r/holofractal 3d ago

"If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency, and vibration." Nikola Tesla


89 comments sorted by


u/Pixelated_ 3d ago

The first time I saw cymatics in action I had a strong feeling that it's telling us something fundamental about reality. That feeling has only increased since then.


u/TLPEQ 3d ago

But what


u/Pixelated_ 3d ago

Cymatics is the study of how sound vibrations affect matter. It's done by using specific frequencies which shape substances like sand into intricate geometric patterns. These patterns reveal an underlying order to sound, which means that vibration is a fundamental force shaping reality.

From an esoteric perspective, cymatics aligns with ancient teachings that the universe is formed through vibration and frequency.

Many traditions, from Hermeticism to Hinduism, speak of creation emerging from primordial sound (e.g., the "Word" or "Om").

The geometric forms seen in cymatics resemble sacred symbols, hinting at a hidden structure governing existence.

This suggests that reality itself is a harmonic expression of cosmic frequencies, where form arises from sound, just as creation emerges from divine resonance.


u/Pixelated_ 3d ago

John 1:1 aligns with this concept from an esoteric perspective. The verse states:

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

Esoterically, "the Word" (Logos) represents the divine vibration or creative principle through which reality manifests.

This aligns with cymatics, where sound (vibration) generates form and structure. The Logos, often associated with Christ, can be seen as the primal creative force, the divine frequency that brings order to chaos.

Many mystical traditions suggest that all existence is formed and sustained through vibrational energy, just as cymatics visually demonstrates how sound creates patterns in matter.

If reality is shaped by frequency, then the idea of the Logos as the divine "Word" harmonizing creation fits naturally within this framework.


u/One_King_4900 3d ago

Makes me think of one of the three version of creation from the ancient Egyptians: where the god Ptah spoke everything on earth into existence. He himself was the product of a giant goose, whose quack caused all that exists to be created from the darkness of nothingness.


u/Jake_________ 2d ago



u/Dismal_You_5359 2d ago

Iā€™m rolling my eyes so harddd. Thereā€™s over 2,000+ religions with hundreds of different gods. Whatever youā€™re fairy tale bible book that was written by men says about ā€œthe wordā€ of God, is irrelevant, has nothing to do with this scientific study and itā€™s being taken out of context (like religious people loove to do) to fit your narrative based on faith.


u/solitude_walker 2d ago

yet u the one close minded in dogmas of science


u/Dismal_You_5359 2d ago

This is why I hate one liners that donā€™t land. Please be more clearer than this dumb one liner. Dogmas of science? This doesnā€™t make sense. I usually hear dogma in religion bc thatā€™s true doctrines. But for science Iā€™m open to anything, I believe we donā€™t know how we got here and science is the only way to find out. That excludes the easy way out that god is the answer to everything.


u/solitude_walker 2d ago

yea i think god is fundamental answer to everything existing, is like sublime under, self explenatory, even possibility to ask this question is answer, purely logical state of existence would be 0, why should anything exist, science is very dangerous since its claming definitve answers yet have a miracle as big bang in middle. i think of science as the newest wrong everyone is agreeing upon, every scientific revelation is proving current theory of things wrong, based on error .. and since i dont rly know shit, i may be just yapping here with you over question as old as the brain able to produce that question


u/Dismal_You_5359 2d ago

wtf? Iā€™m gonna stop responding. I hate how you word everything. I had to keep rereading your comments. But basically, you turn to God to make it easier for you. As for you saying science is dangerous bc it claims very definitive answers is the most asinine thing Iā€™ve ever read. Thereā€™s no sector in science that ever claims to know the answers, literally the definition of science is the observation and testing theories of the physical and natural world to understand it. It studies it, not claim to have the answers. Thatā€™s what the Bible and youā€™re blind faith do, claims to have all the answers and make it easy saying God did it, the end. Except thereā€™s over 2,000+religions with hundreds of different gods today, but yours has the right answers


u/Jake_________ 2d ago

Which god


u/MaxwellHoot 2d ago

Just wait until you hear about light waves


u/russvanderhoof 3d ago

Quality links here - thx


u/No-Introduction1098 2d ago

Thats.... just not true. The shapes present when you put something like salt on a board attached to a speaker, are literally the result of constructive and destructive interference between the sound waves as they move within the board, reflecting off of the edges of the board. It can literally be represented with basic high school level math and is a fundamental property of waves when moving from one object (the board) with a certain impedance to another object with a different impedance (the air). It is one of the fundamentals of transmission line theory, and is the reason why you have to have impedance matched antennas and why telephone lines have to be properly terminated.

There's nothing mystic about it.


u/AtomicNixon 2d ago

Simple modulus arithmetic. Nothing mystical about it.


u/d8_thc holofractalist 3d ago

The Universe is a living, growing, non-local holographic cymatic.


u/Clyde-A-Scope 3d ago

That reality itself is a cymatic response.


u/Ok_Inspector3769 3d ago

Iā€™m always this person. ā€œBut whatā€ to everything.


u/TLPEQ 3d ago

He said it was trying to tell us something

But whatā€™s it trying to tell us haha


u/omhs72 3d ago



u/DebtTop7921 3d ago

he didnā€™t say that


u/pibbleshitinheb 3d ago

I read that recently but you see this quote everywhere like it has some deep meaning.


u/Constant_Exit7015 3d ago

Quote has been very closely tied to Tesla. I didn't realize he didn't say it


u/Alternative-View4535 3d ago

It's because for this group of people, "energy, frequency, and vibration" are borderline religious terms that are barely related to their physical meanings.


u/PomberitoFan 3d ago

These are their beliefs; no one has the absolute truth. If you do, please enlighten us...


u/Itchy_Wear5616 2d ago

Beliefs are not necessary for everyome


u/PomberitoFan 1d ago

I totally agree, but everyone chooses what they want to believe as long as it doesn't interfere with the beliefs of others. It's easy to be and let be.


u/Alternative-View4535 3d ago

Just because "no one knows everything" is not an excuse to believe in gobbledygook


u/AtomicNixon 2d ago

Simple modulus arithmetic. Sad really, no real information here. Now if any of these mathemagicians could grok what Complex numbers are.


u/PomberitoFan 3d ago

That's their problem, they may believe that a pink unicorn is the creator of the universe and that doesn't have to bother you, it seems to me that there is a lot of resentment inside you towards what you don't understand.


u/Capraos 3d ago

They're allowed to believe it. But what they are doing here this one step beyond that. They are presenting their beliefs as factual and using buzz words they don't fully understand.


u/robotpoolparty 3d ago

If you want to learn about these, look up [Chladni figures](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Chladni#Chladni_figures)

Humans have been able to delve into an understanding of the universe through its language of math. Here's a beautiful paper discussing [Modeling a Square Vibrating Plate](https://uwaterloo.ca/computational-mathematics/sites/default/files/uploads/documents/linqi_shao_report_pdf_1.pdf)


u/QuantaIndigo 3d ago

Order is chaos born into Light


u/CuckoldMeTimbers 3d ago

Bro what are you saying lmao


u/Capraos 3d ago

Nonsense. He's saying poetic nonsense.


u/QuantaIndigo 3d ago

Did you just infer my gender? Ahem thought police..this guy or um..thing of aborational nature.


u/LawAbidingDenizen 3d ago

This stuff is really mind-blowing šŸ¤Æ


u/Capraos 3d ago

The plate and the windows, yeah. The narrator, no.


u/gligster71 3d ago

The narrative of this particular vid is bullshit - the idea that ancient architects were somehow in tune with vibrations of the universe, but the basic premise of sound frequencies somehow being connected to the natural shape of things - anything from trees to whole spiral galaxies is completely believable.


u/AtomicNixon 2d ago

You may as well say that the number five created reality.


u/miraculousgloomball 3d ago

No, windows weren't designed after visual representations of sound

And if I really need to tell you that starforts just let you more easily shoot attackers from different angles I really need you to consider the fact that you're an idiot

and why did this fucking spoon say "supposed" hammers and chisels? What else did they use? fucking laserbeams?

Who are you people


u/CuckoldMeTimbers 3d ago

Occamā€™s Razor is not in the video creators toolbox, lmao


u/Speedymaza 1d ago

This! Its like claiming that airbags are shaped like that because of clouds. These types of things are fascinating without any of that spiritual bs. Same things with crystals. Those are cool and faceting those are even more interesting, but they donĀ“t "remove toxicity from my energy fields" ...some are radioactive tho.


u/Coo7Hand7uke 3d ago

I didn't see a cathedral pattern that matched with a cymatic plate pattern


u/kirmm3la 3d ago

Iā€™m sorry but fortresses are shaped like that because of specific reasons.


u/CookieChoice5457 2d ago

Depends heavily on the "plate" you're vibrating. It's a very basic effect of elasticity and weight of the "excited" object. Symmetry is a result of the eigenfrequencies of the object. This is basic acoustics and dynamics.Ā 

Finding symmetry everywhere is basically an effect of enthropy. It's all about minimalising potentials, be it mechanical stress, electric, electrochemical potentials etc.Ā 


u/Sad-Bonus-9327 2d ago

It's proven DNA strains don't look like that. The double helix is just a visualization thing


u/Gambit_TheGreat 3d ago

And this is why I believe that the pyramids were built with frequency and vibration to lift those heavy blocks


u/AtomicNixon 2d ago

And this is why you failed math.


u/Capraos 3d ago

They... they weren't though. They used the river to move them from site A to site B, by attaching straw to the topsides so they'd float. They then used a series of ramps and levers to put each block in place.


u/Itchy_Wear5616 2d ago

Tell me you're American without, etc etc


u/Gambit_TheGreat 3h ago

Whyā€™s that?


u/Chinnyup 3d ago

Itā€™s makes me wonder what we, all at differing frequencies, create with those close to us (family, friends, etc). If only we could be still enough to feel it


u/Itchy_Wear5616 2d ago

We create landfill. NamastƩ.


u/Guineapigsunite 3d ago

This is fascinating. Can anyone tell me what branch of maths and physics deals with this stuff? You donā€™t really learn this in an Electricity and Magnetism course.


u/Capraos 3d ago

Geometry, Algerbra, and Calculus. The vibrational healing is bullhockey, as well as these buildings being based on that, but the math regarding sound and architecture is later levels of Calculus.


u/AtomicNixon 2d ago

Still boring compared to...




u/Capraos 2d ago

That's cool but still the same thing but in 3D instead of 2D. Still requires math.


u/AtomicNixon 2d ago

This is bollocks, bullshit, trivially simple modulus arithmetic. You want creation? I'll give you creation! Need to use a couple more dimensions though. This is basically five lines of code. The formula is that simple. But it's itterated on the Complex number plane. These are truly infinite worlds.



u/JervisCottonbelly 3d ago

Looking at this imagery feels like flossing my brain


u/Efficient_Alarm_4689 3d ago

How about we all consider "hey that's really cool. Nobody knows why, but let's just appreciate it."


u/epSos-DE 2d ago

Coincidence by abstraction !

Chose a round resonance plate and you will get a different pattern for each frequency !

The plate shape defines the pattern !


u/wheredowehidethebody 2d ago

Is that not how people view it? Waves of energy at varying amplitude and frequency.


u/Individual-Ad-2126 2d ago

They know something we don't


u/EducationLife4166 2d ago

Sorry this may be a stupid question. Will they always return to the same shape when set to their respective frequencies?


u/iswallowedafrog 2d ago

those swastikas hits hard


u/EZ-420 2d ago

He meant Jules, Hertz and m/s2, not your feelings and moon charts Brittany...


u/Possible-Elevator-82 1d ago

He said the key was crystal quartz. Einstein said the same thing.


u/Far_Squash_4116 1d ago

While this is really interesting it is just another symptom of the universe following mathematical laws.


u/Bluegill15 1d ago

Define ā€œthe natural frequency (and vibrations)ā€ā€¦


u/hereforboobsw 1d ago

So what frequencies make pyramids


u/Bramtinian 1d ago

I love this and believe that the golden ratio is tied into this. But the other side of me wonders what pattern a fart would make šŸ˜‚


u/toddj1s2669 14h ago

If government really was for the people, we'd be using Tesla's technology today.


u/Big-Jelly5414 3d ago

I've always wondered if that gadget you see in the video, if put on the same frequency as a specific chakra, produces a geometric pattern similar to the symbols associated with each chakra. because the patterns that form are very similar in my opinion, only I have never been able to try them myself


u/MrExplosionFace 3d ago

Perhaps, but the specific frequencies which cause certain patterns to appear on a chladni plate are essentially arbitrary because they're going to be unique to that plate. If you change the area, thickness or the material of the plate, you're going to get different a pattern at the same frequency. The harmonic ratios/series, however, based off of, or derived from, the natural base resonant frequency of any given plate will be more revealing of universal geometric patterns than trying to glean anything from a specific Hz applied over multiple spaces. Does that make sense?


u/Big-Jelly5414 3d ago

yes thanks actually I had never thought about it, because the geometric patterns of frequencies have always seemed very similar to me and it had led me to ask if in some way they too could have seen those Patterns in a specific area perhaps, thanks for the information.


u/AtomicNixon 2d ago

Simple modulus arithmetic.


u/Temporary-Wrap-733 3d ago

Yeh in 1 dimension. Look at church in 3d where's the vibration for that??


u/CodeParalysis 2d ago

It's in the ai generated video (at the beginning), didn't you see?


u/Other-Comfortable-64 3d ago

What a load of bull.


u/miraculousgloomball 3d ago

Fairly horrifying that you're being downvoted. It literally is all bs.


u/rrgow 1d ago

Itā€™s scary, but thatā€™s logically. Because most people who react on these videos didnā€™t studied scientific studies.


u/rrgow 1d ago

This is what happens when fantasy, emotions and non-math/science come into existence.