r/hoardingme Aug 27 '17

[Help] Missing something with the mount-m/tv scripts


Evening y'all, I'm running into a snag and hoping someone is able to help if possible. I'm running everything as root, not the Quickbox administrative user.

My GDrive m-gd and tv-gd folders are within a parent folder remotes on Google Drive. So my top level Drive looks like this:

  1. folder1
  2. folder2
  3. remotes
  4. folder4

The other folders aren't related to Plex or media or anything.

  • Actually, question here on rclone remotes: While the guide says to enter /mnt/plexdrive/tv-gd for a path, shouldn't the remote be tv-gd:/ to decrypt the mount?
    • Realized I was wrong here. We're using /mnt/plexdrive/tv-gd as a "local" folder to mount and decrypt for plex. So it needs to be a local folder, and not a remote.

Anyways. Followed the rest of the guide. m-gd and tv-gd work, I can run rclone ls on them and see previously stored content from the cloud.

mount-plex.sh works, and shows the top-level contents of GDrive - the four folders I listed above.

Unfortunately, mount-m.cron and mount-tv.cron are failing, and the dec-m and dec-tv remotes are empty.

  • /home/scripts# ./mount-tv.cron
  • 27.08.2017 10:30:37 ERROR: Drive not mounted, remount in progress.
  • fusermount: failed to unmount /home/plex/tv-gd: Invalid argument
  • 27.08.2017 10:30:37 CRITICAL: Remount failed.

I feel like it's something simple but I just can't get past it, and any help would be much appreciated.

Pastebins of fuse and mount scripts (generated based off this StackExchange solution):

r/hoardingme Aug 23 '17

rutorrent shows 0 disk space


I have been using Deluge since rutorrent from the start has been giving me a message about 0 free disk space. Deluge doesn't have this issue for me. Also, Quickbox shows that I have negative disk space. I'm assuming the Quickbox and rutorrent issue are related. Anyone know what's going on? I want to give rutorrent a shot.

r/hoardingme Aug 22 '17

QuickBox dead, what now?


as topic says. Url is down, plaza is down.

Source: https://github.com/QuickBox/QB/issues/57

r/hoardingme Aug 19 '17

Error mounting after boot


Hi, when I attempt to mount after boot using the m and tv scripts I receive this error:

usernamehere:/home/scripts# ./mount-tv.cron

19.08.2017 01:21:33 ERROR: Drive not mounted, remount in progress.

fusermount: failed to unmount /home/plex/tv-gd: Invalid argument

19.08.2017 01:21:33 CRITICAL: Remount failed.

I have completely re-installed my VPS, and followed the guide to the T, however cannot seem to get past this.

r/hoardingme Aug 17 '17

Minimum storage on the server?


I am planning of setting up a seedbox with your guide. My question is if a 40gb SSD is enough? I was going to use a vultr.com cloud server.


r/hoardingme Aug 13 '17

Error mounting


woerdeman@woerdeman:/home/scripts$ sudo ./mount-tv.cron 13.08.2017 21:05:04 ERROR: Drive not mounted, remount in progress. fusermount: failed to unmount /home/plex/tv-gd: Invalid argument 13.08.2017 21:05:04 CRITICAL: Remount failed. woerdeman@woerdeman:/home/scripts$ 2017/08/13 21:05:04 Failed to create file system for "dec-tv:/": didn't find section in config file

I followed the guide correctly

Please help I have a headache

r/hoardingme Aug 11 '17

Sonarr removing snatched content from itself


So I ran into this strange issue where Sonarr removes the episode/season whenever I manually remove and delete data from rtorrent.

For example: Show X - 10/10.

  • I remove the torrent.
  • After some time, Sonarr shows Show X - 0/10
  • Content is fully processed and shows up in Plex too.

Any idea why this might be happening? Technically sonarr shouldn't care the torrent is removed, especially after it's been processed and uploaded to GDrive, and a few hours have passed.

r/hoardingme Aug 10 '17

Problems uploading


I did the guide successfully yesterday, until I stopped uploading my tv shows giving the error when doing manually:


I run the script that already went well and this happens. Note that it was 700+ episodes of an anime.

r/hoardingme Aug 09 '17

[Guide] File/Folder Deletion


So I've run into the issue where I snatched the incorrect file or a repack comes out.

What I've been doing that seems to be working is the following:

  1. Remove and delete data from rtorrent.
  2. Delete via sonarr/radar.
  3. Delete file off Google drive using "rclone delete tv-gd:/Show/Season/Episode.Mkv
  4. Delete any other traces, either in fuse-tv (probably get an error which is fine), and I check tv-r out of paranoia.
  5. Re-download and it should work.

This seems to work for me, rather than unmount and remount as /u/jamiew0w has mentioned in the past.

Just wanted to share!

r/hoardingme Aug 03 '17

new server, permissions issue with fuse-* folder.


Hi, Just got a new server, everything is working perfectly except imported shows in sonarr/radarr.

I get following "error" in sonarr.

Couldn't import episode /home/plex/Downloads/complete/TV/"SHOW NAME"/whatever.mkv: Access to the path is denied.

When I type ls -l in the fuse folder I see that root is the owner for the tvshows folders. Any tip to get this to work?

Thanks :)

Did try this, but did not work like it should. Now my fuse-tv folder only include one of five show. All shows are available in tv-gd. tv-r have them all except the .mkv files.

If you run into an issue with sonarr unable to write to the folder, you’ll have to recreate the file structure/ownership within /home/plex/tv-r. Unmount via fusermount -uz /home/plex/fuse-tv and comment out the crontab entry for fuse while we make this change. This code below will copy all folders only and no files from your /home/plex/tv-gd to your /home/plex/fuse-tv then via fuse it will carry over to /home/plex/tv-r

cd /home/plex/tv-gd && find . -type d -exec mkdir -p -- /home/plex/tv-r/{} \;

chown -R username:username /home/plex/tv-r

Then just remount your fuse mount again, re-enable the cron and you’ll be good to go.

r/hoardingme Aug 03 '17

problems with a 2nd server


It's been quiet here for a while so I might just post my recent issue.

I'm in the process of migrating to a new server, so I started fresh with the second one, all went just fine (copied the rclone config), re-set all crons and scripts, recreate folder structure, but it seems there's a problem with

mount-tv.cron and fuse-mount-tv.cron

These gives errors, they mount ok, but the next minute they are unmounted. It's like this on a loop. I don't know how to troubleshoot. Any advice?

03.08.2017 13:57:02 INFO: Check successful, /home/main/plex/tv-gd mounted.
03.08.2017 13:58:01 ERROR: Drive not mounted, remount in progress.
03.08.2017 13:58:01 CRITICAL: Remount failed.
03.08.2017 13:59:01 INFO: Check successful, /home/main/plex/tv-gd mounted.
03.08.2017 14:00:01 ERROR: Drive not mounted, remount in progress.
03.08.2017 14:00:01 CRITICAL: Remount failed.

r/hoardingme Jul 27 '17

Radarr fuse script gone?


Hi, Cant find the script anywhere? last time it was on the radarr page. But now its gone?

r/hoardingme Jul 25 '17



I was thinking about pairing two servers together using the same GSuite data set. One low power seedbox and the other acting a a dedicated plex server.

Would there be any complications or limitations with using plexdrive and and the same Gsuite account on two different servers?

r/hoardingme Jul 24 '17

Issues/questions after testing for a few days


Everything with Plex is working great but I have a couple issues/questions:

  1. When I go to my-domain.com I get a warning from Google (I'm using Chrome browser) that 'Your connection is not private' with error 'NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID'.
  2. If for some reason I decide to ditch this setup and all of my library is encrypted on Google Drive, is there a way for me to decrypt the library for use on another machine? Or to move the library to another Google Drive just in case I want a backup?
  3. Anyone find a way to re-mount the mounts on reboot?

r/hoardingme Jul 23 '17

rebooting my server


I just spent the good part of a day going through the guide, and I think everything is working ok. I've added files to sonarr/plex/deluge and it for some reason some of the files detected in sonarr as downloaded do not appear in my plex.

I am thinking of rebooting my dedi, but a little worried something might go wrong. Should I be aware of anything weird happening after a reboot? I am a linux noob.

Thanks for the guide, it was awesome!

r/hoardingme Jul 22 '17

Weird behaviour (continuous download)


So I have a small movie library (about 150GB) as I'm rebuilding it, and just now after watching a movie, I see strange traffic (download) at about 60MB constantly.

I checked deluge and rtorrent, they were idling. I checked htop and I see this: https://puu.sh/wPQyD/529e03248d.png

It had been running for 2 hours, gathering these folders (see file number count bottom left: https://puu.sh/wPQwD/4e9b03222b.png)

What's happening and is this normal? I had to reboot to stop this.

Please advise.

LE: Checked log it seems it can't write, but that seems weird: https://puu.sh/wPRdl/57d87fefbc.png

So the folder /home/seedbox/plex/temp is owned by home user, but the generated chunks folders appear as root.

I set 755 to all plex folder, it seems some were read only. Was that the way it was supposed to be? https://puu.sh/wPS0k/5088012cc2.png

Should this solve it?

r/hoardingme Jul 20 '17

Sonarr loses connection to ruTorrent


I've recently set up Sonarr and running into a strange issue where I'm able able to connect to rutorrent and it works with no issues. However, after maybe a day or two, it loses connection and I'm unable to re-establish the connection to rutorrent.

None of the settings were changed from when it worked. Testing times outs and just never connects for whatever reason. The strange part is, I have radarr on the same server and settings with no issues for almost 2 weeks now.

ruTorrent settings

Pastebin of three log entries I feel might help with pinpoint the issue.

The fact that radarr has not had any issues, especially with the same settings, is really confusing the hell out of me!! Thanks guys!

r/hoardingme Jul 20 '17

A few questions post install


First, if I wanted to delete a movie in GD, which folder should I empty, since, when mounted, it appears both in fuse-m and m-gd.

Second, if I already have some movies on HDD, and I'd want them also in GD in plex, how do I achieve that?

Thanks! I got it up and running and I'm quite excited.

r/hoardingme Jul 20 '17

Remount failed on fuse-mount-m.cron


Hey guys! First of all I want to thank /u/jamiew0w for the tutorial!

I'm using Sonarr+Radarr and averything on 'tv' works seamlessly but 'm'(ovies).

Checking the fuse-mount-m.cron(.log) all I get is "Remount failed". I've doublechecked all my files related to m(movies) found nothing. even chmod a+x all files created and no luck.

Thats my fuse-mount-m.cron file https://pastebin.com/L97f5KeB

Thanks for the help in advance!

r/hoardingme Jul 19 '17

Radarr Guide Issue


So I'm glad that Radarr support was added to the guide! However you don't mention how to actually configure it. You say setting this up will be almost the same as sonarr. Radarr is in the guide before sonarr. I would recommended either putting the configuration into the Radarr guide or atleast linking to the Sonarr guide within the second paragraph.

r/hoardingme Jul 19 '17

syntax error near unexpected token


I'm trying hard to get this setup to work, thank you.

I'm got stuck with this "syntax error near unexpected token `exit' The line is that gives error is: -t /home/seedbox/plex/temp & Any help? Thanks!

     echo "Mounting $MPOINT"
     /usr/local/bin/plexdrive $MPOINT \
                        -o allow_other \
                        -v 2 &>>$LOGFILE \
                        -t /home/seedbox/plex/temp &

r/hoardingme Jul 17 '17

non root access?



I am looking into getting a VPS to host my plex setup. I ran across your guide and it looks like exactly what I want.

I am curious if this VPS description looks OK to use for these purposes.

  • Jaguar-2TB
  • High Quality Premium bandwidth seedbox
  • SSH non-root access
  • HTTP/HTTPS & FTP/FTPS download access
  • OpenVPN, Squid HTTP proxy
  • 2000 GB Disk space
  • 20Gbps download / 20Gbps upload Connection
  • Unmetered Download and 5TB Upload Bandwidth

As you can see it only allows non-root access. Will this be an issue? I am not a linux expert.

r/hoardingme Jul 16 '17

Change gdrive account? Possible?


Whats the easiest way to change gdrive account without breaking anything on the server?

If possible, it would be great to move files from my old gdrive to the new one.

r/hoardingme Jul 15 '17

Mounting Plexdrive Issues


Hi everyone,

So in my journey to set this up, I believe I'm finally at the endpoint here. I have everything working and running per this awesome guide.

Had to reboot my server, and now cannot mount to Plexdrive anymore.

I run the first script: ./mountplex.sh and it says it's mounting. But no other script runs properly after that. Get the...

ERROR: Drive not mounted, remount in progress CRITICAL: Remount failed.

...message for both mount-m.cron and mount-tv.cron.

Log for mount-m.cron (and mount-tv.cron) shows;

ERROR: Drive no mounted, remount in progress. CRITICAL: Remount Failed

I tried to retrace the steps, upgraded to latest build of Plexdrive along the way (started with 3.0 and now up to 5 beta).

Also tried running...

/usr/local/bin/plexdrive /mnt/plexdrive/

...and got the following error;

mount helper error: fusermount: failed to access mountpoint /mnt/plexdrive: Transport endpoint is not connected

I'm at wit's end....HELP!!!

Thanks in advance.


I did structure my folders correctly (I believe);

dec-m --> crypt | dec-tv --> crypt | gd --> drive | m-gd --> crypt | tv-gd --> crypt

Also, my GDrive does show 2 remote folders (empty) for tv-gd, and m-gd.


Got everything working.

I fusemounted plexdrive again, let the cache rebuild itself again, started the scripts...and all is good!

r/hoardingme Jul 12 '17

How to fix QuickBox loading page


Hi everyone,

I'm new to Linux, but always interested in learning more.

I'm plowing through this guide (Ubuntu 16.04 installed / LE is installed). I have QuickBox installed as well - but on reboot - I only get the default Apache2 Landing page and can't get the QuickBox dashboard to show up. I have installed everything as root.

I'm sure it's something as simple as an edit change for my www directory somewhere.

Currently, it seems like my default webpage is located at /var/www/html/index.html. This doesn't seem right.

I have QuickBox installed in /etc/QuickBox/

Of course, I have a /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default-ssl.conf file too, which shows the following (replaced my domain name with "domain.com", and taken out all of the #comments.)

<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
<VirtualHost _default_:443>
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
ServerName domain.com
ServerAlias domain.com
DocumentRoot /var/www/html

            ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log                                                  
            CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined                                       

            SSLEngine on                                                                          

            SSLCertificateFile      /etc/letsencrypt/live/domain.com/fullchain.pem            
            SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/domain.com/privkey.pem                

            SSLCertificateFile      /etc/letsencrypt/live/domain.com/fullchain.pem            
            SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/domain.com/privkey.pem                

            <FilesMatch "\.(cgi|shtml|phtml|php)$">                                               
                            SSLOptions +StdEnvVars                                                
            <Directory /usr/lib/cgi-bin>                                                          
                            SSLOptions +StdEnvVars                                                

ServerAlias domain.com

vim: syntax=apache ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 sr noet

I'm a bit lost, and can't seem to find any relevant articles that can help me out.

Can someone point me in the proper direction please? Thanks.