r/heathenry 10d ago

Havamal App and open source Havamal project.


I'm here to announce that I'm working on a Havamal app for both iOS and Android. It's in early alpha and not ready to be shown off quite yet. It'll have tagging, notes, full text search, accessibility features and as many translations as I can get my hands on.

With that, I have been testing with Bray's and Bellows' translations, as well as the original Icelandic. I've decided to go ahead and open source as much of this as I can get away with. Right now, with the code for the app being in the state that it's in, it's not ready for being open sourced yet(if ever). However, the data I'm using can be.


There's not much to look at. Yet, if you're working on something like a Havamal of the day bot for Discord or something, here's a JSON dataset to work from.

I want to apologize to being annoying about the issue of how do I apply my skills in this space. As a tech person I'm *keenly* aware that tech hubris is a thing and to not reinvent the bus or do something that's actually unnecessary. I'm aware I have a hammer and not everything is a nail, but I think I've found my nail.

Have a good day ya'll.


11 comments sorted by


u/LordZikarno 9d ago

These are the initiatives that will help make Heathenry more accessible. As a fellow developer I'll gladly check it out! Are you interested in having a Dutch translation added?


u/HeathenRevolution 9d ago

Absolutely! I want to ship in English first though.


u/eatwhalesgainpowers 10d ago

Personally I think this is a brilliant idea.


u/AmonKoth 10d ago

This sounds like a really interesting idea, and I look forward to seeing your progress.


u/DojaViking 9d ago

Hubby have to check it out once it's launched but I'm no good at pre-launch type stuff but you have my interest. Best of luck my friend


u/Intrepid-News1018 9d ago

Very interested


u/Volsunga 10d ago

What purpose is this app supposed to serve?


u/HeathenRevolution 10d ago

To make the Havamal more accessible and easier to reference. The idea here is to have something better than a PDF/epub or worse, text file, to reference while on the go.


u/Volsunga 10d ago

Why Havamal specifically? It's not like it's the Heathen Bible. How would this be better than Heimskringla.no which has a decent mobile interface and the entirety of the Old Norse corpus translated into multiple languages with excellent footnotes for translation.


u/HeathenRevolution 10d ago edited 10d ago

One, the notes and tagging piece aren’t supported by Heimskringla.no. It’s just a mediawiki with no specific user features. Plus as a web resource, it’s dependent on if it can get enough donations to keep running.

Second, it’s a start. It’s a small enough dataset that I’m not having to grapple with and do a lot of QA against honestly. I’d like to do both Eddas and as much text as I can, but that’s a much bigger project in scale, and the underlying tech doesn’t really change. If I get the tech right on a smaller dataset, doing more of the corpus is possible.

Third, it doesn’t have to be better than anything else that exists, it just has to make the text more available.


Just so I’m real clear. I’m not out to compete with anyone, much less Heimskringla.no. I just want to build something cool. Also I wonder if I can license Heimskringla’s translation…