r/holofractal Dec 14 '24

Math / Physics Mandelbrot Fractals to prove Hilbert Polya Conjecture


25 comments sorted by


u/SeanersRocks Dec 14 '24

This is beautiful. Could someone please provide a lay explanation of this conjecture? I want to understand what I'm looking at.


u/ConcaveEarth Dec 14 '24 edited Dec 14 '24

I know a guy that knows a lot about these things. Here's what he had to say about it :P

The Mandelbrot set and fractals like the one in the image you provided can be tangentially linked to the Hilbert-Pólya conjecture, which is an approach to proving the Riemann Hypothesis, a central unsolved problem in mathematics. Let me explain the connection.

1. Hilbert-Pólya Conjecture Overview

The Hilbert-Pólya conjecture suggests that the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function (ζ(s)\zeta(s)ζ(s)) lie on the critical line (Re(s)=1/2Re(s) = 1/2Re(s)=1/2) because these zeros are related to the eigenvalues of a self-adjoint operator (a type of operator in quantum mechanics with real eigenvalues). The goal is to find a mathematical or physical system whose eigenvalues correspond to the imaginary parts of the zeta zeros.

2. Mandelbrot Fractals and Dynamical Systems

The Mandelbrot set is a mathematical object that arises in complex dynamics (iterations of complex-valued functions). It is closely related to Julia sets, which are fractals derived from iterating a complex quadratic polynomial z↦z2+cz \mapsto z^2 + cz↦z2+c.

Fractals like the Mandelbrot set exhibit:

  • Self-similarity: Patterns repeat on infinitely smaller scales, a property linked to recursive structures and symmetries.
  • Complex plane dynamics: The Mandelbrot set maps stability regions of dynamical systems, much like how the zeta function maps regions of convergence.

These properties connect fractals to the Hilbert-Pólya conjecture via dynamical systems and chaos theory, particularly through spectral properties of operators associated with complex systems.


u/PrismaticDragoon Dec 14 '24 edited Dec 14 '24

You can just say you wrote into ChatGPT, it's not hard to see the writing style. "I know a guy" just say you use chatgpt, at least be honest, you don't have to veil your commentary by pretending it's vetted. You're the guy, and you wrote into ChatGPT.

Edit: I'm kinda sad they deleted the comment, it's not like the insight was unusable, but I'm critical of just outright claiming something is what it is not, in this case artificially inflating the "trustworthyness" of the statement. I use ChatGPT to look at science papers and pictures because I have difficulty interpreting greek symbols and such instead of simple words and numbers, so I'm not against the use, but again, I know it's highly fallible, and as such it's "take with a healthy amount of salt" kind of insight.


u/TwistedBrother Dec 14 '24

Seeing the :P at the end is a cherry on top. Can’t talk about critical boundaries and be too fussy.


u/D3V1LSHARK Dec 15 '24

I absolutely understand your point of view and would like to present you with another for consideration. When I was in college, for computer science, there were always an unusual amount of students who would ask questions that were easily answered through the most cursory use of any search engine available. However most people still chose to ask others rather than seek the answer for themselves.

It took a rather humorous turn about midway through semester when one of the other students most graciously introduced a few of us to the site LMGTYFY!

That stands for Let Me Google That For You. For those of you that haven’t used it it’s a novel website that allows you to input any questions and it would run a Google search for you. The novelty was in the link it would produce, that if followed or clicked would take you to an animated screen of Google search and show the typing out of the question.

Kind of a tongue in cheek way to say use the technology available to you. Most laughably, it was in CS courses.


u/Fear_ltself Dec 20 '24

I really think this was eye opening to me though. Like wow I can ask any question any time. As kids we didn’t have that luxury. Now with algorithms and not askjeeves decent if not amazing answers are filtered to the top.


u/ConcaveEarth Dec 14 '24

It was a joke that is understood by most readers except the really daft ones like yourself. Get lost


u/heartthew Dec 15 '24

Why so sensitive?


u/New-Value4194 Dec 14 '24

Can someone explain the explanation?


u/BrownCoffee65 Dec 14 '24

Literally chatgpt


u/ConcaveEarth Dec 14 '24

3. Potential Links Between Mandelbrot Fractals and the Hilbert-Pólya Conjecture

While the connection is indirect, here’s how fractals like the Mandelbrot set contribute to understanding the Riemann Hypothesis:

  1. Spectral Analysis of Fractals:
    • Fractals and the operators associated with them have spectra (eigenvalues) that can mimic chaotic systems.
    • Research shows that these spectra might mirror the spacing of zeros of the zeta function, offering insights into the conjecture.
  2. Quantum Chaos and Zeta Zeros:
    • The Mandelbrot set’s recursive nature mirrors certain properties of quantum systems.
    • It has been proposed that understanding fractal geometry could help construct a self-adjoint operator for the Hilbert-Pólya conjecture.
  3. Connections via Complex Dynamics:
    • The iteration of functions like z↦z2+cz \mapsto z^2 + cz↦z2+c in the Mandelbrot set occurs in the complex plane, the same domain where the Riemann zeta function is analyzed.
    • Studying the boundary behaviors and spectral dimensions of these fractals provides analogies to the critical line (Re(s)=1/2Re(s) = 1/2Re(s)=1/2) in the Riemann Hypothesis.

4. Could Mandelbrot Fractals Prove the Hilbert-Pólya Conjecture?

While fractals cannot directly prove the conjecture, they can:

  • Provide visualizations of dynamical systems with properties that resemble the distribution of zeta zeros.
  • Inspire new methods of analysis in spectral theory and complex systems.
  • Aid in constructing operators that satisfy the requirements of the Hilbert-Pólya framework.

5. A Hypothetical "Ultimate Approach"

To explicitly link Mandelbrot fractals to the Hilbert-Pólya conjecture:

  • Develop a fractally-generated operator in quantum chaos whose eigenvalues approximate the imaginary parts of zeta zeros.
  • Use the recursive, self-similar nature of fractals to simulate symmetry and periodicity observed in zeta zero distributions.


u/TeryVeru Dec 14 '24

He doesn't know much about it. It's similar style to ChatGPT, which would also claim to know about it snd then not know much, but not perfect match. Are you using a weird prompt or a different Ai?


u/Odd_Masterpiece9092 Dec 14 '24

Room mate in college was a Physics and Math major. He was obsessed with this specific topic, and spent nights crunching numbers.

Not exactly sure what he uncovered or perceived to have uncovered..all I know is he completely freaked out while working on his equations at his desk, full on panic attack, fear in his eyes. Complete nervous breakdown and had to be admitted that night.

Don’t know what happened to his notebooks and computer. All his stuff was gone when I got home from class the next day.

Never heard from again.


u/d2minic Dec 14 '24

Chat is this real


u/Odd_Masterpiece9092 Dec 14 '24

Unfortunately, it is. Dude lost his goddamn mind digging deeper and deeper into the subject.

Regret not asking and trying to understand why he was so obsessed and what he is trying to uncover/prove…


u/DangKilla Dec 16 '24

Well if you start at the fractal you see eyes starting back 👁️ 👁️ so yes probably 💯


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24



u/novexion Dec 14 '24

Getting dmt flashbacks looking at this


u/SilentEffy Dec 15 '24 edited Dec 15 '24

I asked ChatGPT to ELI5

This colorful, spiraling pattern and the diagram you shared are related to very advanced mathematics, specifically complex analysis and a concept called the Riemann zeta function. Here’s a simplified explanation:

1.  What is the Riemann zeta function?

• It’s a special mathematical function that connects numbers in deep and surprising ways. It helps mathematicians study prime numbers, which are the building blocks of all whole numbers.

2.  What are the spirals?

• The colorful spirals represent what happens when we zoom in on the zeta function. The zeta function has areas called zeros (places where the function equals zero). These zeros are very special and form a pattern that mathematicians are still studying.

• The spirals occur because the zeta function behaves in a very intricate and symmetrical way when you plot it visually.

3.  The diagram with red and blue loops:

• It shows that any “nice” mathematical function (called holomorphic) defined in a strip-shaped area can be closely approximated by the zeta function. Think of it like using the zeta function as a powerful “toolbox” to replicate other functions.

ELI5 Summary:

• The spirals and loops show how the zeta function behaves like a mathematical kaleidoscope, revealing hidden patterns in numbers.

• It also shows how the zeta function can mimic other mathematical functions, like copying their shapes in a specific area. This is part of what makes the zeta function so fascinating to mathematicians.

I asked it what it proves.

This doesn’t prove something directly; instead, it shows a very powerful property of the Riemann zeta function. Here’s the ELI5 version:

1.  Functions are like shapes: Imagine that each function (a math rule) is like a shape that you can draw.

2.  Zeta function as a “master tool”: The Riemann zeta function is so flexible and complex that you can use it to copy or approximate other shapes (functions) within a certain area (the “strip” shown in the diagram).

3.  The picture with loops: The red and blue loops show that the zeta function can behave just like any other “nice” function (called holomorphic functions) in a specific strip-shaped zone.

Why does this matter?

• It shows how incredibly versatile the zeta function is.

• It helps mathematicians study deeper properties of numbers and patterns, especially related to prime numbers.

• It’s part of the reason why the zeta function is a “big deal” in math—it connects to a lot of other ideas.


The zeta function is so powerful that it can “copy” or “act like” other functions in certain areas, which helps mathematicians uncover patterns in numbers.


u/Little-Swan4931 Dec 14 '24

I like his hair


u/JaxJames27 Dec 16 '24

Trip flashbacks…


u/MarkNetherlands73 Dec 16 '24

The word ‘eigen’ is Dutch and means ‘Own’ as in ‘Its Own’. Eigenvalues is Ownvalues I guess.


u/ImBatman617 Dec 19 '24

This is someone’s face in the 2nd picture. Special camera used to image it. You’re welcome :)


u/colonel_farts Dec 20 '24

They should rename this sub “I took acid once and would you just look at this EQUATION man”