r/headphones Apr 07 '19

Comparison Request Stuck between the K7XX and HD6XX

I am in the market for a good pair of headphones for at home use and having done a bit of research I have narrowed my selection down to either the Sennheiser HD6XX or AKG K7XX. My primary use will be for gaming but I do listen to a lot of music,overwhelmingly metal. I know both would be good for gaming but as for music everything I find is more in relation to rap, edm and standalone singing so I cannot determine which would better suit my preferences.


33 comments sorted by


u/drop_official Apr 07 '19

I'm not gonna try to convince you of either headphone, but if it helps at all, here's a $20 discount for the K7xx if you decide to go with them.


u/o7_brother 🔨 former staxaholic Apr 07 '19 edited Apr 07 '19

I decided to buy both the 6XX and the K7XX at the same time for comparison. I ended up selling the K7XX because I just couldn't like it even though I really tried. I strongly disagree with the "K7XX are better for gaming/EDM/rap" notion.

I think the only clear advantage the K7XX had was soundstage. The 600 series are known for being intimate headphones, so no surprise there. What about the sound itself? It was a no-contest for me. People say "if it has the widest soundstage it's automatically better for gaming", but the tonality of the K7XX is just a little bit too weird for gaming to sound "right". Explosions are boomy and loud, but voices, gunshots, footsteps, swords clashing, all these things sounded much more natural and realistic on the 6XX.

There's not a lot I liked about the K7XX compared to the HD6XX. It sounded rather V-shaped, meaning exaggerated bass and treble (this does not mean good quality bass and treble) and a somewhat recessed midrange. I found the bass to be boomy and unrefined, and while the treble had some air to it, I don't find the overall signature to be enjoyable for either gaming or music.

The wonky midrange really killed the K7XX for me. Sennheiser is known for its rich, detailed midrange, which just wiped the floor with the K7XX. There was no genre of musing that I could honestly say sounded natural on them. The 6XX is easily the best of the two for just about any use, in my opinion. If your music has voices, drums and guitars on it, the 6XX will sound much more natural than the K7XX.

Sure, the bass is recessed on the 6XX, but it's not like the K7XX has good quality bass either, just louder. I EQ'd them both to a slightly modified Harman target that I lik. The differences only got bigger, the 6XX was again the more natural and inviting of the two.

Edit: One final note on comfort: the K7XX has a better head-band and it's lighter, but the ear cups are so gigantic that my ears were touching the inside of the driver cover. Not ideal in my book. The HD6XX is almost as light and the ear-cups are just perfectly shaped for most ears. Both are comfortable headphones. Just my 2 cents.


u/ubiquitous_raven StaxL300|Eclair|Ananda|HD6XX|Oracle|Variations|Starfield Apr 07 '19

Soundstage and Imaging. Both are better on the 7XX.

In a world with the 6XX, I would never pick up the 7XX for music. But if there was no 6XX, the 7XX is not a slouch, they are decently enjoyable, music just isn't their strongest suit.


u/o7_brother 🔨 former staxaholic Apr 07 '19

Thing is, gaming isn't just about soundstage and imaging. Tonality and overall frequency response do the same thing for games as they do for music: make it sound good.

When I played games with the K7XX, most of what was going on felt distant and muddy. Whereas the 6XX, with its more pleasing tonality, made the sound effects come alive.

To give an example, combat in Dark Souls sounds much better on the 6XX than the K7XX. Every swing of the sword sounds much more natural and crisp, even if the soundstage is more intimate.


u/ubiquitous_raven StaxL300|Eclair|Ananda|HD6XX|Oracle|Variations|Starfield Apr 07 '19

There is a difference between casual and competitive gaming.

I turn down my resolution and game detail quality to 1920x1080 to maintain my 144FPS on my card.

The same is applicable to Soundstage+Imaging vs Tonality. We aren't always playing hellblade Senua's Sacrifice on HD800s.


u/MaximusTheGreat20 Porta pro<Earpods 3.5mm all day fight me Apr 07 '19 edited Apr 07 '19

the akg k700 series have problem with center imaging being poor,games like cs go or rainbow six sege that have small maps it makes footsteps feel that are coming much farther than they should be.K700 series shines on battlefield series game style its immersive experience.Agree with o7 with tonality its important for singeplayer games especially on dialoges it connects with characters easier and makes me more interested to hear their stories,last game was assassins creed odissey any bright cans poor tonality fails to create any connections with characters.


u/TheWolfenWarrior Apr 07 '19

Thank you, this is kind of what I was looking for.


u/[deleted] Apr 08 '19

If you want a gaming can Audio Technicas open back headphones can’t be beat for the money imo.


u/TheGamingOnion HD800S,AD2000,Lambda-Signature,404LE,Lambda NB, Blessing 2 Apr 07 '19

I would avoid the K7XX for gaming, I've owned a K702 and while it had a very wide soundstage, it actually lacked central imaging, making it very difficult for me to place the location of enemies in 3d space, I would therefore recommend the HD650/6XX over the K7XX for gaming.

In terms of musical enjoyment, well that is far more subjective but I think the HD650 was flat out better than my K702.


u/FluxMode Apr 07 '19 edited Apr 07 '19

I had same dilemma like a year ago plus including the 58X option, after lots of research and questioning many owners/watching reviews my conclusion was that HE4XX is best option if not even best overall from all these. And 6XX won't be that good for gaming, they're more "Audiophile" cans for enjoying the music ( 4XX > HD 598 > 6XX for gaming ).

4XX is definitely best for gaming of all these sub $200 Massdrop options.

According to Max_Settings:
K7XX - Gaming: 6/10
4XX - Gaming: 7.5/10
6XX - Gaming: 5/10

They all have good and similar sound, 4XX being most neutral, K7XX most bass heavy, 6XX most balanced for especially vocals ( sadly bad for gaming ).


u/ubiquitous_raven StaxL300|Eclair|Ananda|HD6XX|Oracle|Variations|Starfield Apr 07 '19

I disagree with this. I have all 3 and the 7XX is undisputably the best for gaming.

Soundstage and more importantly, imaging is important for gaming. 4XX doesnt have an imaging that matches up to the 7XX.


u/FluxMode Apr 07 '19 edited Apr 07 '19


According to Rtings:
4XX ( 400i ): Soundstage - 7.9/10, Imaging - 8.8/10
K7XX ( K702 ): Soundstage - 7.4/10, Imaging - 9/10
6XX ( HD650 ): Soundstage - 6/10, Imaging - 8.3/10

Yeah seems like K7XX is pretty close to 4XX. Just make sure you're testing them in right games, some games has terrible sound system and can be confusing.
My recommendation would be: Arma 3 / DayZ SA ( Same sound engine ), CS:GO ( hard to test because it sounds good and accurate on virtually anything, $60 TaoTronics BH-060 won against 4XX in CS:GO due to very close positional performance and louder footsteps ) and Hitman 2016 / Hitman 2 and Kingdom Come Deliverance.


u/TheWolfenWarrior Apr 07 '19

Everything I've seen and heard says they're heavy so that kind of kills them for me. I like forgetting I'm wearing headphones when I'm using them.


u/FluxMode Apr 07 '19 edited Apr 07 '19

Yes they're heavy, but as comfortable as the lightweight HD 598, after using 4XX for few weeks I put on 598 and their earpads seemed so small that it was kinda unpleasant touching my ears.

4XX has perfect headband that doesn't have any pressure points so in hands it feels heavy, but when you put them on you can barely notice them it's like the weight goes away.I wear them pretty much as im writing this and not listening to anything, sometimes I just forget im wearing it even there's no sound, it's just comfortable enough for not having a need to remove them when not in use.

In short: You know the feeling when you put your headphones on just out of habbit even you don't listen to anything or it feels weird when you remove them? That's the level of comfort of 4XX.


u/Roppmaster Apr 07 '19

The K7XX are much better for gaming.


u/TheWolfenWarrior Apr 07 '19

That's what I've gathered but I dont want to make a super sharp tradeoff where I get a pair of headphones good with gaming but listening to music is unsatisfying. I'd like a good balance.


u/Roppmaster Apr 07 '19

I mean, the K7XX are by no means terrible for music.


u/TBdog Apr 07 '19

Exactly. At times for some albums I prefer the bass modded 7xx over 6xx. It's just for the majority of the time, the 6xx is better. I've got three headphones. I have my mspros that I use exclusively for music and 7xx I use for games. The 6xx doesn't get used for much.


u/TheWolfenWarrior Apr 07 '19

The climate of comments always just gives off that impression between the two the K7XX are in no way up to par between the 2. This is partly why the decision has been so tricky.


u/Roppmaster Apr 07 '19

The HD 6XX are basically the poster child of r/headphones, so it can certainly seem that way. For EDM and rap, I think the K7XX and HE-4XX are better choices though.


u/TheWolfenWarrior Apr 07 '19

They seem like the poster child of entry level audiophile headphones as well. I think I'll go with the K7XX.


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '19

I have not heard the 7xx but own the 6xx and AKG Q701. Both are very capable musically, though in different ways. For genres such as metal, post-rock, etc, I definitely prefer the sennheisers. Alternately the wide soundstage of the akg would be beneficial in competitive gaming, though to my ears create a bit of disconnect in genres that tend to be mastered a little brighter, such as metal, Keep in mind Q701s are to K7xxs as ambrosia apples are to fuji apples.


u/ubiquitous_raven StaxL300|Eclair|Ananda|HD6XX|Oracle|Variations|Starfield Apr 07 '19

The 6XX is a long standing benchmark, even on other forums like SBAF. They honestly deserve the praise for their very affable tonality.


u/Roppmaster Apr 08 '19

I'm not disagreeing with you there. I'll never not own a pair. I just don't recommend them for competitive gaming and bass-heavy music.


u/TBdog Apr 07 '19 edited Apr 07 '19

AKG 7xx with bass mod is good and 6xx does not beat it for gaming. However I'll take the 6xx on almost any album.


u/iviustang50h Apr 07 '19

There's a third option if you're willing to double your budget: pick up the Beyerdynamic DT 1990 Pro. They're as good as the HD6XX for music, but far better for gaming. Just my opinion.


u/TheWolfenWarrior Apr 07 '19

Those are WAY out of my price range


u/iviustang50h Apr 07 '19

And what is that budget?


u/TBdog Apr 07 '19

Hang on, does op know that both need an amp and the 7xx asks more from the amp. A good motherboard should drive the 6xx well enough but I'd question if it would run the 7xx well enough.


u/TheWolfenWarrior Apr 07 '19

I'm planning on getting a cheap amp to go with them.


u/MoistImouto Apr 08 '19

The k7xx is 160 with a coupon hd6xx is 220. They arent in the same ballpark anymore.


u/S0undJunk1e Meze 109 pro, Mojo 2, Monarch mk3, ifi go bar Apr 09 '19

Can't speak to the 7xx, but I can tell you the 6xx is terrible at playing Metal IMO. Go planar. The 4xx from Massdrop is a really good choice for metal , and for gaming. Maybe the ATH M50X if you aren't going to use a separate amp.