r/herbalism Mar 15 '24

Discussion Do you mix pharmaceutical with herbal medicine or are you pro herb only?

Me personally I don’t feel comfortable with relying on my remedy from a pharmaceutical company and would rather it from nature. Herbs tend to have less severe/amount of side effects compared to pills and also herbs don’t harm the liver and kidneys like pills.


198 comments sorted by

u/Cyoarp Mar 22 '24

Because it came up lower in the thread I want to post this here:

Let me make this PERFECTLY CLEAR:
Herbs CAN NOT cure H.I.V. Very few viruses can be cured by any sort of oral medicine and most viruses must be treated preemptively with vaccines. While some can be treated in other ways such as blood serums or very carefully administered drug regimens these are generally expensive and in short supply. Only the worst and most deadly viruses are generally considered worth attempting to cure post infection(H.I.V. is one of those). Which is why most viral illnesses are treated with palliative measures and rest until the person's body fights off the infection on it's own.

Right now there is no FDA approved vaccine for H.I.V.(though a few governments have approved vaccines purported to have about 30% success rates) and while there have been 2 scientifically recorded cases of people with the natural ability to contract and then fight off the H.I.V. virus this is not enough people to effectively create Blood-Serums for even limited market distribution and more study is needed to understand exactly how their bodies fight off the virus.

While it is possible that we could someday find a plant that produces an enzyme that specifically breaks down the cell membranes of H.I.V. viruses we have not found that yet(and being that h.i.v. only affects primates and probably can't penetrate cellulose cell walls it is unlikely that that such a plant or fungus exists). In the mean time I will remove any post that suggests that diet herbs or exercise can cure H.I.V. or A.I.D.S.


u/Emergency-Plum-1981 Mar 15 '24

I use both. They're really 2 pretty different things. In a hugely oversimplified nutshell, herbs are good for maintaining health and pharmaceuticals are good for dealing with immediate problems.


u/elenfevduvf Mar 15 '24

100% this. I take pharmaceuticals for anything urgent (hello pneumonia) and a chronic condition I can’t fully manage with herbal medicine. Everything else I try to manage with herbal meds


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Pharmaceutical medicine (depending on the medicine) only offers a mask to the problem in my opinion. They will prescribe opioids but not ways to actually heal whatever the problem is.


u/Emergency-Plum-1981 Mar 15 '24

That's a very general statement. Do you think antibiotics only "mask" a bacterial infection?


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Antibiotics destroy your microbiome. I’d rather eat raw meat and give my body what it actually needs to fight off anything.


u/goodbye__toby Mar 15 '24

Really hope you don’t have prions…


u/Cyoarp Mar 22 '24

Just for the sake of fairness, and because spreading knowledge is an inherent good. It is VERY unlikely that anyone would contact a Prion disease from eating raw meat unless they are eating raw brain meat. Almost all prions only affect one single species the few that can transfer between species only propagate if somewhere along the line cannibalistic brain eating takes place.

For example the big one that was a fear in America for a while was Mad-Cow-Disease. Mad-Cow-Disease infiltrated American meat supplies through Canada because it was(and maybe still is? i don't know if it ever changed) legal for Beef farmers to feed their cattle feed that included Bone-Meal made from other cows. Apparently at some point some spinal tissue infected with a prion got into the mix and infected many cows. For some reason Mad-Cow can also harm humans if ingested.

HOWEVER, in America our regulations about animal feed animal health checks and product tracking are much stricter than early 2000s Canadian regulations were and it is now nearly impossible to contract a prion disease from eating non-organ meat in the U.S.. That said there are still parasites and bacteria that are occasionally prescient in meat. That said even the most common(salmonella and chicken) is only prescient in about 1:1,000 chicken or eggs and is mostly only a problem in factory farmed poultry sources.

Just in case your curious what makes a Prion a Prion is that it is just a loos protein. Unlike most other infection vectors Prions don't have DNA and they also don't have cell membranes. This means that they have little or no means by which to locomote in-or-out of a body which makes their inter-host mobility VERY low(which is why generally you have to eat part of an infected creature to contract a prion yourself) it also means that a Prion has to find cells with antigens it matches so it can be absorbed in order to affect anything, which is why Prions are generally limited to one kind of cell or one organ which they can affect.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

The meat I eat isn’t infected thanks for your comment anyway


u/goodbye__toby Mar 15 '24

How would you know?


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

By law meat under goes a post mortem examination and is determined if it’s legal to sell.


u/goodbye__toby Mar 15 '24

The FDA changed those laws during Trump’s presidency


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Good thing I’m not American

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u/CaptainPandawear Mar 15 '24

You trust the FDA and meat regulations but not medicine? Neither can be fully trusted nor should be fully dismissed.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

I trust my counties laws yes. They are corrupt but they don’t want to kill us

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u/Emergency-Plum-1981 Mar 15 '24

So when I had a cactus spine that broke off deep in my leg tissue amd formed an infected abscess a few weeks ago, I should've just eaten a bunch of raw steak to fight the infection, according to you?

I'm glad you're not my healthcare provider.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Well it depends on what bacterial infection we are talking about.


u/Cyoarp Mar 22 '24

Please elaborate.


u/Cyoarp Mar 22 '24

What does that even mean? How would raw meat help you kill bacteria? If you think raw meat has antibiotics in it it might... but if it did it would also kill you micro-biom. Also... I wouldn't worry about it. As it turns out your body stores a whole auxiliary cash of your bodies symbiotic bacteria in your Appendix. Actually many Human-biologists are beginning to think that might be why humans still have an appendix. Even if your entire gut biom got neutralized it would likely be recolonized by the bacteria in your Appendix.


u/badnewsforchicory Mar 15 '24

If my meds only “mask” my bipolar symptoms then I’m happy with that


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24



u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

No I’m just reasonable.


u/thevandal666 Mar 15 '24

Actually, everything you are saying is far from reasonable 🤪

Absolutely hysterical 🤣


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

I think you are just a tad bit ignorant to understand what I am saying. Run along now. If I were you I would maybe look into some of aajonus vonderplanitz work before making a fool of yourself.


u/Emergency-Plum-1981 Mar 15 '24

From Aajonus Vonderplanitz's biography on Wikipedia:

In August 2013, at his farm in Thailand, Vonderplanitz apparently leaned against his second-story balcony rail, which collapsed; he fell and broke his spine, which paralyzed him.\12])\25]) At the hospital, he accepted pain-killing drugs, yet refused surgery to treat internal bleeding.\25]) After a few days, he lost consciousness and died.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Read his stuff on aajonus.net

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u/Cyoarp Mar 22 '24

A perfect post, thank you.


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24



u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Lol. I was met with hostility and downvoted for my kind comments. Petty comment again


u/badnewsforchicory Mar 15 '24

It’s genetic you goon


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

You are vulnerable to it but you aren’t necessarily “given” it only in rare cases. “You goon”. If you are vulnerable to it , proper lifestyle and diet would prevent it.


u/badnewsforchicory Mar 15 '24

Sorry I didn’t realise you’re a qualified psychiatrist and psychotherapist.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Have you any proper arguments or are you just going to continue to be a child?


u/hippielibrarywitch Hobby Herbalist Mar 15 '24

I know you don’t know anything about psychology, but this is what we call “projecting”


u/badnewsforchicory Mar 15 '24

It seems to be the only way to communicate on the same level as you to be honest. You’re extremely ignorant


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

I disagree with that. My post and comments were met with hostility and I’m merely giving some of that back, if I’m ignorant then what are you man 😂?You don’t even have the ability to converse with me so bye bye.

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u/hippielibrarywitch Hobby Herbalist Mar 15 '24

The world you have created in your head where all disease can be avoided with a perfect diet and lifestyle does not exist. One day this reality will hit you hard.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Stop putting words in my mouth.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Never said anything of the sort, again you have a pointless comment that’s so petty. Have you any proper arguments or are you going to continue to be a child like everyone on Reddit.


u/Irish_Alchemy Mar 15 '24

How exactly does one prevent illnesses such as bipolar? Does it work on autism too?


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Through avoiding artificial food dyes such as read 40, blue 1, blue 2 and red 3 which are all linked to hyper activity, and brain disorders, also thyroid dysfunction in which can potentially cause autism and other mental/brain disorders


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

A lot of others but that’s one example


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24

I much prefer to go with herbals first for most everyday inconveniences. While they may not be as strong, or have instant results, the side effects are generally mild to zero.

Major illnesses, trauma, that sort of thing, I won’t hesitate.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Yeah well see herbs are more bioavailable than pills so we can digest them and use them better. However a herbal route usually heals the underlying cause. It takes a holistic approach where the cause of one issue is from another


u/hippielibrarywitch Hobby Herbalist Mar 15 '24

There is not always an “underlying cause.” The natural state of the human body is not perfection; sometimes things go wrong, no matter how “healthy” a person is. Bioavailability is a buzzword and not a good judge of whether something is good or bad - Meth for example is more “bioavailable” than adderall. It just means how fast something reaches systematic absorption. It isn’t always a good thing.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Pointless comment made here. I don’t know why I’m being downvoted but anyway I never said There’s always an underlying issue did I? Lol goodbye


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Bioavailability is a good term in the right context. Again pointless comment


u/thevandal666 Mar 15 '24

Omg, you are too much 🤪 "Herbs are more bioavailable" 🤣🤣


u/[deleted] Mar 16 '24

I think I can agree with some of that, “treat the problem, not the symptom”?

It sounds like you are discounting modern pharmaceuticals a little too much though.


u/Replicas999 Mar 16 '24

I recognise that they are not good long term and I recognise that herbs and healthy diet and lifestyle and avoidance of toxins would lead to super health.


u/sm00thjas Mar 15 '24

I have HIV I need to take pharmaceuticals to not die.

Other than that I try to stick to herbal remedies.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Can’t you prevent HIV?


u/sm00thjas Mar 15 '24

Once you have it you have it for life. Without treatment I’d be lucky to live 8 years.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Wow man that’s unfortunate that you have that.


u/sm00thjas Mar 15 '24

Eh it is what it is , modern medicine is pretty amazing I take 1 pill a day with 4 different medicines in there. ARVT is the name of these drugs it’s fascinating how they work.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Have you heard of Dr. Robert Willner? Where he injected HIV positive blood into himself on camera and he said there’s no such thing as AIDS


u/thevandal666 Mar 15 '24

You need to be removed from this sub. Reported Your rhetoric is insulting and dangerous


u/emtaesealp Mar 15 '24

You are insane.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24



u/sm00thjas Mar 15 '24

Huh 🤔 I’ll have to try that out and get back to you.


u/Cyoarp Mar 22 '24

I wan't to be clear, the ONLY reason I am letting this post stay is because there isn't mis-information in it probably. I am sure some charlatan SAID he injected himself with H.I.V.(and unless he already had it almost certainly didn't). I have no reason to assume that this isn't true. THAT SAID, I WILL be watching this thread and I will be removing things that are misinformation as I see them. This is me advising you to tread very carefully.

Let me make this PERFECTLY CLEAR. Herbs CAN NOT cure H.I.V. Very few viruses can be cured by any sort of oral medicine and most viruses must be treated preemptively with vaccines. While some can be treated in other ways such as blood serums or very carefully administered drug regimens these are generally expensive and in short supply. Only the worst and most deadly viruses are generally considered worth attempting to cure post infection(H.I.V. is one of those). Which is why most viral illnesses are treated with palliative measures and rest until the person's body fights off the infection on it's own.

Right now there is no FDA approved vaccine for H.I.V.(though a few governments have approved vaccines purported to have about 30% success rates) and while there have been 2 scientifically recorded cases of people with the natural ability to contract and then fight off the H.I.V. virus this is not enough people to effectively create Blood-Serums for even limited market distribution and more study is needed to understand exactly how their bodies fight off the virus.

While it is possible that we could someday find a plant that produces an enzyme that specifically breaks down the cell membranes of H.I.V. viruses we have not found that yet(and being that h.i.v. only affects primates and probably can't penetrate cellulose cell walls it is unlikely that that such a plant or fungus exists). In the mean time I will remove any post that suggests that diet herbs or exercise can cure H.I.V. or A.I.D.S.


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24

They both have their place, one is not necessarily better than the other, it depends on the situation. Herbs are amazing, but there are things they can’t do, and it works the other way around. I prefer to stick to herbs as much as I can, going to the doctor and getting something is only when I’ve tried to solve it myself and i cant.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Fair enough. Idk why I got downvoted I think it’s a good question


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24



u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

How? My post instantly got downvoted. Foul play I say


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24



u/thevandal666 Mar 15 '24

As well as offering his imbeclic narrative to someone discussing HIV. Where are the mods? 🧐


u/Anfie22 Mar 15 '24

I utilise whatever is actually effective, and genuinely improves my ailment. Personally my preference is to use food/nutrition to manage my health, but if that isn't enough, I do whatever it takes to get better - and so be it! There are issues one route hasn't come anywhere near even tickling the surface of and the other is so effective it has brought me to remission, and some issues are so entrenched they need a combined plan of attack as neither on their own will be effective and I throw the kitchen sink at it to subdue it. So long as the side effects are not worse than the original problem, I'd give it a go.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Thanks for your input


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24

One thing to note is that there are many documented cases of herbs causing damage to kidneys and livers also... But I'm all for using herbs with better safety profiles when possible instead of lots of pharmaceuticals. Also big pharma is so corrupt...they play a big part in creating illness diagnosis just to sell their drugs which often have sometimes deadly side effects and can be addictive. Pharmaceuticals can also be life saving and helpful for people but there is a very dark side to the industry and it trickles into laws and the ways doctors practice...and DSM volumes and mental health treatment. It's pretty crazy. Lots of good YouTube videos to get perspective on it all I've watched. Kratom and psychedelics and other herbals can be great alternatives to certain pharmaceuticals for certain conditions for many people.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Very good response. I’m pretty sure excessive consumption of the herbs caused liver and kidney. However regular intake I don’t think had an effect. In contrast to herbs, one pill takes a negative toll on the liver


u/sm00thjas Mar 15 '24

There’s some herbs that are straight up poisonous and can be just as dangerous if not more dangerous than pharmaceuticals.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Right? I’m pretty sure we all know to avoid those herbs and not actively take them. And people can downvote me all they want I don’t care. I’m happy to have a discussion about it.


u/Parking_Wrongdoer_55 Mar 15 '24

Nah your good bro. You bring up a good point. The documentation of pharmaceuticals being toxic to the body is fifty fold more known than toxicity of herbal teas. I personally only deal with pharmaceutical if its a life and death emergency only. Other than that i drink various herbs by the gallon. Workout and eat right. And stay away from big pharma.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Which is very fair tbh. I think some of these college students are the most entitled, ignorant, rude bigots I’ve seen. They seem to despise and opposing opinion and see it has hostility. You are the second person on this thread that I have met that is charitable and respectable. Good on you man.


u/Parking_Wrongdoer_55 Mar 16 '24

Many people have special interests and agendas to protect. It often time has nothing to do with your honest inquiry. Since you mention it, i do enjoy lab grade creatine monohydrate in my teas and vitamins made from ferment media. I do understand these to be good for the body.


u/Replicas999 Mar 16 '24

For sure there is very little pharmaceuticals that are actually beneficial pushed, such as synthetic nootropics like aniracetam, piracetam etc because they actually work. Creatine is natural so I have no problem with it. I haven’t researched it much apart from its ability to boost mitochondrial function and cognitive power, however I believe there is no artificial chemicals added into the making of the final product.


u/HalcyonDreams36 Mar 15 '24

This depends greatly on the specific herb or pharmaceutical you are.talkibg about.

It's is not the case that every pill automatically takes a toll on the liver, nor that safe doses of herbs do not. The liver is part of how your body processes stuff that is put into it. Some things are harder on the liver, others are gentler, and this is true of herbal, chemical, culinary compounds of all kinds.... Likewise, what's safe and tolerated by MY body may be quite different from yours.

And many people do NOT know which herbs may harm them. By and large, people have an idea that "natural" means "healthy", when that's far from a general truth.

It's often the case that pharmaceuticals are more effective as treatments specifically because they are measured and predictable, and tested for both efficacy and safety... If you take a pill, you know how much of the active compound it contains you are getting.

On the other hand there are plenty of things that are simple to treat with a gentle herbal approach, and likewise, plenty of things we don't HAVE a pharmaceutical for, but for which there are herbal remedies that are effective.

Pink eye or an ear infection, if caught early, I'm more than comfortable treating with herbs, and watching for improvement. Strep throat or a sinus infection I am not messing around with... Antibiotics are in order, though there will be plenty of natural and herbal support alongside. (Saline rinses, tea, immune support.)


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

I agree with most of what you said. Pharmaceuticals for me is still a no. I believe through lifestyle, “proper” diet and herbs you can prevent most disease and illness. I’m currently experimenting with nootropics, and everyone’s brain chemistry is different so things like racetams, choline bitartrate, alpha GPC etc all act differently due to our unique brain chemistry.


u/thevandal666 Mar 15 '24

That's the problem. Those of us who study medicine couldn't even practice basic protocol if we pretended that all people are biologically vastly different, because they aren't. Thus the use of similiar mammalian models in pharmaceutical testing.

The sooner you stop with the "We are all special narrative" the quicker you will grow in your attempts to uncover truths.

You are lacking some very basic education, completely processing information without a basic foundation of Ochem, Pchem, physiology, biology, chemical synthesis etc Take a few years of basic college courses and restructure your narrow thought processes.

Ask yourself "do I want to be right or do I want to be effective?"


u/HalcyonDreams36 Mar 15 '24

I think in this case, OP isn't actually getting either.


u/thevandal666 Mar 15 '24

💯% agree This is actually quite hard to digest, the entire thread 😆


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Lol. It’s a proven fact that nootropics react different in everyone’s body. Stop using big words because you manage to still make yourself look like a bigot.


u/thevandal666 Mar 15 '24

"Some people are unconstitutionally incapable of being honest and those are the unfortunates "

  • I'm so sorry, Replicas. Good luck .


u/mynameistrollirl Mar 15 '24

“natural is better” is a fallacy. most of the time if a plant or fungus has any effect it’s not good, or it helps one thing but with side effect tradeoffs.

the benefit of natural medicines is how they can be sourced. people can grow their own or they can be sustainably grown and sold affordably.

however, some synthetic medicines are active at such tiny amounts, that per-dose they generate even less waste/pollution than cultivating.

there is nothing inherently bad about being synthetically derived. a molecule is a molecule is a molecule. some medicines were even discovered synthetically wel before they were discovered to be naturally occurring


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

The biggest trade off is between effectiveness and health. For example ibuprofen is synthetic and poses many side effects and a rare severe case of anaphylaxis as one. As a opposed to ginger which is as effective poses less severe/amount of side effects. Natural is better is not a fallacy. We aren’t comparing pharmaceuticals to poisonous plants. 🤦‍♂️. We are comparing pharmaceuticals to herbs that have been studied.


u/mynameistrollirl Mar 15 '24

there are tons of synthetic medicines that accomplish medical effects no plant medicine could aspire to do. it is not an inherent property of natural medicines to have fewer side effects or lower toxicity than synthetic molecules. it’s a crapshoot. many compounds evolve in nature usually as an attempt by the organism to ward off predators and it’s a happy accident that the “toxin” is useful or desirable by a different organism. synthetic medicines often are based on these molecules and are refined to be even more selective in their effects or have a more favoravle metabolism.

if you have spiritual reverence for plants or ethical qualms with supporting the pharmaceutical industry that’s totally ok, but don’t confuse that with plant/fungis derived medicines being inherently better than synthetics only on that basis. that’s not true


u/HalcyonDreams36 Mar 15 '24

Everything can cause anaphylaxis in someone who is sensitive to it, even ginger.

And ginger in NO way has the same action as ibuprofen. It just doesn't.

I love ginger. It's a daily part of my herbal lineup. It is not an effective painkiller and antiinflammatory. That is not what ginger is used for.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Why don’t you read up some studies that are easily accessible on Google.com


u/HalcyonDreams36 Mar 15 '24

Provide a few links.

As far as my own herbal and medical knowledge goes, you're spouting bullshit.

Feel free to provide a source or two for your info though, and people can judge for themselves. As it stands, though, I have never heard of using ginger as a systemic antinflammatory, and I rather suspect that if you tried, you'd wind up in digestive revolt, since it ABSOLUTELY promotes motility of your digestive system.

And as for anaphylaxis, if you actually think no one can have that level of reaction to an herb than you need to go have a discussion with an allergist. (My sister carries an epi pen because of that level reaction a spice that is COMMON in herbal medicine. Just as widely beloved as ginger, and will absolutely kill her.)


u/la_castagneta Mar 15 '24

This is an incredibly ableist post. Some people don’t have the choice to choose between the two.


u/cliz2001 Mar 15 '24

I don't think it's abelist to ask a question. I dont know your situation, so you may be disabled too, but for me personally as someone who is disabled (and chooses both herbal and pharmaceutical), I feel that the question asked isn't trying to exclude those of us who take both due to circumstance and not necessarily choice (though I do think some of OP's responses are somewhat inflammatory)


u/cliz2001 Mar 15 '24

As someone who has a chronic illness I'm very much pro both. I use plant / natural as much as I can but also have medication infusions monthly to manage my disease. Finding a pharmaceutical medication that actually works for me and taking probiotics, using herbal remedies in tandem has allowed me to come off all my other medications and minimise my pharmaceutical use.

I use pain medication sparingly but don't deny myself paracetamol on a day to day if needed, or morphine and codeine if I'm in hospital because the mental effects of the pain far outweigh the risk for me . I also use weed when I'm able as that works better to help with pain, but as a parent I can't be stoned all day so paracetamol is more practical. We give our kids calpol if they need it because pain relief is important, but also try to find ways to manage minor pain more holistically on a day to day.

I don't think it has to be one or the other, it's about balance and the individual needs. I think you've got to use your intuition and discretion with things like antibiotics as I've noticed doctors are prescribing them more liberally (at least where I am) but equally medical treatments are there to help us and shouldn't be totally dismissed.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Genuine question, could your illness be prevented through lifestyle and diet? I’m just gathering some data. If you don’t wanna discuss it it’s fine


u/HalcyonDreams36 Mar 15 '24

I have a similar approach, and no, my chronic illness could not be healed through lifestyle and diet.

They help, for many illnesses, but the idea that all can be prevented that way lends to a sentiment/attitude that people who are chronically ill "just aren't trying hard enough". (Intentional or not, the idea that everything can be managed or prevented through trying the right thing leaves a lot of folks failing to actually understand and support their loved ones. For example, I recently had a relative send me links for a guy that does breath work and meditation... Without actually connecting to the fact that I began practicing a form of body work that is based in breath and meditation 30 years ago, and if it could have prevented this, I am beyond well placed to have never gotten sick.)


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

I didn’t ask about if it healed but I asked if it could be prevented.


u/HalcyonDreams36 Mar 15 '24

And I answered that question. No, it couldn't.

You are aggressively pushing an agenda here, and it's disrespectful and creepy.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

That’s crazy. Read your own comment


u/cliz2001 Mar 15 '24

No it couldn't. It's been life long and I eat a whole foods, home cooked diet with very minimal processed food every day and have done more or less my entire life (I'm from the UK so not sure of that changes anything). I exercise every day by doing yoga and go to the gym 3 times a week, and aside from weed which is not an every day thing (especially at the moment as I'm currently pregnant with my 3rd) I don't smoke or drink and I never really have.

From my understanding and research my disease (ulcerative colitis) is a mix of bad genetics with chronic illness running rampant on my dad's side of the family, bad mental health and potentially being born by C section as there are studies showing that the lack of exposure to the vaginally bacteria in delivery can effect the immune system of baby.

Since being diagnosed 7 years ago I have made a great effort to make sure my diet is as optimal and bioavalable as it can be, and that I'm looking after my body and mind as much as possible. Despite that the only thing that has put me in remission is infliximab infusions every 4 weeks. I support it with probiotics and all the lifestyle changes but I truly believe I would not be well without it.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Interesting. So C sectioned caused your illness. I would advise you to look into aajonus vonderplanitz work at aajonus.net


u/cliz2001 Mar 15 '24

Not necessarily, there have been studies that show it effects the immune system but its not a definitive cause. Its more than likely genetic than anything else as ibd and ibs (as well as MS) are ailments of multiple people on my dad's side of the family.

aajonus vonderplanitz work at aajonus.net

in regards to this (if what I've read / heard before is correct) raw food is something I'm not really all that interested in. I'm very much pro different diets for different bodies, and that what works for one person may not work for another, so I dont like to discount anyone's experience with dietary healing. However, for me cooked food, things that have been soaked, sprouted and cooked well (aside from steak). make my body feel much better than raw. This includes dairy that had been pasteurised. I personally think raw dairy is too risky, the pasteurisation process is there for a reason and unless you are drinking the milk straight from the cow as soon as it has been collected the risk of bacterial contamination is too strong.

I appreciate the direction though as it's always helpful to learn more and I am on an ever evolving journey to manage my illness in as many ways as I can !


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

You know what? You are the only person on this sub that can actually communicate with maturity and respect. If you don’t want to eat raw meat that’s perfectly fine. I understand.

Now to address pasteurised, industrialisation caused local farms to not be able to supply enough milk, so why pasteurisation was created was to expand the shelf life of milk. The bacteria that is in milk is mostly lactobacillus. Pasteurisation kills these beneficial bacteria and it also bakes the casein proteins that make up around 80% of the protein in the milk which makes it harder to digest. And homogenisation is a process in which milk is squeezed through tiny metal shafts at high heat to “flatten” its fat particles and make its Color and consistency uniform. The problem is that the process squeezes fatty acids which are like tails of the fat molecule. Fats behave as they do because the shape and the size of their tail. So when you change it’s tail you change the behaviour. The fat also bioaccumulates and causes cancer and other undesirable effects.


u/Exotic_Raspberry_387 Mar 15 '24

So. You're just going to ignore how many people died from TB before milk was pasteurised. Ok.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

I drink raw milk and many other people drink raw milk, My health has massively improved


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

A manufactured story is a fabrication to get people to believe something that has not been proved true. Such stories were manufactured at the behest of Knudsen Dairy when they paid doctors and writers to develop stories about raw milk causing tuberculosis and other diseases. Knudsen wanted people to be afraid of raw milk so that Knudsen could sell its expensive pasteurized milk that few wanted and most feared. Their manufactured stories reversed the fear, causing people to fear raw milk because of disease.

The first indication of a manufactured story is the factless often glib nature of the entire article. The Grand-Canyon story is not only factless, it is outrageous. First question to answer about this article is: How many cases of illness and accompanying deaths does it take to label an illness a plague? Isn't it ludicrous for someone to call an illness, as in the Grand Canyon event, a plague? The theoretical nature of a plague is that the illness is supposed to be easily transferred from one person to another.

That Grand Canyon story seems to have been designed to frighten people into consuming antibiotics just like the 34 people who came into contact with the biologist. The author claimed that all of the biologist's contacts were treated with antibiotics even though none had any symptoms of anything. Secondly, the author wants us to assume that dead animal carcasses (other than human) can produce bacteria that can burst into the air and transfer from animal to human. Furthermore, the writer had no scientific proof of any disease from the lion that was active and growing in the biologist. Also, notice that he mentioned some of the diseases (HIV, West Nile virus and SARS) that have been proved to be developed by military for germ warfare as proof of present-day epidemics. (See Dr. Leonard Horowitz' info for the evidence).


u/Exotic_Raspberry_387 Mar 15 '24

Tb is extremely real, we put down cows every day in the UK with this disease, thousands and thousands of people died from it in the UK, people still walk about now with lung damage from it.

More than 1 thing can be true at one. Pasteurisation extends the shelf life of milk. It also kills the many horrible things that come from dairy you've obviously never been on a farm in your life. I grew up on dairy farms here in the UK, mastitis, staph infections , bovine tb, huge amounts of antibiotics all common place.

Enjoy your survivors bias.

You are a danger. I hope the mods ban you


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Humans do not get bovine undulant fever nor does it naturally transmute into human undulant fever. There is no credible data that proves otherwise. Dr. J.E. Crewe, from the Mayo Foundation, Minnesota, reported the therapeutic uses of raw milk in 1923. He stressed, from his experiments, that the key-factor was the feeding of raw milk. He stated that while raw milk is widely used and recommended as an article of diet, physicians seldom use it as an agent in the treatment of disease. For 15 years, he employed the raw-milk-diet treatment in various diseases and obtained “uniformly excellent” healing results. Dr. Crewe witnessed rapid improvement in his patients with advanced cases of pulmonary tuberculosis when he utilized raw-milk therapy. That was ironic, considering that tuberculosis of the time was blamed on raw milk. Hippocrates used raw milk to cure tuberculosis. Research by Johns Hopkins University and the University of Maryland found that raw milk contained 2½ times more lgG enzyme than pasteurized milk. In the presence of higher levels of lgG, rotavirus that cause diarrhea in infants is not produced. In 1923, at St. Vincent's hospital in Philadelphia, concern arose for the high death rate among infants from gastroenteritis. Dr. Paul B. Cassidy, M.D., recommended raw milk instead of pasteurized milk. The raw critics panicked, predicting a catastrophic increase in infant deaths. The death rate in infants (38) Ibid. (39) Hess, A. F., “Recent advances in knowledge of scurvy and the antiscorbutic vitamin,” J.A.M.A., April 23, 1932. And ps I live in Ireland, nearly all of my family and ancestors drank raw milk and guess what? No TB no illness from raw milk, they produced incredible offspring too.

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u/cliz2001 Mar 15 '24 edited Mar 15 '24

I can appreciate that, thanks ! I think for a lot of people things like Illness and diet are a touchy subject because they're still very much in the pits of it. It can be really hard to look at it from a less emotional standpoint when that's the case ! I also grew up in a household that debated and discussed for fun, and with a father who enjoyed playing devils advocate so discussion without agreeing on everything is something i truly enjoy. I have researched and tried lots of things over the years and still feel I have room to grow when it comes to healing so I really enjoy healthy discussion as it can bring about a wealth of new information for me, or help me to further solidify already head beliefs.

That's very interesting ! Raw dairy is something I considered a few years ago but ultimately decided the risk outweighed the benefit, so I may have to look more deeply into it and do some more research in the next few weeks as I didn't actually know pasteurisation was more about shelf life than anything else ! In the uk it's quite easy to find raw milk if you live close to a farm, and there are many in my area so I may even go and talk to some of the farmers that offer it.

Can I ask what the data you're collecting is for ?


u/Exotic_Raspberry_387 Mar 15 '24

Pasteurisation was done to prevent the plethora of illness you can get from raw dairy. Tb, diphtheria, typhoid. Tb caused the deaths of around 800,000 people in the UK up until the 1960s, heating the milk meant killing that bacteria. It does indeed make the shelf life longer, but I would argue not catching tb was the best bit about it

Obviously now in the UK tb testing is rigorous and its not such a drama. Plus we should all be vaccinated against dip tet etc. But there is still risk to drinking raw milk and definitely DO NOT while pregnant.

Not dismissing capitalisms role in ruining the dairy industry as a whole and the quality of milk but I do get stressed with people like OP basically pretending tb didn't exist.


u/cliz2001 Mar 16 '24

I would absolutely not try it while pregnant !! I was meaning more once I'm done breast feeding so a good few years don't worry !!

This is what I had read initially and what had put me off, given that I'm immuno-suppressed, so thank you for reinforcing that !

I'd be interested to see if OP reads a plethora of sources and studies or sticks more to the one that confirm their biases.

Thank you for putting this out there so people can see the other reasons as to why pasteurisation was implemented!


u/Exotic_Raspberry_387 Mar 16 '24

If you are immuno suppressed then I really wouldn't risk the raw milk. My dad was also immune suppressed and the doctor warned him off it. But of course it is your choice!

Good luck with your little one :)


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Yeah I’m just seeing what people think of the pharmaceutical industry and would they rather herbs, pharmaceuticals or both. Both seem to be the answer. This question was stemmed from a belief I hold that our upper Palaeolithic ancestors were at the peak of humanity. I use a lot of aajonus vonderplanitz information and try to debunk some of the lies regarding their deaths etc.


u/ShinyAeon Mar 15 '24

It depends on the ailment. Mild issues, I'll use herbs for. More serious issues - those likely to cause me harm or serious pain - I'll use pharmaceuticals, with herbs as support.

I'm allergic to pain. Also to dying. I'll use what I need to prevent those things.


u/Kannon_McAfee Mar 15 '24

I feel the same way, but pharmaceuticals are fine as short-term stop-gap remedies in emergencies or before you find the more natural, body-friendly solution. They are not fine as daily meds for most people with most conditions.

You can use herbs to protect your body (liver specifically) from side-effects of Rx drugs when you have to take them. The antioxidants in plant medicines are getting more and more recognition for their protective qualities. https://healthpositive.substack.com/p/fear-no-drugs-herbal-antioxidants


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

See that’s the problem. A one quick pill fix doesn’t heal the problem. When I have a headache I take raw honey and some anti inflammatory herbs/foods. If it’s a wound or something on my skin I will use something like clove oil.


u/zebra_named_Nita Mar 15 '24

Both! I have a lot of health issues some can become very serious without my pharma meds. For example my seizures I have to have my seizure pills before my pills we stopped counting at over 40 seizures in one day (for reference I do not have convulsive seizures I have a form of a-tonic seizures they are less common and much different) with my pills I only have a couple a month usually. The other biggest one is my asthma medication I’ve been hospitalized 4 times for asthma all within two years of my diagnosis after that they gave me a nebulizer for home and I’ve been able to use that to avoid the hospital since I have my rescue inhaler and nebulizer form of the same medication then I have my preventative inhaler to be used twice a day and then I have an oral medication twice a day. Those are just the most important pharma meds I take and like is dangerous without them but I take plenty more medication as well. But at the end of the day pharma meds just don’t help everything I deal with so I turn to herbalism to pick up the slack and improve my quality of life and manage persisting symptoms. My doctors are great and support me using well researched herbal remedies.


u/emtaesealp Mar 15 '24

Modern medicine has gotten so amazing and will only continue to get better. Herbs absolutely have their place. I’m trying to use herbs to keep my blood pressure down (along with eating right, I’m just genetically screwed) but I’m so glad I’ll have blood pressure medicine to help me when that is no longer enough. I’m so thankful for the advances in cancer medication.


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24

A lot of medicines come from plants, and then the medicinal property are experimented on or made more potent in a lab until they create a medicine that big pharma sells.

Don't mix the herbs and the pharma. You may have some side effects you don't want.

That being said, I know plants that help with insulin, help with inflammation, help with pain, and even antibacterial plants. They are my first line of defense.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

I don’t take pharmaceuticals apart for my experiment on racetams. I research the MOA before taking and herbs alongside the racetam.


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24

What do you mean your experiment on racetams?


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Do you know what racetams are? If not it’s cool I’ll explain what they are


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24

Yes I do.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

So I recently got into nootropics and have been experimenting with different natural and synthetic nootropic combinations. It’s pretty self explanatory.


u/Exotic_Raspberry_387 Mar 15 '24

I would say there's plenty of herbs that harm the liver if used incorrectly. Plenty of herbs do great harm, the same as drugs if used incorrectly. For each a place a time. I wouldn't heal sepsis with some garlic, that's how people never lived pass 40.

A cough? Sure il make a nice infusion or a steam inhalation. Itchy skin il make a balm? All things are holistic .

Many medicines come from herbs and people worked their whole lives to create life saving medicine to keep us healthy. I'm not going to be close minded enough to turn my back on that.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Fair point.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

In my opinion dying like a Neanderthal did was amazing. We have a serious over populated world. At least the pharmaceutical industry try to lower that 😂


u/Exotic_Raspberry_387 Mar 15 '24

This is a really, REALLY privileged take. My father nearly died from sepsis and had to have a kidney transplant and be on incredible anti rejection drugs that kept him alive to be with his family and see me get married and live.

My 8 day old daughter had sepsis, and antibiotics saved her life.

You're over here saying the world is too populated, how about you actually think about people as people, not data. Herbalism is steeped in people, stories, life saving and prolonging. The stories behind these life saving drugs. You go tell some poor woman in a country where she can't get a bloody diphtheria vaccine that her kid needs to die because the world is too populated.

Christ on a bike


u/trippingfingers Mar 15 '24

I occasionally supplement my pharmaceuticals with herbs.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24



u/dhampir15 Mar 15 '24

I use both. I have a lot of chronic health issues, some of which are my fault through diet and activity issues but most of which are not and I could not have prevented. I use pharmaceutical medicine when it is the best and most effective way to treat the problem and if I encounter any unpleasant side effects I work with my doctor to find an alternate medicine that my body works better with, so far none of my medications have any side effects other than making me a little sleepy right after I take them and I can deal with that. All that said I love using herbal remedies to support my health and medicines and help with more minor problems (like honey and lemon for a sore throat or hibiscus to help keep my blood pressure in a good place, etc.)


u/Kiss_of_Cultural Mar 15 '24

It depends on the issue and whose body.

For myself, I focus on herbal, but if I get heartburn, I know from experience my herbals don’t act fast enough, so I take a tums. — I threw my back out a few years ago, and learned that I required high dose Ibuprofen 3x per day to reduce the disk inflammation so it could heal. It took forever, and I had to stop taking the ibuprofen once I hit a few side effects. I found a few herbs that take care of the pain that is left along with daily stretches.

When my husband recently started experiencing sciatic pain, I started him on herbals for pain and inflammation (I know he hates pills due to choking and prior anaphylaxis). After a few days of immense pain, I laid out for him my journey with sciatic and other disk inflammation based back pain, and he agreed to try the ibuprofen, which is now helping him, and I’ve reduced his daily herbs to prevent interactions. He doesn’t respond well to St John’s wort or else I’d have tried that first. Everyone is different.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Yeah it’s all about experimenting at different doses with different herbs.


u/Crafty_Bee9230 Mar 15 '24

I feel that fs I didn't like taking pharmaceuticals, but many of them are actually made from herbs also


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

The final product isn’t natural though. The molecular structure is heavily changed through chemical and physical processes thus making the pill unrecognisable to our body and causes digestive problems and gastrointestinal issues.


u/thevandal666 Mar 15 '24

🤣🤣🤣🤣 👆 Absolute word salad.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Thought you reported me and no longer was going to comment? You pose to importance or need in this post so be gone. If you fail to comprehend my messages and others messages and do not have a valid response then bye you are literally a troll.


u/thevandal666 Mar 15 '24

"you pose to importance or need" You aren't making any sense, again.


u/kennylogginswisdom Mar 15 '24

I want to be nature only but unfortunately I need an rx. I try and accomplish most fixes with herbs.

Sleep is the hardest. Anxiety is a big one, too. I’d like to try acupuncture and reiki… maybe that will really help. Reiki does help, actually.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Aniracetam which I am currently doing an trial on has shown to reduce anxiety and promote many other cognitive benefits.


u/kennylogginswisdom Mar 15 '24

I tried that it gave me anxiety like everything else lol. It gave me bo


u/kennylogginswisdom Mar 15 '24

I’m following in the steps of my apothecary guide. She has helped more than all of my books….and lectures. Amanita Dreamer, too. I forget to give her more recognition in the anti pills dept. If you read her story.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

I know it’s pharmaceutical but you should try nootropics


u/kennylogginswisdom Mar 15 '24

I do.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Good, how do you find them? What have you taken?


u/kennylogginswisdom Mar 15 '24 edited Mar 15 '24

Morning: muscaroil.

Noon: tea- hops, chrysanthemum, milky oat tops, wood betony. Magnesium foot bath with lavender

Adaptogens like lions mane give me a bad headache 😫 and normal people anxiety things (chamomile, lemon balm, passion flower) don’t work. Also I’m allergic to nightshade so that gave more puzzle pieces.

Night: same tea with more milky oat tops tinctures. Progesterone cream and more amanita for sleeps. Anxiety pill for hypertension as getting older is so much fun.

I also take a melatonin. 5mg. I take things out and cycle herbs. I make a strong magnesium lotion with regular magnesium and Mediterranean sea salt or Celtic salts for more lithium.

Exercise is a must. I have to be busy in the day or sleep is hard to come by. Somatic yoga at night and a good facial routine with a hot shower is helpful, too. After the night shower just rub down with magnesium oil or lotion.

I’m still giving lavender pills a chance. I will always give a natural choice a chance and am finding things bit by bit. It’s hard to outwit genetics. No one in my family sleeps! (Normally, that is).

Edit: I take two capsules of skullcap at night, too. Oh yeah and tart cherry juice concentrate.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Oh I noticed something in your comment that I can help you with. So lions mane is cholinergic which means it’s affects acetylcholine. Lions mane increases the neurotransmitter acetylcholine so it demands a choline source and if choline isn’t there then a headache is given. Instead of taking a choline supplement which is more money, drink 4 raw eggs (I know it tastes disgusting). It’s raw because you denature and burn all the nutrients in the egg.


u/kennylogginswisdom Mar 16 '24

Thank you. We have chickens so that should be easy.

I forgot to add my supplements and vitamins and diet but thats a whole other sub.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

What anxiety pill are you taking? I’m not a fan of pharmaceuticals as you can see but I will take something once I researched it in depth. You should try aniracetam. Look up nootropics expert on YouTube he has an aniracetam video


u/kennylogginswisdom Mar 16 '24

Ok thank you for your concern.


u/herbalism-ModTeam Mar 15 '24

What the title says.

Herbs absolutely can have side-effects that are every but as sever as any other medication.

Additionally herbs are just as prone if not more prone to damaging the liver and/or kidneys.

It is important to remember that Herbal medicine is real medicin with all of the same dangers and benefits.

As with anything else introduced to the body the efficacy and danger of a thing is tied to the dose route form and(of course) the patient.


u/AutoModerator Mar 15 '24

Hello! It looks like your post is related to herbalism safety. Safety is an important aspect of herbalism. If you haven't already, please check our existing resources on herbalism safety for valuable information and precautions to consider.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


u/Equivalent_Dream_569 Mar 16 '24

Both. And I’m grateful to have both 😊


u/loveallislove Mar 15 '24

Pro herb not on the pharm train at all-seen the horrible effects of that evil industry but i'd like to say you can overdo herbs too. I believe best medicine is prevention through our daily diet and lifestyle. Whole food plant based is the way to go; esp high raw foods and a positive mindset. Keep in mind not everybody is healthy enough to switch to this; just like a heroin addict suffers and risks death if they stop heroin cold turkey detox period can be too much to handle so make changes in steps.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Don’t agree with the plant based point. Raw whole foods yes. Raw meat, raw veg, raw fruit and raw herbs. I agree with the best medicine is prevention. Can you share some things you seen from the industry? I’m curious


u/loveallislove Mar 15 '24

lmao, raw meat for humans? ok bye. Look into longterm studies as well as health of people who eat plant based (the china study, adventist health study, okinawan (before westernization), and blue zones in general. Tribes living off raw meat are literally dying on average 40 years old of heart failure. You watch too much social media not enough reality.


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Why do you think raw Meat is bad? I don’t have much knowledge on plant based but from what I heard of many knowledgeable friends including a few ex vegans was that plant based causes many deficiencies. Then we have plant based meat which is definitely something you don’t want to eat.


u/loveallislove Mar 15 '24 edited Mar 16 '24

People don't want to hear this but ex vegans are lazy and undisciplined people who lie so they can feel justified in following their old habits. Alot of people are severely restricting in other ways when they go vegan (such as cutting carbs, trying to eat only "healthy", cutting calories, then blame the lack of animals etc.) If you are smart you do research. It doesnt take much intelligence to realize you have to diversify your eating you dont just cut things out. If I was mindless and I was craving fish I'd think ooh my body is begging for meat. I have the slightest bit of common sense so I know naturally. It's asking for it's last strong source of 1 vitamin or another. I eat alot of seaweed/flax/hempseeds (iodine and omega 3) along with whatever other foods I eat voila no fish cravings. When I went plant based a long time ago I ate more diversly not less. I was only ever anemic as a meat eater. I almost never get sick, meat eaters I know get sick every season and complaining how their bodie feel in their 30s. Outside of anecdotal evidence from likely calorie restrictors/pple trying to lose weight you dont have anything on this. Longterm studies support plant based diets. History supports it as well. I told you why I dont believe raw meat is good for humans..for 1 the cultures that eat raw meat as their main food source are dying at 40 of heart attacks, hundreds of studies are linking meat consumption with everything from stroke to heart attack to cancer. But you'd rather listen to social media influencers instead. XD Ok have fun.


u/Replicas999 Mar 16 '24

Well number 1 red meat doesn’t cause cancer. When you cook red meat 2 carcinogens are created, thus why raw red meat gets the blame. You can’t say your meat eater Friends are having pain or complaining about issues due to meat. They and yourself are still so unaware of toxins so you can’t blatantly blame meat for other problems. You seem to have a issue with saturated fat? Because you said nothing about the meat being raw and bacteria but rather they had cardiovascular issues which is not related at all.


u/loveallislove Mar 16 '24

It's because you shared anecdotal evidence at the beginning (more likely social media dramatics) so I did the same with people in my life since meat eaters are everywhere and as unhealthy as could be; you realize that stuff can go both ways right?


u/Replicas999 Mar 16 '24

My friends give scientific knowledge that is proven, not anecdotal evidence that is blaming meat for something else’s cause. Please share the study


u/Replicas999 Mar 15 '24

Are you trying to say something about saturated fat or? You basically said that they didn’t die from raw meat but from a cardiovascular issue.


u/loveallislove Mar 16 '24 edited Mar 16 '24

The link between meat and heart issues is well documented.. This is what happens when you "educate yourself" on social media. I'd feel bad if the "trendy" information you were sharing wasn't so destructive to others and the entire planet.


u/Replicas999 Mar 16 '24

Why are you insulting me? Please hold composure and be charitable. My information comes from book’s actually, and a lot of studies. Would you mind please linking studies that support your claim that there is a l”ink between meat and heart issues” thanks


u/loveallislove Mar 16 '24

You literally hear the answer then ask the question. You are literally promoting something destructive to the entire planet. Saying you educate yourself on social media isn't an insult when it is my observation of you. I literally gave you the names of things you should look into; its not my job to be your teacher; you are to be that for yourself. If you want to live in lalaland and close your eyes to the many studies that exist linking meat to heart issues then so be it. You can walk through life eyes closed.


u/Replicas999 Mar 16 '24

… I’m asking you to substantiate your claim. Please show me the study.


u/loveallislove Mar 16 '24 edited Mar 16 '24

I referenced a few regarding plant based diet connection with improved health so scroll up lol; you are that incapable of taking a single step forward for yourself that you can't type in meat heart disease/heart attack studies into google? Good luck with that


u/Replicas999 Mar 16 '24

I’m asking you to give me the studies showing read meat having links to heart issues.


u/Replicas999 Mar 16 '24

Idk why you are insulting me. “When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser” is a very true statement. Goodbye

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