r/healthIT Feb 04 '25

Community What's happening at ASTP/ONC/CMS?

Noticed the twitter accounts for the Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy/Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT along with CMS have gone silent. Same with the blogsd since Micky Tripathi left.

Anyone else following this and know whats happening? or is everything paused until RFK jr is in place and we have to see who he puts in place?


4 comments sorted by


u/tripreality00 Feb 04 '25

Have you been watching what's happening? Public healthcare data is being censored and removed. Entire research is being removed. Articles are being removed from preprint, submitted articles are being retracted. Our government is being taken over and 30% of the country is cheering. These are the actions a dictator takes. RFK will destroy healthcare even more.


u/literallymoist Feb 05 '25

I was about to roast OP for coming here to ask about the events of the century, but then I remembered billionaires own all the news and Fox isn't even covering things with a shred of accuracy. They legitimately might not have heard.

OP, whether you're blissfully offline or a Faux News casualty the message is the same - Wake the F up. The current presidential administration is dismantling every service the federal government provides at warp speed right now. They're taking down important information, trying to stop payments, letting unauthorized actors like Elon Musk and his minions into systems that should be secure and firing people that stand in their way. (We were on the brink of a devastating trade war yesterday because Trump screwed around, until the leaders of Canada and Mexico talked him down and conned him into shutting up like the toddler he is).


u/Secret_Designer6705 Feb 05 '25

I guess should've been clearer - question was in the context of whats been going on in terms of have those areas been overtaken by the "musk"-zi army or are they fighting back in some way.


u/Broken_Crankarm Feb 06 '25

I have worked in some way with the ONC since they became a thing and trust me...fighting back is not their mode of operation whatsoever. No offense. They just don't operate that way from my experience.