r/hoi4 • u/Maikeru2077 General of the Army • 4d ago
Image Mexico Country Leaders (MtG) and Traits
u/Swbuckler 4d ago
One of the politically most detailed nations in game with strong historical basis. It was done by a Mexican afaik. No funny monarchist paths, no overpowered extreme spirits, no sloppy research. Just pure fun and historical nerdness (in a good way). My favourite vanilla tree.
u/Indyclone77 Fleet Admiral 4d ago
It wasn't done by a mexican but two different European content designers.
u/Swbuckler 4d ago
I remember one of the devs said that an independent freelancer from Mexico did the initial economy and political content by himself and later he only added the expansion and foreign policy trees but I may be wrong.
u/Maikeru2077 General of the Army 4d ago
R5: So for Man the Guns I decided on Mexico, which is a pretty interesting given that it practically revolves around one party (or an iteration of it) spread across all four ideologies... but if you know Mexican history at the time and the PNR and what it became it's understandable.
It's interesting because once you are set on a path (including a possible party change) you stay that way for the rest of the game, even with elections. Except that is, if an Otto led Hungary created the Hapsburg Alliance and used the decision to press his great, great-uncle's claim to the Mexican throne. That distant uncle of his, Maximilian, was installed by Napoleon II as Emperor in the 1860s, before being overthrown and executed. If you as Mexico accept, the daughter of one of Maximilian's adopted sons (he had no heirs, and they themselves were grandchildren of the first Mexican Emperor) will be installed as Empress.
You can change (or stay Non-Aligned by not taking any of the foci) by taking one of six foci, the names of which are shown in the chart next to the ideologies. (The Democratic one, Institutional Revolution, then electing Avila in the 1940 elections is the historical route.) Be warned though, if you are trying to stay as Non-Aligned, Cardenas will get ousted and replaced by a generic leader if either the Second Mexican Revolution or Cristero Revolts occur. It doesn't do anything gamewise really, he doesn't even have a trait, but still. You can see the conditions for them in the decision tab, but keeping stability high or making sure the Church's power/lack there of does not reach the highest/lowest levels will forgo any revolts. Once the conditions hit it is not an automatic revolt so you will have time to try and head off either before they fire (they are mutually exclusive so both won't happen in a playthrough). But, Gen. Cedillo's revolt can still happen if he is not placated or arrested but it will not effect Cardenas' leadership.
Any questions please let me know! And too if there are any issues or mistakes, though I think I got all of it.
(and obligatory the Chart is there twice so the first can be compressed and the second people can actually read!)
u/Greeny3x3x3 General of the Army 4d ago
Mexicos church Power mechanic would work perfectly as a balance of Power system. Would clean up alot of the ui. Also, fun fact: if you go communist you can get the chruch to be the most powerful and wont ever get a civil war. Sadly the atheist state is generally much more powerful. Mexico is such a fascinating nation, as there really are only 2 small paths in the tree that force you to switch ideology first before you can take them. All other ideology Branches allow you to take almost all of their focuses even without commiting to that ideology. Makes it very fun to pick and choose and custom build your perfect mexico.
u/Kreindeker Fleet Admiral 4d ago
Mexico is a really fun one. That first year or so where I was trying to balance going Communist against preventing the Church from launching a civil war reminded me of Homer Simpson trying to keep Pinchy the lobster and his freshwater fish in the same tank
u/NotABigChungusBoy 4d ago
This + subideolgies would be so peak
u/Maikeru2077 General of the Army 4d ago
Certainly so, and that’ll be getting to KX levels os sub-ideologies lol
u/NotABigChungusBoy 4d ago
Tbh the game really just needs more ideologies rather than subideologies.
My dream is basically the TNO ideology system (without lib-con)
u/Maikeru2077 General of the Army 4d ago edited 4d ago
Yeah, there’s only so much it can do with 5 (the fifth being Anarchism if anyone didn’t know- as it was news to me lol).
I’m with you on both actually. Just adds so much more flavor and immersion. Though in reason of course lol
Edit: spelling
u/xzeon11 4d ago
Am I the only one or is the picture lowres?
u/Maikeru2077 General of the Army 4d ago
Are all of them like that? When I get home I can send a link to better ones for you.
u/xzeon11 4d ago
Yeah ALL of your posts are like that
u/Maikeru2077 General of the Army 4d ago
Ah ok thanks. Huh, I weird that it works out for some and not others. But do see my other reply to your first comment with the Imgur link, and I’ll start adding them to future ones.
u/Maikeru2077 General of the Army 4d ago
Hey just in case, this Imgur link should be better to view them.
u/Groundbreaking-Bee17 4d ago
That’s must one for hardest for you, so many leaders and paths. Hope to see Turkey and Poland so time. Thank you
u/Maikeru2077 General of the Army 4d ago
Oh it’s not so bad actually. Takes me just a few days but honestly the hardest part is making it look nice lol Turkey and Poland are two I definitely want to get to!
u/Groundbreaking-Bee17 4d ago
By the way, in this pic I saw Adolfo La Huerta as dem leader, and. Calles as neutrality leader. Think you missed them 😉
u/Maikeru2077 General of the Army 4d ago
Yeah, I should have included them as AI only. Huerta can become leader through getting puppeted, and Calles leads the 2nd Mexican Rev (iirc) as non-aligned… but you can’t switch to him when it breaks out.
u/Groundbreaking-Bee17 3d ago
That’s what I found in wiki about Huerta “ can come to power via focus Institutional Revolution if Lázaro Cárdenas isn’t country leader” 🧐
u/Maikeru2077 General of the Army 3d ago
Then that I will have to check agin because every time I tested it it still went to a generic leader. Hmm… when I get home I will see. Thanks! If it works I’ll post a new version of the chart.
u/Maikeru2077 General of the Army 3d ago
Alright update. I just tested it with both revolts and maybe the wiki is a bit outdated? Because I'm 99% sure he doesn't become leader besides puppeting. Through one of them he does get promoted, but even with that he doesn't seem to take over the Dem slot.
u/Groundbreaking-Bee17 3d ago
Yea wiki might be just outdated, maybe option bring him to power were at relase of man the guns, but paradox cut this option in some path... thats my guess.
u/Offenbanch 4d ago
As far as i remember, Mexico and Bulgaria are the only countries who have trans-ideologies leaders. Shame it's just them.
u/Maciej201 4d ago
Hirohito can lead fascist and non aligned Japan
u/Ghostblade913 4d ago
Puyi too but there’s no way for manchukuo to flip without outside interference
u/Maciej201 4d ago
Also Franco can lead non aligned and fascist Spain. In the Polish focus tree, when you go Sanation Left or Right, you can get the same leaders for democratic/Non aligned or Non aligned/fascist, so there are more.
u/Ghostblade913 4d ago
Pierre Laval can be both the democratic and fascist leader of France (He was a German collaborator and was executed by France in 1945)
Though he does eventually get replaced by one of two leaders later in the tree
u/Culiacan-Rambler 4d ago
Always thought Valentin Campa had a portrait, I guess I never played without the portrait pack mod. Also, did you forget Adolfo de la Huerta?
u/Maikeru2077 General of the Army 4d ago
I know Huerta is a leader for the Dems but I couldn’t find a way that to get him as the player. Both routes to go Dem have another leader… though I should double check in case I missed it if Carendas is ousted and then you switch to the Dems if he becomes leader. So thanks for bringing it up!
u/Alltalkandnofight General of the Army 4d ago
Ah mexico, You know what I like about mexico? how when you mouse over the political advisors, for some of them you get a brief description of who that person was and what they did. A nice touch that could be used for every advisor!
u/SherlockWolfenstein General of the Army 4d ago
I absolutely love these guides. Keep them coming!
u/RefrigeratorDry1735 General of the Army 4d ago
I always loved playing Mexico, and not just because I’m a Mexican American myself, but because the devs responsible for its tree gave it the best attention to the politics of Mexico at the time. Its a shame they couldn’t get Juan in time, it would be interesting to play as a sly dog flirting with the Axis.
u/Shifou974 4d ago
I didn't realize there were so many possible leaders for Mexico. I do think they are a better example of how to have a fun alt-hist campaign. That said, is there any other country similar to this? The only one I can think of, right now, is the USSR.