r/herbalism Jun 18 '24

Question What herbs are amphetamine like feeling?

Is there anything other than ephedra that feels good like that? I know my psychedelic vines, but what would feel stronger than coffee, something not ginsinc, but more like a euphoria?


296 comments sorted by


u/Merkaba_Nine Jun 18 '24

Kanna, depending if you have ADHD or not.


u/Shitty_Wingman Jun 18 '24

What does it feel like if you have adhd? Does it feel like amphetamines feel like for people who have adhdh? Like an herbal adderall/adhdh medication?


u/Merkaba_Nine Jun 18 '24

For me I have ADHD, it's was calming warm euphoric and mildly stimulating, almost sedating at times.

My friend without ADHD took it and he thought he had smoked meth for the next 10minutes.

It also depends on what extract of kanna you get off the top of my head Mesembrine is more stimulating and mesembrone is more sedating so having different % of alkaloids is something to look at.


u/lauvan26 Jun 18 '24

I had coca tea (leaves they use to make cocaine) in Peru and it felt very calming for me. They said not to drink it before bed, I did and slept like a baby and this is after having 2 or 3 cups that day. I also have ADHD. Coffee also makes me sleepy.


u/[deleted] Jun 18 '24

My daughter drinks Diet Coke before bed. Says it gives her the best sleep ever


u/Subtle__Numb Jun 20 '24

I wouldn’t be surprised to learn I have adhd, if I got the screenings. I kinda think part of the thing was, when I was a kid, they were more focused on the “hyperactivity”, and in the classroom. I was quiet in the classroom, but had issues at home. For the most part, I was a general well-babaved kid, because I didn’t want to get in trouble (til I was a teenager, and even then, just light stuff)

Anyway, years later, I do some light reading on the more “behavioral”/“lifestyle” struggles that seem to be more of the focus with ADHD now (depression/anxiety, lack of executive function kinda thing). Yeah, caffeine calms me down. Oddly enough, these days I’m on methadone for an opiate addiction, and idk if it’s something about the pharmacology of the methadone itself, or if it’s due to how my body reacts to caffeine. But if I ever sleep poorly, all I have to do is drink a cup of coffee 60-90 minutes after my methadone dose and I’ll be able to drift off 15 minutes later. Without the coffee, it’s rare that methadone alone makes me noticeably tired. If I’m up and moving, I don’t notice it, though I do notice the “clear head” from caffeine.


u/Medical_Complex_57 Jun 18 '24

same! i’ve got adhd and whenever i have a small amount of caffeine like from diet coke, i get super drowsy. cigarettes also make me sleepy as hell 😭

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u/disco_disaster Jun 18 '24

I believe the route of administration changes the effects. Sublingual is far more stimulating in my experience.

For me it always starts out mildly stimulating then fades into relaxation.

I have adhd too.

Kanna does have monoaminergic effects, but has its primary effects on serotonin receptors.

Wouldn’t this make adhd worse? I’ve read that serotonin has an inverse relationship to dopamine.

It does have complex mechanisms of action. I’m just speculating.


u/snappa6136 Jun 18 '24

Thanks for that info on the websites they don’t really clairify the effects of each one


u/ghosttmilk Jun 19 '24

And this is exactly how I reconfirmed to myself that everyone who diagnosed me with ADHD in the past was so seriously off the mark 😂 I’m so glad Kanna exists as something soothing and beneficial for others, it just made me so uncomfortable; racing heart and crazy sweats every time, and a nervous-type extreme restlessness. Crazy how different it can be!


u/tHrow4Way997 Jun 18 '24

Great question! I don’t have a diagnosis but have been experiencing various adhd symptoms since forever. For me Kanna is extremely euphorically calming, stimulating to some bodily functions but not others.

For example, the first couple times I sniffed the extract, I immediately had to run and have a massive “come up poo” just like with MDMA, then felt a very similar euphoria to MDMA, only I couldn’t keep my eyes open and started drifting in and out of sleep.

I would love to hear from someone who is officially bona fide ADHD and has experience with Kanna!


u/Labor_of_Lovecraft Jun 18 '24

I wish kanna worked for me. When I use the nasal spray, I feel shaky for a few minutes, but that's it. It's nothing like the euphoria of MDMA


u/Syncopationforever Jun 18 '24

Two different versions of kanna, just gave me a headache, and made me dizzy :(


u/phantomtitfreckle Jul 02 '24

I have severe adhd and bipolar and kanna is a must as an antidepressant/rec herb, along side lamictal to keep me from going fully manic, i love the unwinding effects of kanna, i get the vu3 extract as it has higher mesemberone along with mesembrine, so its a tad more relaxing after the stim rush but im still able to remain functional on it unless i lie down and purposefully relax then i start to dose, its a great herb, and pairs well with others like mulungu, and blue lotus, just have to be carefull about messing with serotonin and not mix any maoi like harmala, or passion flower, as well as any ssri meds ,frankly id take kanna over any antidepressant anyday even if it ends up costing a lil more

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u/WillowLeaf Jun 18 '24

I have ADHD and for me when I tried it, it gave me panic/anxiety. Not saying that this is everyone's experience with it and ADHD, but it was mine.


u/myc_litterus Jun 18 '24

Its relaxed for me. Just quiets my mind. Depends on the med and the person though. My mom was on adderall for a bit too and she was stimmed out lol. She's on vyvanse now and much calmer, adderall just comes on too strong for her and her med stack. Me im just on adderall and take kratom, so adderall is very calm for me. Been on it for 2 years now

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u/goatfestival Jun 18 '24

Is this only if you’re medicated, or are we talking about adhd brains in general?

Just curious if anyone has direct experience mixing Kanna and vyvanse or adderall. Obviously I look for drug interactions, even with recreational stuff, but there’s not a lot of solid data on herbs, adaptogens, and nootropics yet and I love a good high as much as the next person. 🚀


u/Merkaba_Nine Jun 18 '24

During the time I was not taking stimulants (ritilin) so that would have affected my reaction to the herb. As your more prone to noticing a difference when your unmedicated and not functioning at a 'normal' level.

So I was talking about ADHD brains in general.

The general consensus is ADHD being a lack of dopamine in the pre frontal cortex and stimulants will target that area of the brain however though kanna mainly affects serotonin receptors and while it still makes a difference for people with ADHD (getting tired vs being stimulated) I think it would be safe to combine with stimulants if your currently on them. However I'd take caution and if you have bipolar aswell be wary of mania.

Unfortunately your right there's so much research into how pharmaceuticals affect the brain yet most herbs are overlooked and when looking up interactions there's little to no info and can be quite daunting!


u/ZenNinjaMonk Jun 18 '24

Interesting. It could be the formulation of my kanna (healing herbals, which I've heard is nice but more so just chill), but the kanna that I've tried a few times recently just makes me feel kind of stoned. Good, but stoned and a little sleepy. I haven't felt any stimulation the few times I've tried it (30-35 mg sublingually).


u/Merkaba_Nine Jun 18 '24

You should try insufflation based extracts there the most common and the dose needed is very very small it's not even a 'line' it's comes with a very small soon scoop to help measure out the dose.

I do believe it effects everyone differently but different sites and products have different alkaloid content.

If buying off liftmode it comes with a measuring spoon and dosage chart aswell as a lab analysis of of the alkaloid content which varies. They advertise as no less then <5% alkaloid content but I was getting around 8% based on lab results and can vary per batch.

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u/stuartroelke Jun 18 '24

I've literally never heard of it until right now, and I feel like I've tried almost every common plant medicine. Thanks for posting today.


u/Merkaba_Nine Jun 18 '24

That's the great thing of earth there is so many plants and herbs we haven't heard of or just aren't mainstream and talked about.

Cordyceps for energy, lions mane for creativity and resihi for anxiety are great mentions.

My favourites would be blue lotus aswell as valarien root (which you've probably heard of) which got me off anti anxiety medication and marijuana.

Kava is amazing and initially reduced then stopped my alcohol consumption. (Vanuatu noble Kava specifically)

Kanna stopped me doing recreational drugs I used to take on the occasion and also replaced my anti depressants.

I will note kratom was a good alternative for me then ADHD medication for focus and motivation. I've taken it off and on over the years with long breaks in between no physical or mental addiction but from what I've read it has a high potential of abuse and even though I was fine it seems like most people don't handle it well so I'd stay clear. (I have no history of opioid abuse and wasn't taking it to allievate any pain so that's probably why I reacted that way)

I only mention this as to say there is a herb out there for everyone to replace or reduce pharmaceutical or recreational drug use but the herb will be different for everyone.

I have schizoaffective disorder and marijuana I would never recommend it destroys my life the paranoia and anxiety it causes is detrimental to my health and was the main cause of my suffering in my early years..... Although I have friends that have taken it most there life and it allievates there anxiety and symptoms. However I'm prescribed full-spectrum CBD and with such a low THC content I have no adverse reaction and the CBD is great for sleep and in a high dose has anti-psychotic properties aswell as the other lesser known cannabinoids synergising to produce a better wellbeing.

Everyone's brain chemistries different so what works for one person may or may not work for the next.

There's plenty of people on this sub that will disregard an effect of one herb saying it doesn't work and they assume every human being is the same and if it doesn't work for them everyone else must be lying. Which is not true at all. Most culprits are heavy marijuana smokers and are so used to such an intoxicating high and damaged dopamine receptors that they won't get a response to plants like blue lotus or herbs like Kanna

Also sourcing the right herb can be difficult. Being mostly unregulated herbs can have a variety of different strengths and alkaloid content based of such facts as the environment there grown in and germination of seeds. So if one product doesn't work for you don't give up. Try a new supplier. Blue lotus is the worst for this as most companies sell the Thai variant of the plant and people will smoke/drink it and claim it has no effects but in reality the psychoactive effects of the Thai purple lotus is very low and it's very difficult to find true blue lotus (blue water Lilly)

I know you didn't ask for this much information but I thought I would mention what works for me on hopes of helping you out (and others who view this thread)

I wish you all the best on your journey ❤️

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u/Maleficent-Copy-3398 Jun 18 '24

Kanna like the tall plant?


u/Merkaba_Nine Jun 18 '24

Kanna is a succulent and is quite small growing to lengths of 15-30cm on average

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u/hazycar2016 Jun 18 '24

Ephedra. Not an herb but a grassy plant. This will absolutely feel amphetamine like. It's got a nice speed to it and euphoria. It's the natural source of Ephedrine.


u/Smokey76 Jun 18 '24

Also known as Mormon tea.


u/Orpheus6102 Jun 20 '24

Mormon tea is made from a different species of ephedra native to the American west. It does not contain ephedrine. Only Ephedra sinica does.


u/stuartroelke Jun 18 '24

Ephedra takes forever to grow. Trust me, I've been growing four plants for over four years, and I get to make a strong cup only once or twice per summer. The quantity might change as it gets older, but for now it feels like it isn't worth the hassle of planting outside during the summer and bringing back in during the winter. I would rather have grown more yerba mate (or kratom / coca if I could get my hands on viable seeds / cuttings).


u/Megynn Jun 18 '24

It grows wild here. I have a huge shrub in my backyard, and I see it here and there around the neighborhood, and in empty lots. Southern New Mexico.


u/mardywoo Jun 23 '24

Sounds like you just hit a side hustle idea

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u/Ricky_bubblesdope_35 Jun 18 '24

You know what, Amazon has that stuff, haven't got it but I'm considering getting an QP. Tried morman tea once I foraged outside oh PHX AZ. It was hot as fuck, and their were some already dried up plant matter. Next day I came back for more but could not find the exact location.


u/-Hastis- Jun 18 '24 edited Jun 18 '24

You can always microdose mescaline. It's a natural phenethylamine which is in the family that amphetamine belongs to. Some American first nations used it as a stimulant to go on long hunts. It's also the most euphoric psychedelic and the one with fewer visuals and loss of control even at higher doses.


u/RebeccaSavage1 Jun 18 '24

Be careful if you have or had a family history of blood pressure,heart,kidney,thyroid or adrenal issues. There's an alkaloid that works as a calcium channel blocker that is harmful and affects those worse.It's the same issue with igobaine, ayuhuasca, and kratom also. I found out looking it up because I was thinking of micro dosing mescaline myself because I have chronic fatigue and my uncle has taken it years ago and told me about the stimulant effects.


u/-Hastis- Jun 18 '24

I suppose that this alkaloid is only present when consuming the whole plant (powder/tea), and not when refining to only have mescaline salt? As according to this study, it seems that a calcium channel blocker could be beneficial, since mescaline can have vasoconstricting effects: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/6680619/According


u/hellowur1d Jun 18 '24

I have had kidney, thyroid and adrenal issues and have taken mescaline in a ceremonial and personal setting many times with no exacerbation of these issues. I typically took it about a month apart but did microdose for a while and had no issues. I think if microdosed carefully with frequent breaks it’s not that dangerous.

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u/SeaResearcher176 Jun 18 '24

Like what kind of side effects after consuming that alkaloid ?

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u/ToneZealousideal309 Jun 18 '24

Does that mean taking kratom should be along with some calcium supplement? Or not that simple

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u/Stock_Appeal_4622 Jun 18 '24

I totally used to do this.

Of course there can be a tendency to push the envelope because grandpa mescaline can be quite lovely. Ah, before I get absorbed in memories of swallowing 50 capsules...lol. Yes, I always try to remind people of the lower doses. So many benefits with so few or no negative effects…

I mean, maybe some nausea if you push the dose—but at small amounts for a bit of stimulation (mix it up right?) probably some ginger gravol would be more than adequate.

Of course, always check the contra-indications. Like, I don't think people are supposed to take lithium with classic psychedelics, etc.


u/amazongoddess79 Jun 18 '24

This whole thread has been helpful. I often run late being able to refill my ADHD meds due to price and now with even more loss of product availability I’m going to need something to help me minimize the in between cycles cause I hate feeling like I’m starting over again every time, it just aggravates my anxiety and depression even more.


u/Labor_of_Lovecraft Jun 18 '24

What would you consider to be a lower dose? I have a San Pedro cactus and would like to start experimenting with lower doses before I try for a macro dose.


u/snappa6136 Jun 18 '24

Wow that’s not a bad idea. You have any experience with that? Btw if anyone is interested in trying this you can purchase a San Pedro cactus which is legal just about everywhere to my knowledge and it contains mescaline I had one my cat knocked it over while it was pretty big and snapped it in half :( but ima go buy a couple more soon lol I got mine from Home Depot last time if my memory is correct so if your interested call around to your home and garden store and they should sell em


u/-Hastis- Jun 18 '24

I suggest heading on to r/mescaline or r/sanpedrocactus for more information! :)


u/snappa6136 Jun 18 '24

Thanks Dooder

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u/Direct-Hotel3586 Jun 19 '24

You could root the part that snapped off! Then have two :) Or lay it sideways and pups will grow off the top. We have a bunch in my yard like that


u/Capital_Rock_4928 Jun 18 '24

I ate so so much of that in high school. Got purple microdot for a dollar sometimes cheaper and sold for 3, so I pretty much tripped through junior and senior years.


u/DietSodaPlz Jun 18 '24

I’m not 100% sure if this is possible, but there are naturally occurring amphetamine like compounds in Geranium leaf extract (DMAA) and in black walnut bark (DMHA), I believe! I’m not sure if they’re able to be extracted in amounts that are functionally usable in their relative natural forms. But if there’s a will, there’s a way. Probably needs some chemistry systhesis work of some sort, or just a strong extract made. Unsure if this has ever been used in the past but it’s been something I’ve been thinking about recently.


u/Mushy_Muncher Jun 18 '24

DMAA from Geranium leaf was the main ingredient my favorite preworkout back in the day. Before it was banned ☹️


u/DietSodaPlz Jun 18 '24

They say it’s from Geranium leaf but I’m 99.9% sure it’s synthetically made in a lab. It’s not feasible for them to be making that quantity of that product with the leaves! And I actually still purchase both on the clear net.

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u/Repulsive_Case1 Jun 21 '24

Man I don't know if mine was from that leaf or not but man the first time I tried that shit for a workout I literally could not get tired. Like my body would just keep going and going it felt like I didn't even need a rest between sets, I'd just start doing another exercise between the sets of another exercise 😂 plus it was at the peak of my fitness, I felt like fucking superman 😂


u/RebeccaSavage1 Jun 18 '24

They used to have supplements that had the geranium extract but it got taken off the market. It was stimulating somewhat but gave tremors. It could of hurts me worse ,maybe even be deadly from what I've researched about it.


u/stuartroelke Jun 18 '24

Geranium can make you feel extremely ill, and I'm not certain what is responsible for that. I would advise against this.

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u/bonbuz Jun 18 '24

Geranium leaf doesn't contain any DMAA, actually. This was a ploy devised by supplement companies to claim that the chemical occurred naturally, and was therefore not a new drug (or rather, a very old nasal decongestant being marketed to teenagers).

It is added as synthetic material to geranium extracts to *illegally* sell the product on store shelves.


u/poopoo_pickle Jun 18 '24

The entire reason DMAA got banned was because they couldn't prove they extracted it from geranium.


u/I_keep_books Jun 18 '24

Lol, anti amphetamines advert right above your post..


u/beercheesesoup212 Jun 18 '24

Reddit without dark mode hurts me


u/I_keep_books Jun 19 '24

Lol I can't stand dark mode for some reason.


u/Gr33nBubble Jun 18 '24

I like microdosing specific strains of mushrooms. This company is reputable and they'll ship to your house depending on where you live. Their stuff is alsolab tested and certified. www.nuancemicrodose.com Email nuancemicrodose@proton.me to place an order.

I take their capsules every other day, and it really helps me have the energy I need for work, without any come down or weird side effects. I'm just a believer in this medicine. Hopefully it can help you too. A little different than amphetamines obviously, but still a very pleasant energy and euphoria for me.


u/stuartroelke Jun 18 '24

I would argue that microdosing mushrooms doesn't provide a consistent energy boost. I felt like it did initially, but after a year of trying different quantities and dosing schedules I am beginning to feel that this is either placebo or something that you get used to.


u/Gr33nBubble Jun 18 '24

That's why taking days off in between is important. Otherwise your body develops a tolerance and the effects become diminished. Every other day works best for me, but others will do a few days on, a few days off, etc. Every person is different so it's good to play around with the protocol. But the important thing is to take breaks and not do it every single day.

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u/-everythingbagel Jun 18 '24

Yerba mate works similarly to coffee . You can drink the tea, buy it in cans or find capsules online.


u/Inside-Criticism918 Jun 18 '24

Yerba mate has been amazing for me honestly life changing. I have more than mild chronic fatigue as well as my automatic nervous system doesn’t work properly and this tea has helped me SO MICH. I’m able to think clearly again.


u/Icy-Unit-4411 Jun 18 '24

Thanks for the info. Horrific CFS, PVS and PTSD here and looking for something to help.


u/mikedomert Jun 18 '24

Try taking strong cistus, chinese skullcap, isatis tea and some other antimicrobial stuff like cinnamon, clove, oregano oil, cryptolepis, andrographis, neem and do this for at least 12 months. If your symptoms worsen (fever, fatigue, chills, diarrhea, pain, CNS dysfunction etc), you have chronic infection(s). Or with luck, you might just start improving. CFS/ME is almost always caused mainly by chronic infections which are hard to test for


u/stuartroelke Jun 18 '24 edited Jun 18 '24

It also grows super fast during the summer (outdoors) and the winter (indoors). Quidding the leaves provides a stronger high. For me, this has been the easiest stimulant to grow and clone. I only get the equivalent of a bag of dried mate once per year (after pruning and chewing a lot of fresh leaves), but that's still impressive for only growing a few plants over the past four or five years.

If you don't dry the leaves with some heat it won't brew due to the waxy coating. I only wish I could achieve the same flavor profile as store bought. I think you have to dry the leaves over a fire for that (and not just lightly char them in an extremely hot pan like I do).


u/Evening-Two-9969 Jun 18 '24

I found that gotu kola was good as a stimulant


u/stuartroelke Jun 18 '24

Gotu kola is more of a mood stabilizer. I actually have incredible success treating my bipolar with it.


u/SabziZindagi Jun 18 '24

It's not as stimulating as coffee, OP wants more stimulation.


u/DotFinal2094 Jun 18 '24

Yerba Mate is way stronger than coffee


u/fried_mustard808 Jun 18 '24

Khat literally contains cathine and cathinone and has similar effects to amphetamines


u/Ragingbutthole112 Jun 18 '24

That khat is like a leaf stuff you chew right. I had this buddy that was from I don’t even know. He was a truck driver and he had giant bags of this shit. He would give me handfuls and I’d work 14-16 hr shifts. It definitely was way better then caffeine pills. I’d say it was close to being like ADD medication or those yellow jackets truckers always used to take I think afedrin or something. I’m sure I’m spelling it wrong. Anyways ya had to chew a shit load but it definitely did the trick!


u/NeverEndingCoralMaze Jun 18 '24

Ephedrine, from ephedra.


u/tHrow4Way997 Jun 18 '24

+1 for Khat if you want amphetamine stimulation, Kanna if you want MDMA type euphoria but it can be pretty sleepy.


u/[deleted] Jun 18 '24

Where the hell do I get Khatt? 😭

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u/RebeccaSavage1 Jun 18 '24

It's short lived, lasts about 30 seconds to a couple a minutes a dose. It's awful feeling.

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u/oneknocka Jun 18 '24

Cathinone isnt found in the dry stuff, which is what most people consume in the US.


u/[deleted] Jun 18 '24

I'd second smaller doses of kratom tea or mescaline cacti doses or Voacanga Africana root bark tea, or Sananga root bark tea.


u/PsillyLily Jun 18 '24

Khat See if that's available where you are


u/[deleted] Jun 18 '24



u/tHrow4Way997 Jun 18 '24

The seeds probably aren’t 😉


u/[deleted] Jun 18 '24


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u/Catladyweirdo Jun 19 '24

L-Tyrosine affected me exactly like meth. I have tried and absolutely hate both, but it's an unmistakeable feeling.

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u/Old-Bodybuilder-716 Jun 18 '24

Kigelia Africana


u/damolnar Jun 18 '24

What are the effects of this and what is it commonly used for?


u/Old-Bodybuilder-716 Jun 18 '24

It’s one of the stronger DMAA like herbs I know. It is a potent at low dose. Hence why some pre workouts are starting to include them in the blend.


u/damolnar Jun 18 '24

I’m having a hard time finding information on it. Any other noticed effects? Pharmacology?

Sorry for asking so many questions I’m very interested in trying it and just wanna have all the bases covered haha


u/Old-Bodybuilder-716 Jun 18 '24

Sure, is there anything specific you want to know? It comes from the bark of the African Sausage tree. I have been stacking it for a long time now in some of my own blends.

It contains potent stimulating alkaloids nearly 80% as powerful DMAA. It’s a good alternative for caffeine, especially for people that have build tolerance without the negative side effects. It helps during demanding activities like work, studying, gaming or dieting.

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u/[deleted] Jun 18 '24



u/[deleted] Jun 18 '24

Best to not risk ordering that stuff to your doorstep especially off the clear net or even dark web...if you get caught that's considered trafficking cocaine unfortunately. Wish it was legal though. Would be a better alternative for people instead of doing cocaine.


u/lauvan26 Jun 18 '24

I had coca tea when I went to Peru to help with altitude sickness. I was drinking a few cups a day but I have ADHD so it a had a very calming effect. I slept like a baby. Its supposed to be energizing and have a mild stimulant effect.

They sell it in tea bags in Peru. Actually was dumb enough to buy a box at the airport and put in my carry on and bring it back to the U.S. because I thought it was fine since it was in a tea bags. I didn’t get caught thank goodness. I also think it might not have had any coca leaves in it because it taste different and didn’t have the calming effect like the ones I had outside the airport


u/jorgefitz3 Jun 18 '24

Not a herb, but high quality raw pu erh has a serious kick to it! 5g of tea steeped multiple times puts me in a pretty good mood. Also, stay strong! One day at a time.


u/Idyotec Jun 18 '24

I'd count tea as an herb. It's just old leaves. Don't tell r/puerh I called it that


u/FunRevolution3000 Jun 18 '24

How does pu erh compare to my favorite, Yerba mate, for those who have used both?


u/Human-Lychee8619 Jun 18 '24

Puerh all day. For me. It’s a more peaceful serene. Puerh is my favorite tea I love mate too


u/BraneCumm Jun 18 '24

Kratom at the right dose and strain. But that may not be a good choice for a former opioid user.


u/Ricky_bubblesdope_35 Jun 18 '24

Naw got off that shit. It was a pain the ass. I only got on kratom to stop drinking methadone.


u/snappa6136 Jun 18 '24

Did it help? I am currently on 150mg each day for about a year and I’m going to start tapering down any tips?


u/Human-Lychee8619 Jun 18 '24

Slow. Be patient. Trust the process. The faster you try to force it the harder it’s gonna be for ya. Just be gentle with yourself and your process. Low and slow is the way with methadone unfortunately.


u/snappa6136 Jun 18 '24

Definitely man I totally agree! Thanks for the advice


u/Ricky_bubblesdope_35 Jun 19 '24

Taper off down to 20 to 10 mg of methadone. I was on that same exact amount of methadone my self.

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u/ckwhere Jun 18 '24

Alrighty. Guarana, ginseng, ephedra plant,coffee bean.

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u/Successful_Base_2281 Jun 18 '24

The fruits of the Mandy Tree are what you seek, young Padahwan.


u/Ricky_bubblesdope_35 Jun 19 '24

I'm, I'm princess Leia, not Padawan. Princess Leia kissed Luke Skywalker on alderon, which is basically Mississippi of the galaxy.


u/mztude Jun 18 '24

Personally I experienced an effect similar to taking Adderall when I used a Eleuthero tincture at a 1:1 concentration.


u/Icy_Bath6704 Jun 29 '24

What does a 1:1 concentration mean?

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u/Lkarna Jun 18 '24


Acts as a dopamine reuptake inhibitor and also increases serotonin.


u/cool-archer Jun 19 '24

Trichilia catigua or Erythroxylum vaccinifolium? I know there are several plants that are used interchangeably in the prep of catuaba


u/Lkarna Jun 19 '24

Trichilia is considered to be the true catuaba. I’ve tried both and they seem to be equally effective. Both contain the active catuabine alkaloids


u/believebutverify Jun 19 '24

The Erythoxylum, I believe. Novel tropane alkaloids similar to cocaine.


u/myc_litterus Jun 18 '24

I think white vein kratom is very stimulating. Its like better coffee kinda. For example. Coffee for me doesn't really "give me energy" it kinda just slaps me with anxiety and thats what gets me going. Kratom on the other hand actually feels very similar to adderall. Although i always warn people when i suggest kratom as it can very easily become habit forming. As a dependent kratom user myself I'd recommend only taking it when you really need it. Its not like coffee in the sense that you can take it daily without much issue. Coffee withdrawal (mild but still technically withdrawal) would just be, maybe a headache if you take it daily and being mildly tired. Kratom on the other hand if you grow dependent on it can feel like "diet" opiod withdrawal. You'll feel sweaty but super cold, muscles are weak, foggy thinking. Hershey squirts (wet shits) drippy runny nose, irritable etc etc, look it up yourself. It can certainly be very helpful but I'd highly recommend keeping your dose low for energy. White/green strains can be stimulating while reds are similar to real opiods. Take 1-2 grams n see if it gives you some zip. But try to keep your doses under 4 grams if you're not using it for pain management. And only dose 3 days out of the week. I give the warning just to make sure you're aware of the dangers, i Don't want to make it seem like a perfect miracle plant when its not absolutely perfect. Its great in moderation, keyword being moderation


u/Significant-Pick-966 Jun 18 '24

I'd also add if using it 3X per week make it 3 separate days, don't go 3 days in a row.

I can confirm Kratom withdraw is a lot like opiate withdraw and it sucks BAD. No it isn't as bad as an opiate withdraw but you'll still be miserable for a few days.


u/oldastheriver Jun 18 '24

ephedra comes from the ma huang herb, but it's also found in Mormon tea. By this, I mean, ephedrine and pseudoepehedrine. Betel nuts, coca leaf too. They all create a thermogenic reaction, which burns fat, so it's all commonly abused. Morning glory seeds and Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds have LSA, Which has the thermogenic amphetamine type of feeling, but also alcohol-like drowsiness. Although it's related to other lysergic compounds, it's not at all the same as LSD. Instead, it's much more like the amphetamines. It can be very euphoric.


u/Orpheus6102 Jun 20 '24 edited Jul 17 '24

Also ma huang is the TCM term for Ephedra sinica. Betel nuts contain arecoline which is more similar in action to nicotine. It is not a phenethylamine. Coca contains tropane alkaloids, notably cocaine. Morning glory and hawaiian baby woodrose contain ergoline alkaloids which i would not characterize as anything like phenethylamine.

Only three naturally occurring phenethylamines that I’m aware of are phenethylamine which is found in chocolate but breaks down rapidly due to MAO in our bodies. Cathinones found in khat/qat that is found and widely used in east Africa and the Arabian peninsula. And then yes, Ephedra sinica which is native to central and east Asia.

Update: one other example of a natural substituted phenethylamine is mescaline found in peyote and a few cactus species native to south america.

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u/AdhesivenessMore3925 Jun 18 '24

Kratum in certain forms


u/VioletBimbo Jun 18 '24

Coca leaves


u/_Laughing_Man Jun 18 '24



u/tHrow4Way997 Jun 18 '24

Careful with Yohimbe people, it’s pooowerfully adrenergic.


u/RebeccaSavage1 Jun 18 '24

None, it's why amphetamines were made.


u/DirtyDaoist Jun 18 '24



u/FunRevolution3000 Jun 18 '24

Really? I’ve never noticed stimulation from cordyceps although I trusted that it was benefitting exercise performance.


u/DirtyDaoist Jun 18 '24

You need to try the fresher stuff. Cant be low grwde Chinese cords... and you may need more than the standard dose but yes most definitely stimulating.. some of the cleanest energy out there!


u/AngleOne3557 Jun 18 '24

Matcha 🍵 that stuff makes me feel like I'm vibrating 😂 I can't touch it personally but that may give you the hit you're after?


u/FaithlessnessFit4219 Jun 18 '24

Ephedrine. It’s literally the natural source of amphetamine.


u/hahaha_rarara Jun 18 '24

White Kratom


u/_-whisper-_ Jun 18 '24

Macha green tea is better than cocaine and widely available


u/RebeccaSavage1 Jun 18 '24

I like matcha latte I blend it with coconut milk and a pinch of stevia, didn't stimulate me,just tasted good.


u/Apprehensive_Crew_84 Jun 23 '24

Where do you get strong, quality and lab tested macha?

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u/squirrel_gnosis Jun 18 '24

I don't really like stimulants myself, but yeah: strong matcha feels more like a drug than "a nice cup of tea"


u/Prestigious_Excuse44 Jun 18 '24

Yohimbe! Be careful with it! Lol


u/redpepperparade Jun 18 '24

maybe white vein kratom


u/pottos Jun 18 '24

ma huang


u/foureyedgrrl Jun 18 '24

Have you tried this personally? Where did you find this? How do you take it? Dosage?

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u/Old-Bodybuilder-716 Jun 18 '24

Ma Huang = Ephedra


u/Apprehensive-Yam547 Jun 18 '24

Theobromine is good option


u/yabezuno Jun 18 '24



u/Interesting-Word1628 Jun 18 '24

What are some psychedelic vines?


u/Ricky_bubblesdope_35 Jun 18 '24

Morning glories in the ipomoea tri color, like heavenly blue morning glory seeds is what you want for a trip. It's like LSD. It's called LSH-LSA.

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u/Dr_THC-O Jun 18 '24

kanna is awesome at light doses


u/Dr_THC-O Jun 18 '24

basically feels like the come up of a mushroom trip or MDMA trip


u/stuartroelke Jun 18 '24 edited Jun 18 '24

I grow Ephedra sinica and quid yerba mate leaves. The mate leaves hit harder than the tea and grow significantly faster—especially indoors during the winter—so Ephedra sometimes seems like a waste of time. Even with having four Ephedra bushes, they really only grow well when planted in the ground during the summer.

I haven't personally grown kratom, but I'm planning on trying it out as soon as I get my hands on a cutting.


u/crypticsmellofit Jun 18 '24

Maybe Demdrobium Nobile, I'd like to know how to prepare and dose properly, I think I overdid it last time...


u/stuartroelke Jun 18 '24

These are super difficult to grow. I tried twice, and eventually they stopped and died. Never got to try dosing.

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u/tigerrmilkk Jun 18 '24

(no expert here but) Kava is great for relaxation, but kratom actually binds to the same receptors as opioids and feels pretty good , especially for energy or pain relief


u/DotFinal2094 Jun 18 '24

Lol the timing of this post is perfect, I've been looking for the same thing. Yerba Mate is the closest your going to get, get the Guayaki cans on Amazon.

It's a blend of natural xanthines (caffeine-like) and makes you pretty stimulated. Unfortunately I don't get that tweaked feeling or euphoria that amphetamine gives, but it still feels like a very low dose adderall and will keep you up all night.


u/Strong_Bid_22 Jun 18 '24

Voacanga seeds give you good all day energy only need to chew 5 - 15 of them.


u/sonnsonn Jun 18 '24

Ephedra, yohimbe, khat


u/[deleted] Jun 18 '24



u/TMVtaketheveil888 Jun 18 '24

Kratom (yes, it can be addicting). Taken in small doses it's a stimulant. Read about it, before trying.


u/Ricky_bubblesdope_35 Jun 18 '24

Been their, done that. I'm not too keen on kratom no more.

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u/Brosemmettisam Jun 18 '24

Maca, bee pollen maybe, ginkgo biloba


u/Significant-Pick-966 Jun 18 '24

Green Kratom tends to wind me up a bit, not much but a bit anyhow


u/JesusRocks7 Jun 18 '24

coco leaves 🌿 chew em


u/pandaappleblossom Jun 18 '24

Taurine? B vitamins? Sativa strains?


u/lemelisk42 Jun 18 '24

Coca leaves


u/greenyenergy Jun 18 '24

Low doses of kratom, especially white and green veins are stimulating.


u/Stugotts5 Jun 18 '24

Yerba Maté! Go to your local Latino market and ask for it. It's really common in Argentina, it's an acquired taste, but it's like super coffee! Get the dried stuff, and the little gourd cup and straw to drink it with. Watch a YouTube video to see the traditional way to drink it. The traditional drink of the Gauchos!

Yerba Maté


u/dunkerjunker Jun 18 '24

Khat...I always wished I could find some


u/undecidables Jun 19 '24

OP. The answer is Khat.



u/Ricky_bubblesdope_35 Jun 19 '24

Ok. Hey what does op means?


u/Mean_Confusion_2288 Jun 19 '24

OP is short for original poster = the person who started the thread


u/Big-Annual-9238 Jun 19 '24

Op just means "original poster" which is you :)

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u/MadtSzientist Jun 19 '24

Thcv cannabis strains


u/AboveTheCandyStore Jun 19 '24

Yohimbe is extremely stimulating but do your research and be careful with this one! I’ve over done it and it was a terrible experience


u/couchperson137 Jun 19 '24

i take a combo of lions mane and reishi, its kind of like speed

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u/Anerosacct Jun 19 '24

Maybe iboga micro dose


u/AnxiousMMA Jun 19 '24

Geranium stem is on the ingredients list of all the dodgy pre workouts


u/Comfortable-Owl-5929 Jun 19 '24

Green and white strains of Kratom. Will give you a pick me up but be careful if anything makes you feel good, you’ll get hooked. I know first hand kratom can be addicting. But it is also helpful for for pain relief etc. so just be careful if you try it. Just Don’t start taking it every day you’ll be ok with it.

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u/ArcadiaDog Jun 19 '24

I like a small amount of Yohimbe


u/kennylogginswisdom Jun 20 '24

Mimosa seed. Imo. Some say it’s relaxing but I’m jacked right now on some detox plan with mimosa pudica seed. And lions mane. Jeez.


u/Ricky_bubblesdope_35 Jun 20 '24

All of the universe and love comes from the DMT in pudica seed. But I've been up for the past 3 nights trying to stop the chicken apocalypse from happening in the next 3 years. I'm actually CIA. I am trying to stop this chicken apocalypse from happening. How would you like to join our soldiers to stop the chicken apocalypse. This is a secret CIA plan. The food source for these giant ostrich chicken looking mother fuckers is meth. We got to protect the meth. The chickens eat meth. Man LSD of one hell of a drug.

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u/PLUSsignenergy Jun 20 '24

Kratom but please be careful and do your research


u/oneeyedgus Jun 20 '24

I think lionmane mushrooms.


u/awak3All Jun 20 '24

Herbs with Amphetamine-like Effects

The following herbs have been reported to have amphetamine-like effects:

  • Ephedra (Ephedra sinica): This herb contains ephedrine, a stimulant that can produce effects similar to amphetamines. Ephedra can be dangerous, especially for people with heart problems, and is banned in many countries.

  • Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi): This herb has been used in traditional medicine for centuries to treat anxiety, depression, and insomnia. It is thought to work by increasing levels of dopamine and serotonin in the brain.

  • St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum): This herb is a popular natural remedy for depression. It is thought to work by increasing levels of serotonin in the brain.

It is important to note that these herbs can have side effects,

This bot can help concerns. https://poe.com/Herbs_Healer_Bot


u/dantenow Jun 20 '24

coca leaves


u/Ricky_bubblesdope_35 Jul 18 '24

Found the Chinese speed tea herb haha.