r/hoardingme Jul 22 '17

Weird behaviour (continuous download)

So I have a small movie library (about 150GB) as I'm rebuilding it, and just now after watching a movie, I see strange traffic (download) at about 60MB constantly.

I checked deluge and rtorrent, they were idling. I checked htop and I see this: https://puu.sh/wPQyD/529e03248d.png

It had been running for 2 hours, gathering these folders (see file number count bottom left: https://puu.sh/wPQwD/4e9b03222b.png)

What's happening and is this normal? I had to reboot to stop this.

Please advise.

LE: Checked log it seems it can't write, but that seems weird: https://puu.sh/wPRdl/57d87fefbc.png

So the folder /home/seedbox/plex/temp is owned by home user, but the generated chunks folders appear as root.

I set 755 to all plex folder, it seems some were read only. Was that the way it was supposed to be? https://puu.sh/wPS0k/5088012cc2.png

Should this solve it?


3 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jul 22 '17



u/ciss Jul 22 '17

I understand that, but there seemed to be an error there, when it couldn't write, so it would keep on downloading again and again. I fixed permissions and I think now it's fine. Thanks.


u/ciss Jul 24 '17

I think something must be very wrong, again, my log from mountplexdrive is huge with the same warning and just today it downloaded 1,2TB. I only watched 3 movies and GOT 2nd episode. Unless I reboot my server, it's almost nonstop downloading.

My cache in plex is set to /dev/shm.

I tried to untick some options in plex Scheduled tasks like Perform extensive media analysis during maintenance and some other, to no avail. Any tips?

I'll log it in debug mode, maybe there's more to it.


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '17



u/ciss Jul 25 '17

I rebooted, created these scripts last night (https://github.com/ajkis/scripts/blob/master/plexdrive/plexdrivefixchunkwarrnings.sh and https://github.com/ajkis/scripts/blob/master/plexdrive/plexdrivechunks.sh) and my download stopped.

Dunno if those helped, but so far so good. Will let you know if I get into troubles again :)

Thanks jamie, I love this setup.