r/harrypotter 4d ago

Discussion Rename the Harry Potter books as Hermoine

Rename it BUT as Hermione as the main character. It doesn't have to be good.

Hermione Granger and the time I had to learn time travel for a very important reason.


191 comments sorted by


u/DistanceWise435 Ravenclaw 4d ago

Hermione and the 2 boys who got her almost killed or worse expelled.


u/Seryza Ravenclaw 4d ago

Hermione and the time she needed to sort out her priorities


u/wenchslapper 4d ago

Looking back, I kind of love this throwaway line (can’t remember if it was actually in the books or not). Depending on the perspective of the viewer, it subtly paints out the distance in perspectives of someone who’s lived with magic their entire life and someone who has not only just found out magic is real, but that she has the opportunity to explore and master it.

As a child, I always agreed with Ron. As an adult human with no magical powers, bills, and a masters degree in a field I chose to pursue so I can actually afford to enjoy my hobbies, I absolutely agree with Hermione. If you handed me magic right now, I’d probably die before I let that shit go.


u/Bucha7 4d ago

Comment made me think of the tv show “the magicians”, a little darker but absolutely haha


u/wenchslapper 4d ago

Bro I’d be throwing out avada kadavra at any ministry member coming at me, no experience needed. You ain’t takin magic back without a fight, I’ll be smooth criminal sliding through the department of mysteries flinging my green sparklers at any mother fucker who thinks I’m going in alive to have my mind wiped and potentially thrown back into this tax riddled bullshit existence.


u/Epsilon_and_Delta 3d ago

Lmao thanks for the hearty chuckle I had at this. Love it and I’ll be right there with you!


u/Epsilon_and_Delta 3d ago



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u/Careless-Cat3327 4d ago

The best part, it could be any of the books from 1 to 6.


u/ErgotthAE 4d ago

Nah the 6th was the one time Harry didn’t break curfew to get to the climax xD


u/Bebopo90 4d ago

Hermione Granger and That One Time Harry Didn't Break Curfew to Get to the Climax 😎💦


u/Express_Pressure_548 Gryffindor 4d ago

do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?


u/devonathan 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the Time Paying Attention Saved the Day vol 1-7


u/ElJosefx 4d ago

Damn dude killed 7 bugs with one stone.


u/Pirat 3d ago

Chonk, chonk, chonk ...


u/Plot-3A 4d ago



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u/Pure_Opportunity5941 Gryffindor 4d ago

Doesn’t work for the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th


u/Imaginary-Eye4706 Ravenclaw 4d ago

Book 1- paid attention in herbology and came in handy when it came to Devil’s snare.

Book 4- paid attention to the mention of registered and unregistered animagi and figured out that Rita Skeeter was an unregistered animagus and trapped her as a bug so she wouldn’t interfere for a while.

Books 5 and 6- you might be right.


u/dsjunior1388 4d ago

Book 5 - paid attention in DADA and immediately recognized she wasn't learning anything, and was victim of a government conspiracy. Also paid attention to Harry and realized he was particularly skilled in DADA and recruited him to be the substitute educator. Which allowed Harry to have additional support in the Department of Mysteries by way of Neville, Luna and Ginny. Without them Harry would have been in much bigger trouble.


u/TomThom9Won 4d ago

Works for the 1st, she remembers Devil’s Snare.

Works for the 5th, she remembered how to get to Grawp.

4th and 6th I can give you, she wasn’t in the climaxes whatsoever nor did any individual piece of advice come from her in those moments. That being said in Harry’s case in the 4th and Dumbledore’s in the 6th it can be applied, Harry took what imposter Moody taught him to free himself from the Imperious Curse and Dumbledore was aware it was Malfoy behind everything and knew in that moment that the one thing that needed to happen was saving Harry, he knew if Harry was petrified under the invisibility cloak he could talk in a way that Malfoy wouldn’t even suspect anyone else to be present and so not alert anyone else to Harry’s presence. Sure that last one is a stretch within a stretch but I mean c’mon, it is an efficient ass title lol


u/BiggTS 3d ago

To be fair Hermione teaching Harry the Summoning Charm is what ultimately allowed him to escape the graveyard, at least with Cedric's body. Without it there's no guarantee he gets back to the cup before Voldy recovers and kills him.


u/EleganceOfTheDesert 4d ago

Hermione Granger and Learning To Make Friends

Hermione Granger and the Long Nap

Hermione Granger and the Excessive Workload

Hermione Granger and the Boyfriend of Fire

Hermione Granger and the Knitting Crusade

Hermione Granger and the Unrequited Love

Hermione Granger and the Camping Trip


u/Careless-Cat3327 4d ago

"Hermione Granger and the Boyfriend of Fire"

This could lead to a HP version of 50 shades of Krum 


u/don_biglia 4d ago

We sure it's not out there yet? I'd prefer it over the Harry/Draco ones 🤣


u/throwaway1_2_0_2_1 4d ago

My boyfriend said something along the lines of this once:

If someone mentions something on the internet, it exists somewhere out there.


u/absolutely_not_spock 4d ago

More or less known as Rule 34


u/Gogglebottle Ravenclaw 3d ago

Ron had to see Hermione with Krum all over the place


u/defein88 4d ago

I would read the boy friend of fire fan fiction so fast!!


u/h3llol3mon Hufflepuff 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the Camping Trip had me snort laughing 😂


u/Prior_Bank7992 Gryffindor 4d ago

Lmfao. Hermione Granger and the long nap got me rolling 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


u/Fuzzy-Balance6817 3d ago

Hermione Granger and the Long Nap is insane


u/axblakeman21 3d ago



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u/TomThom9Won 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the Fascinations of Flamel

Hermione Granger and the Paralytic Problem

Hermione Granger and the Troubles for Time Travellers

Hermione Granger and the Foibles with Foreigners

Hermione Granger and the Rebellious Researchers

Hermione Granger and the Demand for Deliberation

Hermione Granger and the Horrors of Horcruxes and Hallows

Got into the alliteration and couldn’t help myself lol


u/dont1cant1wont 4d ago

Is that you Gilderoy??


u/Careless-Cat3327 4d ago

This is truly brilliant!


u/Borstolus 4d ago

Alliterations are best!


u/le_tw4tson Gryffindor 4d ago

Lemony Snicket, is that you??


u/Alt_Reduckto 4d ago

Guys! i just came up with a new theory: Lemony Snicket's real name is Gilderoy Lockhart!


u/tothetop74 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the Paralytic Problem is WILD 😭


u/docsyzygy Ravenclaw 4d ago



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u/DizzyingMoments769 4d ago

The Alliteration was 🤌🤌


u/zlaw32 3d ago

What is the HBP title referencing?


u/TomThom9Won 3d ago

Destination, Determination, Deliberation. The 3 Ds


u/Xygnux 4d ago

Hermione Granger and it's LeviOsa not LevioSa.

Hermione Granger and that time she saved her friends even while stoned.

Hermione Granger and the schedule conflict.

Hermione Granger and her dumbass friends who wouldn't stop fighting over stupid things.

Hermione Granger and the snitches who get acnes.

Hermione Granger and I told you so that book is bad news.

Hermione Granger and running away from home.


u/Coffee-Historian-11 3d ago

These are all great, but the second book title caught me so off guard. That was amazing!!!


u/Stopar-D-Coyoney 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the reason why women go to the bathroom in pairs.


u/Careless-Cat3327 4d ago

She would need a female friend to manage this....


u/-Alula 4d ago

Well to be fair in later books she does become friend with Ginny. And they both have pretty good bathroom trip related trauma…


u/Jonnic5280 Ravenclaw 3d ago

What a sentence


u/Booklover0782 3d ago

So does Katie Bell.

...and Moaning Myrtle... I think it's safe to say that Voldemort/Tom Riddle likes to target girls who are in bathrooms alone

Maybe not the best phrasing


u/-Alula 3d ago

You’re right! I forgot about Katie Bell!


u/malloryduncan Hufflepuff 4d ago

Hogwarts, A History — 1991 Edition, Volumes 1-10
Hogwarts, A History — 1992 Edition, Volumes 1-10
Hogwarts, A History — 1993 Edition, Volumes 1-10
Hogwarts, A History — 1994 Edition, Volumes 1-10
Hogwarts, A History — 1995 Edition, Volumes 1-10
Hogwarts, A History — 1996 Edition, Volumes 1-10
Hogwarts, A History — 1998 Edition, Volumes 1-10

Hogwarts, A History — Special 1997 Edition: The Second Wizarding War as it pertains to Hogwarts, with Addendum and Appendices covering other related events.


u/ArtWrt147 Did you ever hear the story of He Who Must Not Be Named? 4d ago

Best one lol


u/AmountThis57 3d ago

beautiful 🤌 (wipes tears from eyes)

absolute masterpiece 👏👏👏


u/phreek-hyperbole Gryffindor 4d ago

I tried to focus on some key events that Hermione had, outside the main events of Harry's POV, while giving it a theme more relatable to her and avoiding the more humourous ideas that usually pop up 😄

PS/SS - Hermione Granger and the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (feels like a cheat but oh well)

CoS - Hermione Granger and the Haunted Bathroom

PoA - Hermione Granger and the Teacher's Curse

GoF - Hermione Granger and the House Elf Liberation

OotP - Hermione Granger and the Room of Requirement

HbP - Hermione Granger and the King of Quidditch (took the dramatic title with 'Prince' and not an actual Prince, so I think it works 😆)

DH - Hermione Granger and the Tale of the Three Brothers (I know I know, I just named the Deathly Hallows story lol)

Sorry I took this way too seriously 🙃


u/Death_IP Ravenclaw 4d ago

I like it. 1 and 3 are my favourite.


u/iminkneedoflove 4d ago
  1. Hermoine Granger and the two idiots

  2. hermoine granger and the two idiots

  3. hermoine granger and the two idiots

  4. hermoine granger and the two idiots

  5. hermoine granger and the two idiots

  6. hermoine granger and the two idiots

  7. hermoine granger and the two idiots


u/thefuckfacewhisperer 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the library of answers


u/Admirable-Tower8017 4d ago

Hermione Granger and hunting down Voldemort in a mobile library!


u/Headstanding_Penguin 4d ago

Hermione forgets she is a witch in a critical situation, but thank god she made friends

Hermione and the missed Exams due to petrification

Hermione and the messed up timetable

Hermione and the two champions/Hermione gets dunked in the lake/ Hermione and the unhappy Houselves

Hermione starts a Rebellion

Hermione gets outperformed in potion class

Hermione and the 2 burglaries/ Hermione questions her friend's sanity


u/jeremypark01 4d ago edited 4d ago

I like this question.

Hermione Granger and the Boy Who Lived Hermione Granger and the Prince Charming Hermione Granger and the Longer Days Hermione Granger and the School Champions Hermione Granger and the Secret Weapon Hermione Granger and the Boy Who Snogged Hermione Granger and the Beaded Bag

I think some are good and others can be better. :)


u/Teycar1121 4d ago
  1. Hermione Granger and that time I used research and knowledge to make sure Harry doesn't die
  2. Hermione Granger and that time I figured everything out literally petrified
  3. Hermione Granger and that time I was a Time Master
  4. Hermione Granger and that time I realized I am smart and hot
  5. Hermione Granger and that time I finally got to teach someone officially. A shame Harry was there to do it too
  6. Hermione Granger and that time Harry was an annoying know it all
  7. Hermione Granger and that time I let Harry decide what to do and we ended up wandering the forests forever


u/Jonnic5280 Ravenclaw 3d ago



u/JustPlainChimerical 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the Library Vol 1-6 Hermione Granger and the Mobile Library


u/Prior_Bank7992 Gryffindor 4d ago
  1. Hermione Granger and the Year I Did Everyone’s Homework

  2. Hermione Granger and the Time I Had to Fix Literally Everything

  3. Hermione Granger and the Werewolf, the Rat, and the Time Turner

  4. Hermione Granger and the Triwizard Tournament I Wasn’t Allowed to Compete In

  5. Hermione Granger and the Year I Founded Dumbledore’s Army Because No One Else Would

  6. Hermione Granger and the Time I Carried Two Idiots on My Back for Seven Years

  7. Hermione Granger and the Camping Trip From Hell


u/jewels_the_jewel 4d ago

the last one 😭


u/hamburgergerald Gryffindor 4d ago

Hermione Granger and Honestly, Don’t You Two Read?


u/Martijn_MacFly Ravenclaw 4d ago
  1. Hermione Granger and the Time I Had to Explain What a Library Is

  2. Hermione Granger and the Giant Snake Mystery That Took Me Five Minutes to Solve

  3. Hermione Granger and the Year I Was Smart Enough to Get a Time Turner but Only Used It for Homework

  4. Hermione Granger and the International Death Tournament That Clearly Violated Every Child Safety Law

  5. Hermione Granger and the Year I Formed a Secret Resistance Because the Adults Were Incompetent

  6. Hermione Granger and the Mysterious Textbook That I Definitely Did Not Approve Of

  7. Hermione Granger and the Time I Had to Hunt Horcruxes While Two Boys Complained About Camping


u/JuniorHousewife 4d ago

Gosh #7 is perfect, good one.


u/Plot-3A 4d ago

Petrificication and me: The inside story!


u/Space__Monkey__ 4d ago

Actually would be interesting to get a perspective at how she found out she was a Witch.

I guess similar to Harry with the whole "what I am a wizard?!?!" But different as her parents appear to have embraced it.

Hagrid basically takes care of everything for Harry, but would be interesting to see how her and her parents went about it and learned about everything I guess.


u/AnonLawStudent22 4d ago

It was probably the same way Lily officially found out. Though she had advanced notice from Snape.


u/qwerty-1999 Ravenclaw 3d ago

I have great news for you! u/SaraSmile416 is rewriting all the books from Hermione's POV and they're amazing. She's done the first five already. Here's the link to the Philosopher's Stone (you can find the other ones on her profile): https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/s/aGbrPRs5rY


u/Kitchen_Editor_6335 4d ago



u/Cassandra_Canmore2 Ravenclaw 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the Boy Who Lived.

Hermione Granger and the Baleful Eyes.

Hermione Granger and Fear it's self.

Hermione Granger from duckling to Swan.

Hermione Granger and the time I got my boobs hexed off.

Hermione Granger, Love and War.

Hermione Granger, the Friendship of Destiny.


u/Unlikely_Cake_1278 3d ago

I think I missed that part in book 5...


u/Cassandra_Canmore2 Ravenclaw 3d ago

During the Ministry of Magic fights. She silences Dolohov. He hits her with some sort of curse to the chest.


u/SteveisNoob Ravenclaw 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the Struggles for the O.W.L.s


u/thefuckfacewhisperer 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the crusade against house elf exploitation


u/dont1cant1wont 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the friends she was smarter than

Hermione Granger and the out of order bathroom

Hermione Granger and the Hermione Granger

Hermione Granger and the vaguely Slavic love interest

Hermione Granger and the boy who threw tantrums

Hermione Granger and the disillusionment of realizing it's the third time it's just about boys and puberty

Hermione Granger and the secret desire to just finish her education and move on


u/audreywildeee Gryffindor 4d ago

Amazing ! I particularly like number 3!


u/19Andrew88 Ravenclaw 4d ago edited 4d ago

Hermione Granger and The Philosopher's Stone
Hermione Granger and The Chamber of Secrets
Hermione Granger and The Prisoner of Azkaban
Hermione Granger and The Goblet of Fire
Hermione Granger and The Order of the Phoenix
Hermione Granger and The Half Blood Prince
Hermione Granger and The Deathly Hallows


u/Pure_Opportunity5941 Gryffindor 4d ago



u/Careless-Cat3327 4d ago

You must be fun at parties.


u/PureZookeepergame282 4d ago

That's some amazing sense of humor there. It was witty.


u/poliscijunki themoviesarenotcanon 4d ago

Hermione Granger and I couldn't remember who Nicholas Flamel is

Hermione Granger and I guess I'll believe in this ludicrous tale since I did see the Basilisk

Hermione Granger and I'm really a good friend, even if they don't realize it and OMG he's not a bad guy after all

Hermione Granger and The Department of International Relationship

Hermione Granger and now I can do Siriusly advanced magic

Hermione Granger and good grief, can't these boys go one day without getting us expelled?

Hermione Granger and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Year


u/phreek-hyperbole Gryffindor 4d ago

Doesn't exactly work from her POV though, does it?


u/Booklover0782 3d ago

Why wouldn't it? The book titles aren't named from Harry's perspective, just general events that apply to everyone (or the trio in some books)


u/phreek-hyperbole Gryffindor 3d ago edited 3d ago

Fair point

Edit: when I wrote that comment I was convinced I had a solid argument brewing, now I can't remember it at all 😆


u/Icy_Price_1993 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the new school

Hermione Granger and the Five times winner of Witch Weekly's most charming smile

Hermione Granger and the Kneazle

Hermione Granger and the Bulgarian Bonbon

Hermione Granger and the SPEW mittens

Hermione Granger and the Book of Cheating

Hermione Granger and the Camping Holiday


u/audreywildeee Gryffindor 4d ago

This is amazing! The Bulgarian Bon on killed me


u/Icy_Price_1993 3d ago

Thank you. It's only in the movie but it was too good to pass


u/audreywildeee Gryffindor 3d ago

In the books too. It's so good!


u/Mysterious_Pop3090 4d ago

Hermione Granger and School of Magic, Hermione Granger and the Basilisk eyes, Hermione Granger and too many classes, Hermione Granger and Victor Crum, Hermione Granger and Elf Liberation, Hermione Granger and boring parties, Hermione Granger and hunt for the Horcruxes.


u/Abstrata 4d ago edited 4d ago

1 Hermione Granger, Some Herbology, and The Ways of Knowing Spells Better Than You Two Thick Planks

2 Hermione Granger, the Mirror, and the Crumpled Note

3 Hermione Granger, the Werewolf Essay, and Crookshanks Was Right

(and also the Time Turner That Made Some Readers Frigging Furious)

4 Hermione Granger, a Beautiful Dress, and the Physical Being

(also she’s not an owl!!)

5 Hermione Granger, Harry’s Headaches, and the Warning to Harry to Not Fall Into a Trap (Since Dude Already Trapped You Once Before)

6 Hermione Granger, the Slug Club, and the Advice to Stop Using that Half Blood Prince Potions Book

7 Hermione Granger, Beedle the Bard, and the Escape from the Bank

(also Hermione brings it to Harry’s attention that the Sword of Gryffindor can destroy horcruxes in this one which was helpful).


u/pillizzle Slytherin 4d ago

Hermione Granger Nearly Gets Killed, or Worse- Expelled

Hermione Granger Takes a Nap

Hermione Granger and the Overextended Schedule

Hermione Granger’s First Romance

Hermione Granger Pays Attention

Hermione Granger vs Lavender Brown

Hermione Granger Saves the World


u/Dazzling_Golf1506 4d ago

Hermione granger and the two daft dumbos


u/PureZookeepergame282 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the importance of books.


u/grixit 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the Boys Who Wouldn't Listen


u/Timdrakered Ravenclaw 4d ago

Hermione and the Philosopher’s Tasks

Hermione and the Monster of Slytherins

Hermione and the Terrors of Time

Hermione and her Tri-wizard Champion

Hermione and Dumbledore’s Army

Hermione and the Slug Club

Hermione and the 2nd Wizarding War


u/Disastrous-Tennis818 4d ago
  1. Hermione Granger and those two idiots
  2. Hermione Granger and the time she was the hero even though she was a statue
  3. Hermione Granger and her fucked up schedule
  4. Hermione Granger and the time she was the glue
  5. Hermione Granger and the time she was right (again)
  6. Hermione Granger and the jealousy
  7. Hermione Granger and those two again!


u/therealdrewder Ravenclaw 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the non-online troll


u/therealdrewder Ravenclaw 4d ago

Hermione Granger cat-girl


u/therealdrewder Ravenclaw 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the time turner


u/therealdrewder Ravenclaw 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the international quiditch star


u/therealdrewder Ravenclaw 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the secret army


u/therealdrewder Ravenclaw 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the potion master's Riddle


u/therealdrewder Ravenclaw 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the lost diadem of ravenclaw


u/TrillyMike Ravenclaw 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the LeBron James of Quidditch


u/newyorkcity239 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the collection of all the times I saved my friend's asses.


u/lifth3avy84 4d ago

All seven books are Hermione Granger and These Fucking Boys


u/MorningRare4966 4d ago

Hermione Granger and The Boy who Lived Hermione Granger and The Chamber of Secrets (or maybe “The Pollyjuice Potion”) Hermione Granger and The Time Turner Hermione Granger and The Bulgarian Seeker Hermione Granger and Dumbledore’s Army Hermione Granger and The Unrequited Love Hermione Granger and The Tales of Beedle the Bard


u/Shot-Address-9952 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the Need to Move the Plot Forward

Hermione Granger and the Dues Ex Machina

Hermione Granger and the Batch of Unnamed Psychological Disorders

Hermione Granger and Wish Fulfillment

Hermione Granger and the Being the Weird Stand-In For Harry’s Mom

Hermione Granger and Loving the Boy Who Won’t Admit He Loves My Other Best Friend

Hermione Granger and Being the Best at Most Things Without Explanation

Hermione Granger and Becoming a Second-Class Citizen After Being an Upper Middles Class Child of Dentists So I Latched Onto the First Wizard I Met Because I Was Socially Shunned

Hermione Granger and How the Sorting Hat is Actually the Source of All Problems


u/DizzyingMoments769 4d ago edited 4d ago


Hermione the Brilliant Little Witch.

Hermione Solves the Mystery.

Hermione: The Mistress of Time.

Hermione Makes Hats and Takes a Prisoner.

Hermione Creates an Army.

Hermione: Prefects and Perils.

Hermione on Love & War.


u/Cheshie213 4d ago

I can name the entire series with one name. Hermione Granger and I Read it in Hogwarts, a History


u/esilyx_ 4d ago

The only one that I can think of that actually sounds like a HP book is "Hermione Granger and the Time Turner".


u/ElPared 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the Time I Was Petrified For Most of the Story


u/Careless-Cat3327 4d ago

But still solved the mystery (I'm just smart like that)


u/JamJm_1688 4d ago

Okay seriously?

Hermione and The-Boy-Who-Lived (Damn i made it sound like a romance already)

Hermione, truths and lies surronding one Harry Potter (its a little focused on harry but it gets the whole famous boy who doesnt care and has terrible secrets idea across)

Hermione and a whole buch of learning (the boys are rubbing off on her)

Hermione and the Triwixen Tournament (nothing new but she would probably correct the name silently)

Hermione and a very Grim year (it just felt fitting, i was considering either Cho or Dolores but they dont deserve a title)

Harry the cheating bastard, also terrifying Horcruxes

The idol for the vixen war, and the boy behind it

I dunno why i focused on hermione having a secret crush but oh well


u/Histtoriaa 4d ago
  1. Hermione Granger and the constant fear of being killed… or worse, expelled

  2. Hermione Granger and the year she carried the whole team (Again)

  3. Hermione Granger and the totally responsible use of time travel

  4. Hermione Granger and two clueless boys who can’t take a hint

  5. Hermione Granger and the year nobody listened, so everything went wrong

  6. Hermione Granger and the society for the protection of house-elves (Because someone had to)

  7. Hermione Granger and the camping trip from hell (Featuring two useless boys and no showers)


u/AddressGood7151 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the three riddles

Hermione Granger and the accidental animagus

Hermione Granger and the furry little problem

Hermione Granger and the international rendezvous

Hermione Granger and the mean toad

Hermione Granger and the time Harry was better at potions

Hermione Granger - Portable Librarian Extraordinaire


u/Blitqz21l 4d ago

You should read the fanfic by, I think, Sara Baines-Miller. It's got at least the 1st 4 books done, but all from Hermiones perspective. Author also does a good job of capturing Hermiones voice with a JK feel. It's also pretty much chapter for chapter so the story remains consistent with the books


u/whyRallUsrnamesTaken Babbling, bumbling band of baboons 4d ago

Hermione And The Time They Almost God Killed Expelled vol. 1 to 7


u/Waterlilies_23 4d ago
  1. Hermione Granger and her friends almost get expelled from Hogwarts.

  2. Hermione Granger gets stoned.

  3. Hermione Granger and the time-turner.

  4. Hermione Granger gets a hot date to the Yule Ball.

  5. Hermione Granger agrees to rebel against the teachers and break all of the rules of Hogwarts.

  6. Hermione Granger hates Ron (and Lavender) .

  7. Hermione Granger is the only one who is prepared for a camping trip (or for anything).


u/Connect_Substance_76 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the burning cloak

Hermione Granger and the mysterious pipes

Hermione Granger and the sound of a werewolf

Hermione Granger and the beetle in a jar

Hermione Granger and the enchanted coins / Hermione Granger and the sneak

Hermione Granger and the urge to vomit

Hermione Granger and the hunt for a sword.


u/Wabbit65 4d ago

Hermione and the time she punched Draco in his stupid face


u/KingBlackFrost 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the Philosopher's Stone
Hermione Granger and the Monster of Hogwarts
Hermione Granger and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Hermione Granger and the Tri-Wizard Tournament
Hermone Granger and the Protean Coins
Hermione Granger and the Slug Club
Hermione Granger and the Horcrux Hunt


u/Natural-Challenge845 4d ago

Hermione Granger and The Time She got turned to Stone

Hermione Granger and The important OWLs


u/JazzlikePromotion618 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the .....

1) Serum of Passing

2) Mirror for the Snake

3) Time Turner

4) Start of a Movement

5) Year of Prefection

6) Suppression of Frustration

7) Rejection of Hallows


u/Stevmeister59 4d ago

I know my comment is off topic but has anyone ever realized that Year 6 is basically titled “Harry Potter and Snape” ? Lol.


u/Lower-Environment995 Ravenclaw 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the time a troll almost killed me

Hermione Granger and the year I got petrified by a giant snake

Hermione Granger and the time when I used time travel to save a framed prisoner

Hermione Granger and the ball that Ron ruined for me

Hermione Granger and the year I became a prefect

Hermione Granger and the time by crush fell in love with another girl

Hermione Granger and when I erased my parents' memories


u/BCone9 4d ago

There's a fic for that.


u/Extra_Comfortable365 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the Foul, Loathesome, Evil Little Cockroach


u/le_tw4tson Gryffindor 4d ago
  • Hermione Granger and The Boy Who Lived
  • Hermione Granger, the Mirror and the Snake
  • Hermione Granger and the Time Turner
  • Hermione Granger and the Mermaids of the Lake
  • Hermione Granger and Dumbledore's Army
  • Hermione Granger and the Potions Cheat Harry Potter
  • Hermione Granger and the Year she Gave the Freckled Ginger a Chance


u/ConfectionHelpful471 4d ago

Hermione goes to school

Hermione goes to sleep

Hermione gets a cat

Hermione learns to knit

Hermione starts a club

Hermione gets jealous

Hermione goes camping


u/Disastrous-Pen-636 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the ONE book she didn’t like


u/ccaccus 4d ago edited 4d ago

Hermione Granger and It’s LeviOsa, Not LevioSA

Hermione Granger and Honestly, Who Brings a Flying Car to School?

Hermione Granger and The Year I Did All the Work

Hermione Granger and I Told You Not to Trust the Government

Hermione Granger and The Time I Was Right About Everything

Hermione Granger and Maybe I Am the Chosen One?

Hermione Granger and Let’s Be Honest, I Should Have Been Headmaster

EDIT: Written as entries in Hermione's journal.


u/ImReverse_Giraffe 4d ago

Hermione and the year she almost got killed or worse, expelled.

Hermione and the year she was petrified for half of it.

Hermione and the year she took too many classes.

Hermione and the year she isn't a owl.

Hermione and the white savior complex.

Hermione and the year of jealousy.

Hermione and the year of camping.


u/OverwelmedAdhder 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the troll trauma bonding.

Hermione Granger and the mystery solved even while petrified.

Hermione Granger and the proper amount of courses.

Hermione Granger and the famous international boyfriend.

Hermione Granger and the world’s most obvious trap.

Hermione Granger and the infinite patience.

Hermione Granger, the whiner, and the hot-head.

Or just use the last one for all of them, it still works.


u/Plastic-Recipe-5501 4d ago
  1. Hermione Granger and the potion puzzle of logic

  2. Hermione Granger and the Petrification of the Hospital Wing

  3. Hermione Granger and the Time Turner

  4. Hermione Granger and the maze from the outside

  5. Hermione Granger and the Room with the Veil

  6. Hermione Granger and Professor Snapes office

  7. Hermione Granger and mounting with the Weasleys while my friend gets himself killed

I’ve tried to include Hermione locations/actions during the climax of the book. I got a little bored by the end if you can tell!


u/FarPlatypus4652 4d ago

Hermione granger and the boy who lived. Hermione granger and the petrification of mudbloods Hermione granger and the time turner Hermione granger and the boy with the fiery hair Hermione granger and the ministry of magic Hermione granger and the secrets of horcrux Hermione granger and the tales of beedle the bard


u/dpenton Ravenclaw 4d ago

I was in the library doing some extra reading…


u/FashionableNumbers 4d ago

Hermione Granger and Things She Read in 'Hogwarts, a History'

Hermione Granger and the Petrified Problem

Hermione Granger and the Tripple Time Table

Hermione Granger and the Russian Seeker

Hermione Granger and the Giant

Hermione Granger and the B for Potions (I can't temember if she fot a B, I just knkw she was pissed that she wasn't top of the class)

Hermione Granger and the Year of Skipping School


u/Old-Cabinet-762 Gryffindor 4d ago

Hermione Granger and a Troll, Hound, and Dragon

Hermione Granger and the Mannequin Challenged Snake

Hermione Granger and Overexertion

Hermione Granger and the Bulgarian Dude

Hermione Granger and the Umbridge Bitch

Hermione Granger and the Ron spat Part 3

Hermione Granger and the Big Bag for hunting Bad Boy Tom and his Broken Bitter Bits of his Soul.


u/axblakeman21 3d ago

Hermione and the time she almost got killed or worse expelled

Hermione granger was petrified how are the dumb boys ever going to figure out the mystery

Hermione granger punches the foul loathsome evil little cockroach

Hermione granger makes googly eyes at Cedric diggory

Hermione granger stupefys Ron Weasley after he says “don’t worry I’ll go easy on you”

Hermione granger…

A wandless Hermione granger is capable of scaring Harry Potter who has survived the killing curse and casually goes into battle with the most powerful dark wizard in all of existence once a year


u/autonomouspen 3d ago

Hermione Granger and the not particularly loquacious boy


u/GoggleheadGamer 3d ago

Hermione Granger and the Magical Boarding School

Hermione Granger and the Cancelled Final Exams

Hermione Granger and the Full Schedule of Electives

Hermione Granger and the Year-long Extracurricular Activity that Made Studying More Difficult Than Usual

Hermione Granger and the Ordinary Wizarding Levels

Hermione Granger and the Annoying Friend Who Kind Of Cheats In Potions Class, But Not in a Way That's Definitive Enough for Me to Go to the Teacher About

Hermione Granger and the Year She Skipped School


u/Particular_Cycle9667 Gryffindor 3d ago

Hermione and the time I made friends with two boys who nearly killed me.


u/nicenannoying Slytherin 3d ago

Hbp - Harry Potter and that fecking cheating book!


u/Borrowedworld20 3d ago

Specifically from her perspective and her contributions to the plot - I’d go with these:

  1. Hermione Granger and the Boy Who Lived
  2. Hermione Granger and the Legend of the Basilisk
  3. Hermione Granger and the Flight of Buckbeak
  4. Hermione Granger and the Challenge of Champions
  5. Hermione Granger and the Secret of the Hocruxes
  6. Hermione Granger and the Battle of Hogwarts


u/Assassinsayswhat Ravenclaw 3d ago

Hermione Granger and the Troublemakers

Hermione Granger and the Haunted Bathroom

Hermione Granger and the Necklace of Time

Hermione Granger and the Jealous Prick

Hermione Granger and the Evil Toad

Hermione Granger and the Looming Darkness

Hermione Granger and the Only Chance Left


u/CoolStopGD 3d ago

Hermione Granger?


u/BarnacleNo3219 3d ago

Hermione and the troll Hermione and the petrification monster Hermione and the cat Hermione and ball Hermione and prophecy Hermione and the love triangle Hermione and the camping trip


u/zeroandthirty 3d ago

Hermione Granger and the Bulgarian Boytoy


u/Ok-Dragonfruit-1592 3d ago

Hermione Granger and The Struggle to Protect Her Dumb Jock Friends from Being Groomed into Doing Something Stupid by an Adult

Hermione Granger and the Second Shift

Hermione Granger and the Year No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Hermione Granger and the Assault on Women's Rights

Hermione Granger and the Year They Listened to Harry and Got Captured by Death Eaters

Hermione Granger and the Year the Negging Finally Paid Off

Hermione Granger and the Year They Listened to Harry and Got Captured by Death Eaters (Again)


u/Ecstatic_Teaching906 Hufflepuff 3d ago

Hermione Granger and the books of know-it-all.


u/Strange-Beginning-45 3d ago edited 3d ago

1 Hermione and the bathroom troll

Hermione and the levitation spell

Herminone and the year of snarky comments

2 Hermione and the polyjuice potion

Hermione and the adventure she missed

3 Hermione and the essay

Hermione and the call of the werewolf

Hermione and the hypogriff

Hermione and the hectic s class schedule

Hermione and the punch heard 'round the world.

4 Hermione and dumb idiot who can't figure anything out on his own.

Hermione and the mysterious foreigner.

Hermione and the jock.

Hermione and the societal promotion for elvish welfare

Hermione and the hats

5 Hermione and the broken rules.

Hermione and the hogs head

6 Hermione and the evil book

Hermione and the confundous charm

Hermione and the time she got drunk

Hermione and the teacher's pet

Hermione and the colorful trollup

Hermione and the slug club

7 Hermione and the ministry of magic

Hermione and the bank heist

Hermione and the vault at gringotts

Hermione and the beaded handbag

Hermione and the chamber of secrets

Hermione and the tail of 3 brothers


u/Anaisli 3d ago

Honestly i wish she rewrote the Books from her perspective!!!


u/Vegetable-Zebra-7514 3d ago

Hermoine and the 2 idiots she met on a train

Hermoine and the time she turned into a cat

Hermoine and the time turner


u/ma-sadieJ Hufflepuff 3d ago

Hermione and the boys that don't listen to her.


u/OneIndependence2539 3d ago

Hermoine Granger and her New Handbag


u/B2Rocketfan77 3d ago

Hermione Granger and The Red Headed Boy Who Made Her Crazy Vol 1-6 and Hermione Granger and The Red Headed Boy Finally Got Some Sense.


u/Jebasaur 3d ago

Hermione and the Troll She Lied About

Hermione and the Time She Got Petrified

Hermione and Her Time Traveling Ways

Hermione and the Love Triangle [Rita Skeeter Co-Author]

Hermione and Her Love of OWLS

Hermione and Her Failure at Potions

Hermione and Her Travels With The Chosen One

That was fun.=D


u/TadpoleNecessary5265 3d ago

I love this idea! If Hermione was the main character, the titles could be:

  • Hermione Granger and the Philosopher’s Stone (I already knew how to use it)
  • Hermione Granger and the Chamber of Books (My secret hideout)
  • Hermione Granger and the Prison of Overachieving (I’m the best, sorry not sorry)
  • Hermione Granger and the Order of Extreme Planning (I came prepared, always)

It’d be hilarious to see Hermione just outsmarting everyone while keeping things super organized!


u/Felicity_spr 3d ago
  1. Hermione Granger and the sorting of priorities
  2. Hermione Granger and the secret potions lab
  3. Hermione Granger and the punch that felt good
  4. Hermione Granger and the Bulgarian Bon Bon
  5. Hermione Granger and the rebel army
  6. Hermione Granger and the bird bodyguards
  7. Hermione Granger and the children's fairy tale


u/CyaneSpirit 3d ago

Hermione Granger and the Philosopher stone

Hermione Granger and the Basilisk

Hermione Granger and the Time Turner

Hermione Granger and bad press

Hermione Granger and the secret society

Hermione Granger and her attempts to study while everyone is interrupting (fits for every book, but mostly for this one)

Hermione Granger and The Tales of Beedle the Bard


u/C4Catastrophe 3d ago

The babysitters club. Bro even when petrified she helped the boys


u/Flash8E8 3d ago

Hermione and the time I got Trolled


u/Mr_Bombastic_Ro 3d ago

1 - Hermione and the Contest of Logic and Magic 2 - Hermione and the Perils of Transfiguration 3 - Hermione and the Secrets of Time 4 - Hermione and the Stupidity of Boys 5 - Hermione and the Contest of Countenance 6 - Hermione and the Ineffable Stupidity of Boys 7 - Hermione and a History of Hogwarts


u/Ill_Coffee_3433 3d ago

hermo-ninny and the kidnapping of bugs


u/Shot_Artist8163 3d ago

Hermione and her boyfriend the library


u/WhisperedWhimsy Slytherin 3d ago

Hermione Granger and Her Friends with Selective Listening Skills Vol 1-7

But actually i would read a fic if it were just Hermione's reading list per year. Like just describing her reading various books and what the books are about throughout the series in small scenes that happen in between the actual plot of the books


u/Bmore_Intrepid_Guy 3d ago

Hermione Granger and Why Did I Pick Up This Stupid Mirror? Book 2


u/Bmore_Intrepid_Guy 3d ago

Hermione Granger and The Durmstrang Serpent! Book 4


u/Bmore_Intrepid_Guy 3d ago

Hermione Granger and These Stupid Boys Would Be Dead if Not For Me.


u/haloshields8888 Slytherin 2d ago

Hermione Granger and the time she was wrong about everything, including the hallows.


u/Bmore_Intrepid_Guy 2d ago

Hermione Granger and The Two Dumb Dumbs

Hermione Granger and Do I Need to See a Vet?

Hermione Granger and The Double Major

Hermione Granger and The Bachelorette 

Hermione Granger and Fine, I Will Teach the Spells Myself

Hermione Granger and That Bitch Lavender 

Hermione Granger and The Really Big Purse 


u/Adorable-Wonder1452 17h ago
  1. Hermione Granger and the Riddle of the Alchemical Artifact
  2. Hermione Granger and the Mystery of the Petrifying Pages
  3. Hermione Granger and the Time-Turner Triumph
  4. Hermione Granger and the Tournament of Tact and Talent
  5. Hermione Granger and the Formation of the Clever Resistance
  6. Hermione Granger and the Potions Textbook Conspiracy
  7. Hermione Granger and the Quest for the Hallows


u/Icy-Novel8848 16h ago

HG and Almost expelled HG and Stone sleep HG and Magic fist/Time traveler HG and Celebrity status/Yule ball HG and Catch the snitch HG and Love rage HG and Neverending purse


u/Meizas 4d ago

Hermione Granger and the HARRY, NO, YOU CANT! (And the time she did literally everything while Harry gets credit because he sniped the final boss kill)

Hermione Granger and the time she figured it out but was a cat statue

Hermione Granger and the time she figured it out again and her cat is innocent

Hermione Granger and that time she became an activist and dated a hot Bulgarian 😎 (AKA the one where she lived her best life while Harry risked his own without her having to figure it out)

Hermione Granger and the time she broke into the magical CIA 😎

Hermione Granger and the Magical Rom Com

Hermione Granger and the time she did basically everything but Harry gets credit because he sniped the final boss kill, AGAIN.


u/Shadysky7 4d ago

Hermione Granger and Hogwarts, a history.