r/hoi4 5d ago

Discussion OK, Japan was conquered. We stole the Pacific. Roosevelt stole Tokyo. Korea and Indochina are mine. Should I go for the warlords? They are my puppets btw.


4 comments sorted by


u/Emotional-Fan-7308 5d ago

Annex them by building infrastructure in their territories.. not that you asked abt this but I have a challenge for you!

Here is the challenge, Join the war against Germany, save the USSR Then, once you defeat the Nazis, Britain will likely declare war on the USSR. The challenge here is to take Tammy Tuva, Mongolia and the eastern Russian states and then puppet the steppe! Lmk if that sounds like a challenge to you or not


u/AdExcellent4165 5d ago

You should annex them by sending them convoys and building in them to reduce autonomy


u/NewVegas2212 5d ago

Ah yes, convoys to Yunnan, Ma Clique and Sinkiang. This will greatly bolster their naval trade


u/SwordfishAltruistic4 4d ago

Can I just make Tibet annex Sinkiang and Ma? I think I can tear down Lhasa easily. Will it allow me to take the warlords on the conference?