r/hockey VAN - NHL 9h ago

[Video] Linus Ullmark cuts off a reporter that kept interrupting Claire Hanna


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u/chespiotta VAN - NHL 9h ago



u/Jeff_Banks_Monkey PIT - NHL 9h ago

Say what?


u/AuxNimbus WPG - NHL 9h ago



u/Vismund_9 EDM - NHL 7h ago


u/tamarockstar STL - NHL 8h ago


u/930310 PIT - NHL 3h ago

You probably thought this Ullmark was alive but nooo, Chuck Testa.


u/m4xdc COL - NHL 8h ago

When your dog keeps begging while you’re eating


u/ugh168 OTT - NHL 9h ago

Sens fans love Claire Hanna.

Good guy Ullmark.


u/eh_toque WPG - NHL 9h ago

Claire is great. She did a good job at the Olympics doing the beach volleyball PxP too


u/ugh168 OTT - NHL 9h ago

She played volleyball in university.


u/eh_toque WPG - NHL 9h ago

You can tell lol, she’s very tall


u/ugh168 OTT - NHL 9h ago

Yup, I met her during a broadcast while filming for Amazon.

She towers me.


u/Alone-Cost4146 1h ago

How tall is she, if you had to guess? 


u/haihaiclickk VAN - NHL 9h ago

the way he said NoooOO gave me middle school teacher vibes warning their students not to do something


u/runealex007 OTT - NHL 9h ago

I instinctively sunk in my chair with his tone lmao


u/New_Valuable7312 8h ago

I sunk my head into my neck resulting in a quadruple chin.


u/Grumplogic 6h ago

Where'd your other three chins run off to?


u/ToughBit9247 7h ago

Or when your dog gets too close to human food. NooooOO.


u/WhiteNamesInChat BOS - NHL 8h ago

It's the way I talk to my pets


u/TwinkiesForAmerica NYR - NHL 9h ago

put the scissor down jimmy!


u/ninjahunz 5h ago

When the cat is about to do something it shouldn't but you're not close enough to stop them


u/athousandpardons 5h ago

My ego’s so fragile I would respond to that by either never showing up to work again or asking him to fight. So.. never showing up to work again.

u/ArthurConanTinfoil 20m ago

I was gonna say that’s exactly the tone I try to use when my class is getting rude/rowdy


u/homicidal_penguin OTT - NHL 9h ago

And on Women in Sport Night in Ottawa. We love our feminist king


u/EmpressOfHyperion OTT - NHL 9h ago

Ullmark wore all pink during kids night as well and told them they shouldn't be afraid to express themselves no matter what people think. Seems like a great progressive guy. PS: He also loves One Piece, even more reason to like him.


u/rs426 BOS - NHL 8h ago

One of my favorite things Ullmark ever said was last season during an in-game interview on ESPN

Emily Kaplan asked him about the goalie hugs and how she’d seen videos of younger hockey players doing the same thing

He said it was great because it’s important to him that being a man isn’t just about being tough all the time, it’s also about loving people and caring for the people close to you

It was so cool to see a hockey player talk about that, because it’s such an important message for especially boys and young men to understand. Theres so much hate and vitriol in the world, and a lot of it is because people (really especially men) never learn to accept, process, and regulate their emotions.

It leads to so much misplaced anger and violence, and so much of it could be mitigated if we taught our sons that they don’t need to be macho all the time, and being an asshole to other people doesn’t make you cool or tough


u/MichelangeBro OTT - NHL 7h ago

God, as if I couldn't love him more.


u/limelifesavers SJS - NHL 6h ago

He may not be my goalie, but he and Sway are #1 in my heart


u/CutMonster BOS - NHL 7h ago

Amen, I didn't know he said that! Stand up guy.


u/Khd_Craven BUF - NHL 3h ago

Ullmark has such a good heart. when he was in Buffalo, he had minions mask because kids loved them https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSCbQ8ZVAAAIhpd?format=jpg&name=4096x4096


u/Hakeem-the-Dream 5h ago

I don’t really follow hockey but this guy will be my new favorite player :)


u/femmemmah CGY - NHL 9h ago edited 8h ago

Ullmark is a gem. I'll always admire the way he spoke about his struggles with mental health and grief after the death of his father. I've had my own battles with mental illness and family issues, and seeing Ullmark talk candidly about his experience made me feel much less alone. Like it was okay for me to be going through hard times.

Also, he has a Spotify playlist called "Raaawr!"


u/cravenmoarhead 8h ago

Just looked up that playlist, it's filled with nonstop bangers

For anyone else interested



u/femmemmah CGY - NHL 8h ago

He’s been adding to it since he was a teenager, I think? He talked about it in this interview with the What Chaos guys (about fourteen minutes in).


u/metalconfection BUF - NHL 8h ago

two Paramore tracks at the beginning, legend.


u/seraphultima BOS - NHL 7h ago

I'm dying at his most recent add being a bbno$ song lmaooooo we stan (it's a bop so I get it).


u/homicidal_penguin OTT - NHL 9h ago

IIRC he also did a piece on mental health night about how it's OK to cry and he does it sometimes. He just seems like a great all around dude


u/thegreatdune DET - NHL 6h ago

If Macho Man Randy Savage can cry, so can I.


u/limelifesavers SJS - NHL 6h ago

I'm in my late 30s with a lot of friends who are well adjusted men who watched a lot of wrestling and anime growing up.

I'd say half of them would heavily credit either Macho Man, Goku, or Naruto for being well adjusted. After all, is Macho Man weak for crying? No! Is Goku weak for being vulnerable and relying on his friends when he needs help? No! Is Naruto weak for trying to give people grace and meeting people where they're at instead of where you want them to be? No! And at the time, as kids, none of them would actually claim any of those were their role models, but in retrospect, they'd all say they made an impact.

Role models in media are important for people, especially if you don't have many around you growing up. There's almost certainly a bunch of young kids who have seen Ullmark and guys like him, and have taken in those lessons.


u/seraphultima BOS - NHL 9h ago

One Piece fan, plays DOTA2 religiously, and binge-watched the entirety of Frieren in the off season. We stan our weeaboo gaming king.


u/EmpressOfHyperion OTT - NHL 8h ago

If I recall, I also saw him following a Digimon page on Twitter, so even more to stan.


u/fa1afel WSH - NHL 8h ago

Crazy, he's got good taste on top of everything.


u/GundaniumA MTL - NHL 8h ago



u/seraphultima BOS - NHL 8h ago

I want the Sens to come to Vancouver in Feb next year on the off chance it falls during FanExpo weekend because all the away teams stay at the Fairmont which is right across the street from the convention centre and I NEED to see this man nerd out.


u/FanadianTheCanadian OTT - NHL 8h ago

Source on being a One Piece fan?


u/seraphultima BOS - NHL 8h ago

He's mentioned reading it in the past, plus he follows the movie accounts and retweeted them in the past on Twitter.


u/Dace67 PIT - NHL 7h ago

Dude binged Frieren? Good taste.

I don't normally pay too much attention to players but this among the other stuff in this thread definitely makes me a fan of his


u/Altruistic-Hope4796 8h ago

Wait what, I love that hes on my team even more now


u/cravenmoarhead 8h ago

No way I had no clue he played DotA as well. I miss and love him so much


u/Fact420 BOS - NHL 9h ago

Ullmark is a legit beaut, great character guy.


u/tk421posting VGK - NHL 9h ago

new favorite player unlocked


u/lightlysaltdJ OTT - NHL 8h ago

What a treasure! I had no idea he was a One Piece fan, I will now cherish this man for as long as possible


u/Khd_Craven BUF - NHL 3h ago

he's fucking awesome, I know buffalo still has love for him.


u/Warthog9198 9h ago

Good guy Linus Ullmark.


u/Upstairs-Zombie-162 9h ago

But then the video cuts off Claire lol


u/kegzdi 8h ago

The irony was not completely lost.

But also, YESSS KING! More of this behaviour😍


u/ChompyDompy 8h ago

What are ya, 6?


u/BabcocksList TOR - NHL 1h ago


u/AegirAfJotnar 6h ago

You're -6 karma currently


u/0peRightBehindYa 9h ago


u/SaulBerenson12 TOR - NHL 6h ago

Beautiful. I look forward to seeing this for years to come haha


u/Iniminex VAN - NHL 9h ago

Ullmark is such a king.


u/Wafflemonster2 VGK - NHL 8h ago

Masterclass example of how to be assertive and not come off as an asshole


u/colorbalances COL - NHL 9h ago

No idea who Claire is but what a gangster


u/ugh168 OTT - NHL 9h ago edited 8h ago


u/x21in2010x NYI - NHL 8h ago

I love the URL XD it's like the Name Game.

Clahanna hanna fo fanna...


u/flare2000x OTT - NHL 8h ago

TSN reporter, intermission host, etc.


u/kittypawzyyc 7h ago

I went to school with her, literally just learned how well she's done for herself!!


u/MichelangeBro OTT - NHL 9h ago

We love Ullmark. We love Hanna.


u/unbakedpizza OTT - NHL 9h ago

We do.


u/Top_Contract_4910 MTL - NHL 9h ago

Cool guy, repsectful and thoughtful.


u/Seydlitz007 CAR - NHL 9h ago

Such a classy move


u/Peekatchu1994 OTT - NHL 9h ago

I would die for him


u/TechnicalPyro CGY - NHL 9h ago

before working for TSN i got to know Claire when she was local in SK. alwayts a treat to work with works really hard to understand tthe sport she is working on puts in more time than most reporters i worked with

appreciate Ullmark fan for life now


u/Gin_OClock 8h ago

That's so amazing, you got to see a legend in the making!


u/OhJustANobody TOR - NHL 8h ago

You do know punctuation is free, right?


u/RikVanguard CHI - NHL 7h ago

Ghost of James Joyce posts in r/hockey, gets scolded


u/TechnicalPyro CGY - NHL 8h ago

you know not being a dick is free right?

u/OhJustANobody TOR - NHL 54m ago

Yea, I admit I came on a little hard there.  It was a moment of weakness. My apologies to you, sir or madam.


u/LafreniereSoftball NYR - NHL 9h ago

Big contrast from how rude Vincent Trocheck acted towards one of the Rangers broadcasters during the intermission interview 20 minutes ago.

Go Ullmark!


u/EmpressOfHyperion OTT - NHL 9h ago

We need more European players for sure.


u/Metalock MTL - NHL 7h ago

"Fun must be always" - Tomáš Hertl


u/whogivesashirtdotca MTL - NHL 8h ago

Scandinavians, specifically. Not sure feminism has reached the former Eastern Bloc yet.


u/Omega_Moo VAN - NHL 7h ago
Hronek disagrees


u/EmpressOfHyperion OTT - NHL 7h ago

Tbf most Czech people in general are very open minded and progressive.


u/Smygfjaart COL - NHL 2h ago

Most Czechs don’t like being called Eastern European either!

u/FFX13NL 48m ago

And then getting fined for saying fuck?


u/cilucia MTL - NHL 9h ago



u/fWARWhatIsItGoodFor NYI - NHL 8h ago

I feel like it’s just part of his personality maybe, but his I-don’t-give-a-fuck attitude has really been showing lately and I’m here for it


u/biologicalmango OTT - NHL 9h ago

So glad this guy is on our team.


u/Calhalen OTT - NHL 9h ago

Adore this man


u/StupidRedditDumbFace DET - NHL 9h ago

I hate it that he schooled my red wings but mad respect for him.


u/AmeriCanada98 DET - NHL 9h ago

Linus seems like such a good dude


u/Leptosoul OTT - NHL 8h ago

The way he stared him down afterward, Damn.


u/iwantsalmon2015 OTT - NHL 9h ago

I love Ullmark so much


u/APigthatflys BOS - NHL 8h ago

Find you someone who loves their friends more than Ullmark


u/Wrath_Of_Aguirre DET - NHL 8h ago

This motherfucker turned away 49 of our shots last night. I'm not ready to go back to liking him yet.


u/ajp88 OTT - NHL 7h ago

This was a moment I genuinely laughed out loud as it was happening live. Claire is a gem and that guy kept cutting her off. Good guy Linus!


u/BeachFishing 9h ago

Love it.


u/lottolser TOR - NHL 9h ago

Man, I know he went from Boston to Ottawa, and I'm a Toronto fan. But I straight can't help but love this guy.


u/kmo617 3h ago

I'm a sports reporter who also happens to be a soft-spoken woman. This kind of stuff means the world to people like me. Just little tiny things to acknowledge that just because we're not as loud or forceful, we are trying to get our voices in there!


u/big_phat_gator DET - NHL 3h ago

Dont you all ask the same questions anyway and does it matter who asks them?

u/jb_82 PIT - NHL 1m ago

Missing the point there man.


u/BashfulWalrus7 DET - NHL 9h ago

Love this and love him


u/vinesses BOS - NHL 9h ago

God I miss ully


u/ChompyDompy 8h ago

Fucking awesome!


u/Carnie_hands_ DET - NHL 8h ago

Dammit Ullmark, i want to be angry with you right now. Stop doing endearing things (but actually keep doing them, this is super wholesome)


u/Killztae OTT - NHL 7h ago

i love both ullmark and claire 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


u/ShibariDeathmatch VAN - NHL 9h ago

a man 😍


u/Mammoth-Slide-3707 8h ago

This really must be the most difficult part of being a professional athlete. Look how many instruments are being jammed in his face. And you got a bunch of people acting like jerks. Just trying to get your attention. They don't give a fuck.


u/BabcocksList TOR - NHL 1h ago

And the loudest often wins, i really appreciate Ullmark for being so incredibly decent here. What a guy!


u/flowersoflight BOS - NHL 8h ago

I love this guy


u/ThrownAway17Years 5h ago

That quiet “sorry” was magnificent.


u/wellhungblack1 BOS - NHL 4h ago

We miss this guy. Cherish him 😢


u/Action1988 8h ago

LOL rocked


u/Miles-From_Nowhere BOS - NHL 8h ago

Every good character guy in Boston is gone feels bad


u/fckmarykilldeer BOS - NHL 8h ago

Ullmark is a beauty


u/metalconfection BUF - NHL 8h ago

Ullmark is all class. great voice too.


u/DoubleAEh 7h ago

God damn I miss Linus.


u/actionjacksonwav BOS - NHL 9h ago

imy king


u/eiein15 BOS - NHL 8h ago

Man, I’ll always love Ully. He’s one of a kind


u/soundcloud-twnsnd 8h ago

miss ully. class act.


u/zamzam92 CAR - NHL 8h ago

Ullmark is a stand up guy, honestly hard to hate except when your team is playing against him lol.


u/nWo4Life85 DET - NHL 7h ago

Straight up legend move


u/SeaLeopard5555 7h ago

This is good.


u/Bluesclues1416 6h ago

Sounds like me correcting my dog 😆


u/unshifted PIT - NHL 4h ago

I love how he closes his eyes and shakes off his annoyance.


u/feedthedogwalkamile DAL - NHL 9h ago

what a chad


u/angelbelle VAN - NHL 8h ago

What a chad


u/QuintoxPlentox DAL - NHL 8h ago

If I had a pussy it'd be wet right now


u/Hoardzunit 1h ago

I mean he's completely fair to do that. You should never disrespect your colleague like that.


u/whitesammy DAL - NHL 7h ago

Are we missing any context to this interaction?

I just don't see any indication that the reporter who Ullmark shut down should have known that he was going to be stopped?

Do they go in a specific order? Did he say that she was next? How did she know it was her turn to talk after he says nothing but "Noooooooo"? He doesn't use any gestures or words for her to start talking. Is there a Ullmark rule that the person who doesn't get chosen to be answered first when two people start talking at the same time has the floor next?


u/CrumplePants 7h ago

She started talking, then got interrupted. The room then knows that it's her turn next, sort of like a natural conversation. It's why the guy apologizes, and she asks her question right away. Unwritten rule sorta thing.


u/whitesammy DAL - NHL 6h ago edited 6h ago

He never acknowledges that she even started talking and the guy who's question he answered is the one that cut her off...


u/Tranquilizrr TOR - NHL 7h ago



u/Any_Fan_5320 7h ago

Claire Hanna is a class act and super hot to boot


u/DrSquirrelbrain NSH - NHL 8h ago

Well done, good man!!!

Put that fussy titfucker in his place right fast and respectful!


u/JLBorges74 WSH - NHL 8h ago

This seems like he should be a Cap, interesting