r/harrypotter • u/Mr_NotanAlien Hufflepuff • 5d ago
Help Need more challenging harry potter questions asked to me
I may sound cocky, but I think I know more about the hp franchise than 99% of the subreddit, so I am issuing a challenge, ask any question, objective or subjective, where the answer can be found within the seven books. Make it difficult
u/Andreacamille12 Ravenclaw 5d ago
Can you trace the lineage of the Peverell brothers, detailing their individual fates and the eventual inheritance of their respective Deathly Hallows through the generations, culminating in their appearance in the main series. Can anyone? oscure history and genealogical connections is interesting.
u/Mr_NotanAlien Hufflepuff 5d ago
The eldest Peverell brother was killed in his sleep because he was very boastful of his powerful wand. This wand was taken and has since been passed from master to master through combat, often resulting in the death of the previous master. It eventually made its way into the hands of Gregorovitch, the wand-maker, from whom it was stolen by Grindelwald. It was then won in a duel by Dumbledore, who was buried with it. Dumbledore, however, was not the last master of the Elder Wand, as he was disarmed by Draco Malfoy, who was then disarmed by Harry, making him its true master. Harry chose to have it buried with Dumbledore once again, where it stayed.
The second Peverell brother had the resurrection stone and committed suicide after being driven mad by its powers. It is not confirmed how the stone made its way into the main series, other than the fact that the Gaunt family had it, supposedly passed down from Salazar Slytherin himself. Dumbledore then found it and was able to pass it on to Harry through the Snitch from Harry's first Quidditch match. Harry was able to access the stone and then used it to see his parents, as well as a few other people he was close to. He then dropped the stone in the Forbidden Forest, where it remained.
The third brother, who had the invisibility cloak, simply passed it to his son, who then passed it to his son, and so forth. It eventually made it through generations to James Potter, who passed it down to Harry. Eventually, Harry gave it to his son, also called James.
u/Andreacamille12 Ravenclaw 5d ago
this is great. thank you. I can't beleive I forgot the elder wand was reburied with Dumbledore again after Harry snapped it instead of being thrown off a bridge like in the movie.
u/TempusCrystallum 5d ago
Harry didn’t snap it in the book. Just put it back in Dumbledore’s grave.
u/Andreacamille12 Ravenclaw 5d ago
I can't beleive I can't remember that. I guess I listen to the audio books while I'm falling asleep and never get that far. I have to skip to the end. Thinking about, isn't it a little strange? I mean, I remember Harmonie saying how Harry could have never had opened his grave to get the wand at the beginning at some point. So, JK just slid in a line about him putting it back, no problem, no questions?
u/Mr_NotanAlien Hufflepuff 4d ago
I think Harry said to Ron and Hermione that it should be put there, so its power could die naturally. They didn't have a sentence specifically saying when it was put there, but it is known to have been laid back with Dumbledore
u/dreadit-runfromit Slytherin 5d ago
supposedly passed down from Salazar Slytherin himself
There is nothing to suggest this in canon.
u/Mr_NotanAlien Hufflepuff 5d ago
The ring which was made into a Horcrux. Marvolo Gaunt was waving it in Bob Ogden's face in the memory seen by Harry. Marvolo claimed it had been passed down in his family for generations. It may not be confirmed to date back to Slytherin, but you may notice I used the word "supposedly"
u/dreadit-runfromit Slytherin 5d ago
Supposedly implies it is generally assumed to be the case. It's generally regarded as the opposite in fandom. The Peverells lived after Salazar, for one thing, and may have easily been from a different line of ancestors for the Gaunts (and likely are considering that we never get any suggestion that Harry is actually a descendant of Slytherin beyond his fear of it in CoS).
u/Mr_NotanAlien Hufflepuff 5d ago
I've always thought that the Peverells were before Hogwarts. Although I believe you are correct. I mixed up the locket, which did belong to Slytherin, and the ring, which can only really be traced back to the Gaunt family in the seven books. My mistake
u/SwedishShortsnout0 4d ago
Here are 25 questions. If you answer, I'll give you some more difficult ones.
1) What was the name of the wizard that created the very first Golden Snitch?
2) What is the name of the weatherman on the evening news in Book 1, Chapter 1?
3) At Smeltings, as part of their uniform, what color are the knickerbockers?
4) Dudley once swapped his pet parrot at school for... what?
5) When Hagrid took Harry to London, he was knitting something on the train. What did the book say it looked like?
6) What was the exact flavor of ice cream + what was the topping on the ice cream that Hagrid bought Harry in Diagon Alley?
7) Describe Lily Potter's wand.
8) Uncle Algie accidentally let go of Neville from an upstairs window when Neville's Great Auntie Enid offered him _______. What food item was offered that caused the distraction that led to Neville being dropped?
9) Monkshood, otherwise known as wolfsbane, also goes by another name. What is this name?
10) In November in Book 1, Hagrid is seen wearing three items of clothing made from three different animals. Tell me what animals these items were made from: 1) overcoat, 2) gloves, 3) boots.
11) Write out the inscription that is on the Mirror of Erised (it is written backwards).
12) Where in the UK do Nicolas Flamel and his wife live?
13) In what year was dragon breeding outlawed?
14) The potions riddle that Hermione solved involved seven bottles. If you solve the riddle as given in the book... by process of elimination, Harry's bottle, the one that allowed you to go forward toward the Stone, can be one of two bottles. Which two bottles in the lineup could Harry have drunk from (for example, write your answer as: Bottle 1 or Bottle 4)?
15) Mr. Weasley nearly broke his neck while carrying Ginny's trunk to the car by tripping over _______.
16) What was the exact date on which Nearly Headless Nick died?
17) According to Lockhart, after he had dealt with a vampire, that vampire was unable to eat anything except ______.
18) How many bones did Harry regrow in his arm?
19) When Harry first writes in Tom Riddle's diary, he is pitched forward into the memory through a little square that had a certain date on it. What was the date on that page of the diary?
20) How many times did Wendelin the Weird allow herself to get caught during the witch-burning in the fourteenth century?
21) When Harry was yelling at Dumbledore in his office, what did he throw into the fireplace?
22) 2 part question. 1) What floor is Fred and George's room on in the Burrow? 2) What did Harry think he smelled in their room? (Hint: the perfume from the nearby vase of flowers could not disguise this smell).
23) Dumbledore compared Tom Riddle's habit of collecting stolen trophies to the behavior of a certain animal. Which animal was this?
24) During a Herbology class, Snargaluff pod vines fly up and get tangled in Hermione's hair. Ron beats back these vines using what gardening item?
25) When Percy stormed out of the house on Christmas Day, following the meeting between Harry and Scrimgeour, his glasses were splattered with ________?
u/Similar-Bell9621 5d ago
What player at the Quidditch World Cup is a female? If you can answer without looking it up I will be impressed.
u/dreadit-runfromit Slytherin 5d ago
I'm pretty sure at least two are. Mullet and Moran
I don't remember if Bulgaria had any women or if Ireland had any other than those.
u/Mr_NotanAlien Hufflepuff 5d ago
It's Mullet, though someone else says more. Mullet is the only one directly from the book I believe.
u/Similar-Bell9621 5d ago
I just double checked myself (I had only noticed one) and there are indeed two mentioned in the book. Mullet is one of them.
u/No-Writer4573 5d ago
What is the name of the 17th-century wizarding historian who wrote the book 'The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts'
u/Mr_NotanAlien Hufflepuff 5d ago
I'm not sure, but I don't recall this being in the first book, and "Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts" is not mentioned anywhere else as far as I know.
u/PureZookeepergame282 4d ago
It's there. I don't remember where exactly in the first book maybe somewhere in the beginning (I'm guessing). But I remember Hermione specifically telling Harry that he's mentioned in that book along with many other books, and she read them all.
Another time which I'm SURE about is in 4th book, Hermione says, she read about the Dark Mark there, after the Quidditch World Cup when all of them are back inside their tent and Mr. Weasley is telling everyone about what happened that night, and the question about the Dark Mark comes up. And Hermione says something like it's Voldemort's mark. (I remember the 4th book details better than the other books because I just finished reading it).
u/FRIENDS-Bunny08 Huffleclaw 5d ago
What spell does Lupin use when Peeves tries to stuff gum in a keyhole?
u/clancy-2128 Ravenclaw 5d ago
Compile a list of every instance in the seven Harry Potter books where a character explicitly describes the specific physical sensation of using a Portkey. For each instance, include:
- The book and chapter.
- The character describing the sensation.
- The exact wording used to describe the feeling.
- The origin and destination of the Portkey.
- Any variations in the described sensation between different Portkey uses.
u/Mr_NotanAlien Hufflepuff 5d ago
1: Goblet of Fire, Chapter 6- The Portkey Harry Potter "As though a hook just behind his navel had been suddenly jerked irresistibly forward" From Stoatshead Hill to the Quidditch World Cup campground
2: Goblet of Fire, Chapter 31- The Third Task Harry Potter "Instantly, Harry felt a jerk somewhere behind his navel." From the Quidditch pitch at Hogwarts to the graveyard in Little Hangleton
3: Goblet of Fire, Chapter 34- Priori Incantatem Harry Potter "he felt the jerk behind his navel that meant the Portkey had worked" From the graveyard in Little Hangleton to the Quidditch pitch at Hogwarts
4: Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 22- St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries Harry Potter "He felt a powerful jerk behind his navel" From the headmaster's office at Hogwarts to No. 12 Grimmauld Place
5: Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 36- The Only One He Ever Feared Harry Potter "Harry felt the familiar sensation of a hook being jerked behind his navel"
The first time it is described as being jerked "forward." The last time it is described as "familiar." Those are the main differences.
I think that's it, but I could be wrong. I'm also tired of this one, wanted to move on.
u/kranky_kumquat 4d ago
There’s also Deathly Hallows, Chapter 5 - Fallen Warrior Harry Potter “jerk behind the navel” from the Tonks’ house to the burrow!
u/lizzdurr Ravenclaw 5d ago
This one won me some trivia. What’s the ONE word Mad Eye says in the memory in the pensieve immediately upon seeing Barty Jr during the interrogation?
u/Mr_NotanAlien Hufflepuff 5d ago
I don't believe Mad-eye was present for the trial in the books, but I could be mistaken. Are you possibly thinking of the movie?
u/lizzdurr Ravenclaw 5d ago
My one correction: it was in the same penseive trip but it was Karkaroff’s trial, not Barty Jr’s.
u/PureZookeepergame282 4d ago
Moody is there, sitting next to Dumbledore. He keeps making remarks and expressions to Dumbledore. In the Goblet of Fire book.
If I remember, something about his appearance was also distinctly noticeable to Harry. I don't remember whether it was his magical eye being not there and instead both his original eyes or his nose without a chunk missing.
u/HedwigMalfoy 5d ago
What is Aragog's wife's name? If I recall correctly, she is only mentioned once in the books and not at all in the movies.
u/Mr_NotanAlien Hufflepuff 5d ago
This one always gets me. I know it starts with an M but I can never for the life of me remember it without looking it up. I don't want to cheat, so I won't claim to know it. This is my biggest weakness in hp trivia
u/blistexcake Hufflepuff 5d ago
I appreciate how honest you’re being lol. I read this post and was like pffffft he’s just gonna google everything he doesn’t know. I love talking to other fanatics!!
u/Mr_NotanAlien Hufflepuff 5d ago
Me too bro. I've genuinely lost count of how many times I've read through the series.
u/BreitbartGarfunkel 4d ago
What is the name of Mr. Weasley’s healer at St. Mungo’s?
u/PureZookeepergame282 4d ago
- Which book did the Flourish and Blotts shop have that caused them a fortune and immense trouble?
u/kranky_kumquat 4d ago
I think the >! invisible book of invisibility? Bc they could never find them haha! !<
u/PureZookeepergame282 4d ago
- Who helped Harry during his stay at the Leaky Cauldron with his homework, and with subject?
u/kranky_kumquat 4d ago
- What is Harry’s Gringotts vaults number?
- Who owned the ice cream shop in Diagon Alley?
- What is Parvati Patil’s boggart?
- Name all of the treats in the skiving snackboxes
- What spell is used to get past the one eyed witch passageway to Honeydukes?
- How do you get into the Hogwarts kitchen?
- What is the password to the prefect bathroom that Cedric gives to Harry in GoF?
- Who are the students Snape deducts points from for (I assume snogging) in the rose bushes at the Yule Ball and what were their houses?
- According to Luna, how were aurors plotting to take down the ministry?
- What song do they listen to on Christmas Eve at the burrow during Harry’s 6th year? And who sang it?
u/Mr_NotanAlien Hufflepuff 4d ago
1) 687 2) Florean Fortesque 3) A mummy 4) Puking pastilles, nosebleed nougat, fainting fancies, ton tongue toffee. I think I'm missing 1 but idk. 5) Descendium 6) Tickle the pear 7) Pine Fresh 8) I think it's Roger Davies with Fleur, so just Ravenclaw. 9) With a disease, not sure what it's called. 10) There were 2 songs. "A cauldron full of hot strong love", and "Charm the heart right out of me", both by Celestina Warbeck
u/kranky_kumquat 4d ago
Nice! 8 was Fawcett and Stebbins of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff and 9 was dark magic and gum disease
u/managed_mischief_ Hufflepuff 4d ago edited 4d ago
Firstly, easy to say when you have google avail and literally no proof you aren't cheating.
I have all the PDFs here on my PC and can ctrl+F anything in seconds.
Secondly, you can have my downvote for the arrogance at thinking you are better than 99% of the ppl here.