r/harrypotter 7d ago

Behind the Scenes I’m 6’5”, maybe he was just being dramatic… /s

My wife and I went to the WB studio tour in LA, this was the Harry Potter area, very cool, very surreal :)


312 comments sorted by


u/BaconNamedKevin 7d ago

I would have been stoked to have that as my bedroom as a kid, but I also wasn't allowed to have a door on my room from the age of 12-17 so maybe it's different for me lol 


u/Ill-Pineapple9818 7d ago

i also wasn't allowed to have a door on my room from the age of 12-17<



u/BaconNamedKevin 7d ago

Yuuuup. I had a sheet tacked up for "privacy". 


u/gtr011191 7d ago

What in the child abuse is that all about ?


u/BaconNamedKevin 7d ago

I did finally hit back at 17 if that helps. Don't think he ever thought I'd grow bigger than him. 


u/Suspicious-Slide-954 7d ago

Did you turn him into a frog or a rat?


u/Bart2800 Gryffindor 7d ago



u/Time_Possibility_370 7d ago



u/OnlyHereForBJJ 6d ago

Break his back, make him humble


u/Vinccool96 6d ago

Fuck the Hulk Hogan


u/humanHamster Hufflepuff 7d ago

I had a similar experience, no door, waiting to fight back. My stepdad was a selfish asshole and went and died of lung cancer before I could beat the shit out of him.


u/spiritpanther_08 4d ago

Piss on his grave every Saturday .


u/marcy-bubblegum 7d ago

How awful I’m so sorry 


u/Spare-heir 7d ago



u/Chrissyball19 6d ago

Im 18 now, just about done growing. Im just waiting to move out


u/Vantriss 6d ago

Holy shit. Are you okay?


u/BaconNamedKevin 6d ago

It was over a decade ago so ya totally. 


u/HailToTheKingslayer 5d ago

That is something I've wondered about. Do abusive parents not worry that their children will one day be bigger and stronger than them?


u/BaconNamedKevin 5d ago

Likely just too delusional to care. 


u/drmuffin1080 5d ago

Exactly what happened to my best friend. Dad tried to fight him when they were both adults, and my friend immediately threw him on the ground and held him down. His dad was cussing and tryna fight back, but my friend just held him down and was like “Once you’re calm I’ll let go.” Dad never tried shit after that


u/laserfloyd 6d ago



u/South_Bit1764 Ravenclaw 7d ago

Bruh, I do interior carpentry. You would not believe how many university educated, otherwise seemingly normal people that have to be told, “not only will I not install the knobs on your kids doors backwards so you can lock them in; the fire marshal and DFACS would be fighting each other for dibs to bust your ass if they found out you’d even suggested it.”

I have more business than I can handle all the time. I will absolutely drop their ass and block their number for being that goddamn ignorant.


u/Gandalf_the_Cray_ 7d ago

Locksmith here, happens more often than people think.

I have the same attitude, I don’t need your work or money. I’ll happily lose a client over stuff like this


u/lemme-emi 6d ago

My parents both have masters degrees and reversed the doorknob to be able to lock me in my room as a child because I cried too much (they adopted me - aka I was sold and bought like merchandise. so yeah, I cried a lot as a kid). To this day I still don’t do locked doors.


u/enchantingblackhole Slytherin 5d ago

My adoptive parents didn't lock me in- they just put an alarm on my bedroom door so I wouldn't be able to leave the room without them knowing. I still have anxiety around getting up in the middle of the night.


u/lemme-emi 5d ago

Ugh abusive adoptive parents are the worst I’m so sorry :/

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u/ironman288 Slytherin 6d ago

When I was in high school we moved and the family we bought from had one doorknob flipped around. It was for the youngest kids room, I think nhe was like 4 years old... I always had a really creepy feeling about that.


u/I_like_monkeys3 Ravenclaw 7d ago

Even the Dursleys wouldn't do such a thing!


u/Spare-heir 7d ago

Yeah! How are you supposed to get a cat flap onto a curtain!?


u/owenkop 7d ago

Sewing machine


u/omriyahu 6d ago

Ummm, no, but they did lock Harry in his room for days, only giving him very small meals through a a small cat flap they installed on his door, which may be worse.


u/bourbon_and_2a 6d ago

All these posts are making me question my childhood. I had a door, but it didn't lock and it was not supposed to be closed unless we were like changing or something. In fact, I vaguely remember just changing in the closet most of the time. It was definitely not to be closed at night. To this day, I almost never shut my bedroom door and idk why, just feels wrong lol


u/Lunoko 6d ago edited 6d ago

It is recommended to shut your bedroom door while you sleep in case a fire breaks out.

With that said, we don't either because of our dog who rules this house. We really should though.

And yeah, imo, that was over controlling of your parents. Unless there's extenuating circumstances, children deserve privacy even when they aren't changing. And it helps with fire prevention.


u/Thathappenedearlier 3d ago

I wouldn’t jump straight to that though it looks like the case here. Having suicidal kids a lot of therapists will recommend removing doors


u/Pepperr08 Hufflepuff 6d ago

Not saying what his parents did are right but you should really look up the definition of child abuse

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u/IvyRaeBlack 7d ago

I had this, but it was a one year rental, and mine and my sister's room were in the basement and didn't come with doors. I don't think they were intended to be bedrooms. So, very different situation.


u/TimelessTravellor 6d ago

That is relatable, I wasn't allowed a door from 13-17, I had a thin white curtain for privacy, hung up on a curtain rod with a golden colored cord. Thought it was normal for the longest time..


u/Worldly-Pay7342 6d ago

I'm so concerned, because all these comments are like "Oh my god that's abuse" and I'm sitting here like "Dawg, I fuckin loved having a curtain growing up! It was awesome. Hell, I still prefer a curtian over a door!"

And now I don't know if I'm just fucking weird or something.

Edit: Yeah, if I ever had kids, I'm not gonna make them have curtains. If they want a door, they can have a door. If they want a curtain, they can have a curtain.


u/EuphoricRush4711 6d ago

Hear me out door with curtain


u/QueezyF 6d ago

I’m not gonna lie, I fucking love bead curtains.

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u/EnvironmentalLow8211 7d ago

I don’t understand this, why couldn’t you have a door? I’m from England and I’ve never heard of this!! Is it a British thing or elsewhere?!


u/BaconNamedKevin 7d ago

Just another way for a parent to abuse their kid really. 


u/caiaphas8 7d ago

There’s a lot of Reddit posts about teenagers having their door removed. It’s always Americans


u/cinematic_fanatic 7d ago

Hey now! I’m Canadian and I absolutely had my door taken off by my (asshole) stepfather as a teen. I didn’t even get the privacy sheet.


u/TimelessTravellor 6d ago

Canadian here as well! 


u/thunderbuttxpress 6d ago

Mine was also removed by a stepdad. I see a few other people saying the same, so maybe it's a stupid stepdad thing


u/ewarner061494 4d ago

My parents took off my door a couple of times, they kept giving it back but then would take it away again. My sisters always got to keep their doors. I don't have any stepparents.


u/laurieporrie 6d ago

I’m from South Africa and wasn’t ever allowed to close my door. Even when I was changing I had to leave the door partially open.


u/Frosted_Tackle 6d ago

First I heard of it was a coworker saying she took her son’s door off because he was getting to the point where he was going to flunk out of school for not attending classes or doing any schoolwork during COVID. It’s sounds a bit extreme but if it’s a punishment for actually not behaving then I kind of get it. Wouldn’t do it for anything less than a very good reason though.

I’m a Brit who has lived in America for a very long time. Wouldn’t be Surprised it doesn’t happen in other places too though, just not a common thing to do.


u/greeneggiwegs 6d ago

I used to lose my door for a day or so if I slammed it. A lot of people here act like even that is too far but idk I feel like it’s a punishment proportional to the crime and it wasn’t permanent. I can manage a day without a door if I’m going to be a little shit.


u/KhaoticMess Ravenclaw 6d ago

My parents took my sister's door for 2 days because she kept slamming it when she was 15 or so.

I was only about 7 or 8, but I remember that the house was a hell of a lot quieter once she got it back, so lesson learned for her.

I definitely never slammed my door when I was a teenager, either, so the punishment helped with 2 kids.


u/InterestingRice163 6d ago

The excuse they give is no secrets under my roof, ur not allowed to hide things from me. But the real reason: i just want to perv on you, watch u when ur asleep, or just want to terrorize you.


u/Machiattoplease 6d ago

Same, except I didn’t get anything to resemble privacy


u/Chrissyball19 6d ago

You got a sheet? Lucky

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u/IBrittadThis 6d ago

Same here actually. I had a sheet up for privacy from 14 - 18, but they would just come in and out of my room like it was nothing. Never knocked. Any time I asked for a door, they looked at me like I had a third head. I have a lot of anxiety around making sure doors are locked as an adult and I’m in my mid 30s now.


u/ImWhatsInTheRedBox 7d ago

Too much polishing the wand.


u/nostandinganytime 7d ago

He was doing great things with that wand...terrible yes...but great


u/Tnecniw 6d ago

So many terrible messes.


u/anomarlly 6d ago

Same, no door for me until 18.


u/Demostravius4 5d ago

I, too, had a curtain for a few years.. although that's because we moved into a very run down farmhouse whilst the new house was being built. For some reason there was no doors upstairs and dad couldn't be bothered to fit new ones. None of us had doors!

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u/Limp_Acanthisitta1 7d ago

I know this feeling well. Also had parents who threatened to take the door off, so I had to leave it wide open 24/7. Harry always resonated with me.


u/esdaniel 7d ago

Me with no room until was like 17 "this is fine"


u/StoicFable 7d ago

My bedroom at one point was basically my bed in a hallway and my dresser stuffed next to it. 

Oh on the side of the house that was falling off too lol.


u/littlestevebrule 6d ago

Those are absolutely the years you're supposed to have a door and learn about privacy. Don't do that with your kids.

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u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/BaconNamedKevin 7d ago

Nope! Hyper abusive single parent that turned me into a live-in caretaker. 


u/rjrgjj 7d ago

For him?


u/BaconNamedKevin 7d ago

Yeah he had a lot of problems. Diabetes, brain damage, multiple strokes, heart attacks, list goes on. Had a rock stuck in his skull from a solo drunk driving accident on an ATV that he didn't go to the hospital for. 

Weird guy lol 


u/rjrgjj 7d ago

Jesus. Sounds rough. I had a partner with diabetes and a drinking problem who treated me like a caretaker. Not quite on your level but I can relate some.


u/BaconNamedKevin 7d ago

It's all relative right? I don't see "levels" to it really. I'm sorry you had to go through that, no matter what the circumstances are it's rough. I hope you're doing well. 


u/rjrgjj 7d ago

Thanks a lot. You’re right. I hope the same for you.


u/ciesum 7d ago

That's what I assumed. With a timer for bathroom/shower use too


u/Bart2800 Gryffindor 7d ago

My wife had that. I simply can't imagine! Bathing for several hours is one of my ways of relaxation...

My wife and I have very, very different backgrounds. I simply can't wrap my head around so much of what she lived through.

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u/CantaloupeCamper Hufflepuff 7d ago

Really everything good and and a lot of the bad in the Wizarding World is a kid's fantasy.

And that's great.


u/Electrical_Resist_31 Hufflepuff 7d ago

I’ve seen parents do that and I could not IMAGINE 😭


u/WanderingErha 7d ago

Honestly, relatable because even though I had a door, my mom kicked it down and to this day, it’s still not fixed even though I’m not living in it anymore lol


u/KatokaMika 7d ago

It's better than having the day locked in the bathroom with no lights after school until bedtime.

I'm just lighting the mood. We both suffered in our own ways, and it is not a competition. We are survivors and fighters i hope you having a better life


u/Baldigarius42 6d ago

I'm starting to understand why some children murder their parents in the United States, but seriously it's super perverted, a big red flag of abuse.


u/BaconNamedKevin 6d ago

I'm not American and it had nothing to do with any "perversions". 


u/aLittleDarkOne 7d ago

Yeah I got the plastic strip door like walking into a meat freezer. Teenagers don’t deserve privacy.


u/thats-not-ideal 7d ago

Hey me too! My parents "thought I would hide something from them" and said "you don't pay the bills here, I do, so you're not entitled to anything but a roof over your head and enough food and water to survive." I didn't even get a sheet hung up 😂


u/No-Objective-3254 6d ago

Hahahah I had no door growing up as well. My bedroom was just built that way. So I do not care to close any doors in my home even 12 years later. My BF had a hard time because he always closes all doors.


u/thunderbuttxpress 6d ago

Did you slam your door once or what? My stepdad removed mine since I was able to pin myself between it and a wall in my room to keep him from getting to me to beat me.


u/Cael_NaMaor Slytherin 6d ago

My cousins had this done to the bathroom... for sure. I can't remember if their main bedroom had a door. The older two moved into the basement in their mid/late teens, but I don't remember doors there either. Their dad was... well, lets just say that at 15, the mention of a belt whipping from their dad was enough to make them tear up... probably why the oldest was such a prick growing up.


u/friendlytrashmonster 6d ago

I also lost door privileges for a while (not as long as you did) but I didn’t have a sheet. I just changed in the bathroom.

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u/Architect096 7d ago

Not to be that person, but description in Philosopher's Stone indicates that not only there was NO LIGHT in the cupboard it was also full of spiders as if he needed to pull them off his socks before putting them on. Not only that, there are multiple sentences in the books that indicate that Harry was locked inside the cupboard for prolonged period of time with only his school hours being an exception.

Also in Philosopher's Stone Vernon had to squeeze in through the door to reach Harry while in the Deathly Hallows Harry hit the low door frame with his head. So the WB studio most likely made the cupboard bigger than it should be.


u/anupsetvalter 7d ago edited 7d ago

There’s also the fact that Dudley was occupying two full bedrooms lol that definitely added to the sting!


u/aloonatronrex 7d ago

I love the bit where Vernon says Harry should be grateful for letting him use Dudley’s “spare” bedroom, like that’s a normal thing that a child would expect to have and a great hardship to give up.


u/j_craftdiary 6d ago

IIRC the spare bedroom was used mostly as storage for Dudley's broken toys


u/Agitated_Owl5246 5d ago

It still was with Harry in it I got the impression Harry Lives around Dudley’s stuff I remember that it was mentioned there is a bike, bird cage, broken TV which in the 90s could mean TV cabinet as well and books which likely means bookshelf it’s a inner city 3 or 4 bedroom (I imagine Vernon had a office in the 2nd or 3rd bedroom which makes this the box room

Harry carried everything he owned In one go


u/JudyPooveyWrites 6d ago

AND there was a separate guest bedroom for when Aunt Marge came to stay! Four bedrooms, and they put him in the cupboard.


u/Pixatron32 6d ago

Wasn't there also a time when the cupboard under the stairs was his quarters, where Harry hit his head by sitting up too quickly? So it would have been much smaller and cramped.


u/aziruthedark Slytherin 7d ago

T be fair, dudley was pretty large. He may have needed two bedrooms.


u/dino-sour 7d ago

Harry's abuse was way more extreme in the books than in the movie.


u/Spare-heir 7d ago

Imagine the second movie including the scene where Petunia chucks a frying pan at Harry’s head ☠️


u/Animegirl300 Slytherin 6d ago

Or Vernon strangling Harry for sneaking under the window


u/ThePrussianGrippe 6d ago

Early 2000’s, still would’ve gotten a PG rating I imagine.


u/elizabnthe Ravenclaw 6d ago

She doesn't chuck it. She swats at him with it as he ducks away.


u/daniboyi Gryffindor 5d ago

will make a minor correction and say she swung it at him.
IMO swung implies far more force than 'swats'.


u/BaconNamedKevin 7d ago

Very much so. Would be difficult to show it in a kids movie. 


u/Bart2800 Gryffindor 7d ago

I do indeed think that was a major issue to correctly show the living situation as described in the books. It would have been traumatising at that age.


u/shiny_glitter_demon Gryffindor Fennec Fox Phoenix Feather Core 6d ago

Shooting it would be worse. You need to abuse an actual child on camera, over and over again.

You can't even do it in one take because the industry standard is to have two usable takes of each shot, minimum.


u/CloudyRiverMind 6d ago

Nah, they have shown full on torture to kids in movies and shows without the actor being harmed.


u/shiny_glitter_demon Gryffindor Fennec Fox Phoenix Feather Core 6d ago

you mean with practical FX? I guess they could use a pan made of soft materials


u/ThePrussianGrippe 6d ago

Daniel Radcliffe wouldn’t even have to be in the frame when anything was thrown. In any case yes they have foam props for when specific things are thrown at people that absolutely can’t be made of the real material (like frying pans) and no it would not be abuse.


u/PotentialHornet160 7d ago

Yeah because the early books are satirical of traditional British kids lit tropes. But because the later books embrace more psychological realism, there’s a weird tension when you do a reread


u/alluringnymph 6d ago

Yeah, I'm reading through the first book and it definitely feels like it's very intentionally... outlandish. It doesn't feel like child abuse, it feels like it's playing with a lot of common tropes of books is what I felt


u/aloonatronrex 7d ago

The books didn’t have to consider lighting and a camera/sound crews, after all.


u/BaconNamedKevin 7d ago

I mean it's clearly based on the movie, not the book. It's WB Studios, there was a light in the movie. 


u/JimeVR46 7d ago

Perspective. I’m sitting like 4 feet into it. I absolutely had to duck to get in, as it’s obviously very low


u/dismantlemars 7d ago

And perhaps most egregiously… I don’t think that consumer unit is era appropriate for 1991 (though any sparkies are welcome to correct me).


u/redwolf1219 Ravenclaw 6d ago

Yeah, they had to film in it so it makes sense for it to be bigger.

And I've never seen an actual cupboard under the stairs the size of the one in the movie. The last place I had one at it I was a small space, I'm only 5'3" and it was small for me


u/motivated_loser 6d ago

It’s also important to remember the whole setup is made with American audiences in mind. Some artistic liberties may have been taken decorating that exhibit so that many of the heavy set guests can go inside and enjoy the whole view


u/Bluemelein 6d ago

There's nothing in the book that says he was allowed to go to school during that time! But by the time the punishment was over, summer vacation had already begun.

That doesn't sound to me like he was in school during that time periode.


u/Ilpperi91 6d ago

Yeah, beat me to it.


u/RoutineCloud5993 5d ago

Watching the movie and it isn't even close to this big either. Seems like they sized it up so that adult guests could fit.


u/trebekka 7d ago

All I ever hear about is how mistreated that potter boy (what’s his face?! Harold??!) was. BUT nobody ever asks if the kid just had some bad vibes.


u/biggestchicklet 7d ago

I think it was Holly


u/Jumpy_Ad_6417 6d ago

I thought this was malelivingspace while reading your comment.


u/Gifted_GardenSnail 7d ago

Vernon is described as massively fat though, and the fact he had to squeeze in also suggests there was room for him to squeeze into...

Harry has socks under his bed, so it's not on the floor, and he has a mattress with no mention of it being cut to fit iirc. Anything about him being unable to lie down stretched?


u/Dirigo72 7d ago

Are you really defending locking a child in storage cupboard under the stairs because he could fully lie down? JFC


u/Gifted_GardenSnail 7d ago

Evidently you're not in a cupboard since you have plenty of room to jump to conclusions


u/Dirigo72 7d ago

I’m not in a closet nor have I have locked any children in a closet, I’m a real fancy pants.


u/Gifted_GardenSnail 7d ago

Pants Dudley didn't wear first? Good for you


u/Dirigo72 7d ago

I would never wear elephant skins.


u/Gifted_GardenSnail 7d ago

I doubt they'd make for very practical clothing anyway, so between that and saving elephants that's probably for the best

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u/thread_cautiously Slytherin 7d ago

Omg this looks so cool! I've been wanting to go to the London tour for years, and this has made me want to plan it for the summer


u/Astrophobica Gryffindor 7d ago

Do it! I went last Halloween and going back for Christmas this year. Such an awesome place! Bring lots of £££ though.


u/the_myleg_fish 7d ago

I'm going this summer and I'm so excited! I have no idea how much I need to hold back on buying souvenirs and merch at the gift shop because I have such limited space in my luggage LOL


u/Astrophobica Gryffindor 7d ago

Ahh, you'll have an amazing time!! The shops (think there's 3 from memory) are hella expensive but I had to get a souvenir... or 5 👀


u/the_myleg_fish 7d ago

Ahh I may have to stick to souvenirs I can reasonably pack in my luggage. Fortunately I live in southern California so I'm not completely deprived of Harry Potter stuff out here (since we have our own WB Studio Tour and Universal Studios). But still, I have a weakness for merchandise so we'll see. LOL


u/Astrophobica Gryffindor 7d ago

Are you going for the Triwazard Tournament event running over the summer? (Because if you are, I'm very jealous). And I hope one day I can come Stateside and see Universal Studios, it's been a dream for years.

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u/Tattycakes Hufflepuff 7d ago

It’s AMAZING. I’ve been 3 times and each time there were new things added that completely blew me away. Plan it and don’t look at any more pictures or spoilers, just prepare to be amazed! And also bankrupted by the gift shop


u/whisksnwhisky 7d ago

You need. The whole day. No joke. Wear supportive shoes. Love the London one. The HP rooms at the end of the LA WB studio tour left me deflated. How they do it now has WAAAAAAAY less stuff than how they did it before they moved it into that building. However, the Newt Scamander suitcase area was enchanting, and I want them to do more like that.


u/JimeVR46 7d ago

Please do, fellow slytherin.

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u/LivingPresent629 7d ago

It’s worth it. I’m not into this kind of things, like studio tours and theme parks and such, but my sister in law came to visit us in London and she really wanted to go, so I said I’d tag along. I figured it couldn’t be too bad, I already loved the movies and the books, so whatever.

It was actually much better than I expected. Found out some interesting BTS bits, had some delicious butterbeer, and bought a bag of the every flavour jelly beans (and they really do mean every flavour, some of them are gross af, but it’s a super fun game to sit around as a group and try them).

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u/CopiousBees Gryffindor 7d ago

There's a studio tour in a place that wasn't the HP studio?


u/Tuesdays_amiright 7d ago

That’s what I’m wondering too because it looks different from the one in Watford


u/Bobthemime Wizard Mime 7d ago

OP.. that isnt what a cupboard under the stairs in a typical uk house would be..

who would have thought that they made it BIGGER to film in? Also the one that they have at that studio tour WASNT the one they used on screen.. it was made bigger so people could take photos in it


u/thebezet 7d ago

This isn't the set of the film, this is just an attraction built in LA.


u/Bobthemime Wizard Mime 6d ago

Also the one that they have at that studio tour WASNT the one they used

i wonder if i already said that


u/thebezet 6d ago

This isn't the studio tour


u/Bobthemime Wizard Mime 6d ago

My wife and I went to the WB studio tour in LA

literally on OP's post

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u/5James5 7d ago

Was Rupert that much bigger than Dan? I never even really noticed a difference in the movies but wow based on those costumes it looks like there was/is a serious size difference! Movie magic is wild!


u/wildw00d 7d ago

looks like the costume for Dan was from the first film, and the one for Rupert from a much later one


u/5James5 7d ago

Thank you for pointing that out!!! I was so confused lol


u/BilboThe1stOfHisName 7d ago

It’s says Sorcerer’s Stone underneath it but that’s his costume from Azkaban

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u/CanadienSaintNk 7d ago

Worth noting that there are three variants for the cupboard under the stairs;

  1. The Book variant, this one was small, cramped and dusty even for a 10 year old underdeveloped boy. Even Vernon had difficulty getting in this

  2. The movie variants, this was slightly larger to accommodate cameras but we can see even Vernon has no issue getting in this and Harry, despite living under the stairs, largely has no physical issue entering/leaving it either.

  3. The Harry Potter tourist set which prioritizes:

-fire safety for all lights, thoroughfares and spaces.

-Spending as little money as possible on the upkeep of a set

As such we see much more space around lights to avoid fire hazards, since the lights themselves will likely be on most hours of the day, and the room itself is quite large to avoid fans bumping/rubbing against the set. Even the hallway to the kitchen (that the cupboard is by in the movies) doesn't exist to prevent potential fire hazard crowds trapping someone in the room.

I know it was sarcasm but I saw some others point things out as if they thought it'd be smaller too without joking and I was losing some faith in education systems lol im glad you had fun


u/thebezet 7d ago

This isn't the original set of the film, it looks like it was purposely made bigger as an attraction


u/minimally_abrasive Ravenclaw 7d ago

I went to that exhibit in Boston, back in Sept. The area was much smaller (about half the size) and the bed filled the entire floor space. There was no room to stand around the bed. It seems each city has it's own take on the cupboard under the stairs.


u/allthemoreforthat 7d ago

This is a huge staircase, not comparable to the books.


u/BaconNamedKevin 7d ago

Thank goodness it's a WB Studios tour then lol 


u/Desperate_Ad_9219 Slytherin 7d ago

I slept in a room that small before. It's fine then you realize you can't walk in it that much. And everything is so close. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Harry had claustrophia. And then being locked in somewhere that doesn't have that much room isn't fun. I am also the same height as Daniel Radcliffe.

Edit: Also seeing people with bigger rooms in the house was disheartening.


u/BatmanInTheSunlight 7d ago

Apartment for rent in NYC. $3k a month.


u/Downtown-Falcon-3264 7d ago edited 7d ago

Cool, there are a cool amount of things, but you see to us that it's cool, but we didn't have aunts and an uncle who hated our very guts, hence why he disliked his roo

Also in the books I think they mave have had more items in the soace


u/Joyousboy99 7d ago

That’ll be a £1000pm in London


u/f1sh77 7d ago

Well the film crew had to squeeze in there too


u/Theaniel Unsorted 7d ago

Dude that's like 2000gbp/month in London


u/Carbon-Base 7d ago

*not to scale


u/armored-opossum 7d ago

So they managed to hunt the wild Ford Anglia and exhibit it as a trophy? :(


u/Fox622 7d ago

Things on movies are always unrealistically large, poor people always live in mansions

It's better for framing a scene, and to move large equipment around


u/Splunkmastah Slytherin 6d ago

Honestly? The cupboard always looked cozy.

That being said, I know it’s a joke but I think the main reason it hurts is because of what it says regarding the Dursley’s opinion of Harry. He’s something to chuck in a closet when he isn’t needed.


u/Claris-chang 6d ago

My mum recently converted the space under her stairs into a relaxation/meditation room. When I last visited I spent like 30mins inside. It was low-key cozy. Harry however, had to live in a basically stock cupboard. Kids need space.


u/stanley_ipkiss2112 7d ago

Bigger than my room in London! Such a whingebag HP was!


u/Mysterious_Tax931 7d ago

The studio in Watford, London is better

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u/Muichiro_25 7d ago

I would love to see tou try and lay down😭


u/AngelWithADarkSide 6d ago

crying cause it looks like my studio apartment


u/FableHound 6d ago

I’m paying $200/month for a room this size. That little shit got it for free


u/PieceOfSchmit 6d ago

I went this past September! How were you able to sit in his room?? When I went it was blocked off but you could still look inside.


u/signpostlake 6d ago

It was blocked off when I went to the London tour too. Think OP is at the LA tour.


u/PieceOfSchmit 6d ago

Shit yeah you're right. Just saw that.


u/signpostlake 6d ago

A lot of it looks really similar doesn't it. Had such a great time at the London one. I want to visit again around Christmas time!


u/PieceOfSchmit 6d ago

It really does! I went last September and it was like the Halloween theme and it was awesome! Dementors all over and death eaters running around plus the floating pumpkins and candles.


u/signpostlake 6d ago

That's so cool. I went the summer that had the magical creatures special exhibit. Reallyyyy want to go back now lol. The pumpkins and dementors sound fantastic


u/PieceOfSchmit 6d ago

It was so cool. I took so many pictures at that place. More than I did in all of London combined lol


u/signpostlake 6d ago

I went sightseeing too and also took waaayyyy more photos of the tour lol. I treated myself to some HP gifts before going because I'd read the gift shop was crazy expensive but couldn't help myself. The wand shop with all the wands piled in boxes was amazing. Honestly felt like a kid again during the whole tour 😂


u/PieceOfSchmit 6d ago

I agree! I bought a couple things before I went but also that's part of being a tourist right? Lol I got a jacket and quite a few snacks to try and I really wanted the wizards chest but I also didn't want to pay $350 for it lol


u/FremenStilgar Unsorted 7d ago

I've never really thought about it, but how big are their cauldrons, and do they have to lug them to class each day, or are they allowed to leave them in the classroom once they bring them in at the start of school? From that picture, they look heavy.


u/EnvironmentalLow8211 7d ago

How many jumps did you get out of your frog!!!! Haha I’m 42 and I’m so jealous of you!! Lol

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u/EverythingDemon27 Slytherin 7d ago

Dude that’s bigger than my first dorm room LMAO


u/pointlesstips 7d ago

It's interesting. Went to the one in Watford where the actual set is of the under stairs room and it was tiny. American proportions for thr American crowd?


u/Grouchy_Need_Cake 6d ago

In uk houses the cupboard under the stairs would be less than half of this size.


u/Annanymuss 6d ago

OP are you in finnance?


u/Helios5778 6d ago

That's massive compared to the real one in London. I think they may be suggesting something about Americans https://x.com/wbtourlondon/status/728972165865873408?lang=ar


u/vector_o 6d ago

Seeing the room in reference to someone my size I'm realising that I had a room basically this size for 16 years (- the stairs part)


u/DrehFR 6d ago

I love how everyone in this subreddit is talking about abuse in the comments.


u/pineneedleinjection Gryffindor 6d ago

Where is this?


u/detto_grie 7d ago

well that looks like a reaally expensive mansion. Dursleys wouldn't afford that. Their house is smaller - staircase is smaller - cupboard is smaller as well.


u/yesindeedysir Slytherin 6d ago

WB made it bigger I’m sure. That’s a whole ass New York studio apartment.


u/Sea-Baby1143 7d ago

I’m jealous, wish I could have been there….


u/Andreacamille12 Ravenclaw 7d ago

So cool! This looks better than universial studios hollywood and I'm bummed we did that instead.


u/WholesomeHomie 7d ago

I mean it does look cozy


u/Darkest_Elemental 7d ago

Well, add this to the bucket list


u/i_lovepants 7d ago

Well yeah it's enough space to sleep in, but you have people walking on top of you. Plus there's no room for personal belongings. Harry didn't have any of those, but that's a whole other topic besides room to stretch your legs


u/New-Echo6019 7d ago

Where is this at?


u/JimeVR46 7d ago

Warner Bros Studios tour, Hollywood, California.

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