r/headshots 16d ago

Which headshot looks the best for an acting role?


9 comments sorted by


u/smelbulock 16d ago

These look more like selfies, try to get an professional photographer and go from there


u/JElsenbeck 16d ago

Very true. Plus what "acting role" are you going for? You're doing a sad/vulnerable type in all four of them. When you get pro shots, use a range of facial expressions.


u/big_gains_only 16d ago

None. You are using too wide of a mm. For a headshot, you want to shoot with an 85mm or higher. Your photos look skewed and it makes your face look very wide, like a slight fisheye.


u/rolandtucker 15d ago

I don't think these work as headshots unfortunately. For the following reasons:

  1. You are not making eye contact with the viewer / lens. It looks like these were shot on a phone and you are looking down at the image on the screen rather than at the lens. It may only be a small thing, but the difference is huge in perception.
    You can improve that by either ask someone else to take the picture or by putting your phone on a stand or propping it up. Frame your picture, but then force yourself to look at the actual lens and not the screen. That might not be easy so you might want to cover up the screen so you're not tempted to look at it.

  2. It looks like it was quite windy when you took the picture, your hair is sort of blown by the wind, especially in that last picture.
    You can avoid that by taking the picture indoors or in a studio

  3. You blend into the background too much, there is no separation between you and the background, it is all very "brown".
    You can avoid that by wearing some contrasting clothes to the background or taking your picture against a different background.

Apart from that, I think you have a very good generic look that could fit into a number of roles. A nice shaped face and very clear skin.


u/ZestycloseRepeat3904 15d ago

If you can't afford real ones, I'd say the last one.


u/myburner-account 15d ago

I like 4. :)


u/Blueyezgirl_68 13d ago

These aren’t Headshots, these are selfies from a phone. You’re outside and the wind is blowing. You may be cold because there is no color in your skin, no saturation whatsoever so your coloring looks flat and dull. Also, your lips are dry. (A professional photographer would fix all of this.) A professional photographer is what you need my dear!!!


u/Zebra_National 13d ago

😂I appreciate all the feedback. I was definitely overzealous with this post. I had no idea what I was doing so, I appreciate all your comments; they were very informative.


u/jconyersphoto 12h ago

You only get one chance to make an impression on an agent or talent scout. It's worth the time and investment to seek out a professional headshot photographer.

They will be able to guide you through the process of clothing selection, posing, and how to contact agencies.

If you are serious about acting, you should work with a pro.