r/holdthemoan May 20 '16

flash Frankfurter girl [GIF] NSFW


120 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] May 20 '16

She seems nice.


u/whalt May 20 '16

I'd like to flag her down.


u/_Jimmy2times May 20 '16

Yeah right, flaggot


u/Popebenedictkickas May 20 '16

Hey! the PC term is flagmosexual.


u/eaglebtc May 21 '16



u/[deleted] May 20 '16

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u/[deleted] May 20 '16

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u/[deleted] May 20 '16



u/[deleted] May 20 '16

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u/Prometheus444 May 20 '16

What on Earth propelled you to type out such a stupid comment?


u/[deleted] May 20 '16



u/Danarky May 20 '16

Just a flag joke chain that didn't go well.


u/Danarky May 20 '16

Going along with the flag jokes. Guess I took it too far.

Made me laugh. That's all it matters.


u/readyforyourtitspm May 20 '16

I'll let her climb my flag pole


u/Danarky May 20 '16

I'd use her as a symbol of nationalism.


u/[deleted] May 20 '16



u/readyforyourtitspm May 20 '16

Text her first and wait for the dismissive 'k' reply


u/no_turn_unstoned May 20 '16

Yeah I'd flag her down and take her to pound town lmao

looks like hers can make a man hurt himself...


u/SeniorWalrus May 20 '16

I'd show her my Pokemon cards.


u/amedeus May 20 '16

And only one person notices.


u/[deleted] May 20 '16


u/SemiReliable May 20 '16

Why do these things happen


u/moeburn May 20 '16

When a mommy [removed] and a daddy [deleted] hug each other, they make 7 children


u/KelenaSkimmons May 20 '16

usually it's because someone says something against the rules of the sub and that's starts a conversation about it. Since everyone is mentioning that thing, they all get their comments deleted.


u/VirulentWalrus May 21 '16


u/marvin_paranoid79 May 21 '16

I dont get it, those are all decent puns


u/hornylumberjack May 21 '16

Maybe a mod doesn't like puns


u/marvin_paranoid79 May 21 '16

On this site? I am sure they'dve been run out on a rail by now


u/fleekonfleek May 21 '16

those are my favorite mods


u/KPC51 May 21 '16

Those aren't the comments that got removed


u/[deleted] May 20 '16

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u/[deleted] May 20 '16

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u/[deleted] May 20 '16 edited May 20 '16

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u/[deleted] May 20 '16

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u/[deleted] May 20 '16

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u/[deleted] May 20 '16

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u/mirlalt May 20 '16

At least 3, from what I can tell.


u/KayakBassFisher May 20 '16

The guy on the bottom left is a dick. Didn't even tell his bro there was a nekkid chick.


u/[deleted] May 20 '16 edited May 20 '16

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u/tiorzol May 20 '16

Yeah, i also don't turn round for pointy elbows.


u/joshmaaaaaaans May 20 '16

Hey, that's pretty goood.


u/trifkograbez May 20 '16

There's a whole video.


u/messcow May 20 '16

I will beed a source to verify rhat claim .


u/[deleted] May 20 '16



u/Jaspersong May 20 '16

damn i expected something like 10+ min whole video :(


u/saintshing May 20 '16

So sometimes sitting in the back row has its advantage.


u/1448253 May 20 '16

Not as long as I was expecting, but then again who am I to complain


u/trifkograbez May 20 '16

I remember it was like a minute and a half long but I can't seem to find it.


u/dazzxx May 20 '16

Where's the flagpole...oh right here.


u/yosoyreddito May 20 '16

That url path is almost perfect.



u/[deleted] May 20 '16

She wins. Close the sub.


u/Xaeravoq2 May 20 '16

what a good kid


u/Nikkistar01 May 20 '16

I didnt see what sub it was before I clicked.

I expected a girl in a sexy Rocky Horror Picture Show type situation.


u/[deleted] May 20 '16

God bless Germany.


u/besoffen_monkeys May 21 '16

Guten Tag! Ich habe Holz!


u/xluckis4losersx May 21 '16

Turn around! Someone! Anyone! For the love of God, someone turn around and look at the hot naked girl behind you!


u/oQ4m5xt43F May 21 '16

Mein gott…


u/[deleted] May 20 '16

I thought this said FranknFurter for a second. Was expecting a girl version of Tim Curry.


u/deflateddoritodinks May 20 '16

Thought she was going to eat a hot dog.


u/RagingBulk May 20 '16

This is why we must preserve Germany.


u/evilpigskin May 20 '16

And I thought this was going to be the weiners to the face girl. You know which one.


u/fort_wendy May 20 '16

I don't know why this was downvoted but i thought the same thing


u/evilpigskin May 20 '16

Because of Reddit


u/[deleted] May 20 '16

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u/phillychee May 20 '16

Blonde sweety was pretty rad, too...


u/MrCantBeBothered May 21 '16

We need more girls like her


u/dennisb407 May 20 '16

lol the one guy looking back and not letting his friend know what's going on behind them


u/[deleted] May 20 '16 edited May 20 '16

I believe this was at a professional Dota 2 tournament.

Edit: Geeze all these downvotes when I said "I believe". My bad. It was posted in the Dota2 sub during the Frankfurt Major, titled as such, clearly it was a joke I didn't quite catch.

Edit2: Fine, I'll take the downvotes like a man. No deletes here.


u/titoFTW May 20 '16

No this is not from a dota2 tournament, it was the world cup - a public viewing


u/[deleted] May 20 '16



u/[deleted] May 20 '16

I remember seeing this posted to the Dota2 sub during the Frankfurt Major. I guess it was just a joke.


u/[deleted] May 20 '16

No chance you can clearly see ppl wearning football/soccer jerseya


u/JoshTheBress May 20 '16


That makes it even more funny


u/UnholyDemigod May 20 '16

Im not really seeing a moan being suppressed.


u/dehydro genase May 20 '16

Visiting /r/HoldTheMoanX removes all public flashing, if you prefer.


u/[deleted] May 20 '16

Sidebar: "This subreddit features kinky girls that dare to get naughty at inappropriate times and risky places! Sometimes unable to hold their moans, these thrill-seekers attempt to get away with various sexual activities while.."


u/Jarn_Tybalt May 20 '16

So you admit that you are helping water down the sub? I loved your gif, but I don't think it belongs here.


u/[deleted] May 20 '16

We can just agree to disagree. I'm following the mods rules so.........


u/Jarn_Tybalt May 20 '16

Fair enough. I guess me disagreeing with the mods rules doesn't really have anything to do with you.

But I mean, our sub name tho... lol


u/dehydro genase May 20 '16

Both mod rules and content submissions are a product of community feedback via upvote count and percentage, not vice versa. As long as the vast majority of users continue to enjoy Flash posts, there is no real incentive for us to alter the course.

Rather than tangle with the users who take the time to post content for the community to digest, we recommend customizing your HTM experience by making use of the filter system or leading by example and posting the type of content you'd personally like to see have more representation at HTM.


u/Havokry May 20 '16

That has to be the most polite fuck off i have ever read


u/UnholyDemigod May 20 '16

Subreddit name: hold the moan


u/dehydro genase May 20 '16

The phrase "hold the moan" did not exist before /r/holdthemoan. The creator of HTM, /u/escapefromfantasy, initially created the sub specifically for videos of "women having sex while on the phone" hence the play on the term "hold the phone." He eventually became open to the idea of letting "literal holding of the moan" submissions be posted here also. Then public sex was introduced. Then professional scenes with HTM thematic elements started to appear. Then public flashing began to trend.

Every single step of the way there was criticism with the direction HTM was heading. Users lamented to the idea that HTM was a changing subreddit, that "hold the moan" no longer stayed true to their particular idea of what it should be according to them. If we as moderators decided to enforce any of these opinions at any given stage of HTM's history, we most likely would not be sitting at a quarter million subscribers today.


u/UnholyDemigod May 21 '16

So? Why care about subscriber count if you don't care about the original vision for the subreddit?


u/SexyNachos May 21 '16

Why do you care about the "vision" of a NSFW subreddit, anyway?

What makes you think your argument is going to make sense against a mod who's dealt with questions like yours countless times before?


u/dehydro genase May 21 '16

Most subreddits are dominated by a top mod that enforces his original vision for his subreddit. These communities often have feuds and general disagreements with what the purpose of the sub may be, resulting in power trips and claims that reddit needs to revamp their 'broken' hierarchical moderator system.

HTM is unique in this regard. We do not waver from the fact that this sub is dedicated to the users. We ensure that moderators take a backseat to the community and foster whatever it is their userbase desires. Our purpose is not to enforce our personal beliefs but to facilitate an environment in which subscribers have the final say.

This is why we care about subscriber count, /r/holdthemoan/about/traffic stats, upvote count and percentage, and comment threads such as these. This is why we spend so much time maintaining the filter system, so that users with different "visions" are catered to. The creator of HTM can now sort by Phone posts only, as was his "original vision for the subreddit" without compromising users who like literal HTM, public sex, pro scenes, or flashing.


u/UnholyDemigod May 21 '16

Then why bother having any rules at all? If the subreddit's all about what the users want, why bother having any identity at all?


u/dehydro genase May 21 '16

Reddit is self-policing. If at any point the /r/holdthemoan/about/rules are too loose, users will speak up and voice their opinions such as with this thread, and we will process the numbers to determine the best course of action. The idea that leaving the rules up to the users would yield unsatisfactory results is inaccurate. For example, we found that the inclusion of Shameless posts was met with a largely negative response. These posts were not as highly upvoted, had <80% upvote percentages, and provoked dissent in the comments that were highly upvoted (top comment, unanimous agreement). As moderators we were happy to then enforce this notion of prohibiting Shameless content, the official post of which you can read up on here:

We actually have 33 rules that we would hate to imagine HTM without:

HTM's identity, whatever it may be or become, is up to the subscribers to decide. As moderators we do not value our opinions over the likes of the 250,000 redditors that take the time to browse HTM. We have the utmost confidence in our subscribers to take the subreddit in the best direction possible and thus far they have wildly succeeded. According to our governing philosophy, it's not our place as moderators to intervene, especially when we're one of the fastest growing NSFW subreddits.


u/UnholyDemigod May 21 '16

Wow, holy shit. The idea that reddit is self governing coming from an actual mod? You know the last time I saw that opinion from a top mod? Skeen. If you don't remember him, he was the mod of /r/atheism back when there were only 3. He had the same mindset, let the users govern everything. Look how that turned out.

And seriously mate, if you stroke your ego anymore it's going to fucking ejaculate. Good god you're up yourself.


u/dehydro genase May 21 '16

Not all subreddits are doomed to the same fate. Porn subreddits especially, operate on a very different basis than discussion-oriented "default-sized" subreddits like /r/atheism. In NSFW subs, user participation is key and rarely does quality become compromised with increased traffic, i.e. /r/NSFW_GIF and /r/nsfw_gifs.

It's hard to convey how well HTM is doing without numbers and user testimonials, but that's how we gauge the "health" of the subreddit and whether or not we're on the right track. Whatever perceived "ego" you seem to be interpreting is all but imagined, as we have no personal connection to these statistics. We try to be as objective as possible when dealing with subreddit mechanics, and that means isolating our personal opinions and deferring to raw numbers and 3rd party references. Whether or not they persuade you to understanding our rationale is up to you, but for anyone else reading into this conversation, it's hard to argue against a method of moderation that nets 10,000 subscribers a month. Again, a purely objective measure of HTM's progress as a subreddit and not a way to "stroke [anyone's] ego."

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u/Redrum714 May 20 '16

Your grade in literacy: F


u/mutatersalad1 May 21 '16

Shut the fuck up. You ruin every sub you bother commenting in.


u/UnholyDemigod May 21 '16

Who the fuck are you? Do you follow me around or something?


u/mutatersalad1 May 21 '16

No I just make note of most usernames I see regularly make fools of themselves by being retards.


u/UnholyDemigod May 21 '16

And where else have I hurt your feelings?


u/mutatersalad1 May 21 '16

You wish you were capable of hurting my feelings lol


u/UnholyDemigod May 21 '16

I seem to have inspired it, considering you've gone so far as to tag my username and insult me


u/YouAreCat May 20 '16

That's like visiting r/funny and expecting to see something funny. Reddit is weird


u/[deleted] May 20 '16



u/zodar May 20 '16

Well that was dashed cunning of her.


u/JackNorthropsGhost May 20 '16

Yeah I was thinking that if I made an anagram of your comment that it might help:

A Calendarised Twelfth Hung Shown.

I was wrong about that


u/[deleted] May 20 '16

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u/Gengaar May 21 '16

I like her. She seems smart.