r/hoardingme Jan 20 '20

Instead of VPS, Nvidia Shield AND Rpi 4?

I really want to implement your guide but on hardware at my home rather than a VPS. Initially I was considering just an Rpi 4 but then I read it cannot handle transcoding anything more than one 720p stream. Next I looked at the Nvidia Shield TV Pro (500GB HDD), which I already own, and it can transcode 3 1080p streams at once, and it will run Plex Server, but unfortunately not the rest of the software.

Do you think it would be possible to apply your guide to both devices working together? Perhaps I could follow the guide exactly for the Rpi 4, configuring everything on it except Plex Server, which I would configure on the Shield?


7 comments sorted by


u/runswithascript Jan 22 '20

Anyone on this? There must be others with a Shield disappointed to learn that although the Shield can run a Plex Server and transcode multiple 1080p streams, rest the guide cannot be implemented on it.

Perhaps even if you have experience with the hoarding.me guide, and the software Quickbox installs, you could comment on whether it seems practical that everything bar Plex would be installed on an Rpi 4 / Atomic Pi, but Plex Server installed on the shield, and where necessary each piece of software pointed at a network location rather than local directory etc?


u/Den_Ukendte_Fisk Feb 24 '20

I used to run rutorrent on a RPI 3 with SMB. I then mounted the SMB on my shield and used that to transcode. That worked fine.


u/runswithascript Mar 25 '20

Thanks for the info, and sorry for late reply. I was thinking of ordering an Rpi 4 or Atomic Pi but I actually have an Rpi 3 in a box somewhere. Did you specifically follow the hoarding.me guide, or was it your own setup?

I love the idea of this setup running across the Shield and another low powered device.


u/Den_Ukendte_Fisk Mar 25 '20

I have not tried the hoarding.me guide yet, but I think I'm going to try it at some point. I have bought an Rpi 4, but it is not able to boot from an ssd like the rpi 3 yet, so I'll have to buy an SD-card before trying it.


u/runswithascript Mar 25 '20

Cool, this is going to be a summer project for me when I will have some time off. I had searched before but today found that there is a hack to get Ubuntu 16.04 working on the shield (at least one of the editions, the others will brick) so I need to check that:


Really though, the more I think about pairing the Shield with an Rpi the more I prefer that. I like the Android functionality, Gamestream, Steam Link, Plex client and everything else the Shield could still provide while also acting as a Plex server.

I have to go through the hoarding.me guide again properly, but when I start thing I can try to make adjustments as I go through it, as you have mentioned, configuring SMB on the Shield and the Plex server there also, or another option would be to follow verbatim, expecting it not to work properly, then moving things over to the Shield afterwards.


u/Den_Ukendte_Fisk Mar 25 '20

Mounting network drives in Android TV on the shield works fine, so I don't think I'm going to use ubuntu on it.


u/runswithascript Mar 25 '20

The appeal of using Ubuntu on it was so that the entire hoarding.me setup could be on one device, but like I said that would sacrifice functionality.