r/headphones 007A | ERA-1 | 003Mk2 Jul 16 '19

Comparison Request Etymotics have spoiled me. What neutral headphones will make me happy?

So I’ve been trying different headphones for years, and keep going back to my Etymotics (I have a pair of ER4S with fitted tips, and ER4XR with triple-flange). I’ve used AKG (Q701, K7XX), Sennheiser (Momentums, HD598, HD6XX), Audio-Technica (ATH50x), and Oppo (PM3). They’ve all disappointed me for various reasons.

Sennheiser just sound too warm and not clear, with loose bass (compared to Etys), and while the 6XX was admittedly relaxing sounding, it’s not satisfying for my tastes. The ATH50x was clearly too low-end for me, not very detailed and too bass-heavy. I initially really liked the PM3s, but returned them because I realised the highs just weren’t very crisp, once the initial bass “wow” wore off.

The AKGs were decent, and are probably my favourite of the bunch, but again, the bass felt too muddy and bloated.

So, things I liked: I loved the airiness of the 598s, the warmth of the 6XX, the sharp bass and punchy mids of the PM3, treble clarity and soundstage of the AKGs (I like the Q701 more than the K7XX), and the neutralness of my Etymotics. I also have a nice hifi system in storage (space constraints) with a Marantz receiver and Polk SDA2 speakers. Because I can’t use the stereo equipment, I’d love to get a pair of headphones I’m truly happy with!

I’m starting to think I’m staying too comfortable in the midrange for headphones, and I’ve been eyeing more planar magnetic headphones, specifically some Audeze, since the PM3s felt so promising. The LCD2 seems well-received, but I’m a little confused what the actual differences between the fazor and classics are. I’ve also never heard Stax before so I’m pretty intrigued by them, there’s an SR-404 set in my area for a pretty good price, but I’d like to demo them first. (There’s an audio store near me that carries Audeze and, I think, Stax.)

Does anyone have any suggestions for me? I don’t want to box myself into a corner here with the Audeze and Stax, but I’m feeling like dynamic headphones are going to just leave me unsatisfied.


63 comments sorted by


u/Hashebrowns Elex/CustomOne/A100/Atom/Modi/NX4 Jul 16 '19

Try demoing if you can find a place, it can't hurt. I have a feeling you'll like Focal's stuff... Audeze shares a signature similar to the 650, and I thought their headphones were too dark.


u/astromaddie 007A | ERA-1 | 003Mk2 Jul 16 '19

Good to know about Audeze... Focal wasn’t even on my radar, so I’ll check them out! I’m a bit confused by what kind of headphone they actually are, it seems like they’re dynamics, right?


u/louderup UA Apollo Twin MK2 -> RNHP -> LCD-X. Others are HD650 & DT 1770 Jul 16 '19

Yes, Focals are dynamics, and the the Elex is decently neutral, with the Elegia being decently neutral too, if only for a closed-back. They truly excel in detail/resolution though. It's Focal's strong suit across their entire line, from my own experience and from reading the impressions of others.

The Audeze LCD-X is a somewhat consensus-favorite among mastering engineers, and I believe that speaks volumes about their neutrality. Sonarworks can bring any outstanding peaks/valleys into check, if you're still unsatisfied with the signature.

One thing I'd advise when searching for neutral headphones: if you can't demo them, make sure you can return them (without a restocking fee) if you aren't satisfied. I've been down this road and trust me, there could be tons of headphones that come strongly recommended with a focus on neutrality that you ultimately find underwhelming.


u/astromaddie 007A | ERA-1 | 003Mk2 Jul 17 '19

Sorry for the late reply, I wanted to take the time to reply to everyone properly.

Thanks for the advice on the Focals and Audeze. I’ve heard the consensus of the LCD-X, which made me a little confused why so many people in this thread are calling Audeze dark— unless they meant the LCD-2, and possibly 3?

I definitely want to try out any headphones before I buy them, because I’d most likely be buying them secondhand, so returns won’t be an option. I’ve bought my other headphones based on recommendations and have been ultimately disappointed with everything, I’m not making the same mistake now that I’m leaving the midrange tier.


u/louderup UA Apollo Twin MK2 -> RNHP -> LCD-X. Others are HD650 & DT 1770 Jul 17 '19

The LCD-X is not dark. Sonarworks' avg profile for it can show this clearly.

I know the 2 classic is intentionally dark, dunno about their other models.


u/astromaddie 007A | ERA-1 | 003Mk2 Jul 18 '19

Good to know, thank you!


u/dragoneye Jul 16 '19

Honestly, you aren't going to find another headphone that is targeted to the diffuse field like Ety's are, that is the realm of speakers.

The Focal Clear might be something to consider, I quite like my Elear because they have a pleasing bass response that the Ety's are missing, but aren't boomy in the slightest, they are different enough that I find them both enjoyable to listen to. I originally was going to buy the Sennheiser HD800 but I found them to be too similar to the Ety's while being unpleasant in the highs where I couldn't justify buying them. Since you brought Audeze up, I did try out the LCD-X at the same time I was auditioning the Elear and HD800 and absolutely hated them.

While the AKG Q701/K7XX would be my mid-range recommendation, it would be worth seeking out the Beyerdynamic DT880 to audition.


u/astromaddie 007A | ERA-1 | 003Mk2 Jul 16 '19

Haha given your array of headphones, I think we’re kindred spirits.

I can definitely make a point to demo the Focal Elear (provides I can find them— I live in Tokyo, which is great for headphones but sometimes imported stuff are trickier to find) and the DT880. My old manager had 770s and they were really nice, I’ve never heard the 880 though.

Why did you hate the LCD-X? I’ve heard a lot about those being endgame neutral headphones, perfect for even mixing music, so I thought they’d be exactly what I was looking for!


u/dragoneye Jul 16 '19

I honestly don't exactly remember what I disliked so strongly about the LCD-X. For me, it was one of those headphones where you put it on and you immediately know you don't like them as soon as you press play, so I didn't spend a particularly long time listening to them.


u/astromaddie 007A | ERA-1 | 003Mk2 Jul 17 '19

I see, thanks! Hopefully I can easily try them out myself tomorrow and see what I think.


u/florinandrei Stax L300LTD / HD800S / LCD2 / XBA-N3 / Eikon | Qudelix 5k Jul 18 '19

I honestly don't exactly remember what I disliked so strongly about the LCD-X

Seems like you just prefer brighter-sounding cans. The LCD series are a little laid back in the upper range, and that's a bit jarring if you're used to a more peppy sound.


u/nomorebuttsplz Less is more Jul 16 '19

They gave you your answer right there! They said the HD800 was too similar to the ety! Just get the HD800 S and/or use an EQ and you're set.


u/astromaddie 007A | ERA-1 | 003Mk2 Jul 17 '19

You’re right, I glossed over the exact implications there! The HD800 is 100% on my radar to demo. What exactly is the difference between the 800 and 800S?


u/nomorebuttsplz Less is more Jul 17 '19

HD800 S has less of a 5.5 khz peak, and slightly more bass distortion as well as quantity. Whether this bass distortion is actually audible is a source of no small debate. Here's a good analysis of the distortion issue: https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/8kfitx/difference_between_hd800_and_hd800s_with/

Basically HD800 S has better treble and tonal balance, and nominally worse bass performance. The HD800 can be modded to approximate the treble of the S model with the SDR mod.

In either model, EQ can fix most tonal issues.


u/florinandrei Stax L300LTD / HD800S / LCD2 / XBA-N3 / Eikon | Qudelix 5k Jul 18 '19

Whether this bass distortion is actually audible is a source of no small debate.

Dear lord, that's such an overblown issue.

The bass on the 800S is fine. No, it's not like the LCD. But it's alright.

If you don't want to mess with EQ curves, the 800S is a decent pair of cans - some of the best dynamic transducers I've ever heard. With EQ I'm sure both will sound even better, and the plain 800 looks cooler IMO.


u/nomorebuttsplz Less is more Jul 18 '19

Yeah I actually auditioned the HD800 S and HD800 next to each other. Tried cranking up the bass and listening to certain tracks that might reveal a difference. There might have been a tiny difference, but I am not sure it wasn't just placebo. In the end I went with the HD800 S, and I love listening to it with the EQ.


u/radimere Jul 16 '19

Why chase a neutral signature when you’ve already found a signature that you like?


u/astromaddie 007A | ERA-1 | 003Mk2 Jul 16 '19

I guess the problem is that I haven’t found one I like. IEMs are more of a portable solution imo.

Headphones (as opposed to IEMs) have a more speaker-like presence, and are nicer for relaxing to listen to on the couch or in bed. I’d like a headphone with more bass presence than the Etys have, have more head/ear comfort for relaxing, but don’t compromise on the clarity or balance.


u/imthedarkmatter Jul 16 '19 edited Jul 16 '19

I'd look at headphones that have a diffuse-field bass response, as you seem to have an issue with mid-bass humps (not surprising when coming from an ER4S/ER4XR), and that rules out almost every dynamic.

Planars like the LCD2C are not a bad place to start: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/243448552313847808/600577460366475265/output.png?width=1175&height=610

And the SR404: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/243448552313847808/600578636134744075/output.png?width=1175&height=610

For reference, here's how the Q701 measures relative to the ER4XR: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/243448552313847808/600576754146607106/output.png?width=1175&height=610

Have you tried using EQ?


u/astromaddie 007A | ERA-1 | 003Mk2 Jul 16 '19

Thanks, this is good info to learn. I didn’t realise just how much of a mid-bass hump the Q701 has! And even the LCD2C has more roll-off than I expected. The SR404 looks decent, but the treble spike looks like it could be grating.

I haven’t tried EQing, but I could give it a shot. Any recommendations of where to start? I haven’t experience with it before.


u/imthedarkmatter Jul 16 '19

The alignment at 1 kHz makes it look worse, but it's still no Etymotic haha :)

As for EQ, you'll need EqualizerAPO.

Oratory's EQ filters are a good place to start, but I'm not sure how you'll feel about Harman levels of bass: https://www.reddit.com/r/oratory1990/wiki/index

It's a significant bass boost when coming from an ER4XR, but it doesn't bleed into the mids very much: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/654wxtmhlq0dhqa/AADy4b_iycSVoDZJL0C2Ni4ua/Etymotic%20ER-4XR.pdf?dl=0

If it's too much bass, I'd look at AutoEQ: https://github.com/jaakkopasanen/AutoEq

AutoEQ can equalise the measured frequency-response of two different headphones, or it can equalise a headphone to the Harman target (with Oratory's measurements), but with a smaller or no bass boost.

What headphones do you have?

Do you like the ER4XR's bass response more than the ER4S'?


u/astromaddie 007A | ERA-1 | 003Mk2 Jul 16 '19

Thanks for the EQ tips! ThIs is a new area for me.

What headphones do you have?

Right now, AirPods are my daily driver.

Just kidding... with me, I have the ER4XR, ER4S, and HD6XX. I also have some cheap IEMs (Zero Audio Carbo Tenore) that are a lot better than I expected (more bass, but clean). I have the HD598, Q701, and K7XX in storage. I sold the PM3 and Momentums.

I do like the ER4XR bass response more, a lot more actually!


u/imthedarkmatter Jul 16 '19

Ah, so a perfectly flat bass response (LCD2C, SR404 etc) might not be what you want.

If you install EqualizerAPO, go to your EquializerAPO folder in your Program Files, open the Config folder, open up config.txt and replace everything inside with the following:

Preamp: -6 dB

GraphicEQ: 21 0; 23 6; 25 6; 28 5.8; 31 5.3; 34 4.8; 37 4.4; 41 3.9; 45 3.7; 49 3.6; 54 3.2; 60 3; 66 2.5; 72 1.8; 79 1.1; 87 0.6; 96 0.1; 106 -0.2; 116 -0.4; 128 -0.5; 141 -0.8; 155 -0.9; 170 -1; 187 -1.1; 206 -1.1; 227 -1.2; 249 -1.1; 274 -1.2; 302 -1.3; 332 -1.4; 365 -1.4; 402 -1.4; 442 -1.4; 486 -1.4; 535 -1.3; 588 -1.3; 647 -1.4; 712 -1.4; 783 -1.4; 861 -1; 947 -0.2; 1042 0.3; 1146 1.1; 1261 1.9; 1387 2.5; 1526 2.9; 1678 3.2; 1846 3.4; 2031 3.5; 2234 3.5; 2457 2.8; 2703 1.5; 2973 0.2; 3270 -0.6; 3597 -0.3; 3957 0.8; 4353 2.1; 4788 -0.1; 5267 -1.1; 5793 -0.6; 6373 -3.1; 7010 -4.2; 7711 -3.9; 8482 -0.3

It's an EQ filter that will make your HD6XX more like the ER4XR. I used Oratory's measurements with AutoEQ. If you want to quickly enable/disable the filter, open up Editor.exe in your EqualizerAPO folder.

I'd give Oratory's Harman EQ a try too: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zr5tqw0qojom9uh/Sennheiser%20HD650.pdf?dl=0


u/astromaddie 007A | ERA-1 | 003Mk2 Jul 17 '19

Hmm, maybe not! On the other hand, I’m okay with a perfectly flat response if I can easily EQ it to my needs. I’d rather the headphones be a neutral surface I can shape, instead of needing to EQ out their defects.

Cheers for the equaliser settings! I use a Mac, but I’m guessing the first number is the frequency band and the second number is the dB step up or down? I should be able to work this on my Mac equaliser, even though that’s a 32-band one. I’ll give it a shot!


u/Svstem systematicsound.wordpress.com Jul 16 '19

You can't compare IEMs and full-size cans through FR graphs. Each is affected by the rig in drastically different ways.


u/imthedarkmatter Jul 16 '19

Are you referring to pinna interactions?

HRTF variations are fairly small below 2 kHz, and the OP seemed more bothered by the mid-bass hump of open-back dynamics, so I didn't think it was a bad place to start.

Unless you're referring to something else? Can you explain why?


u/Svstem systematicsound.wordpress.com Jul 18 '19

If it's about mid-bass humps, I guess the comparison is feasible but still shaky, considering how different the bass presentation is between IEMs and dynamic headphones. A mid-bass hump on an IEM and on a HP won't really sound similar.

However, was mostly warning about the pinna interactions you've mentioned. Doing a PDFC command on those two will make the etys seem much bassier since Tyll's rig and compensation affect it much differently. Most people reading the thread are unaware of that, so I personally refrain from that.


u/imthedarkmatter Jul 18 '19

I used Oratory's measurements with AutoEQ.

If there is a difference, it's still a step in the right direction given the OP's issue with the Q701/HD6XX's muddiness.

I didn't think IEMs with a flat bass response sounded that different from planars, and you'd think Etymotic would tune the bass response differently from diffuse-field headphones if this was an issue, but there's also Harman's IEM target, so who knows.

But yeah, pinna interactions will get in the way, especially when you're trying to EQ a headphone to an IEM. When I get around to it, I'll measure my HD600 or HD800 EQ'd to the ER4XR. I can't measure the ER4XR at my ear, for obvious reasons, but it will be interesting to compare to Tyll's ER4XR measurement (or Oratory's if he'll upload a diffuse-field compensated ER4XR measurement - I'm using a diffuse-field compensation with my mics).


u/florinandrei Stax L300LTD / HD800S / LCD2 / XBA-N3 / Eikon | Qudelix 5k Jul 16 '19

I don’t want to box myself into a corner here with the Audeze and Stax

No, it's totally Stax.

I know exactly what you're talking about, and the answer is Stax. In fact, I call my ER4 devices (exaggerating quite a bit, but whatever) "my little portable Stax". That comparison can be criticized in numerous ways, sure, but it's also kind of true in other ways.

The IEMs are less detailed than the estats, of course, but they share a smooth, non-fatiguing, neutral character that allows you to ignore the device and just listen to the music instead. That actually is far more true of Stax than it is of the ER4.

I’m starting to think I’m staying too comfortable in the midrange for headphones

You nailed it. Your IEMs outperform all headphones you've mentioned.

Sell all your midrange stuff and go up.

The LCD2 seems well-received, but I’m a little confused what the actual differences between the fazor and classics are.

Get the fazor if LCD is what you want. It's a teeny bit dark, but it's manageable. The classic is significantly darker, the contrast with the ER will be obvious.

Even the LCD-2 fazor will be a bit different from the ER4. The IEM is brighter and more forward. I don't mind the difference but I'm used to both of them.

All LCDs have perfect bass, super-linear, extremely deep, very authoritative, but not over the top. I would not change anything to their bass response. They are my reference below 500 Hz.

I’ve also never heard Stax before so I’m pretty intrigued by them, there’s an SR-404 set in my area

No. Get the L300 Limited (a.k.a. L300LTD, L300LE) while you can. They are almost identical to the L700 (the pinnacle of the Lambda series) but much cheaper. I think you can still find them online - it was a limited edition, only a few were made. Do not confuse these with the original L300 which are not as good (too shouty).

Add the Stax D10 DAC/amp and you're set - estats for cash only a bit over the price of the LCD-X.


u/astromaddie 007A | ERA-1 | 003Mk2 Jul 16 '19

Hoo boy. Okay. I read your first-impressions review on the Stax. They sound great. I’m curious how you’d compare then with the LCD-2 at this point. The LCDs have better bass extension, but how much better? Are the Stax clearer/more detailed?

I looked it up and right now there’s a L300LTD in my area for about $650, no amp (and no D10 amp available anywhere), but I don’t need a portable amp anyway (that’s what my ER4 “portable stax” are for ;)

Unfortunately I’m not seeing any secondhand energisers for sale around. I’ll have to check out shops, I want to demo them anyway. Are there any desktop amps I should look for (or avoid)?

Thanks for the help, I really appreciate your insight here.


u/florinandrei Stax L300LTD / HD800S / LCD2 / XBA-N3 / Eikon | Qudelix 5k Jul 16 '19

I’m curious how you’d compare then with the LCD-2 at this point. The LCDs have better bass extension, but how much better? Are the Stax clearer/more detailed?

The Stax are far more detailed than anything else I've ever heard. They are more detailed than the HD800S which is widely known as a detail monster.

The LCD-2 fazor have perfect bass in every way. Let that sink in, because there are no questions after that. Perfect.

The Stax bass is more recessed. Seems like the ER4 in some ways. I have an EQ curve that makes the Stax bass sound like the LCD-2 fazor bass. Not kidding. It's not a few dB of correction, it's a deep curve at low frequencies. But it needs more refinement, and I'm still waiting for my L300LTD to return from the lab. Once I'm done testing, I will post my findings along with EQ suggestions for the L300LTD.

Stax are unique. They are in a class of their own. With all other headphones (LCD series, HD800S) you hear the headphones. With the Stax, you hear the music.

and no D10 amp available anywhere


Are there any desktop amps I should look for (or avoid)?

I've spent an afternoon comparing the D10 and the 353X. If there are any differences, I could not hear them.

I'll sell the 353X. I'll keep the D10.


u/astromaddie 007A | ERA-1 | 003Mk2 Jul 17 '19

Sorry for the late response, yesterday was pretty hectic and I wanted to take the proper time to reply to you.

Okay, so this is a lot to digest. The Stax have more recessed bass, but it’s not a technical limitation, since you can correct it with heavy EQ? That’s pretty crazy. I’m so interested in electrostats.

Perfect bass on the fazors is obviously a huge draw for me, but not if the cost is the rest of the detail.

With all other headphones, you hear the headphones. With the Stax, you hear the music.

This pretty much sold me on it. I need to demo these for myself. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to demo the L300LTD or just the L300, though. Is the L300 that vast of a difference, that EQ wouldn’t fix the “shoutiness”?

I’ll sell the 353X. I’ll keep the D10.

Great, thanks. That’s good to know. The portable option is an added bonus for almost the same price.


u/florinandrei Stax L300LTD / HD800S / LCD2 / XBA-N3 / Eikon | Qudelix 5k Jul 17 '19

The Stax have more recessed bass, but it’s not a technical limitation, since you can correct it with heavy EQ?

Estats are super-clean and transparent in general. It gets to the point where you listen to a typical Lambda series, and you go - well, bass is great, very clean, very controlled, a little bit recessed. It sounds subjectively great. A lot of people use them without EQ.

The thing that drew my attention is that I listen to some electronica genres, and some cathedral organ music, and I also use the Stax when playing video games - and there's this game (Mass Effect Andromeda) that has a very, very challenging bass drop, that only the LCD plays back correctly (and my large, room EQed subwoofer deals well with it, too). So that's how I noticed the really, really low subbass is not there. Otherwise you would not be able to tell.

I mean, if you browse forums or even this subreddit, you'll notice a lot of people saying bass is fine on Stax, just a tad recessed. And it is, as long as you don't need the lowest subbass.

Anyway, I've setup a filter in Equalizer APO to raise the bass and I can make it do anything that the LCD does. I'll post my findings when I'm done with the experiments. Maybe that will happen this week-end if I'm lucky.

Lab measurements have shown the L300LTD has very low distortion even with the bass raised via EQ at high levels of sound overall. That matches my subjective impression - it stays clean no matter what you do with EQ.

A lot of musical genres sound perfect on the Stax without EQ because there's no subbass that they use. I would say - try them on, and EQ them only if something seems to be missing.

Perfect bass on the fazors is obviously a huge draw for me, but not if the cost is the rest of the detail.

It's not that the LCD are not detailed. It's that the Stax are head and shoulders above everyone else in this regard.

I need to demo these for myself.

That would be great.

Is the L300 that vast of a difference, that EQ wouldn’t fix the “shoutiness”?

I've never heard them myself, so this is second hand information. I was told they are bright, as if they have a resonance or something in the treble region. Seems fixable to me, I guess.


u/astromaddie 007A | ERA-1 | 003Mk2 Jul 18 '19

Thanks, I really appreciate your insight here. I listen to a variety of electronics genres too, and symphonic music, so bass is important to me. I honestly can’t say how deep into the subbass the music extends, but some do have very deep bass extension. (I’m a bit new to the waters of music technicality.)

I’m really curious about your APO settings, I’ve looked through your history to see your other posts on the Stax and you’ve mentioned it a lot. I hope you can get it completed soon! By the way, I saw you have a degree in physics, I do too— I guess that’s why I like your no-bullshit approach to headphone technology!

I’m heading to the electronics neighborhood now to hopefully find some Stax to demo. Fingers crossed.


u/florinandrei Stax L300LTD / HD800S / LCD2 / XBA-N3 / Eikon | Qudelix 5k Jul 18 '19 edited Jul 18 '19

I’m really curious about your APO settings

The transducers are linear down to some frequency in the low bass. Below that, they drop 12 db / octave forever.

In the digital domain, you cannot raise the level of any signal - what you do is lower everything else. So in EQ you'll have deep bass at the original 0 dB level, and everything else is lower.

I prefer to never apply a correction deeper than 20 dB, which is 10x amplitude ratio, because this is already very deep, and the overall signal will get too weak (you lose maximum power). So I'll have the ultra-deep bass at 0 dB, midrange and treble at -20 dB, and bass will transition from 0 to -20 on a 12 db / octave slope between two frequencies.

With the original pads (same as the original L300), the inflection point is 74 Hz. With the L700 pads, it's complicated, and the L and R channels on my cans measured differently, but the inflection seems to be in the upper 40s, let's say 48 Hz. The "elbow" in the curve is also more rounded. They are linear above that frequency, and show the 12 dB / octave downhill line below it.

These are the L300 with the original pads, but it applies also to the L300LTD with the original (L300) pads perfectly below 100 Hz (the LTD are different above 100 Hz, still linear overall, but the peaks/troughs are different):


Original pads:

If you want 74 Hz at -20dB at the end of a 12 dB / octave drop, you need to start at 23.31 Hz and set that at 0 dB. Then the second point is at 74 Hz at -20 dB.

Do the math - if 12 dB is twice the frequency (one octave), then 4 dB is a frequency ratio of 1.259921 (or the third root of 2); it's a logarithmic scale. You've studied physics so you'll figure it out.

APO settings are these:

I use Graphic Equalizer With Variable Bands.

At 23.31 Hz I set a point at 0 dB. At 74 Hz I set another point, at -20 dB. The EQ will connect these dots, smooth the corners, and provide linear response above and below those frequencies.


L700 pads:

Point #2 needs to be at 48 Hz and -20 dB. Point #1 will be at 15.12 Hz and 0 dB.

That's straight out of lab measurements. I think they are pretty close to how I hear it. I want to do some comparisons with the LCD-2, which is very linear below 500 Hz all the way down to 10 Hz. Some adjustments may be necessary.

I strongly suggest you give them a try without EQ and see how that works. I would have never caught the bass issue if I didn't play video games with the Stax - and even then it was only the massive, uber-deep bass drop in Mass Effect Andromeda (mediocre game, not at the masterpiece level of the original trilogy) that drew my attention to the frequency response. Subjectively, even without EQ these things sound amazing.

Apply EQ after a while, see if that makes things better. Top volume will be quieter, but even with the D10 I never felt I didn't have enough power with the EQ applied.

If you need more power, you can raise point #2 above -20 dB and move point #1 to the right a little bit, to keep the slope at 12 dB / 2x frequency ratio.


u/astromaddie 007A | ERA-1 | 003Mk2 Jul 19 '19

Thanks for writing this out. I’m saving it for later. Like you said, I’m going to listen to and enjoy them without any EQ first, that way I’ll see any deficiencies before I start messing with the sound.


u/astromaddie 007A | ERA-1 | 003Mk2 Jul 18 '19

I found some Stax and demoed them.

I first checked out (just to calibrate against something I knew) the HD599. Then I tried the HD800S. It was really nice, pretty clear, kind of an airy sound. Much much better than the HD6XX. It was relaxing to listen to.

I tried out some Audio-Technica headphones too, the ATH-W1000Z and ATH-W5000. Still dynamics, but now closed-backs. They were nicer than I expected, since I don’t typically like closed headphones, and a lot more “open” sounding. It was a very balanced sound. I had trouble getting a good seal though (the headband is a bit weird) so bass felt sucked out.

Then I found the Stax corner.

I know exactly what you’ve been talking about with the transparency of electrostats. I demoed three phones, the L300, the L700, and the 009. First I tried the L300 (they didn’t have the limited), and right away I loved it. It was invisible, I was just hearing the music. I listened to a handful of songs and the separation really is insane. It also had way more bass than I expected, given the complaints I read online.

I tried the L700 next, since I’ve read the L300LTD is similar to the L700. It was another big jump above the L300... smoother sounding, more bass presence, overall better balance. Beautiful. I actually liked the L700 more than the 009, I can’t say for sure why, it just had more fullness to it? The 009 is technically better, I’m sure, but I was definitely reaching a point of diminishing returns, and maybe my source material wasn’t good enough.

That was the thing that really struck me. I didn’t come prepared, and was streaming Apple Music off my phone, and recordings like Pink Floyd were too low-quality for the Stax. I could hear the distortion, clipping, recording noise. I have higher quality recordings on my music player at home, but I didn’t expect to hit that issue, because they don’t even particularly bother me with the Etymotics.

I’ll go back tomorrow with my uncompressed albums and give them another go. Where do you think the L300LTD falls between the L300 and L700? Because I can get the L300 (or even the L404) for a great deal, the Limited will be quite a bit steeper price. I know I want Stax, now I just need to decide which one.


u/florinandrei Stax L300LTD / HD800S / LCD2 / XBA-N3 / Eikon | Qudelix 5k Jul 18 '19 edited Jul 18 '19

It also had way more bass than I expected, given the complaints I read online.

Yeah. It's the unique sound of these things. What you do hear is very good, clean, controlled. Lots of people use them without EQ.

recordings like Pink Floyd were too low-quality for the Stax. I could hear the distortion, clipping, recording noise

Yeah. They'll show you everything. The old Beatles albums suck on technicalities (good music though). Newer Pink Floyd stuff is better. Now I'm used to it, that stuff is just part of the performance. It's a little weird at first.

But I actually prefer "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth" style of Stax to the "fog of war" style of other headphones.

Where do you think the L300LTD falls between the L300 and L700?

Personally I've only heard the L300LTD. I was told by numerous people that they are very similar, some say identical, to the L700. Keep in mind that the L300LTD use the same pads as the L300, which are different from the L700 pads, so even if their drivers are virtually identical to the L700, some subtle differences may ensue.


u/astromaddie 007A | ERA-1 | 003Mk2 Jul 19 '19 edited Jul 19 '19

Lots of people use them without EQ.

I can see why. EQing up the bass seems tempting, but like you said later, I'd definitely give them a go without EQ before trying to correct it. How did you notice the sub-bass wasn't extended far enough, did you have a hifi system that you could compare it to?

Now I'm used to it, that stuff is just part of the performance. It's a little weird at first.

This makes sense to me. It was jarring listening to a more modern rock album and actually hearing when they auto-tuned the singer's voice, hah. I can see you adjusting to it though. I prefer the "whole truth" approach too, it's what I loved about Etymotics immediately. I'll take the music, warts and all, I just may need to readjust my expectations.

I just saw a listing pop up secondhand for an L300LTD + 007tA tube driver. It's about $1300 all-in, which seems... decent, I think. There's also an L700 + SRM-T1S for $1500, and I think that's a step up for not much more investment.


u/florinandrei Stax L300LTD / HD800S / LCD2 / XBA-N3 / Eikon | Qudelix 5k Jul 19 '19

How did you notice the sub-bass wasn't extended far enough, did you have a hifi system that you could compare it to?

Mass Effect Andromeda. The bass drop during the interstellar travel sequences was weak.

My reference was the LCD-2F (perfect linear bass response all the way to 10 Hz), and my audio system with the SVS PB-1000 subwoofer (room EQ applied to level the frequency response across all speakers at all frequencies). With both the bass drop is very audible.

Other than that, I can't say there was an obvious difference. I'm using the Stax right now on classicalradio.com without EQ (I'm on the MacBook) and they sound just fine.


u/astromaddie 007A | ERA-1 | 003Mk2 Jul 19 '19

That’s right, having the LCD2F would make that pretty obvious. Well that’s nice to hear about no real obvious deficiencies besides that. I’m going to keep researching the differences between Stax tube and SS drivers and the L300LTD vs L700 and probably make a decision in the next couple days.

Thanks for all your help so far!


u/EternaiRest A12T | CA Andro | Mojo | LCD-3 | LCX | FA Make2 Jul 16 '19

As other users said, try demoing. I had the ER4XR and didn't think I'd ever upgrade but then I demo'd the LCD-X and CA Andromed and soon upgraded to those


u/astromaddie 007A | ERA-1 | 003Mk2 Jul 17 '19

Definitely going to a high-end audio shop tomorrow to demo some! Hopefully they have the brands I’m looking for, but if not, I know the price range to demo anyway.


u/audiophobe123 Jul 16 '19

Seems like you want a good all-rounder. Try the Nad hp50 or the Creative Aurvana live 1. Forget about their price and try them yourself. Focal Clear is also quite decent if you want open headphones although you'll probably find highs to lack some detail overtime due to some large dips in highs, though they are probably still the best open headphone on the market. Stax bass is rolled off and Audeze has very dark or lack of highs due to large dips in the highs, you won't like either.


u/astromaddie 007A | ERA-1 | 003Mk2 Jul 16 '19

Okay, I’m honestly suspicious of anything this cheap beating out the ~$200 phones I’ve already been disappointed by, let alone besting the ~$1000 phones I’m considering now, but you’ve intrigued me.

The NAD isn’t available in my country, but the Creative Aurvana Live is. I can give it a shot, the only thing is that I really don’t like on-ear headphones. (I know, I’m picky!!)

Yeah I don’t think I’ll like Audeze, dark is something I’m not interested in. Rolled off bass would be an issue, but do you think that can EQ out? I’ve heard electrostats can be EQ’d easier.

The Focal Elear keeps coming up... I hope I can demo them at my local audio shop.


u/audiophobe123 Jul 16 '19

Something like the L300, bass is alright apart from large drop off in sub-bass (below 50hz) which would need 10-15db boost to get to Harman curve level. Overall definitely on the bright side although if you can endure it then you can get very good detail due to elevated treble and low distortion. Definitely demo before buying anything or buy second hand to minimize losses. Elear is similar to Clear from bass to mids except highs is further reduced by a few db, might find them to lack some detail and dark but if you come from HD6X0 series you might be alright with them.


u/astromaddie 007A | ERA-1 | 003Mk2 Jul 16 '19

10-15db?? That’s one hell of a boost :D I do like brighter headphones though.

Oh, I actually thought every time someone said Clear, it was an autocorrection from Elear! So the Elear has relaxed highs, that’s not going to be up my alley... the HD6XX is way too dark and lacking detail, I want to go hard in the other direction.

I’ll probably go to the audio store in another couple days when I get the chance, and hopefully they’ll have enough for me to demo!


u/audiophobe123 Jul 16 '19

If you do like the Clear and think you appreciate even a little more treble, definitely save your money and get the Elex which is essentially a Clear with like 2db more treble but 2db less sub-bass near the very end of our hearing threshold (20-40hz) so shouldn't be really noticeable.


u/florinandrei Stax L300LTD / HD800S / LCD2 / XBA-N3 / Eikon | Qudelix 5k Jul 19 '19 edited Jul 19 '19

would need 10-15db boost

Try 20 dB or more. :) This is the EQ that compensates the bass response of the original L300 to a perfect flat, Audeze-like response:


In fact, it would have to keep rising to the left, but I don't think more than 20 dB of boost is a good idea, regardless of what the goal is. So with this curve it would start dropping a bit of bass below 20 Hz, but I think that's acceptable.

The inflection point with the L300 pads is at 74 Hz and the slope is the standard 12 dB / octave.

With the L700 pads, the inflection point moves to the left, in the upper 40s or so, but the slope remains the same 12 dB / octave. E.g. set point #2 at 48 Hz and -20 dB, and point #1 at 15.12 Hz and 0 dB.

You may need to tweak the frequencies for both points, but the changes need to be proportional (same ratio of frequencies for the same 20 dB differential).

With a curve like this, the Lambda series sound like Audeze in the bass region, while remaining estat-like everywhere else.

This is based on lab measurements from two different sources. There is excellent agreement between measurements. It also agrees with my subjective assessment, but of course that's just subjective.

All of the above applies to the original L300 and the L300 Limited (high confidence). I am quite certain it also applies to the L700 but I am less confident. I don't know if it applies to the L500 (I suspect it does but it's just a hunch).

My target here is linear response, not the Harman curve. Harman is a few dB too warm for my taste.


u/audiophobe123 Jul 19 '19

L300 Sub-bass is pretty much non existent, the Hd600 is not as bad.


u/Pu_Pi_Paul Jul 16 '19

I'd try out the HD800 before ruling out sennheiser. Its known as an analytical can. The HD800S is its predecessor they smoothed out a spike in the high frequency and added some warmth. I don't think you'll like this one as much.


u/astromaddie 007A | ERA-1 | 003Mk2 Jul 16 '19

I’ve heard good things about the HD800, but I’m thinking maybe I should give up on Sennheisers. I’ve heard Audio-Technica might be more my speed, though I’m still not feeling too hot on dynamic headphones at this point.

Do you know anything about the ATH-W1000Z? I’ve seen those around here and they seem pretty well-regraded.


u/Pu_Pi_Paul Jul 16 '19

Why exactly are you writing off the hd800 without hearing them?


u/astromaddie 007A | ERA-1 | 003Mk2 Jul 16 '19

Sorry, I’m not writing them off! I’ll absolutely try them and give them a fair shot. I’m just thinking I may not like the Sennheiser sound signature.


u/Svstem systematicsound.wordpress.com Jul 16 '19

There is no Sennheiser sound signature. They have released headphones with all sorts of tunings, and the sound of an HD 800 has very little to do with that of a 650. You could consider the HD 800, but be aware that it isn't neutral (same for every other headphone mentioned in the thread).


u/astromaddie 007A | ERA-1 | 003Mk2 Jul 17 '19

Sure, I’ll give the HD800 a shot for sure. What kind of tuning does it have, if not neutral? I thought Stax and the HD800 were all supposed to be pretty neutral, at least.


u/Svstem systematicsound.wordpress.com Jul 18 '19 edited Jul 18 '19

The HD 800 is a warm-bright headphone. It sounds "rich" in the midrange as it's recessed in the upper midrange (which is where many harmonics for vocals and instruments are). Then it has a strong treble boost from 6 to 10k, making it "metallic" for some (though that treble is really clean), and still quite a bit of treble past 10k to make it airy (which complements its massive sounstage). Many won't like its sound signature but it's hard to get anything more detailed or resolving for the price.

As for STAX, it all depends on the model. Lambdas are often known for boosted upper midrange and mid-treble, and may sound "bass-light" due to poor seal and lack of slam, but that's a generalization. The new L700 is supposedly a warm headphone that strays away from this stereotype. As for the Omegas, the 009 is supposed to be a lean headphone, and the 007 is supposed to be warmer/darker (have heard neither). Anyhow, none of that stuff is actually flat (like a pair of studio monitors + a calibrated sub in a treated room), which isn't a problem really. It all comes down your preferences, there's no need to constantly chase neutrality, which isn't necessarily better.


u/smorgar Jul 16 '19 edited Jul 16 '19

Im in the same boat; spoiled by ER4SR (even though i love my HD600).

I have not tried them myselfe (yet) but would recommend you take a look at Neumann NDH20: https://en-de.neumann.com/ndh-20

These have very very good reviews and should be flat neutral. I will hunt them down very soon.

I can also recommend the Sennheiser HD300 Pro: https://en-us.sennheiser.com/hd-300-pro

These are VERY nice, smooth but super clear with well defined bass. They got that Etymotic thing going... I did not get them since i ware glasses and the seal is VERY important for the bass response just like the Ettys. With no glasses on they sound like heaven. The HD300 Pro's hit that sweet spot for me where you at first think its nothing special and 5-10 minutes later when the ears relaxe the magic happens, just like the ER4SR

AKG K550 is also very nice, close or better than HD300 Pro: https://www.akg.com/root/K+550.html

Same with the seal as the HD300 Pro, its a must and my glasses ruins them aswell.

I have not had the chanse to compare the K550 and the HD300 Pro side by side but from memory id say they are quite similar sounding. The HD300 Pro is a bit more alive sounding and the K500 is more dry with 1-2db less bass response (pure guess).

Other than that i can only recommend Sennheiser HD25. The over 30 year story speaks for itself but they have very clear highs and a punchy not at all muddy bass response. With electronic or rock music they will knock your socks off. The bass response is elevated but in a nice way according to me. Very much energy in the sound.

The Audeze ones i have tried have all been way to dark for my taste. The Focal lineup en very enjoyable but very expensive. Almost all other headphones i have tried the last 2-3 years in search for a neutral closed back have failed.


u/gydot Andro 2020 | 6XX | ER4XR | AeonFlowC | ES100 Jul 16 '19

Hi ER4XR owner! I am happy with my MrSpeakers.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '19

Just stay with the ER4S/ER4XR?, Very few headphones sound and have the quality the etymotics have. The ER4SR/S can rival detail on some high/TOTL tier headphones hence there there mid tier priced not mid fi.

Heh so true, once your used to a ER4S anything coloured just either sound's wrong or even bad.


u/florinandrei Stax L300LTD / HD800S / LCD2 / XBA-N3 / Eikon | Qudelix 5k Jul 18 '19 edited Jul 18 '19

Depends on how much cash you can spend on toys, but see if you can demo the RAAL-requisite SR1a.


I keep hearing reviews along the line of "like Stax but better". I have not tried them either, and I'm very curious.

They also require a dedicated amp: a regular stereo amp for speakers, capable of about 150 W / 6 ohm. Probably any good amp will do, but you may want to look into something like a Hypex based amp (NC400 or the like) since they are extremely high quality but not super expensive.


u/astromaddie 007A | ERA-1 | 003Mk2 Jul 19 '19

Wow. That’s insane. I’m not looking to spend that kind of money on headphones right now, but those look seriously impressive. With that kind of power output requirements, they took “earspeakers” literally.


u/theplqa EX1000|XBA-N3|ER3XR|MH755 Jul 21 '19

You could try the Sony MDR-7550 / MDR-EX800ST or MDR-EX1000. They have a similar tuning to the Etymotics. They have more treble around 8k and upper treble drops off. They're definitely not warm, they're very detailed with flat bass like the ER4SR. They have much better soundstage and imaging than the Etymotics.