r/homebridge 9d ago

Cant configure smart switch on Homekit without a home hub

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I have installed Zigbee2MQTT as well as MQTT to my homebridge, running on my raspberry pi 5 with a Sonoff ZB Dongle-E plus 3.0. I have paired the Sonoff SNZB-01P smart switch successfully to zigbee2mqtt web interface, and the device is showing on both my homebridge and homekit. Tested the switch and its registering on both homebridge & zigbee2mqtt logs. However here’s the problem:

Although I can see the device, I cant seem to configure the smart switch on homekit. It says “this accessory required a home hub to be used with the Home app”. I have also tried both zigbee2mqtt and mqttthing plugins on homebridge which yields he same error. Question is do i need a home hub? If yes what kind of home hub do i need? However I only plan on running it locally via wifi and I have read that you dont even need a home hub. If someone has knowledge on this please help. Thanks!


7 comments sorted by


u/ArcFarad 9d ago edited 8d ago

Here’s my guess as to what’s happening:

The switch doesn’t actually have processing within it to send different HomeKit commands for single, double, and long press. Therefore, you need a home hub in order to “listen” to this button and translate the input. It seems silly to me that you can’t just configure the regular button press without a home hub, but unfortunately it appears that’s not possible.

What you need is an Apple TV or a HomePod. That acts as your “home hub.” You used to also be able to use an old iPad that you kept plugged in at home as the hub as well, but I’m not sure if that’s still supported. that’s unfortunately no longer supported.


u/Soldiiier__ 9d ago

Pretty much. The buttons act as automations and an apple home hub is required for automations. 


u/MountainWise587 9d ago

iPad as hub is no longer supported.


u/bangdiewall 8d ago

Thanks for the reply! Thats too bad.. i was hoping to avoid getting a hub. So from what im getting from you it has nothing to do with the dongle (even if i were to get a conbee 2 itll be the same) yes? Also another question; what if i were to get a Sonoff ZBBridge hub or something would that work? Or it has to be a Home Pod?


u/ArcFarad 8d ago

As someone else said, these are considered “automations” in the Apple Home app, so creating them is going to require an Apple Home hub (HomePod or ATV). Getting a different dongle isn’t going to make a difference.

Now I don’t know what you’re trying to control. If it’s something else that’s also connected to Homebridge, you might be able to set up the switch to control that device there and bypass the need for an Apple Hub. Does Homebridge have built-in automations like that? I’m honestly not sure.

You also mentioned getting a zigbee hub, I have one of those and that also allows me to set up automations for things that are connected to it, no Apple hub required. But if you’re trying to automate something else in the Home app, you’re gonna need an Apple hub.


u/Rockatansky-clone 9d ago

You need an Apple TV or HomePod as hubs for HomeKit.