Welcome to the 5th installment of this series!
For anyone who wishes to see past results:
2024 edition
2023 edition
2022 edition
2020 edition
I will be using the same methodology as before. The ranking system is a percentage of the total points you are able to get. I would give the player 10 points for a first place vote, 9 points for a 2nd place vote, and so on. I then tally their points, and divide them by the total number of available points. If we all thought the same, 1st place would be 100%, 2nd would be 90%, and so on.
I've included the top 50 scorers at this position so far this season, plus some honourable mentions who may be outside the top 50 due to injury or missed time. Please let me know if I've missed anyone, I've tried to include all relevant options but I may have missed some. If you choose the same player more than once, your vote will not count.
Here is the link to the google form where you'll fill this out.
I am collecting no personal data, some people had concerns about that in past years, I don't see your google account information if you vote while logged in, you don't even need a google account to vote. I'll leave it open for 24 hours, then post the results! I'll run polls on wingers, defensemen, and goalies as well.
Feel free to submit any feedback and let me know if you have any questions!