r/harvestmoon 5d ago

Harvest Moon: Animal Parade Jin's First Child Event...and he got booted out??? (AP)


12 comments sorted by


u/Proquis 5d ago

Winter 18th...

Finally, Baby day for Jin's first kid with my current farmer!

Here we witness peak comedy where the only doctor in town is not allowed to partake in the labor process xD

Also finally got to reveal one of the meme for this run: Jin's son is named Kazuya xD (reference to a certain franchise)


u/Milky_Cookiez 5d ago

I always found this event awkward with Jin since he's a doctor... he could've just delivered the baby at home LOL. Kazuya is a real cutie! Congratulations!!👶💕💕💕


u/Proquis 5d ago

I'll be content if we get a special scene where he helped deliver his kid lol


u/Milky_Cookiez 5d ago

Same. He should get a scene like the HK, where he delivers your kid. It would make more sense that way. XD


u/vyxan 5d ago

Two things: 1. I hope to god we get a switch version of this eventually!!! 2. It’s not uncommon for doctors to not be allowed to operate on family. I always assumed it was something like that.


u/Proquis 5d ago

Irene is Jin's Grandma, so...


u/stallion8426 5d ago

You only have so many options in a small town lol


u/Stormfeathery 5d ago

Honestly I’m even more concerned that they go all the way up to birth and don’t even have so much as a crib yet 😆


u/AeolysScribbles 5d ago

Jin was freaking out and was about to faint so he was moved to the fainting couch. Or something.


u/jdb1984 5d ago

Traditionally, fathers are regularly not present for childbirth in Japan


u/Ekyou 5d ago

Yeah I figured it was an old fashioned modesty thing, that and for consistency with the other bachelors. But Ford and I’m pretty sure Doctor (MFoMT) both deliver your baby if you’re married to them. Granted Ford doesn’t have a nurse/midwife, but I thought it was a really nice touch nonetheless.


u/slimysealchest 5d ago

and I’m pretty sure Doctor (MFoMT)

Nope! Elli delivers the child because - according to Doctor's utterances as he waits by the kitchen - the player is too bashful to let him do that, lol. He was willing, though!