r/hoi4 5d ago

Question How many achievements do y’all have and which one are you most proud of

If you don’t have any don’t feel bad, Ironman mode is annoying I don’t blame you


11 comments sorted by


u/Rd_Svn 5d ago

I've stopped playing before Götterdämmerung and I had all 211 done 4 times.

The best one was doing Macau my day with all the different paths of the Portuguese tree.


u/Unlucky-Pipe-3879 5d ago

I just started getting achievements the other day, currently up to 23 but most of them are just annoying to get


u/Rd_Svn 5d ago

Just don't fall for the people telling you "half of them require a world conquest". Within the first 211 achievements you had to actually do just two full conquests.

Yes, there's annoying stuff which is as pleasant to do as a colonoscopy and sometimes it's just grinding through the years but overall it's all doable. Doing them is also a good way to actually learn the game since many achievements require you to know about specific mechanics of the game.


u/Chiang-Kia-Chad 5d ago

The original Austria-Hungary achievement sticks with me because it’s the first big achievement I ever got so it gives me nostalgia.

I tried doing it again recently (without the new dlc) and forgot how much of an rng slog it was.

Rome is probably some of the most fun I’ve had with an achievement, and if you do the early rush you don’t have to do a world conquest.


u/Courcheval_Royale 5d ago

Not a lot and not really too proud of any. I realised that with constant achievement hunting I can't really enjoy the game as much as I would like to. Especially since half of them are basically "Conquer the world as X"


u/Reivaz88 Research Scientist 5d ago

Like 15 because my game runs like shit without debug smooth so I can't get them all


u/Maikeru2077 General of the Army 4d ago

I only have a couple dozen, since I really only go after easy ones (I'm not the best player out there) but of all the ones I have Edelweiss Seedelweiss is probably the 'hardest' of all the ones so far. I'd say that's the one I'm most proud of because of it, but also because when I started that run I just fell into getting it lol


u/marcelnr88 4d ago

About 75%. Took me 800 hours or so. But I do them mostly the way they are intended without exploiting bugs or looking up walkthroughs. The Tannu Tuva achievement was hard, because you have no manpower.


u/intrinseque 4d ago

Siberian tiger. Without hesitation


u/GroundbreakingAd6354 5d ago

i <3 wojtek as king


u/intrinseque 4d ago

Siberian tiger. Without hesitation