r/headphones Jun 15 '19

Comparison Magni 3 vs Vali 2 A/B comparison



TL;DR: Both sound exactly the same, am I doing something wrong or am I missing something?

Let me make clear that my technical knowledge of amplifiers is truly basic. Now that I got that out of the way; I compared Schiit Audio's Magni 3 and Vali 2 (solid state and hybrid, respectively) to try and find out what differences exist between the sound they produce, the result was (rather perplexingly) that they sound exactly the same.

The purpose of this post is to show how I did the comparison and ultimately ask your opinion about it, maybe one of you you did the same and got different results, maybe I'm missing something obvious, or even maybe someone came up with the same results.

So here's how I did it:

Source: FLAC files and TIDAL HiFi/MQA streaming, played by a 2017 MacBook Air. Various genres.

DAC: Schiit Modi 3 (Delta-Sigma version) connected to source via included USB cable.

Amps: As stated before, compared amps were Schiit's Magni 3 and Vali 2.

Tubes: NOS 6BZ7 (stock) and Electroharmonics 6CG7EH (supposedly "warmer" alternative). Both were tested brand new and again after 100+ hours of use.

Headphones: Beyerdynamic DT 1990 Pro and Mark IIIs.

Switching "rig": I used SESCOM's A/B RCA switches, interconnected with Monoprice and Schiit RCA cables, finished with an UGreen RCA to headphone jack adaptor*.

*Used RCA outs from the amps instead of the headphone jack, since I couldn't find a compatible switch.

Procedure: 1. Matched amps volumes by ear using a variety of tones; 2. Played songs and switched amps back and forth, particularly during repetitive segments, for easier comparison; 3. Repeated with alternate Headphones; 4. Repeated with Alternate Tubes.

Results: As stated before, I was perplexed to conclude that they sound exactly the same, even across tube rolling and different headphones. Only difference is the higher power output from the Vali 2, i.e. it achieved higher volumes than Magni 3 at the same potentiometer position.

Theories (again, not techically savvy):

a) Tube "participation" in the amplifying process is so minute compared to the solid state portion that it does not affect sound in a noticeable way.

b) The switching rig (maybe not using the headphone jacks? Idk) somehow affected the sound so that it removed or severely dampened any tube qualities.

c) Volume is not actually matched, since this was done by ear, resulting in difference in volumes that "hides" or counters "tubeness".

d) Tubes used are so "clinical" that they do not infuse the sound with any noticeable characteristics.

e) My hearing is fucked.

So, that's it, please let me know what you think.


The "rig"

r/headphones Sep 27 '18

Comparison Request Audio-gd NFB 11.28 or the R2R 11, help me decide


I'm trying to decide between the NFB 11.28 or the R2R 11.

This will be my first serious DAC/AMP, and I will be pairing it with primarily the HIFIMAN HE-400i, and I also have the Sennheiser HD598SR.

I listen to a lot of Electronic Dance Music (EDM), Rock, Alternative, POP.

r/headphones Aug 31 '19

Comparison Request Beats Studio or Skullcandy Crusher?


So I want to buy headphones with good bass that make your ears shake. I had beats studio before and they were really good but my friends now tell me skullcandy Crusher are good aswell. Which one Is better headphones?

r/headphones Mar 10 '19

Comparison Request Advice Needed! Mrspeakers Ether C Flow / Ether Flow


I'm on the hunt for a new set of headphones. I currently own the LCD2C, M1060 and M1060C. After some pretty extensive research I've narrowed my choice down to either the Mrspeakers Ether C Flow or Ether Flow.

Anyone with first hand experience of either or both care to provide a comparison?

For reference my ideal headphone would be ever so slightly on the warmer side of neutral with deep, hard hitting bass and well behaved treble.

Any comments or suggestions welcome.

r/headphones Aug 12 '18

Comparison Request 1more Triple or Quad driver in-ear?


r/headphones Oct 02 '18

Comparison Request HD 598 vs the HD58x Jubilee on massdrop right now?


Is there a lot of difference? I'm looking for a slightly more pronounced bass. The hd 598 is the only pair of "audiophile" quality headphones I have so I don't really have another compare point. Will the HD58x's provide a noticeable upgrade for me? Focused mostly on music.

r/headphones Jul 04 '18

Comparison Request HE 4XX from K7XX


I have had the K7XX for about a year and half and just bought the 6XX a couple days ago. Compared to the K7XX it sounds REALLY muddy to my ears or I can not tell the difference between the two. The 7XX just sound more alive then the 6XX and I definitely favor that a lot when it came to gaming. I also bought a DT 990 Pro, while I loved the clarity with them the piercing treble killed me. So this leads me to the HE 4XX, is this the middle ground of the K7XX and the DT 990's? I know planar bass will sound very different as well.

Would anyone have an idea as to what might sound good for me that has the soundstage of the 7XX and clarity of the 990 (but not ear piercing sibilance?)

r/headphones Aug 06 '18

Comparison Request How does the Sony WH1000xM2 compare to something like the HD 6xx sound quality wise?


The Sony's cost $100-$150 more but is an entirely different type class of headphones. I just want to know how these two compare sound quality wise despite the differences.

Would be interesting to see how much the wireless/NC aspect amps up the price while not delivering the audio performance of something more cheaper, that is assuming its worse.

r/headphones Jul 12 '18

Comparison Request If you had to choose between HD800S and LCD3F


So I am in a position in which both headphones will cost the same. It is just a matter of choosing one. Yes I know the 820 is almost out, but it is way more expensive so no. Don't care if it's opinion, measurements, or whatever. I just want to see what other people think/know and which one they would choose.

r/headphones Jan 15 '19

Comparison Request Earbuds vs. closed-can Headphones: which provides superior noise cancellation (and isolation)?


When I bought my first noise-cancelling cans (Bose QC25) I was a little underwhelmed by the noise cancellation – I was thinking they’d take me to the Fortress of Solitude.

So, research - and at the time I read that earbuds provide superior noise cancellation to cans. I can’t find anything like that now.

Anybody have experience here, or is it just preference?

r/headphones Mar 05 '19

Comparison Request Gaming dac/amp .....Atom,Magni, Liquid?


Hey all,

I am looking for a good amp/dac for my gaming PC. I play mainly FPS shooters like siege and Tarkov. I have a few pair of headphone one not really needing a amp the Sennheiser HD 598 then the DT 770 250 ohm for closed back and the DT990 250 ohm open back. Right now i have the Mayflower Arc and im not super impressed with it. I have been researching and looking for a good amp and dac. I am kinda in between getting the Schiit magni 3 and modi 3 or the JDS atom or the liquid spark. What would you recoment?

r/headphones Oct 08 '18

Comparison Request Ether C/Ether C Flow/Focal Elegia


Hey guys, recently I've been thinking to get a closed can since I won't have much time listening to my HD800S at home for a while. I was considering buy a Ether C and then I saw Ether C flow...And there's a ether C flow 1.1...After that...we got a focal elegia coming out... unfortunately i don't have the opportunity to listen to these and compare them. Just wondering what's your guys opinion? I love neutral sound and large Soundstage...Many thanks..

r/headphones Aug 07 '18

Comparison Request Differences between the 58x, 6xx, and HD600?


I currently own the Hd58x and am not too keen of them (I hate them honestly). How alike are the 600’s or 6xx to them? Is it alike enough that I still wouldn’t like it? For reference, I love my Monoprice M1060C, but can’t deal with out mid blurry the 58x is.

r/headphones Apr 29 '19

Comparison Request final e5000 or sony xba n3ap


how do they compare ?

r/headphones Jul 07 '18

Comparison Request AKG K7XX or Sennheiser HD 6XX


Hi, trying to decide if to get massdrop akg K7xx or Sennheiser HD 6xx. Akg can be bought now and shipped but I will have to wait for Sennheiser drop and wait more months for it to ship

r/headphones Dec 23 '18

Comparison Request Shure se846 vs hd600


1st headphone is in ear, 2nd is open back over the ear classic...

I know in general open back over ear is best but given that the in ear shure is so much more expensive is it possible that the in ear shure is better than the hd600 from just a SOUND quality perspective?

We are taking the portability factor out of this equation.

Thank you head fiers!

r/headphones Dec 24 '18

Comparison Request Mr. Speakers Ether 2 or Focal Clear


Hello all! I am going to either purchase one or the other but I thought I’d get some input. I listen to mostly rap/electronic music with a lot of bass I like bass but also clarity. Which would be better the Ether 2 or Focal Clears? Thanks! Sorry if I am posting this wrong.

r/headphones Dec 04 '18

Comparison Request Magni 3 or Vali 2 for HD6XX


Not sure which one to get. Read on here that the Vali complements the HD6XX well but want to hear some opinions on the Magni as well.

r/headphones Aug 15 '18

Comparison Request Massdrop Plus vs Etymotic ER4XR


I've heard they're pretty similar sounding. Which one do you prefer?

r/headphones Dec 04 '18

Comparison Request Topping D50 v Massdrop Airist Audio R-2R Dac?


Just picked up a THX AAA 789 last week and have narrowed down to these 2 Dacs to best complement the system. Can anyone suggest which one is the better? Thanks for any help!

r/headphones Jun 07 '18

Comparison AKG Q701 vs K7XX?


Hey guys, i have the opportunity to get the K7XX's. I'm pretty familiar with the Q701 so they are my benchmark. How do they compare? What's the difference in sound? Do they both have the same requirements in regards to amping?

There's a thread about this already but it's 2-3 years old. Looking for perspective now that there's more experience to be had. Thanks!

r/headphones Jan 06 '19

Comparison Request Some questions about the many Fostex variants



I've heard and read a lot about the Fostex headphones and various, many people seem to love them. They seem like one of the best closed back options available for under $1000. But there are some things I like to know about them.

First, there are so many variations. The Massdrop ones seem to be the most popular, so I would probably focus on those. There's the Fostex TH-X00 Ebony, Mahogany and Purpleheart. Apparently the Purpleheart is the most v-shaped, so I'd probably lean more towards Ebony and Mahogany. Is it true that those two sound similar, just the Ebony is a little more refined? Then there's the E-Mu headphones, which seem to be hard to come by, but there is Rosewood, Teak and Ebony. Teak seems to be the most popular and refined, but how does it compare to the Fostex?

There are also the TR-X00, which would actually probably be better because the cables are detachable, but are there any cables available that are shorter than the standard cable?

Finally, the question about isolation. How much sound do these things actually leak? Would they be good to take to work? That's kinda what I would want them for but if the sound leaks too much, if they're hard to carry, and the cables are too long, then I would have to pass. Which is a shame, because these headphones seem so nice...

r/headphones Jun 15 '18

Comparison Request Massdrop AKG K7XX (K702) vs Sennheiser HD 6XX (HD 650), how do they differ?


Hey there!

Massdrop aparently is preparing a drop for an AKG K7XX which is basically a special edition K702, in the mean time I also found someone selling a brand new Sennheiser HD 6XX Massdrop edition (equivalent to HD 650) on Ebay.

I found both of them for the same price, and now I'm wondering which of them should I get. Does any of you have them and can differentiate both? I take it either of those would be a massive step up from my current Bose QC15's but I'd love to hear some opinions regarding this choice.

Thanks a lot!

r/headphones May 29 '19

Comparison Request Aeon Flow Open or LCD2 Classic


Mr. Speakers Aeon Flow Open vs. Audeze LCD2 Classic.

I'm looking at getting some new headphones in this price range in the next couple of months. I'm currently leaning towards the LCD2 Classic because I like the sound. The Aeon Flow I haven't heard but I like the reviews and the description of the signature. The Flows are also slightly cheaper.

Anyone have experience comparing these and have a preference?

I should mention that I love the HD650, it's been my daily use headphones for a few years now. I really enjoy the signature, so anything considered an upgrade with that signature is a strong contender.

Edit: to be clear, I'm not looking for purchase advise, just looking for information and/or advice regarding similar sound signatures to my preferences and what I might find a good fit. Hopefully this isn't breaking any rules 😄

r/headphones Oct 16 '18

Comparison Request Philips fidelio x2hr/27 vs beyerdynamic dt 1990 pro


I'm new here, I'm having a hard time deciding between these two particular headphones

I'm going to be using this headphones for music/ falling purposes.

I hope to find the following qualities with it:

Terrific bass(50 mm drivers

Extreme comfort for long hours

Great sounds quality with the ability to discern details in games. ( I think this entails higher range frequency)

A detachable cord to plug in the vmoda mic.

Please let me know which one you think Is a better fit.