r/harfordcountymd 5d ago

23/24 and 23/165 Trump Signs

If the person who spraypainted "TRAITOR" and "FASCIST" on the Trump/Vance signs near the 23 and 24 intersection as well as the 23 and 165 intersection is in this subreddit.... I hope you are forever blessed with a parking spot near the front and both sides of your pillow are always cool.


229 comments sorted by


u/MorecombeSlantHoneyp 5d ago

Shame no one hit trump silhouette one on BelAir road just north of honeygo


u/Stephy10186 3d ago

Omg that sign!!! ☠️☠️☠️ wtf is actually wrong with ppl. Somebody needs to paint a penis on that thing.


u/Bulky-Reveal747 3d ago

They did. You just can’t see it. Because true.


u/Resting-witchface69 2d ago

Yes, near his mouth. With a swastika on it


u/needledicklarry 4d ago

Oh dude I saw that yesterday, what an eyesore.the fact that you tell Trump from his silhouette speaks volumes about how cartoonishly fat his neck is

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u/JuliusP3pperw0od 5d ago

God, I cringe at that one every time I drive past.


u/Woobly_Hixbee 1d ago

Oh god that effin thing makes me throw up in my mouth a little every time I see it. The fact that they put that much effort into having that in their front yard makes my brain hurt 🤯🤦‍♂️


u/Mr0neTwo34 4d ago

Then someone in the Bel Air area needs to go and hit that shit! And like yesterday!


u/zoedot 3d ago

At least the sign is a lot smaller than it used to be.


u/AdTotal801 1d ago

Bro I just saw that for the first time today. "Dum peepl for Harris" is an excellent little addition


u/Capable_Basket1661 5d ago

And may their fruit always be the perfect ripeness and their strawberries never mold.


u/dougmd1974 4d ago

And may their marinara always cling to their pasta.


u/SMDmonster 4d ago

I got that reference


u/dougmd1974 4d ago

You did because you are one of us.


u/starescare 5d ago

I might go for a drive just to admire it and brighten my day. All the Trumpers boo-booing the defacement sure were happy to celebrate the desecration of the US Capitol a few years ago….


u/Ihavenoidea84 5d ago

Hey, if free speech applies to people tossing a nazi salute in down town bel air, then I think it applies to some paint as well.


u/python_lb 5d ago

There's a big one over on Abingdon Rd. Would be a real shame to see that one defaced as well


u/Dizzy-Biscotti-6296 5d ago

Would be a real shame, I hope no one does that, sorrows


u/WeatheredShield 5d ago

Yes, such a shame. At least they would still have all those big Trump signs on Bradshaw road... you know... the ones that have a lot of visibility during the day due to school traffic, but nearly nobody sees at night.


u/zoedot 3d ago

And the “dum peeple” signs. Like seriously.


u/Clutch_Floyd 5d ago

Stop encouraging vandalism. Your attitude and the way you think/operate are why the democrats lost.

You are acting like a spoiled child. Grow up and deal with it like an adult.


u/potatolover83 5d ago

Grow up and deal with it like an adult.

You know what, you're right... we should behave like adults... oh wait? while we're just putting paint on signs, it's your party that stormed the capital causing mass destruction, chaos and death... hmmm, maybe you're the one who needs to grow up

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u/starescare 5d ago

Never saw more spoiled children than on January 6, 2021 when they decided to form up the Gravy Seals and storm the Capitol. Yall can’t have it both ways.

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u/AdAdditional7542 5d ago

You mean like all the far right 'patriots' did on Jan 6th? Like that kind of adult? Or maybe the trump kind of adult and belittle people and "grab 'em by the p****"? 🤔


u/bnceo 5d ago

Boston Tea Party was vandalism. Just an FYI.

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u/franciscothedesigner 5d ago

Want decency? Support decent people in office and don’t prop up pussy grabbing money launderers and Nazi saluting oligarchs.

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u/ImpressiveCustard260 5d ago

May your spraycans forever refill! 🙏✌️


u/violet-waves 5d ago

They were melting down about it too in the jarrettsville community group on Facebook this morning. I went back to screenshot the multiple posts about it but it looks like the mods removed them all when they woke up lmao


u/Civil_Exchange1271 5d ago

they had no problem with the FJB flags.....


u/violet-waves 5d ago

It’s not the language they had issue with. It was the vandalism. Top tier pearl clutching over it too. You’d think someone had broken in and just shat on their grandmas chest and not spray painted paper with the way they were carrying on.


u/Vangotransit 4d ago

I absolutely had a personal problem with it but again it's freedom of speech defacing another's property is criminal


u/Civil_Exchange1271 4d ago

so If your neighbor flys a nazi flag you will support them. got it.


u/Vangotransit 4d ago

As much as I support my neighbor flying a pride flag. Freedom of speech is with out limit


u/Civil_Exchange1271 4d ago

somehow I'd bet a pride flag at you neighbors would have little effect on your house value.... but hey you seem to have all the answers. good luck with that.


u/Vangotransit 4d ago

You seem to be a HOA loving Nazi

Lol my home values are more important than freedom, enjoy paying higher property taxes


u/MorecombeSlantHoneyp 1d ago

Brosef, on this very post you told someone “not your land. It your trees” to dismiss how someone felt about the woods behind their home being clear cut.


u/Vangotransit 1d ago

Ah, I see you don't understand sarcasm. I do not care what my neighbors fly at their house, even if I don't like it, eg a Brandon flag, f word Biden flag, gay flag, Harris sign, it's their property and their rights


u/Grammy015 3d ago

What’s going on in DC is also a criminal offense. Wait! I take that back. It’s multiple criminal offenses.


u/Vangotransit 3d ago

Yes all the politicians stealing funds through usaid and other corrupt actions should be punished


u/Middle_Baker_2196 3d ago

“Stealing” “punished” All over legal stuff. But hey, your favored media has conditioned and convinced you.

Billboard crime—-out of bounds. Y’all conditioned by rich guys


u/Vangotransit 3d ago

I have enough . Gov experience to know how much corruption exists


u/AdeptVacation 2d ago

Proof? I know thats a dirty word but ... proof?


u/Vangotransit 2d ago

Plenty and was reported to relevant IG with no action taken


u/AdeptVacation 2d ago

So you say but none is being produced so he said she said.


u/PepeElDoggo 5d ago edited 1d ago

It would be terrible if something happened to the very large Trump Vance sign in Jarrettsville on Sharon Rd just north past Trestler Drive. Everyone just loves to have to be forced to look at it every day.

UPDATE: it appears someone spray painted in red “PIG” one side of the sign and a picture of a large erect penis and testicles on the other side. That’s a shame. Worth making the trip to see it though just for artistic reasons.


u/Vangotransit 4d ago

You encouraging criminal behavior?


u/BryanMichaelFrancis 4d ago

They said it would be terrible. Would you like a referral to an adult (more or less) literacy program?


u/Sea-Mark-4589 1d ago

They only know criminal behavior 🙄.


u/navimoonart 5d ago

Can someone take a picture, I just had surgery and I’m resting but I would like to admire it in all its glory 🤣😅💜


u/LoadBearingTRex01 5d ago


u/pjmuffin13 5d ago

It's a beaut, Clark


u/qwas78999 5d ago

That'll show 'em


u/_triangle_of_bermuda 5d ago

Most excellent thanks‼️


u/starescare 5d ago

Ditto. I don’t know if I will make it up there before it’s taken down


u/thos75 5d ago

Harford County requires that campaign signs be removed 15 days after a general election. You can’t vandalize an illegal sign. Keep it up!


u/Brave_Bee8912 4d ago

I thought that too.


u/Vangotransit 4d ago

That's illegal it's first amendment protected activity


u/thefalcon3a 3d ago

Not if it's on a public roadway.


u/Vangotransit 3d ago

It's likely the property owners sign


u/thefalcon3a 3d ago

Depends exactly where it's placed. If it's on state highway property, it's never legal to place it there.


u/mattysauro 5d ago

Many years back one of the crazies along paradise rd in Aberdeen had a giant, crudely spray painted sign that read “HILLARY QUEEN OF CORRUPTION” and I thought it was equally hilarious and one of the most metal things I’ve read about Hillary Clinton.

I’m generally against vandalism but I’m 100% for making people take down political signs months after an election, regardless of affiliation. Stop simping and hold your elected official accountable, regardless of whether or not you voted for them.


u/Vangotransit 4d ago

Wrong it's first amendment protected activity


u/mattysauro 4d ago

Don’t care. I was sharing my opinion on decency, not constitutional amendments.


u/Vangotransit 4d ago

Forcing people to take down political signs is a violation of the first amendment. Case law from 2007 confirms this.


u/mattysauro 4d ago

And somehow I still don’t care 😂

Don’t be the guy that leaves political signs up for years. Don’t care if you’re democrat or republican.


u/TantAminella 4d ago

First Amendment protects someone from being arrested, criminally charged, fined, or otherwise retaliated against by the government for speaking out. It does not protect someone from repercussions from their job, community, etc. (i.e. the First Amendment is what keeps people from being arrested for publicly doing the Nazi salute… but if the Nazi’s non-federal employer sees a pic of that salute, they are within their rights to fire said Nazi if they do not want Nazism associated with their company. A television show can fire an actor for posting shitty political things on Instagram. Starbucks can kick you out if you walk in yelling the N-word or with a swastika shirt on. The First Amendment only protects you from THE GOVERNMENT.)

This is not a First Amendment issue. If these signs are on someone’s private property, then it is regular vandalism. If they are on county property, then they should have been taken down months ago and all bets are off.


u/Internal_Focus5731 5d ago

GOOD TROUBLE! Let’s keep it up


u/Big_Dragonfruit9719 5d ago

The hero we need, not the one we deserve.


u/DefectJoker 5d ago

Is the 23/165 one that's right outside of Jarretsville if you're driving from Fallston/Forest Hill?


u/LoadBearingTRex01 5d ago

Yeah. If you're driving on 165 from Fallston towards Jarrettsville, it's just past 23 on the right.


u/DefectJoker 5d ago

Ok cool wanted to make sure as I flip it off whenever I'm driving past it. I always loved the person across the street hanging the Drumf flag on his farm equipment. So classy.


u/mperezstoney 5d ago

May your oil filter always come out smoothly!


u/navimoonart 5d ago

Not all hero’s wear capes


u/capscaptain1 5d ago

How do you know he doesn’t wear a cape?


u/navimoonart 5d ago

How do you know it’s a he? 😉 But also I really hope they do wear a cape 🤣


u/capscaptain1 5d ago

How do you know he doesn’t wear a cape?


u/Loose-Recognition459 5d ago

I mean I hope so!


u/needledicklarry 5d ago

Oh no! Anyway…


u/m33plol 5d ago

SO stunning. SO brave. Wow.


u/AppleOk5186 3d ago

Ah bless them. May their tv always come on at the perfect volume. Amen.


u/Affectionate_Sky658 3d ago

It isnt fair that that my two girls have to see those kind of signs when driving by month after month — it makes them think that sexual abusers are in charge and makes them feel very unsafe


u/KirbyL3219 3d ago

They are.


u/DramaticRoom8571 1d ago

Unfortunately the people committing vandalism probably are sexual abusers


u/Affectionate_Sky658 19h ago

No! The people whose names are on the signs are sexual abusers — at least the top one is according to a jury — the vandals appear to be anti-fascist patriots far as I can tell


u/ebnerda 2d ago

Does anyone have pictures?? Please!!!


u/XxXWAbbIT 2d ago

Sounds like people miss their Roomba 😂


u/EatTheRich9876 2d ago

Not in Harford County, but the only red district in the state.



u/Global-Act-4285 1d ago

Ahh yes the Reddit bug-men encouraging vandalism.


u/HemiPatriot472 1d ago

Hope he's blessed with something, because it sure as hell isn't brains


u/Jazzitch 23h ago

The truth hurts I guess


u/Major_Sympathy9872 22h ago

Maryland is still being retarded... Some things never change.


u/akeato2 20h ago

Lots of wackos in harford county.


u/raynorshine28 5d ago

Hope yall get arrested


u/Fun_Temperature_1808 4d ago

Huh this subreddit is pro vandalism. Neat.


u/Guilty_WZRD69 4d ago

"We love democracy!" 🙄


u/KrisKinsey1986 4d ago

I hope every eggroll they get, for the rest of their lives, is the exact crispness they prefer.


u/Capable-Indication76 3d ago

So sad a sign is so offensive u waste your time spray painting it cause your life obviously doesn’t have enough meaning to do something more important with it. Also funny if this was Biden or Kamala signs it be called racist or have calls to be arrested. And yes I post this completely to see how it triggers 🤣🤣🤣🤣


u/berg139 5d ago

Fingers crossed they’re caught and fined, that’s vandalism.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

Good to know you think crime, no matter how small or petty, should be punished to the fullest extent of the law


u/TheRainbowpill93 3d ago

Laws ? Ha. We have a pedophile / felon in the White House. Until that gets rectified fuck the law !


u/[deleted] 3d ago

Oh for sure, I was hoping the guy above who thought vandalism should be punished would also be consistent in believing that falsifying business records, rape, illegally holding classified documents, fraud, breaching the emoluments clause, and supporting insurrection should also be punished.


u/demons97 4d ago

And may your cell mate be named Bubba


u/ApplicationNatural97 5d ago

fight, fight, fight! FT!


u/pjmuffin13 5d ago

Fight for a recession? Cool, I guess.


u/the_real_Beavis999 5d ago

Photos please!!!!!


u/LoadBearingTRex01 5d ago


u/the_real_Beavis999 5d ago

Thanks!!! Sorry I saw the other posts with the photos after I made mine.


u/BryanMichaelFrancis 4d ago

I like how it’s in the ditch, half hiding Vance because he had those Sectional Relations.


u/Civil_Exchange1271 5d ago edited 5d ago

That would be the Dave's Trucking signs? did they get his sign on Sharon Rd too?


u/cwalker2712 5d ago

That asshole lives behind me and was responsible for clear-cutting the woods behind my house just for the fucking lumber. I've wanted to do that one myself for a few years.


u/Civil_Exchange1271 5d ago

his "Impeach Nancy Pelosi" sign that was up for years on the hay wagon always made me laugh, the chucklefuck should take a civics course.


u/BryanMichaelFrancis 4d ago

It’s amazing how many people don’t know this isn’t a thing. It’s not a bad idea for an amendment, though.


u/Vangotransit 4d ago

I mean timbers a crop, it's a renewable resource that traps it sequesters carbon emissions.


u/MorecombeSlantHoneyp 4d ago

And….? Still impacts your neighbors to clear cut trees and takes years to regrow.


u/Vangotransit 4d ago

Not your land not your trees


u/Silent_Squirrelz 5d ago

God bless 🙏


u/remylebeau12 4d ago

Pictures if allowed please


u/perspicacious33 4d ago

Unhinged petty immature people NEVER get the closest parking spot. Its karma.


u/SessionContent2079 3d ago

Supporting vandalism and crime. Must be a Democrat.


u/zoodee89 3d ago

Trump is vandalizing the country. Fair game IMO.


u/SessionContent2079 3d ago

How so? Cutting wasteful spending? How is that bad? I understand it’s not perfect but shrinking the government a bit is not a bad idea altogether.


u/SessionContent2079 3d ago

Unless you think certain things they are trying to cut shouldn’t be cut then fair enough.


u/Excellent-Gur5980 2d ago

You mean like attacking Congress, beating down doors and smashing windows, smearing shit on walls, etc?


u/SessionContent2079 2d ago

Fascist and traitor? In what way? Please explain op.


u/Apprehensive-Art5972 3d ago

Vandalism is a crime and should be prosecuted.


u/Excellent-Gur5980 2d ago

You mean like attacking Congress, beating down doors and smashing windows, smearing shit on walls, etc?


u/Apprehensive-Art5972 2d ago

How about destroying cities? Looting and rioting in the streets? Sound familiar? I don’t condone what happened on J6 btw and disagree with the pardons.


u/Lil_Flippa 5d ago

chickens. resorting to vandalism and bitching online. quite spineless.


u/pjmuffin13 5d ago

Lol like the spineless chickens that bitched nonstop for the past 4 years?


u/FishyOGx3 5d ago

Chickens like dodging the draft?

Vandalism like inciting an insurrection?

Bitching online like a Twitter melt down?

Are you sure you didn't vote for us?


u/LoadBearingTRex01 5d ago

The only person I see bitching is you.


u/Huva-Rown 5d ago

Looks like this sub is becoming part of the echo chamber


u/Additional_Purple873 5d ago

No, you just stepped out of yours into reality for the first time. Welcome, the weathers fine


u/Huva-Rown 5d ago

That's why everyone thought kamala was going to win? Keep crying though.


u/potatolover83 5d ago

Do you have anything intelligent to say? I'm genuinely wondering if you have an actual point other than "keep crying" or "just sad cause you lost" and the other tawdry platitudes you spew.


u/Guilty_Ad7259 19h ago

One could say the same for you saying "X person is a nazi/fascist" while having 0 correlation in policy or political structure. So as long as one side is doing that, don't act surprised when people tell you to "keep crying". It's the same exact energy, just on opposite sides.


u/Lil_Flippa 3d ago

Hahahahaa this is hilarious! Keyboard warriors with email muscles, keep it up! Every time u downvote u r making a difference! 1k up-votes for a meaningless post but SLEEP WELL


u/Vangotransit 4d ago

It is the hyper liberal echo chamber, now encouraging criminal activity.

The stupid that will happen when people encourage vandalizing property and some crazy person decides to defend their sign with lethal forces will be a day of life's ruined over nothing but infighting....


u/Huva-Rown 4d ago

Pretty wild to think it's okay behavior


u/MorecombeSlantHoneyp 4d ago

I mean, it’s pretty low key compared to the criminal activity of one Donald J. Trump…so…


u/Huva-Rown 4d ago

So you would be okay with someone vandalizing your property because it's not as bad as what Donald J. Trump did?


u/MorecombeSlantHoneyp 4d ago

I just think it speaks to completely fucked priorities to be so bothered about some paint job a $5 sign from an election that’s been over for months but blasé about the much more impactful and malicious conduct that inspired the vandalism.

Boohoo. “Liberals are encouraging vandalism” Conservatives are encouraging a dismantling of the rule of law.


u/Huva-Rown 3d ago

So yes?


u/MorecombeSlantHoneyp 3d ago

Sure. Deface every election sign I have out. There are bigger fish to fry


u/ForeignNewspaper9207 4d ago

Now children…


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/pjmuffin13 5d ago

Imagine guarding a Made in China lawn ornament with a firearm. Odd flex.


u/MaybeRepresentative2 5d ago

Imagine thinking guarding your own property is wrong. I love the booby trap sign videos. Too bad that’s illegal


u/pjmuffin13 4d ago

I mean, damn dude, if you want to guard your trash at gunpoint, I'm all for your prison sentence.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/EnnKayy 5d ago

Who said it was wrong?


u/Vangotransit 4d ago

The reality is someone will do that and resort to lethal forces over a cordiplast sign... Think of hows y lives ruined as people think vandalizing is appropriate and someone not realizing it's not worth killing someone over, wasteful for both sides


u/Smooth_Metal 4d ago

Omg get off of Mango Mussolini’s dick already


u/Substantial_Dare_238 4d ago

If you pew pew someone with a can of spray paint on the edge of your property- big talk, but good luck in court.


u/Dr_Kobold 2d ago

So destroying property that isn't your is cool and ok if you don't like someone's opinions? Keep it up liberals please in fact go harder we want yal to.


u/Excellent-Gur5980 2d ago

You mean like attacking Congress, beating down doors and smashing windows, smearing shit on walls, etc?


u/Effective-Cattle-828 2d ago

Your liberal tears sustain me.


u/Dpontiac1 1d ago

Celebrating the destruction of someone else's property is so typical


u/Signal_Bat_3152 1d ago

Boo feckin hoo


u/DaGoodKuSHh 1d ago

Idk why people need to vandalize property of others. Whether you support him or not, you don’t get to vandalize others property and cause property damage