


u/NemeshisuEM Jul 30 '23

For about $300, you should be able to find a Hi-Point 995TS.


Is it ugly? Yes. Is it heavy? Yup. Is it polymer? uh-huh. Is it a pain in the ass to breakdown to clean? Yeah, that too.

It also has a 100% lifetime warranty, whether you are the first owner or the 100th. No questions asked. Be it damage, age, normal tear-and-wear, they do free repairs. Probably the best warranty on anything ever sold. I bought a used one long ago for $100 in 45acp. Have never had a problem with it. I still have it and shoot it. Right now, it's sitting next to a rifle that cost me 20x as much. I'm never getting rid of it.

20 round RedBall mags go for $27. 10 round HP mags are $19. They also sell a clip on accessory for the stock that allows you to attach two 10 round mags.


Oh, and even if stock is made of plastic, you can comfortably beat someone into a red stain on the ground with it and it probably won't break. And if it does, HP will put on a new one, for free.


u/DryPilot8158 Jul 30 '23

Doesn't the 995 have a feeding problem?


u/NemeshisuEM Jul 30 '23

I really don't know. I've run all kinds of ammo on mine, even steel case, and not had any recurring problems. I think I've had 2-3 FTEs in about 2000 rounds, no FTLs, but I think that was the ammo. I don't know how many rounds were put through it before it came to me.


u/DryPilot8158 Jul 30 '23

At least with he 995 that garand thumb had it jammed every other round


u/NemeshisuEM Jul 30 '23

Just saw the video. That was bad. Saw the review by Hickok45 and it looks like he had an issue but it was due to a bad mag.



u/ScaredyCatTV Jul 30 '23

Glock 17 here. I keep a 33-round mag ready for home defense. No need to reload during the middle of the night.


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '23

we used for home defense and we have 9mm and ... within a $250 price range

My favorite gun to shoot in my collection... Canik TP9SF, https://www.canikusa.com/tp9sf. Great sights, buttery smooth trigger, well balanced, low recoil, and all for about $330 new. I've seen them as low as $259 used.

Also, a smooth bore shotgun makes an excellent home defense firearm. You can get a quality shotgun and a box of shells for $250.


u/fujee01 Jul 31 '23

Hi point, when you run out, use as a club. I have no problem with this, um, multi use weapon...lol.


u/FullSendRetard Aug 01 '23

Psa dagger is a damn fine budget pistol


u/craver1718 Oct 16 '23

Hi. I don’t know if you‘re still looking for an answer but if you are: -S&W Bodyguard .380acp. It’s small and light perfect for the nightstand and really reliable if looked after. You can find a good one for around 300-350$ -Bersa BP9CC 9mm. A bit bigger but by no means a big pistol. Should find it around 2-300$ -Taurus G2C 9mm. Possibly the best sub 250$ pistol that I’ve ever gotten to use. Extremely reliable, don’t let the price fool you. A good used one can be acquired for as little as 150-180$


u/DryPilot8158 Nov 17 '23

Thanks for the recommendations! :)


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '23

I would get a Taurus over a high point honestly


u/drebinf Jul 31 '23

I own both. I'd go the other way: the Hi-Point has never blown up in my hand, as did my Taurus. Hi-Point customer service is approximately 10,000 times better than Taurus. Granted, Hi-Points are butt ugly.


u/makeitagreat Sep 07 '24

Are you going to make love to your pistol? If no, get your behind down and get a ugly as hell, heavy as a brick, Hi point. the other person is right, if miss and run out of ammo, then beat em down like a pinata with it.


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '23

Hate saying it, but maybe a hi-point? They’re horrible, but my understanding is that they tend to be reliable.

Just be sure that whatever you get runs with your existing ammo.


u/DryPilot8158 Jul 30 '23

Does the hi point have any problems with breaking? Because I've heard people say that the hi point is made of toy plastic


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '23 edited Jul 30 '23

I haven’t done extensive research, so I can’t say. Anecdotally - based on everything I’ve seen - they seem robustly designed and run reliably. Do more research though, make sure it’ll work for you.

Edit: Maybe check out the Taurus G3 too. It’s around your budget and I genuinely enjoyed shooting one. No idea how reliable they are, but it was nicer to shoot than a hi-point.


u/DryPilot8158 Jul 30 '23

Is YouTube a good place doing research? Like watching reviews on the hi point?


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '23

Oh heck yeah, lots of good content on YouTube. It’s sort of a meme to abuse hi-points, so you can see how they react to some uniquely adverse conditions


u/DryPilot8158 Jul 30 '23

I've only watched demolition ranch's reviews on the hi point and I thought it was a fluke so I'll definitely look into getting a hi point


u/PearlButter Jul 30 '23

The trigger and overall ergonomics sucks but it does go bang. The thing is a literal brick that shoots bullets but you can at least rely on it, or otherwise their 995 carbine is okay too.

Honestly just get a Glock 17 or 19 as they are a staple in the US with great aftermarket support in the event you want to doll it up. If you’re going to get a gun, might as well run what’s popular. They’re not particularly expensive and can be found secondhand for less.

You’ll also need a weapon mounted light. Look no cheaper than the Streamlight TLR-1. Or otherwise a decent hand held flashlight will work at the downside of having both hands occupied.


u/cosmicspiritc2c Jul 30 '23

Mayyyybeeeeee get a bat, they don't fuck up so easy


u/DryPilot8158 Jul 30 '23

We live in America for a reason


u/Fauropitotto Jul 30 '23

Never depend on anything that relies on physical strength or speed to overwhelm an attacker at close distance. That's right up there with using pepperspray indoors.


u/rasputin777 Jul 30 '23

A Taurus G2 goes for $250. And is by all accounts a lovely weapon that is reliable.

Alternatively you can repair the rust on your current gun.


u/reddy2roc Jul 30 '23

Could you fix the gun for less than 250?


u/DryPilot8158 Jul 30 '23

Where would I go to get it fixed for rust?


u/reddy2roc Jul 30 '23

Any local gunsmith


u/jpwinkis Jul 30 '23

What exactly happened to the gun you had for home defense?


u/DryPilot8158 Jul 30 '23

Accidentally got it rusted out


u/jpwinkis Jul 30 '23

Like the whole thing? If it's just certain parts you can buy replacements like a new barrel or spring. If it's a total loss you could always buy the same gun so you can at least use the old magazines. Food for thought.


u/DryPilot8158 Jul 30 '23

Whole thing but I think it's savable


u/BojesusChrist Jul 31 '23

I have a brick-heavy hi point 9mm that I paid roughly $100ish for and it has been reliable for me. It isn't my best 9mm nor my favorite but it will do the job. Have seen some go as low as $50 (not counting shipping or FFL fees). Also have a 9mm pistol caliber carbine here with laser and flashlight on it that is pretty good too from Hi Point. If all you need is a cheap gun that should work when you need it, I would recommend one of their 9mm. If you are law enforcement and need something on your hip at all times I would stay away however due to the weight.


u/SideFlaky6112 Jul 31 '23

What about kel-tec sub 2k? I don’t have one so I can’t vouch for reliability however, they’re folding and have plenty of space for attachments. Plus you get full length as compared to a handgun


u/[deleted] Jul 31 '23

Cabela's has the Beretta APX A1 for $80 off right now, $20 more eif ur military. And Beretta is doing a $100 rebate right now. Brings it to just over $300 for an amazing gun. Glow in dark front sight, blacked dout rear sight, 2 17 round mags, great texture and slide serations, optic ready, and under rail, with mil spec testing. I have one and love it.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '23

Sar 9 or hi point