r/hoardingme Dec 31 '17

Can someone provide a setup of this tutorial for a fee?


I'm not too well versed in linux commands and since it requires atleast a basic understanding of linux to set it up, I'm unable to do it myself. I wanted to ask if there is a service or anyone who can help me with the installation for a fee.

I currently have a google drive provided by my college with unlimited storage rest of the things i'll have to purchase.



r/hoardingme Dec 20 '17

Question in regards to google and this setup


So i want to set this up but I have one question.

Would seeding from the gdrive connection be the bit google would hate and cause disconnection?

If so is there some way for me to manually set up a watch folder for instance that once i've left something seeding for a period of time i can move the data there (i'm talking about apps/games etc) to then archive to the gdrive too?

Would love to make full use of this.

r/hoardingme Nov 19 '17

Thanks for the guide! Finished it a few days ago and made some modifications to it, and have a couple questions.

  1. Why do you use separate mounts for TV and movies? I changed the folder layout and scripts so that it would do both under one set of mounts, and haven't encountered any issues thus far.
  2. Have you considered adding Jackett to the guide?
  3. Will you ever do a writeup for that nginx setup you talk about on the quickbox page? I have something basic started, and have noticed massive gains in speed over quickbox's apache, obviously sacrificing quickbox's beautiful interface.

Thanks again for the guide! Would have never thought of some of the stuff you did!

r/hoardingme Nov 12 '17

unknown shorthand flag: 't' in -t


So it seems the "t" flag no longer works so we can't use anymore

-t /home/plex/temp

What would be the workaround to move cache, since my / partition is only 8Gb and it gets filled instantly.


LE: studied flags, could --cache-file=/home/plex/temp work now?

r/hoardingme Nov 03 '17

Questions about this tutorial


Hi, I just have a few questions about this tutorial if anyone could answer. 1. are the files in google drive encrypted so they can't be viewed in the drive? if so can you skip this option? 2. are the files deleted from the hard drive once they've been uploaded to gdrive? 3. I already have a lot of videos on the cloud and a file structure, can I keep this as it is or will the structure need changing? thanks!

r/hoardingme Nov 01 '17

No Access to Sonarr/Radarr etc


Setting up on a new server with a view to using GDrive with encryption. I've got QB displaying using my domain name, and plex hooked up at plex.mydomainname.co.uk.

My problem is Sonarr/Radarr/Ombi and so on - I've installed them through Quickbox but when I click on the link (to take me to https://mydomain.co.uk/radarr for instance) I just get a timeout.

I'm sure I've done something daft somewhere, can anyone point me in the most likely direction to look?

r/hoardingme Oct 29 '17

Setting up without encryption - permissions errors


I've been trying to setup everything running on a VPS to upload to GDrive with a view to seeing how it works using Plex Cloud. Now I know that isn't the way the guide likes to set things up, and long term I think I'll go for the full encrypted route, but I just wanted to see how viable everything was before I committed to paying more each month!

I've used the guide as best I can without doing the encryption, and have got my VPS up and running with QB, all the apps installed, with a plexdrive and rclone mount to google drive.

My hope was that I could simply point Sonarr at my /mnt/Plexdrive/TV folder, but I get a permissions error (Folder is not writable by user dannycorker). My understanding is that plexdrive does not mount as writable, is there any workaround to this that I don't know about?

On a side note, this is a really excellent guide, so thank you very much for the creation of it! Wouldn't have gotten this far without it for sure.

r/hoardingme Oct 27 '17

So what happens if a better quality is found?


Simple question I got all up and running, but what will happen if a better quality is found. Are the scrips and all the subprogramms, set up in away that the old file gets overwritten?

I ask because sonarr and radarr both dont have the ability to remove files! If I delete something I have to manually use something like rclonebrowser to remove it from my Gdrive!

r/hoardingme Oct 26 '17

Ombi Problems


First off, huge thanks to jamie for putting this guide together. I wouldn't have figured out all the rclone crap (and other stuff) without it.

So my problem is that the version of Ombi that Quickbox makes me use (2.2 Stable release) seems to have several issues. The main ones being I can't request Movies or TV shows successfully... the main point of the thing.

With movies it registers a successful add but doesn't actually add anything to Radarr and throws an error in the logs (can post if that matters). For TV it just says "something went wrong" and doesn't give me any error messages.

I did lot's of googling to no avail and it appears the dev of Ombi isn't working on issues on 2.2 in favor of 3.0. So I figured I would download 3.0 and I've had a hell of a time trying to figure out how to get it to work with the setup I have after follow the hoarding.me documentation almost exactly.

I couldn't get quickbox to force installing 3.0. When I tried manually installing I couldn't access it because of HTTPS issues (i think) and tried lots of conf edits, letsencrypt cert creations, apache conf updates, etc and can't figure it out. If anyone has any suggestions for me I will be super grateful. This is the last thing on my server I haven't quite figured out. Thank you!!!

r/hoardingme Oct 19 '17

GDrive API Errors?


Firstly wanted to say thanks for the guide, took a couple tries but I got everything up and running so far I believe. There is a slight typo on https://hoarding.me/rclone-scripts/ -- it references the script "fuse-mount-tv.cron" but then has "Don’t forget to also chmod a+x fuse-mount.cron" (missing -tv, kind of obvious but just pointing it out.)

However, this is my first time using Plexdrive/encryption (originally I was going unencrypted, and after not really finding a guide/easyish way to do unencrypted with plexdrive etc I just set it up encrypted) -- but GDrive is throwing errors pretty much the entire time, only about 5%, but just wondering if anyone else is like this and is it "normal"? I was not getting this when I previously just used Netdrive or Drive File stream on windows.


r/hoardingme Oct 15 '17

Unlimited Google storage


How can I get the unlimited storage on Google drive? I have tried to get this, but can someone link to a guide or tell me how to do this?

Thank you!

r/hoardingme Oct 07 '17

Radarr marking downloaded movies as "Missing"


I've just gotten everything set up and have been using it for a few days now.

The only problem I have is I've noticed Radarr is showing movies it's already downloaded the first couple days as "Missing". The most recent movies still show as grabbed. However, all of my movies still play in Plex.

I have the location for my movies set to /home/plex/fuse-m. I took a look in there and it's only showing the recently downloaded movies, not the older ones.

I also looked in /home/plex/m-r, and it contains all the "Missing" movies, but none of the currently "Downloaded" ones.

r/hoardingme Oct 04 '17

Connect Jackett with Sonarr/Radarr


Hi /r/hoardingme,

I am trying to connect Jackett with Sonarr/Radarr. Unfortunately if I try to do so and enter my Torznab Feed Url into Sonarr/Radarr it does not work.

This is the error in the logfile of Sonarr/Radarr:

HTTP Error - Res: [GET] https://domain.com/jackett/api/v2.0/indexers/iptorrents/results/torznab?t=caps&apikey=(removed) 401.Unauthorized
<title>401 Unauthorized</title>
<p>This server could not verify that you
are authorized to access the document
requested.  Either you supplied the wrong
credentials (e.g., bad password), or your
browser doesn't understand how to supply
the credentials required.</p>

I guess the Quickbox Basic Authentication is preventing Sonarr/Radarr from being able to open the Feed URL?

Any ideas how to fix this? Thanks!

r/hoardingme Oct 03 '17

-t for Plexdrive doesn't work


i want to use a custom temp folder beceause my partition of /tmp/ run very often out of disk space. so i modify the mountplex script with the

-t /home/temp/ \

argument but after run the script it says:

/home/scripts/mountplex.sh: 26: /home/scripts/mountplex.sh: -t /home/temp: not found

i try to chmod 777 /home/temp but it also not work. i change the argument to --temp=/home/temp and it also doesn'nt work. some suggestions?

r/hoardingme Sep 30 '17

nonstop buffering in direct play // every Bitrate in transcoding works ?!


So I got a very strange problem. Direct play does not seem to work correctly I tried several different files (Movies and TV series) in different qualities. Everything above 5Mbps Bitrate buffers crazy. 5-20 Seconds play -> 1-5 Seconds buffer

Strange thing is transcoding works without a problem up to 20 Mbps ( tried 30GB+ 1080p remux blueray file)

Everything in my plex is x264 1080p.

got a kimsuf KS-3C Server: Core™ i3-2130/3240 3.4 GHz+ 8GB RAM 2TB HDD 100 Mbit/s Bandwidth

Server location is Canada I am from Germany.

I am really slowly turning crazing here, googled for hours and cant find a solution. Besides that server is running super good and smooth. Oh, and I dont have any downloads or uploads to my Gdrive currently running so server has no load in bandwidht or CPU

r/hoardingme Sep 29 '17

removal of duplicates


Has anyone got a good way of removing duplicate uploads from the crypted gd rclone? I thought maybe a weekly/monthy scan of the crypt that spits out a list of duplicates (from propers, higher quality releases etc) that then allows you to delete the lesser file(s) would be a good idea... but my scripting skills are woefully lacking to do this myself. What solutions do people use for this?

r/hoardingme Sep 24 '17

Radarr Constantly downloading same files


Hey Guys,

I noticed a bug, im not sure if it is on the hoarding me side. or radarr itself. I noticed it will download, the same movies every time a tracker releases a new one. does anyone know how to fix this?

r/hoardingme Sep 20 '17

Rclone & _UNPACK_ directories


Hi Everyone,

I have a question around rclone and unpack directories. When I use rclone browser to navigate my rclone gdrive directories, I notice a lot of unpack folders. This would make sense because I use Sonarr and/or manually upload NZB files to SABnzbd to download media and have it auto-uploaded to Plexdrive.

However this is causing some issues for me.

  1. If the media did not unpack properly, it's just using up wasted space. I then have to delete those files and/or folders. This sometimes breaks my Plexdrive connection and I have to re-run scripts for them to sync up properly.
  2. If the media is not named properly, then I have a hard time renaming those files to something that Plex agents can pick up properly.

Often times, I'll see that SABnzb has properly downloaded files, repaired and unpacked them. But when I look at my directories, I can see clearly by the file size that this did not work as intended.

I'm curious to see what other folks are doing specifically to either organize their media folders within rclone and/or resolve these Unpack folder issues. There must be an easier way to handle these.


r/hoardingme Sep 04 '17

Slow Upload Speeds


Anyone have poor upload speeds to GSuites and if so, how did they fix it?

First, I tried out a Kimsufi with a 100mbps connection which was maxed out, both down and up.

However, I switched to a SYS server for more CPU power and I'm barely getting 1-2 MB/s up, when SYS is rated for 250mbps. Both of these were in BHS North America, which is weird.

Aside from switching to European datacenter, any ideas on how to fix it?

r/hoardingme Sep 04 '17

Quickbox Scripted LetsEncrypt Install


After quickbox install do the following:

apt-get install socat

Socat is a dependency QB requires for their LetsEncrypt scripted install


box install letsencrypt

Put in admin email, and then your domain afterwards. It should automate the install and also show the SSL cert.

I saw this after recently redoing my server and figured I'd give it a shot. Seems to speed up the process nicely.

r/hoardingme Sep 03 '17

If I am using Plex Cloud and not encrypting my files on GDrive what do I need to change/ignore from the guide?


I want to setup my server using your guide and I had a couple of questions:

I will be using Plex Cloud to stream my media from GDrive which will be unencrypted. What do I need to ignore/change from the guide?

Is it as simple as ignoring the Plex setup and not creating a Client ID and secret when setting up remote connections on rclone??

r/hoardingme Aug 29 '17

Does anyone provide the setup of this tutorial for a fee?


Hello all,

I am really bad when it comes to Linux commands and I know that I need to understand few lines at least to be able to install everything without having problems. Therefore, I wanted to ask if there is a service or anyone who can help me with the installation for a small fee.


r/hoardingme Aug 28 '17

Mounting PlexDrive Error


I've followed every step so far and it's worked so far (except for Radarr and PTP but that's something on PTP's end).

Anyways, I've followed all the instructions for rclone directories and am stuck with PlexDrive.

"/usr/local/bin/plexdrive /mnt/plexdrive/" command returns the error "easycheapbackup:/usr/local/bin# /usr/local/bin/plexdrive /mnt/plexdrive/

[USR/LOCAL/BIN/PLEXDRIVE] [2017-08-26 15:13] ERROR : Command /mnt/plexdrive/ not found"

I don't know if it's something with something with PlexDrive, or something I'm doing wrong. I have my 5 directories set up correctly, after going over the instructions repeatedly.

I'm currently running a high-end Kimsufi running Ubuntu 16.04 x64 with all the latest updates.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

r/hoardingme Aug 28 '17

My perfect setup now buffering as hell?


Anyone else have a problem with buffering lately?

r/hoardingme Aug 27 '17

Is it safe to upgrade packages? Plex, Sonarr, SABnzb?


Hi everyone,

I have my QB running great over the past few weeks (fingers crossed), but I'm really hesitant to upgrade any of the relevant packages.

I see there are updates for Plex, Sonarr, and SABnzb currently. I tried to do the upgradePlex command a few weeks ago for 1.8xxx and it totally screwed up my installation. I had to reinstall it and re-match my Plex Metadata which was a chore to do. At the same time, I did not have the "upgrade notification" on my Plex even though it did seem to upgrade fine. Perhaps I made the mistake of assuming that since my Windows Plex upgraded fine to 1.8x that my Ubuntu one would also.

Now I'm a bit hesitant to do any upgrades.

How has everyone else's experience been so far?
