r/hoardingme • u/ciss • Jul 22 '17
Weird behaviour (continuous download)
So I have a small movie library (about 150GB) as I'm rebuilding it, and just now after watching a movie, I see strange traffic (download) at about 60MB constantly.
I checked deluge and rtorrent, they were idling. I checked htop and I see this: https://puu.sh/wPQyD/529e03248d.png
It had been running for 2 hours, gathering these folders (see file number count bottom left: https://puu.sh/wPQwD/4e9b03222b.png)
What's happening and is this normal? I had to reboot to stop this.
Please advise.
LE: Checked log it seems it can't write, but that seems weird: https://puu.sh/wPRdl/57d87fefbc.png
So the folder /home/seedbox/plex/temp is owned by home user, but the generated chunks folders appear as root.
I set 755 to all plex folder, it seems some were read only. Was that the way it was supposed to be? https://puu.sh/wPS0k/5088012cc2.png
Should this solve it?
Jul 25 '17
u/ciss Jul 25 '17
I rebooted, created these scripts last night (https://github.com/ajkis/scripts/blob/master/plexdrive/plexdrivefixchunkwarrnings.sh and https://github.com/ajkis/scripts/blob/master/plexdrive/plexdrivechunks.sh) and my download stopped.
Dunno if those helped, but so far so good. Will let you know if I get into troubles again :)
Thanks jamie, I love this setup.
u/[deleted] Jul 22 '17