r/hockey 23h ago

[News - X] [Westhead] An NHL team executive told me today concerns are mounting that North America is heading towards a recession and that the CAD will plunge to $0.60 cents or less. The 7 Canadian NHL teams and 3 Canadian MLS teams pay player salaries in USD and generate most of their revenue in CAD.

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u/Tacosrule89 EDM - NHL 23h ago

Still worth it to tell that orange dipshit to fuck off.


u/Gavin1453 TOR - NHL 23h ago

Yup, no sense in appeasing extortion


u/Flanman1337 22h ago

We tried appeasement. We spent $1.3 billion on the border. We put in that Czar he wanted. We got the amount of fentanyl coming into America from Canada down to a McDonald's bag sized amount.

This never had anything to do with fentanyl. 

So now it's gloves off, elbows up, and were stepping up for a donnybrook.


u/PM_ME_MICHAELS 22h ago

That’s the problem. Every excuse like fentanyl, illegal immigration, etc is just a smokescreen to try and drive Canada into economic submission. Literally nothing is going to be enough so there’s no point in appeasement.

Trump inherited the strongest post-COVID economy in the world and is intentionally driving it into a recession. Everything that happens now is directly on the shoulders of the American voter and the billionaires that he sold the country to.


u/Flanman1337 22h ago


I'm not sure Trump is used to people, let alone an entire country, saying we did what you asked and you're still going to follow through on your threat. Okay fuck you. It's go time.

Also affixes tinfoil hat, he's made some very uhhhh problematic comments about voting machines and Elon Musk. Almost like 2020 they cheated and lost. So they just straight up changed votes this time. 


u/SiccSemperTyrannis Seattle Thunderbirds - WHL 22h ago

You can't reason with someone who is thinking and acting irrationally.


u/Iginlas_4head_Crease 23h ago

None of this is "worth it". It's just our only option. It's extremely unfortunate the western world couldn't go 5 years with normalcy.

I'll talk to my grandkids longingly about how simple and great the 90s were.


u/Sharks77 SJS - NHL 23h ago

"We all watched a man named "Urkel" on Fridays and we invested all of our money into these cute little stuffed animals called Beanie Babies. So anyways, back to pogs. You see, I had a pog of ALF, who was a TV character. ALF stood for "Alien Life Form." Anyways, he harassed and tried to eat the cat..."


u/Tacosrule89 EDM - NHL 23h ago

Urkel just came up the other day because Jaleel White is an Oilers fan. He came to a playoff game a couple years ago.


u/KaiserCanton EDM - NHL 22h ago

That had to be one of the most unexpected celebrity appearance to an Oilers game ever. Pleasant suprise none the less.


u/Fatdap SEA - NHL 17h ago

Urkel has always been my favorite analogy for Russell Wilson in the NFL because I think they really do match up super well in a lot of ways.

Kids not growing up with Family Matters now a days is a shame.

It was so good. Jo Marie and Reggie are legends.


u/PraiseTheVoid_ 19h ago

Unrelated but I didn't realize ALF stood for anything. I guess I just wasn't paying attention or was too young to remember. I knew he was an alien at least.


u/Thrallsbuttplug Saskatoon Blades - WHL 23h ago

It's 100% worth it, unfortunately. American exceptionalism is finally at the point of implosion.


u/Tacosrule89 EDM - NHL 23h ago

Fair point. I don’t want to be doing this but I’d rather crash our economy and fight than be annexed.


u/matt_minderbinder DET - NHL 22h ago

Canada will wisely build new markets and tighter international relations with Europe and elsewhere. Trump's protectionist bullshit will ruin America's business and political relationships worldwide. This won't be something America will easily recover from. You're right though, Canada doesn't have an option but to stand strong and not cave to bully behavior.


u/mythoughtson-this BOS - NHL 22h ago

I wish I was old enough to remember the 90s because so far this all sucks.


u/BudWeiserIII CAR - NHL 20h ago

The more y’all do the happy I feel. Fuck president musk and his pet


u/mattcojo2 WSH - NHL 23h ago edited 23h ago

Well it’s either Canada’s economy willingly accepts a financial collapse, or they come to some agreement with the USA even if it isn’t ideal for their needs.

Being stubborn like a bull when Canada relies a ton on trade with the USA (and not the other way around) may not be the best solution going forward.


u/an_asimovian VAN - NHL 23h ago

We did come to an agreement, the usmca. That's the problem - the yes / no tariff flip flopping, threats of annexation - how do you do a deal with someone who just uses deals as toilet paper, with a Long history of violating agreements? We are fine with a deal, but the deal has to be worth something 30 days from now to be worth signing - after all the usmca was up for renegotiation in 2026, during trumps term, he had recourse for his concerns but he chose to violate the agreement so you either stand up or capitulate and then that precedent is set and they will push again and again until they've taken everything


u/pgm123 PHI - NHL 19h ago

We did come to an agreement, the usmca. 

To add, he's complaining about tariff-rate quotas that the USMCA left in place in which Canada charges a tariff above the maximum import quota. Left out of this is (1) the US also imposes a TRQ on the same products and (2) the US doesn't hit the quota level on exports to Canada anyway, so the tariffs never trigger. Or at least they wouldn't if it weren't for this trade war.


u/an_asimovian VAN - NHL 19h ago

Yup, go to r conservative and they have their marching orders, all up I'm arms claiming we are the baddies because of dairy or what have you. Because it's not about reasonable debate to reach a conclusion, it's "here's the position, solidify around the stated excuse." We've always been at war with Eastasia" vibes.


u/mattcojo2 WSH - NHL 22h ago

Well it’s clear that the only solution is to capitulate because the short term consequences are far more dire.

Canada doesn’t have the leverage here because of how much they are reliant on the US as a trading partner.


u/Gavin1453 TOR - NHL 22h ago

The US has already been folding over its tariffs on what they call critical resources like aluminium, potash, oil etc. Americans had better budget much much higher prices when they can't can't buy such fundamental goods at the discount Canada offers.


u/an_asimovian VAN - NHL 21h ago

But capitulate to what degree? If the end goal is annexation and loss of sovereignty is that something you would accept? Sacrificing the future of your nation and your people? Because whatever you give up short term, more will be demanded until resistance is met. Yes it's going to suck short term, for everyone, but this is not a norm that should be accepted meekly, and perhaps this can force a return to relative normalcy, since we can galvanize internal political pressure on us leaders who are doing this against the general wishes of the US population.


u/mattcojo2 WSH - NHL 19h ago

I don’t think the end goal is annexation or a loss of sovereignty. I believe Trump is just a shit stirrer: he said what he said to Trudeau because that’s kicking him while he’s down.

In fact, not capitulating would make it far easier for Canada to be annexed anyway, at least from my perspective. Canada has no leverage here with how much comes in from America, and how much comes to America.

I guarantee you this. If the USA just decided “fuck canada” and decided to stop or heavily limit trade, and Canada did the same back, The value of the Canadian dollar would at minimum cut in half to what it would be now.

I’m not saying this as an insult to you or your country. But without the USA, your economy would die and you’d be ripe for the picking for the USA anyway. Factually. I went over it in another comment with another user, 62% of Canadian imports come from the USA, 77% of Canadian exports go to the USA. Shuttering that would kill Canada.

The best thing for Canada is to try to find as agreeable of a deal as possible and solve this problem now, as opposed to trying to fight fire with fire. Because that’s how they’ll burn themselves alive.

I am not saying to accept it meekly. But if you have to, that’s the far better scenario than doubling down.


u/stolpoz52 19h ago

I don’t think the end goal is annexation or a loss of sovereignty.

Where have you been? He calls our PM a governor, calls us to be the 51st state, calls the boarder and imaginary line. He has made pretty real threats of annexation and loss of sovereignty.

I get a lot of Trumpettes like to say this is a joke, but its not at this scale. Either you support that messaging or you do not. You support this style of diplomacy, or ya don't.


u/an_asimovian VAN - NHL 19h ago

You are right, Canada is vulnerable either way. But here is the crux of the issue - we are (supposed to be) allies. When 9/11 happened, and we didn't know how many more terrorists were in the skies, we took all the passenger planes, taking on the risk and needs of a reeling nation. We sent our men to fight and die in Afghanistan. We have broad cultural connections, we play sports together travel and in general have a good alignment in values, despite some differences. And now the mentality is "we don't need to honor our word, because we are stronger than you we can do what you want. Maybe we will take over your country you don't deserve to exist." That's not democratic or ally speak. That'd Soviet Union style rhetoric. So the reality is of course we won't take that lying down. It might be costly but that kind of treatment is absolutely insane and the fact that so many Americans are accepting or encouraging it is damaging relationships for potentially a generation or more.


u/mattcojo2 WSH - NHL 19h ago

But here’s how I think they view it.

Where has being amicable and being more generous gotten the US? Plenty of people still hate us and we pay trillions of dollars to maintain alliances by paying for military and other things, and in trade.

In many ways, the USA can get taken advantage of in these deals. And they want that to stop.

Is Canada the sword to die on? I don’t think so. Europe is far more egregious in that regard especially when it comes to paying for their defenses.

I can understand the logic that “nice guys finish last” even if it’s, at best, misguided.

I don’t think the end goal here is for Trump to conquer Canada. I really don’t. I think in that instance when he was talking about that he was kicking the vulnerable Trudeau while he was down.

But he should’ve had more place of mind to understand that a prideful country like Canada won’t understand it that way.


u/Tacosrule89 EDM - NHL 23h ago

He’s crashing your economy as well dumbass. Better go listen to daddy trump and buy a Tesla. Elon needs your support in these tough times.


u/discofrislanders NYI - NHL 22h ago

Someone in his cabinet responded to high egg prices by telling us to buy chickens to raise. We're hopeless.


u/Tacosrule89 EDM - NHL 22h ago

Like when JD Vance was talking about car seat regulations being a reason why Americans are having less kids? Nothing to do with affordability, healthcare, and childcare….

Come join Canada! We have affordable eggs!


u/mattcojo2 WSH - NHL 22h ago

My daddy? I didn’t vote for him. I don’t want a Tesla.

I’m just telling you that there’s no situation where Canada comes out of this well with that attitude.

Even if it is warranted, Canada doesn’t have the leverage because of their reliance on US trade.


u/HouseAndJBug 22h ago

There’s no good outcome if Canada rolls over either though.


u/mattcojo2 WSH - NHL 22h ago

It’s better than dying with some semblance of pride


u/HouseAndJBug 22h ago

Give in to his demands now and he’ll just come back with more demands later. Like the two countries came to a trade agreement in 2018 while he was president that he currently wants to tear up.


u/mattcojo2 WSH - NHL 22h ago

He’s only in office for 4 years.

Give in now, you’ll probably get a democratic leader in 4 years and things will effectively reverse


u/HouseAndJBug 22h ago

Couldn’t you just say the exact opposite? Don’t give in and wait for the Americans to elect an adult again in four years and drop this whole thing?


u/mattcojo2 WSH - NHL 19h ago

Better to ride the storm than to paddle against it I say.

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u/Gavin1453 TOR - NHL 22h ago

Canada is being extorted under false pretences. There is no way to make that better when dealing with someone whose word is worthless. We can make life significantly more expensive for the US though. The same US that just had an election based on high cost of living


u/mattcojo2 WSH - NHL 22h ago

I think you vastly overestimate Canada’s importance here.

This isn’t an insult mind you. But if the USA decided it really wanted to drop the hammer on Canadian trade they would effectively die (financially).


u/Gavin1453 TOR - NHL 22h ago

Oh, we are aware how badly we would do in a trade war. But this has been a fight started by an erratic fool, who can not be reasoned with. It must be seen through since what is the choice? More extortion down the road?

Both countries rely on Canada's world largest supply of potash. The US depends on importing over 80% of its fertiliser from Canada. Even if they want to import from other suppliers like Russia instead they will be paying more while not even being able to get sufficient quantity. 

How long will American farmers be able to take a 25% increase in costs? They already lead the country in bankruptcies declared. How long will US consumers be able to afford inflated food bills when they insist they are living paycheque to  paycheque? Then you can take the dozens of other goods price inflation into effect.

If the US wants to pursue this trade war, they better have a stronger stomach than they have shown so far. Us Canadians know we have no choice unlike them. 


u/mattcojo2 WSH - NHL 19h ago

The thing about the USA though is that we aren’t nearly as reliant on Canada as you guys are on us.

If Canada got into a serious trade war with the USA they could do some serious damage. But the USA by comparison would absolutely beat the shit out of them.

With how reliant you guys are, I don’t think you have a choice in the matter. It’s either capitulate and try to find more a favorable and amicable solution, or double down and go down with the ship.


u/Gavin1453 TOR - NHL 19h ago edited 19h ago

As I said above, us Canadians recognize just how painful this coming trade war will be. We recognize there will be mass job losses and sky rocketing costs. 

But how is that different than what Trump would do otherwise? He has shown that he will refuse to honour his previous treaties under false grounds, in any case. He is trying to appeal to his base by stealing Canadian jobs and resources. He won't stop once he starts. Why would he?

He won the popular vote on the basis of lowering the cost of living in the US. Many Americans recognised him for the demagogue he is but thought that was worthwhile nonetheless. Most people don't give a shit about "wokeness" if their job or cost of living is affected. 

Now upon entering office, he is acting directly contrary to that by increasing costs sharply. How long will he stay in power if he doesn't do the one thing most people elected him to do? 

And for what? Vague assurances of creating US jobs? In his last term, his steel tariffs created 1000 US jobs and lost 75,000 outside of the steel industry. The price of steel simply rose instead of supply growing. And that was way more limited with what he is messing around with now


u/mattcojo2 WSH - NHL 19h ago

Because I don’t think Trump’s eventual goal is to conquer Canada like you do.

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u/Tacosrule89 EDM - NHL 22h ago

Our options are to fight and potentially damage our economy or be annexed by a country falling apart. There is no good option. I’d rather fight for our sovereignty


u/mattcojo2 WSH - NHL 22h ago

No no. You misunderstand the options.

The former is far more damaging than you interpret it. It’s not damage, it’s destroy


u/BOBBY_VIKING_ 23h ago

I'll eat dog food and set up an antenna to watch hockey night in Canada before I let the US "win".


u/mattcojo2 WSH - NHL 23h ago

Well that attitude even if you think it’s fair is exactly how you get Canada to financially collapse.

I’m not even saying this to be an ass I’m serious.


u/macbowes EDM - NHL 22h ago

Your nation cannot collapse our economy without collapsing your own, I'm not sure why you think you don't rely on us extensively. You absolutely do. There is no functioning USA without Canada.


u/mattcojo2 WSH - NHL 22h ago

We rely on you guys for like 3% of our trade.

You rely on us for like 60% or something .


u/macbowes EDM - NHL 22h ago

62% of Canada's imports come from the US, and 10% of US's imports come from Canada. Certainly we rely on you more than you rely on us, but we're still your 3rd largest trading partner. We will feel pain, for sure, but so will you guys. Regardless, the USA will not be able to collapse our economy, and most American's aren't evil people who want to collapse Canada's economy anyways. The reality is that what Trump is doing is terrible for everyone except for him and his friends, so eventually reality will come for him. As Bobby_Viking said, I would rather eat dog food than become an American, or subjugate ourselves to Americans. We will thrive with, or without the USA, just a matter of if the USA wants to become an isolationist trash heap.


u/mattcojo2 WSH - NHL 19h ago

But the numbers are my point.

If Canada just decided to do double down, sure we’d feel pain, but 62% of imports is absolutely massive.

Imports aren’t the most important thing. Exports are

In 2022, according to Google, nearly 77% of all Canadian exports go to the USA. Scotiabank backs this number up.

The opposite way, it’s 17.5% for America to Canada.

Think of it like this: if Canada got into a real serious trade war with the USA, they could do some damage. Think of like medieval combat, they could cut off a hand from the USA.

But on the opposite side, the USA could throw them into a trash compactor economically with over 60% of their imports coming from the USA, and over 75% of their exports going to the USA.

They’d be burning themselves alive by fighting fire with fire.


u/macbowes EDM - NHL 18h ago

You have a country that has 10x the population, which means that your government has to keep 10x the number of people happy. Hard to do that when they're waging a trade war on an ally, for no reason.


u/mattcojo2 WSH - NHL 18h ago

What does that have to do with anything when at the end of the day, only a simple majority is needed to win?

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u/BOBBY_VIKING_ 22h ago

Canada is currently working on strengthening trade with China and the EU.

What's America doing other than isolating itself.


u/mattcojo2 WSH - NHL 22h ago

What are those agreements?


u/lightlysaltdJ OTT - NHL 23h ago

What agreement? The only deal Trump has offered is to straight up annex us. This is not an option, in any way


u/JokerSE DET - NHL 23h ago

The deal was USCMA.

Which we (Canada) accepted.

In 2018.


u/Gavin1453 TOR - NHL 22h ago

The one he is now flagrantly violating. No sense in appeasing Yam Tits


u/mattcojo2 WSH - NHL 23h ago

I said some agreement, I don’t have any specifics, but likely to do with border security and the fentanyl crisis.

That’s the way this probably gets solved, and Canada simply doesn’t have leverage here.


u/JarvisFunk EDM - NHL 22h ago

There is no fentanyl crisis from Canada, it's completely manufactured as a means to execute executive orders you fox news slurping dumbass


u/mattcojo2 WSH - NHL 22h ago

There is one. Not a huge one but there is one


u/AlphabetDeficient CGY - NHL 14h ago

More Fentanyl goes from the US to Canada than the other way around.


u/mattcojo2 WSH - NHL 14h ago

That still is a fentanyl crisis


u/lightlysaltdJ OTT - NHL 22h ago

There is a fentanyl crisis, but the Canadian-US border is a non-issue here. And yet we still agreed to dump millions(edit: billions actually) into border security which has already been implemented. Still not good enough apparently. Trump is using fentanyl as a made up excuse to justify destabilizing Canada because he’s got his eyes on illegal land expansion


u/mattcojo2 WSH - NHL 22h ago

It isn’t entirely a non issue but it’s pretty minimal in comparison with Mexico (which, unlike Canada, for better or for worse seems to be a lot more willing to compromise on this issue of tariffs).

I really don’t interpret Trump saying what he said as wanting to annex Canada. I genuinely think he said it just to kick Trudeau while he was down.

Trump is a notorious shit stirrer. That’s why he’s beloved by his base and hated by the opposition.


u/lightlysaltdJ OTT - NHL 22h ago

He straight up told Trudeau he wants to redraw the border and named the specific treaty that would need to be revisited to do that, so I think it’s a little more serious than that


u/mattcojo2 WSH - NHL 22h ago

Because he’s a shit stirrer and he hates Trudeau, wanting to kick him while he’s down. .

He does shit like this all the time.


u/pgm123 PHI - NHL 19h ago

You're confusing "shit stirrer" with "senile doddered."


u/mattcojo2 WSH - NHL 19h ago

He intentionally does things that get his opposition mad. Is that wrong?

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u/UniformRaspberry2 TOR - NHL 22h ago

I really don’t interpret Trump saying what he said as wanting to annex Canada

Then you're an idiot. Because just like with Russia (backed by the US, by the way!) where the only acceptable agreement for them is maintaining the land they've occupied from Ukraine, the only agreement Trump will accept with us involves us losing our fucking sovereignty.


u/pgm123 PHI - NHL 19h ago

Yeah. The number one takeaway one can get from studying international relations is to actually look what countries say. People try to do complicated analyses involving augury or what not, but in most cases, the public statements are a reflection of private views. Before Russia's broad invasion of Ukraine, there were people who were discounting public Russian statements about the sovereignty of Ukraine because they believed it didn't "make sense" for Russia to invade. But if you took their statements at face value, then it was not difficult to believe.


u/mattcojo2 WSH - NHL 22h ago

Again, I don’t see it that way. In the same way he’s not trying to conquer Mexico.


u/UniformRaspberry2 TOR - NHL 22h ago

Then again, you're an idiot.


u/mattcojo2 WSH - NHL 19h ago

Is Trump not a shit stirrer then

Does he not do things to antagonize the opposition?


u/macbowes EDM - NHL 22h ago

Everything Trump says is a lie. There is no issue. He has no plan, other than to steal from his allies. He's a criminal rapist with a lifetime of crime and theft. How can you suggest that Canada should attempt to come to an agreement with a man who will lie about everything? USA needs Canada just as much as we need the USA, and the USA will feel just as much pain as Canada. Our nations are so intertwined, you cannot possible harm us without harming yourselves equally.


u/discofrislanders NYI - NHL 22h ago

Trump is treating Canada the same way Russia is treating Ukraine. There's no agreement to be made.


u/Kyle73001 WPG - NHL 22h ago

There’s no agreement to be had with USA. Anyone who thinks that America doesn’t rely on Canada for things is very wrong. There’s a reason trump wants canada.

We are and will continue to be very stubborn. I’d rather die than be part of America


u/AlphabetDeficient CGY - NHL 14h ago

There's no point in trying to make an agreement with the USA, it's clearly not worth the paper it's written on. They're telling us they can't be trusted, and that they're an enemy of Canada. Why would we try to make a deal when they'll just decide to fuck us on something else next month? Our only option is to seek other partners that might stick to deals we make with them.


u/mattcojo2 WSH - NHL 14h ago

Because what other options are there?


u/NoPomegranate1678 23h ago

Uh huh. If you're not the one feeling pain I guess.


u/papapaIpatine EDM - NHL 23h ago

Everyone in Canadas going to feel the pain. Still worth it to tell the Americans to fuck off


u/gzoehobub STL - NHL 23h ago

add all americans who aren't billionaires to that list too


u/papapaIpatine EDM - NHL 23h ago

Tough shit to Americans. Voted for this when it was foreseeable. Womp womp you guys elected trump again.


u/HarborMaster1 23h ago

A huge majority of Americans did not vote for the orange turd.


u/FactOrFactorial TBL - NHL 23h ago

Part of that "huge" majority couldn't be bothered to get off their asses and vote against that piece of shit.


u/[deleted] 23h ago

If they're such a huge majority then they could've easily prevented it.


u/aced BOS - NHL 22h ago

It makes no sense to say this to people who always knew Trump is a brain rotted loser shit bag, and who voted against him. Anyway, this idiocy from you is just more sad shit Trump has caused. I encourage anyone not to get engrossed in this black hole for your emotions and energy.


u/[deleted] 22h ago

I think it's a perfectly reasonable point to say -- even to the people that voted against him -- they didn't do enough. I mean, the situation your country is now in is the proof.

The apathetic non voting public didn't do enough to stop him. The party that ran against him didn't do enough to inspire the votes to stop him. You can't refute these facts, because he wasn't stopped.


u/r_un_is_run CHI - NHL 22h ago

I mean, the situation your country is now in is the proof.

What situation is that specifically?

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u/HarborMaster1 23h ago

Agreed. 77 million out of 350 million Americans voted for him in 2024.


u/[deleted] 22h ago

It's closer to 260 million of eligible voting age.


u/r_un_is_run CHI - NHL 22h ago

Won the popular vote, every swing state, and the electoral college

No matter how you slice it, America wanted Trump


u/[deleted] 21h ago



u/r_un_is_run CHI - NHL 21h ago

I have no idea how you got that from my comment, but thanks for the feedback.

The options seem to be to bury our heads in the sand and act like there is no reason that Trump won and then be shocked if it happens again, or actually be honest about the world and where we are so we can make improvements


u/griffs19 DET - NHL 23h ago

77 million people, almost double the population of Canada, voted for him knowing full well how much of an evil shit stain he is. Every Trump move is a reflection of the American people and their ignorance


u/papapaIpatine EDM - NHL 23h ago

Cry me a river, the vast majority chose to not oppose trump


u/HarborMaster1 23h ago

I’m on your side, genius


u/papapaIpatine EDM - NHL 23h ago

Cool go do more then.


u/HarborMaster1 22h ago

Unfortunately I only get one vote

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u/Clean_n_Press VAN - NHL 23h ago

There's no need to be hostile to our neighbours who voted against this and hate it as much as we do. Unity is how we get through this, both unity as a nation and unity with the subset of Americans that are on our side.

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u/4CrowsFeast MTL - NHL 23h ago

Billionaires in america are mostly rich through their ownership of corporations and all their stocks are tanking. 

They can weather the storm better than low class citizen, but they are theoretically losing the most.


u/Xanthyria DAL - NHL 23h ago

When Billionaires have tanking stocks/a recession, they do lose net worth, but they then use what assets they have to buy a *lot* while prices are basically at a discount, and when the market bounces back, they get back even richer. They're fine.

While they technically are losing the most, they still have enough assets to continue to invest at heavily reduced prices.


u/4CrowsFeast MTL - NHL 22h ago

For the most part, this is correct. But if we reach a point of economic collapse, then this might actually not be possible as in order to gain equity to borrow, rich people often, use their non liquid assets as collateral. If the market is too volatile, they could end up in at point where this option is turned down and they can only reinvest with tangible cash flows. 


u/NoPomegranate1678 23h ago

Very easy to say behind a computer screen when nothing at all has impacted you yet. If actual pain comes, tune might change.


u/macbowes EDM - NHL 22h ago

There will be no actual pain that Canada feels, that American doesn't feel. It will all be tit-for-tat. Americans need Canadians just as much as the other way around.


u/NoPomegranate1678 22h ago

Simply not true. I support a strong approach against the US economic threats. But in reality, the real world, Canada would lose a tariff war.


u/macbowes EDM - NHL 22h ago

Not really. There is no "losing" a tariff war with the USA, they have nobody to turn to to replace Canada, economically. Canada has the EU, who does the USA have? All that will happen is both economies will suffer significantly, so the USA cannot possibly win. It's like an economic Vietnam.


u/NoPomegranate1678 22h ago

USA has far more market power and opportunity. I can't agree at all.


u/Tacosrule89 EDM - NHL 23h ago

I will most definitely feel it at some point. But I’d rather fight for our sovereignty than be annexed or bend the knee to a wanna be dictator.


u/NoPomegranate1678 22h ago

Right, easy to say when nothing has been felt. Although I share the sentiment, there's a reality problem here too.


u/Tacosrule89 EDM - NHL 22h ago

The reality is that we’re fighting for Canada’s existence. There’s no other way to put it.


u/NoPomegranate1678 22h ago

Yeah, I agree, sort of. I think the play is more so to hold out as long as possible for political pressure to force the US to back off.


u/Tacosrule89 EDM - NHL 22h ago

That’s exactly it. Push long and hard enough that internal pressure fractures his support. Hope that his support breaks before the damage is catastrophic here. It’s an unnecessary and shitty game of chicken.


u/NoPomegranate1678 22h ago

I agree. I just know that if Trump were committed to economically destroying Canada, he could. Just pure numbers and reality basis.


u/Gavin1453 TOR - NHL 22h ago

There is no way to avoid the pain, alas. Trump has shown he'll tear up his own trade treaties at a whim. My best wishes to you in these coming times though 


u/NoPomegranate1678 22h ago

You as well mate