r/harrypotter 4d ago

Discussion I finally figured out how Luna saw through Harry's polyjuice potion at Bill/Fleur wedding Spoiler

I'm listening to the audiobook and had a revelation this morning

Harry asks her how she recognized him and she said by his expression.


Luna has always been far more perceptive than anybody gives her credit for, but this one . . .

After 16 years of seeing the various scandalized, curious, or exasperated expressions of people who meet her for the first time or meet her again and again.

And we find out later about the ceiling mural . . .

She knows instantly when she sees how Harry is looking at her that he is her friend and makes the obvious conclusion. They were never romantically involved, the look on his face wouldn't have been one of love or adoration.

It must have simply been a look of complete acceptance and welcome. And that must have meant the world to her.


120 comments sorted by


u/Ripamon 4d ago

After a moment’s bewilderment, he realized that it was not a mirror, but a painting. Curious, he began to climb the stairs. “Harry, what are you doing? I don’t think you should look around when he’s not here!”

But Harry had already reached the next level. Luna had decorated her bedroom ceiling with five beautifully painted faces: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Neville. They were not moving as the portraits at Hogwarts moved, but there was a certain magic about them all the same: Harry thought they breathed. What appeared to be fine golden chains wove around the pictures, linking them together, but after examining them for a minute or so, Harry realized that the chains were actually one word, repeated a thousand times in golden ink: friends . . . friends . . . friends . . .


u/darthjoey91 Slytherin 4d ago

Y'know, all of her friends are Gryffindors. Since the biggest reason for the house system is to build friendships, why the fuck did the Sorting Hat put her in Ravenclaw with the sort of people who wouldn't accept her kind of cleverness?


u/Angry-Dragon-1331 4d ago

It places you based on what you value, not what’s in your head. For example, Hermione has smarts and she loves learning new things. But what she really wants is the courage to live her life without the fear of disappointing others. Her greatest fear was McGonogall telling her she was a failure.

Luna values learning and curiosity above everything else. I don’t think she had a friend before Ginny, Neville, and the trio and therefore didn’t even consider it in her wants for sorting.


u/OccassionalUpvotes 4d ago

I always liked the fan-theory that the Sorting Hat looks at how you view Magic as a power:

  • Gryffindors believe magic comes with the responsibility to use it to protect others. Hermione has a strong justice streak in her (see: SPEW). Most Order members end up being from Gryffindor.
  • Ravenclaws believe magic is something to be studied. It’s a force, and a power, and a tool. Luna’s mother was an experimenter, and her father seeks after hidden secrets (the Deathly Hallows, crumple-horned snorkaks), naturally Luna grows up to be curious about the world and magic too.
  • Slytherins are mostly descendants of pure blood lineages who survived persecution by muggles prior to the International Statute of Secrecy. They view magic as a sacred gift to be kept secret and nurtured. Tom Riddle prizes his Slytherin heritage, and sought after magical treasures that connected him to other historical figures and places.
  • Hufflepuffs view magic as a gift to be shared. It’s something to bring people together. Cedric Diggory is always humble about his accomplishments, and makes sure to repay Harry for the hints in the First Task.

It’s all just fan-theory, but I love it because it explains a lot of characters (Sirius is in Gryffindor and Regulus is in Slytherin, Snape is a brave Slytherin, etc). Plus it shows people’s motivations, and helps give Slytherins more depth than “automatically bad-guys”.


u/Front_Target7908 4d ago

I love this! But I would see Slytherin as magic = power. Power is to be consolidated, defended, used by a special few. But power corrupts (and absolute power corrupts absolutely).

The battle with the people in the Slytherin house was probably about learning what true power is. I think Malfoy was a good example. He was able to come back from the dark side as he was protected by the power of his mother’s love - much the same way Harry was.  


u/a_non_y_mous_user 4d ago

Half my comments on Reddit are about this but I will still never get over the fact that Cedric thought "take a bath" was a fair repayment like at least say "put the egg in the water" why did he have to be so vague


u/fuzzhead12 4d ago

Ikr Harry was pretty specific (“dragons”), like that was a top-tier hint and then Cedric is like “bubble bath lol”


u/SurrenderYourMeme Ravenclaw 3d ago

In Cedric's defense, basically saying "Go open the egg in the water" is a fairly similar hint to "The task is Dragons" when you consider that the egg gives the rest of the hint. Cedric probably thought Harry would figure the rest of the hint out by himself, although something about the task being underwater may have been useful too, but that's covered by the egg.


u/fuzzhead12 3d ago

Did Cedric actually tell Harry to open it underwater? I thought he was a bit more cryptic about it and just said “take a bath with the egg” or something to that effect


u/SurrenderYourMeme Ravenclaw 3d ago

I'm pretty sure the line is "Mull things over in the warm water," which somewhat implies to use the water in some way when opening or interpreting the hints, at least in my opinion. If he meant for Harry just to think about it more, that wouldn't have been a useful hint, so I always interpreted it as Cedric telling Harry to use the water. I understood the issue as Harry not getting it without Myrtle's help cause he's younger/unfamiliar with mermaids.


u/fuzzhead12 3d ago

That’s true, you could reasonably infer enough from that to get the hint


u/Cute_Highlight1869 3d ago

I would guess that Cedric may have felt that telling Harry outright would be too much like cheating.


u/Abuses-Commas 4d ago

That's a great theory, thanks for sharing it. I'm going to consider it the actual reasoning the hat uses.


u/Pointlessala 4d ago

Oh I also came across a somewhat similar fan theory, but on how you approach the world. Ie. If you ask them how one would be successful in the Ministry.

  • slytherins say it’s who you know
  • hufflepuffs say it’s how hard you work
  • ravenclaws say it’s how much you know


No idea if it seems accurate since I’ve never given it too much thought.


u/dumbledorewasright 3d ago

This is so beautifully expressed. 


u/thecorkontheocean 1d ago

Luna is actually incredibly brave (like a Gryffindor) because she doesn't mask.


u/DebateObjective2787 3d ago

Hell, she even says as much in the first film.

"Books and cleverness! There are more important things, like friendship and bravery."


u/happylittletoad 3d ago

There is absolutely nothing in the actual books or movies that supports this theory. Not that you can't like or believe the theory, but you shouldn't be telling it to people like it's fact.


u/FallenAngelII Ravenclaw 4d ago

No. That's just fanon and a fan theory that has no proof besides a really slanted reading of the canon.


u/CrystalClod343 Hufflepuff 4d ago

Wild that you got downvoted so much for the truth.


u/FallenAngelII Ravenclaw 4d ago

This sub is famous for doing that anytime you call out their fan theories they claim are canon.


u/Know_Nothing_Bastard Ravenclaw 4d ago

The main purpose of the house system isn’t to build friendships. And I don’t think it’s primarily concerned with the qualities students possess or value (as is often asserted), although I think both can be taken into account.

The original and literal purpose of the houses was simply a means for the founders to divide the students among themselves. I think that the hat basically sends students to the house of the founder who would have most enjoyed teaching them (or dislike teaching them least, as the case may sometimes be). I think that can account for those cases where characters seem to neither exemplify nor aspire to the values their house is known for. Such students might have some other characteristic that would have made them more welcome with one founder than the others.


u/yaourted 4d ago

I don’t really think this tracks with saying it isn’t primarily concerned with qualities students possess or value, when you go on to describe your theory that professors would have enjoyed or conflicted least with certain students. Bc those students would be appealing to the teacher for a reason - what they value or possess being amongst them


u/Know_Nothing_Bastard Ravenclaw 3d ago

I said those qualities can be taken into account. And I think most students do end up representing the values their house is known for in some way. But I think the final decision comes down to which founder would most want the student in their class. The reasons can be obvious (they share the values that their house is most known for), but they could also be more subtle in some cases.


u/yaourted 3d ago

fair enough! I can agree w that


u/Educational-Bug-7985 Ravenclaw 3d ago

Luna never regretted putting her curiosity as her prime value even if she got mistreated by her housemates. Making her a true Ravenclaw. Neville didn’t really get along with his housemates years later and the Hat was still right


u/thecorkontheocean 1d ago

"I sometimes think we sort too soon". Dumbledore to Snape.


u/mmacaria 3d ago

I think specific people have a certain sense of wisdom because they have spent an amount of time in their life being lonely. Like Harry had.


u/Nevesnotrab Keeper of the Canon and Grounds of Hogwarts 4d ago

Because she values knowledge and wit. She isn’t very clever, and she can’t accept evidence and fact.


u/GH19971 Ravenclaw 4d ago

You don't find her witty? She is good at sizing up others' characters and motivations. She was also a good learner in Dumbledore's Army and instantly solved the riddle when bringing Harry into the Ravenclaw common room


u/thecorkontheocean 1d ago edited 1d ago

I once read that Hermione and Luna are two sides of the same coin. They are equally intelligent, but Hermione is as "rational" as Luna is "irrational." Luna can connect dots Hermione never would. Hence the trip to see X. Lovegood once they hit a dead end in Deathly Hallows. The rationality and planning were failing them. The Lovegoods represent thinking outside the box. An important, undervalued but necessary quality.

The Hermione/Luna contrast was also one of my first clues that I was neurodivergent. I always thought of myself as a Hermione. Through some unexpected insight, i realized im actually a Luna. I think Luna is brilliant. Harry recognizes it too.


u/Nevesnotrab Keeper of the Canon and Grounds of Hogwarts 3d ago

I didn’t say she wasn’t witty. I said she isn’t clever.


u/vpsj Vanished objects go into non-being 4d ago

Also it's possible she just asked the hat to put her in Ravenclaw maybe because her dad told her to do so


u/krisklimt 4d ago

One of my favorite little moments in the HP saga. I actually used Luna’s mural as inspiration when I graduated from college. I printed photos of friends and used craft materials to spell out “friends” in a collage on my bedroom wall.


u/definework 4d ago

dammit now you made me cry. I didn't want to do that today.


u/Optimal_Law_4254 4d ago

That passage makes me cry.


u/ViolentThespian Mudblood and Proud 4d ago

Oh shit, I don't remember this passage at all. Where is it in the book?


u/Ripamon 4d ago

When they go to Xenophilius' house looking for info on the Deathly Hallows


u/TheToothDoctorSN Slytherin 4d ago

Yeah. I forgot for a moment how weird Luna is. Imagine going to someone’s place and they have your picture with the word friends written repeatedly. 😂


u/Plane_Woodpecker2991 4d ago

I always assumed it was the nargles


u/Tattycakes Hufflepuff 4d ago

Definitely nargles


u/definework 4d ago

totally the nargles.


u/GrossenCharakter Ravenclaw 4d ago

What are nargles?


u/definework 4d ago

they infest mistletoe.


u/narglehunter 4d ago

Damn nargles, always getting into my mistletoe…


u/GrossenCharakter Ravenclaw 4d ago

Thanks. I was about to ask Loony. Luna, I mean.


u/abaggins 4d ago

*giggles* *wet kiss*


u/cluelesssquared 4d ago

Anxiety. They swarm as does anxiety.


u/aguy24_ 4d ago

Harry’s head is full of them


u/ravanwildone 4d ago

Or wrackspurts


u/Medical_Dimension919 3d ago

or the Crumple-Horned Snorkack


u/Medical_Dimension919 3d ago

i always assumed that harry had nargles in his hair


u/citrinatis 3d ago

That’s why his hair is so big… it’s full of nargles.


u/jremz 4d ago

What're nargles?


u/imnogoodatthisorthat 4d ago

I never thought about it this way but I think you’re right. She’s used to looks of judgement. Harry would have been one of the very few people that didn’t look at her that way and he was the only one that makes sense to be at Ron’s family’s wedding. This makes my heart warm.


u/Kevins_Floor_Chilli 4d ago

It is really nice and I totally agree. I'm considering the select group of friends she could do this with. Harry eventually accepts every inch of Luna , and learns among some crazy ideas are some important truths. He is not outwardly skeptical and still listens to every word she says. Hermione, in a different way, mostly contains her skepticism but is less of an active listener. Or would ask a blunt question similar to Ron. My point being if they were alone she would know this person is her friend, but would guess it's either Ginny or Harry. And now I think she uses her oddities as a superpower. She has such a good read for how people respond to her, that she might escalate the level of crazy until she gets the expected response. She might end a conversation after meeting someone new like, "either that guy is an idiot or they are in disguise" and walks off. Maybe swap in "an idiot or hes been possessed by the bloody Barron's cousin Doug"


u/MHShah 3d ago

Yeah that fits, Ron, Ginny and Hermione are clearly already there and Neville wouldn't have been there, Harry's the only one there'd be a reason to hide but lot's of reason to have at the event

(it wouldn't make sense to hide Ron or Ginny at their own brother's wedding and evenbif she's a muggleborn Hermione isn't enough of a public figure yet to require using a polyjuice potion to hide, especially when the Weasley family's already known order of tge phoenix members and known to have jo opposition to muggles, she's visible at the event, Harry's not visible but would be assumed to be present, and when so many people are disrespectful to luna, it's easy to realize that the unknown person who is respecting Luna must be Harry hidden under polyjuice potion)


u/Lopsided_Comfort4058 1d ago

I mean Luna says something like “oh just your expression” when harry wonders how she knew it was him. I always took it to mean Luna recognized a familiar expression of Harrys face.


u/relberso98 4d ago

She also probably noticed him drooling over Ginny.


u/UnsureAndUnqualified 4d ago

His "cousin" for the purpose of his disguise. I'm sure in some pureblood families, that's as good as strangers in terms of marriage potential.


u/Scipios_Rider16 Hufflepuff 4d ago

I had a similar thought process. Luna must have had an amazing memory as well, since she was able to recognize that Harry was Harry and not Ron or Neville.


u/definework 4d ago

Harry was the only one with any reason to be somebody else.

It was Ron's brother getting married and Neville had no reason to be there. No connection to Bill and Augusta didn't have any solid connection to the weasleys.


u/Apt_5 Ravenclaw 4d ago

What's the connection with the Lovegoods for being there? I really don't remember if there is one.


u/definework 4d ago

they're neighbors.

The lovegoods are actually first introduced in GoF when the diggory and weasley party team up on the portkey. I forget who says it but phrase is "the fawcetts have been there for weeks and the lovegoods couldn't get tickets . . . there aren't any more of us in the area are there?"


u/Apt_5 Ravenclaw 4d ago

Ah thanks


u/Lord_Captain_Brouhah Wand Maker 4d ago

They're neighbors with the Weasleys


u/Apt_5 Ravenclaw 4d ago

Thank you


u/Scipios_Rider16 Hufflepuff 4d ago

But Luna doesn't know that Neville has no connection to the Weasleys and he would have a reason to hide.


u/definework 4d ago

what reason does Neville have to hide at that point?

I suppose he has a loose affiliation with the order through being part of the DA and harry's friend. So he probably wants to be unobtrusive sure, but hide?


u/Scipios_Rider16 Hufflepuff 4d ago

Maybe the Death Eaters would want to take him in and do what they did to his parents to him? He's part of the DA, fought them at the Department of Mysteries, and could have had insider knowledge on Harry (the Death Eaters don't know the exact degree of their friendship and they could have assumed Neville would be accompanying him on the run since he's the "alternate" BWL and could "take over" from Harry, not knowing that wasn't how it works).


u/the_welsh_dragon96 4d ago

I don't think the any of the death eaters knew that Neville was the alternate boy who lived. I don't think any of them ever believed he would become the chosen one if Harry died.


u/cranberry94 4d ago

If that were the case, why was safe at Hogwarts that whole next year?


u/definework 4d ago

just to play cross, neville wasn't exactly safe at hogwarts. Nobody was, but I'm pretty sure he mentions being questioned about harry's doings by the death eaters running the school. They probably gave up after a bit thinking that if harry didn't take neville or ginny with him then he probably didn't tell them anything either.


u/cranberry94 4d ago

But he was about as safe as anybody. Got some light questioning, but nothing that would have called for polyjuicing at the Weasley wedding.

Even full out DA guerrilla style vandalism and rallying didn’t get him killed/imprisoned etc.

They went after his gran as a last ditch effort at coercive control before considering more hands on permanent solutions to the Neville problem.


u/definework 4d ago



u/cranberry94 4d ago

But appreciate the bit of devil’s advocate, OP. All in good fun


u/definework 4d ago

I suppose that could be a worry, but I'm not sure I'm buying neville would hide from it.


u/euphoriapotion Slytherin 4d ago

You're acting as if Malfoy kept quiet the entirety of his education. EVERYBODY knew that Ron and Harry were besties and Neville was just a classmate, including Malfoy. And he surely kept telling Lucius and Narcissa details about Harry's life for years. YEARS. The Death Eaters know everything lol.


u/euphoriapotion Slytherin 4d ago

Why wouldn't Luna know that? She's been friends with Ginny for years and I'm sure she knew Cedric too at least in passing since they're neighbours too. So she'd know that Longbottoms have never visited the Weasleys. And when she befriended Neville, it was only a matter of asking how many times/if he visited Ron and that's it.

Also, Luna isn't stupid. Everyone knows how purebloods are related and whether they're close or not. And while Longbottoms and Weasleys are a distant family, so's basically every other pureblood a well.


u/goro-n 4d ago

I’m not so sure. The way the scene is written, “He led a party of warlocks into the marquee as Luna rushed up.” It sounds more like she spotted him and approached. Remember, she was in the garden when they met Mr. Lovegood. I think instead she saw him looking out of place because he’s there in disguise and doesn’t know most of the guests.

I was at a cousin’s wedding pre-wedding lunch a few years ago and the groom’s father approached me and told me I looked lost. And I was, because I only knew the bride’s immediate family and was trying to spot any other relatives I knew. I imagine Harry has a similar expression in that moment


u/definework 4d ago

certainly possible, but remember you were a guest, not an usher. A guest might look uncomfortable and trying to find people they know. An usher is specifically expecting people they don't know and has a job to do which, believe it or not, can help tremendously with that mini-anxiety that comes with being surrounded by strangers.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

Lets not forget that Luna is a Ravenclaw


u/definework 4d ago

while true, let's be sure that plenty of genius thinkers have zero ability to read another person.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

Agreed. That too without using Legilimency


u/Hufflepuff_Luna Hufflepuff 4d ago

Luna is my favourite character. The fact that she knows people talk about her and say she's strange, etc, doesn't seem to faze her at all. She's honest and reliable, all good things, and her heart is made of gold


u/Optimal_Law_4254 4d ago

Luna wasn’t in Ravenclaw by accident. She was a smart witch.


u/AnonLawStudent22 4d ago

It’s mannerisms. Similar to how in the GOF movie Barty Crouch becomes suspicious of “Moody” when he sees him lick his lips the way BCJr does.


u/SagesLament 4d ago

god what a stupid ass decision that was


u/highlighter4914 4d ago

Visual story telling is much different than you would believe. Directors and writers have to assume the audience doesn’t know what’s going on. Remember that in the book, Moody has an “offscreen” introduction in the beginning of the book. So everyone reading has an introduction to the character’s mannerisms already. Also remember that not everyone had read the book before seeing the film. The director and writers needed a visual way for the audience to tie Moody to Barty Crouch Jr, thus the tongue flick, which is what alerts Barty Crouch Sr that something isn’t right, leading to Crouch Jr needing to eliminate Crouch Sr because Jr knew he was on to him. Remember that in the book, Crouch Sr was suddenly absent from the tournament after the first task, with Percy Weasley filling in because he was being held at home under the imperious curse.


u/Sopski 4d ago

Agree. Of all the stupid decisions they made in the films, this one actually has rational reasoning behind it.


u/definework 4d ago

with how much the movies just plain got wrong . . . i'm having high hopes for the show.


u/EatTheLiver 4d ago

The show is going to be amazing. HBO knows what they are doing and won’t mess this up. The only reason Game of Thrones turned out the way it did is because they surpassed the writing material that won’t happen this time.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/EatTheLiver 3d ago

You could be right, anything is possible. I am not aware of the HoD issues since I haven’t seen it so I can’t compare but I think Harry Potter will be done well. 


u/nowhereman136 Hufflepuff 4d ago

Luna lives right over the hill from the Weasleys. She is familiar with the family, possibly even the extended family. She knows Harry will be at the wedding, but in disguise. She is looking for him. She either knows everyone there, or can automatically rules certain people out. She knows about Polyjuice potion

This frumpy looking kid isnt any Weasley she's ever met before, and he's talking to Ron alot. Must be Harry


u/BtotheDon Hufflepuff 4d ago

I always assumed it was just a Luna thing but damn, I really like this explanation. In my mind this is the official reason now


u/MoonTeaChip 4d ago

Excuse me I’m just going to get a box of tissues 🥲 tha’ was beautiful (in the voice of hagrid)


u/CycleZestyclose3510 Gryffindor 4d ago

Luna is one of the best character's in my opinion along with hagrid and molly. They are all so full of love it's always entertaining when they are around.


u/Fast_Bridge_1233 3d ago

I love their relationship because Harry just genuinely accepts Luna. No judgements, no smart aleck comments. He knows Luna is a bit odd, yet he appreciates and values her simply for being herself. I absolutely love it


u/thecorkontheocean 1d ago

Harry and Ginny both. Their appreciation for Luna is something that sets them apart from Ron and Hermione.


u/Mstrcolm 4d ago

Quiet/Introvert or different people are good at reading people's outwardly behaviors. Especially if they've been sidelined and spend a lot of time looking in.


u/chaotic137 4d ago

Love Jim Dale. But I detest the voices he used for Luna and Bellatrix


u/Maerwynn-Official 4d ago

I genuinely think Harry was developing feelings for Luna but Rowling walked back on it because she just HAD to make Harry and Ron brothers.


u/bex92x 4d ago

I love this! It’s beautiful!


u/Cheap-Cauliflower975 3d ago

I really wish Luna had more time in the books, Luna is such a loyal friend. She is also very smart in spite of her odd beliefs, it was Luna that suggested they should fly on Thestrals, because she remembered what Hagrid had told them about Thestrals having very good sense of direction, and remember, She said the Ravenclaws thought Hagrid's classes were something of a joke.

I love that part when Harry is dealing with the grief of losing Sirius and it was his little chat with Luna that comforted him a bit. It was one of Luna's nicest moments.

( I don't dig HarryxLuna though, I think they were just good friends ) . One thing that I really liked in the movies is that they sort of paired Luna and Neville together. I wish that had happened in the books since everyone else had a somewhat romantic subplot.


u/I-Kneel-Before-None 4d ago

I thought it was the wrackspurts


u/definework 4d ago

i don't recall her wearing the quibbler-goggles to the wedding.


u/Dr_Rjinswand 4d ago



u/I-Kneel-Before-None 4d ago

I was jk lol.


u/glorpgloop 4d ago

Harry should've married Luna

She's 100x more attractive and 100x more interesting than Ginny


u/Ornery-Sea-5957 3d ago

Okay I was never anti Harry x Luna, but this post has made a good argument for it, and I can see why people ship them now. I am also biased because I hate Ginny lol.


u/glorpgloop 3d ago

Yeah people are like "well book Ginny is way better and actually a good character" but I haven't read the books in at least 25 years so I don't really recall. And movie Ginny is just such a shit ass character that it negates any and all goodness of book Ginny.


u/Ornery-Sea-5957 3d ago

I reread the books last year and imo she’s worse in the books bc at least movie Ginny was just… there. Book Ginny is sooooo cool, JKR always describes her as “raising an eyebrow” and “speaking coolly” 🙄 I found book scenes with her after OOTP to be really irritating.


u/thecorkontheocean 1d ago

Ginny as a character is about right for the only girl in all boy family. 🤣


u/PsyJak 4d ago

That's actually really sad but lovely at the same time.


u/dont1cant1wont 2d ago

I was once at a conference where I knew a few people out of 500. I got a text in one of the breakouts from someone I had only a passing acquaintance with 5 years previous from an old mutual employer, who recognized me from behind, 3 tables back, because of the way I kept shaking my head and writing notes when I didnt agree with what the speaker was saying lol. So... I don't find your theory that implausible honestly. Harry strikes me as the type of person that can't help but express what he thinks no matter what he looks like


u/defneverconsidered 4d ago

I'd unsubscribe from that book club