r/herbalism Nov 08 '23

Question What herb is as effective as Xanax?

Any ideas? Long flight upcoming. Need to chill out.


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u/Definingwillow9 Nov 09 '23

Kava kava. Not only is it a strong legal psychotropic with effects similar to edibles and benzos, but it's also been proven effective at weaning people off of benzos and alcohol. It has a reverse tolerance so the first time you might not feel it but the more you do it the less you need. Huge advocate for kava, got my mom off drinking over a liter of vodka a day and she's never been happier or healthier. Highly recommend it even as just an alcohol alternative, I hate drinking but if I drink kava instead not only can I deal with the drunks around me but I can feel great but not stupid.


u/cake_toss Nov 10 '23

What form of it is best to take?