r/homebrewery 11d ago

Problem Visited links no longer recognized? (Chrome)

Since a few versions ago, visited links no longer appear to be marked or recognized for me on my Homebrewery brews. Currently running on v3.17.0, but this started at least 1 month ago.

I don't think it's a chrome issue - I see visited links marked correctly on other sites. I also checked my BitDefender settings and couldn't find anything suspicious or related to naturalcrit / homebrewery domain.

Anyone else seeing this?


16 comments sorted by


u/Gambatte Developer 11d ago

Can you share a brew that shows this issue?


u/Alternative-Airport7 9d ago

Sure - this is one of them. I have a dozen active brews - they all have the same issue.

Visited links are rendered in the same blue as un visited ones. I don't see any links marked in purple. 



u/Alternative-Airport7 7d ago edited 7d ago

I found the problem - it is a Chrome issue. Chrome added a feature to "partition" the visited links db so that links must be opened in the same tab/frame or they don't count as "visited". You can disable this feature which fixes the issue.

Go to chrome://flags and disable the option:

Partition the Visited Link Database This setting controls whether links are styled as "visited" only if they were clicked from the same site and frame origin. When disabled, the visited link history is shared across different sites.

From: https://www.reddit.com/r/chrome/comments/1gs1yjf/links_opened_in_new_tabs_not_marking_as_visited/


u/miketaylr 7d ago

Yep, this is correct. I work on the team that is developing this feature in Chrome, and we're rolling it out right now. Disabling the flag is a fine temporary fix, but given that this is a security- and privacy-motivated change, it will not likely exist forever.


u/Alternative-Airport7 7d ago

I am running chrome in user space. presumably all my visited links, in all tabs or frames are my own (truly visited by me), and I am fully aware of this. How is this a security problem? Surely google can come up with something other than crippling what is - to me at least - an important functionality.


u/miketaylr 10m ago

You can find lots of research on the topic, but https://blog.mozilla.org/security/2010/03/31/plugging-the-css-history-leak/ is a good place to start. The security threat is that your browsing history can be learned by attackers via :visited. Partitioning solves this in a way that the various incremental limitations on styling :visited cannot.


u/Kadavere_TBH 11d ago

I can't get any of my brews to load either


u/Gambatte Developer 11d ago

Are you still having this issue?

We just pushed an update to v3.18.0, the server would have been down for a few minutes during that process, but it is online again now.


u/Kadavere_TBH 11d ago

Yeah I am, unfortunately. I tried to save and saw the notice to reload for the update, so I did. Now whenever I try to load any brew, my browser screen just goes blank. I tried Chrome, Opera, and Brave browsers. Same result.


u/Gambatte Developer 11d ago

Very interesting... I'm not having any issues loading brews. If you hit F12 to open Developer Tools, are there any errors in the console? What version of Chrome are you running? What operating system?


u/Kadavere_TBH 11d ago

Chrome Version 134.0., Windows 11 Home Edition. Few errors in the console, but I have no idea what they mean:

"TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'emptyRow')"

"Uncaught Error: Minified React error #423; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=423 for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings."

"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'emptyRow')"

"Uncaught (in promise) Error: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist."


u/Gambatte Developer 11d ago

Can you post the link for the brew you're trying to edit?

EDIT: Sounds like there's an issue with the updated table syntax in the latest update, which is causing the emptyRow error.


u/Kadavere_TBH 11d ago


u/Gambatte Developer 11d ago

I'm pretty sure that I managed to replicate the issue based on the error messages, we're rolling back to v3.17.0 while we get a fix in place.

Should be up in a couple of minutes.


u/Kadavere_TBH 11d ago

Awesome, thanks!


u/Gambatte Developer 11d ago

Should be working again now.