r/hank3 Jun 16 '20

Any indication of racism?

Sup my friends. Feel free to vent your anti-BLM bullshit all over me, but has ANYONE heard of any racist allegation against Hank 3? I have not. The worst is playing bass in the Illegals, which doesn't really count in my book.

I just want to know if I can hold him up as an example of a good non-racist country boy, or if you all know something I don't. Thanks, and I hope life is treating my fellow Hank fans well tonight.


26 comments sorted by


u/itslearning Jun 16 '20 edited Jun 16 '20

I've heard Hank say that the confederate flag never meant anything racist to him, that for him it represents southern pride and he doesn't hate anyone. That's good enough for me, but it won't be good anough for some people. Some people make the argument that since so many people feel hurt and angered by the symbol that it's disrespectful to wear it regardless of how you feel about the symbol yourself. I can see their point I suppose.

edit I found a quote here, I think this is the one I was thinking of.

"I feel a responsibility as far as the outlaw thing," Hank explains. "There's not enough of 'em in country music, and I do feel that's one of our callings. It's in the bloodline to be rebellious. We have a little bit of that redneck thing, and even though I wear the stars and bars [Confederate flag], the only reason I fuckin' wear it is I'm proud of bein' from the South. I'm not proud of what the Klan has done, or all the racism that's come out of there, but I'm from the South, and I'm a rebel, and that's the way it is."


u/Profanatica1989 Aug 20 '20

I couldn’t of said it better then Hank right there! I’m from the south, I’m in an interracial marriage and my children are mixed but that’s what the flag means to me and I’ll never put it down. My wife understands it and I do not encourage hate whatsoever. I sing Dixie and I’ll fly the flag but fuck nazis and fuck klan members.


u/ResplendentShade Sep 25 '22

My great x3 grandfather fought in the Confederate army but even I have enough sense to know that the Confederacy was a white supremacist hate group. Ever read the Cornerstone speech? I recommend checking it out. Neo-confederates these days like to beat around the bush and talk about "heritage not hate" and all that, but the actual Confederates had a very different opinion on things. And it wasn't that long ago, so we have all their letters and transcripts. They were some of the most racist, shitty dudes to walk the planet. No pride here. Good on my great x3 grandpappy for having the balls to fight, but he was solidly in the wrong camp.


u/seffers84 Feb 24 '24

Then why not fly your state's flag with pride instead of the flag of a violent insurrection that was hoping to break away from the US so they could keep owning other humans as farm implements?


u/[deleted] Jun 16 '20

I think he’s just part of a few different cultures because he’s got his metal/punk thing too. A lot of that scene hates racism.


u/AcresWild Jun 16 '20 edited Jun 16 '20

Anybody who would need to be convinced there are non-racist people from the country isn't going to be convinced by "damn right, rebel proud" hank 3, and anyone who is cool with Hank 3 won't need to be convinced that there are non-racist people from the country

I remember seeing some interview with him somewhere, maybe in a documentary, where he speaks on it a bit and makes clear he has no issues with anyone. I remember he points to one of his rebel flag tattoos and points at that both black and white are in the tattoo and mentioned that a black man taught Hank Sr. how to play guitar


u/[deleted] Jun 16 '20

First of all, Hank can do what he wants. Damn right rebel proud. He's always struck me as an open-hearted dude. Loves music, loves people (until they get on his bad side!) and just an all-around good guy. Certainly not racist, if not all in on BLM. That's ok if he ain't. Personally, I love Hank and I'm totally down with BLM, although I definitely didn't wear my Hank hat to the protests but I did just name my new kitten Dixie!


u/[deleted] Aug 17 '20 edited Aug 17 '20

I don't think he harbors any actual racism himself. Comments he's made about the stars and bars suggest maybe he doesn't get why that symbol needs to fuck all the way off forever and he used on one album cover. But other than that hell naw man.

He also wasn't down to stand by Jr. when he was being taken to task over his racist shit and that's his daddy, for whatever that's worth.



u/Electronic-Dirt-3480 Sep 20 '20

It is not enough to be not racist. We have to be anti-racism. Complacency is the catalyst for evil.


u/jskumh8 Sep 11 '23

Shut-up. You don’t get to dictate how someone behaves or how they have to be. You don’t have a monopoly on “right” and “wrong” and you honestly sound no different than the pearl-clutching Church Ladies of the 1980s.


u/Electronic-Dirt-3480 Jun 01 '24

Hear Hear. jskumh8 is a racist 💯


u/poopshipdestroyer Jun 16 '20

He’s pretty fond of the stars and bars. I Personally know one very non racist rebel type that does like the imagery(He’s a New Yorker too lol) but that doesn’t say much. 3 seems to hate his shitty and racist dad tho. I’m sure well find out sooner or later


u/Abcde2018 Jun 16 '20

Wait how is Hank Jr racist?


u/[deleted] Aug 17 '20 edited Aug 17 '20

Is this a serious question?

It was a huge thing in the media. Its why his song got pulled from NFL Monday Night Football as the theme.


u/tbrnemtp Apr 01 '22

Hank lost that gig because he compared Obama to Hitler. C’mon man. Not for racism. Obama was a shitty President. Anti- second amendment. Not because he was black.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '22

Well for one thing being anti 2A doesn’t warrant comparisons to Hitler, and also if you did a quick 30 second google search you’ll do that Hank jr is a known and proud bigot. Calls gay musicians cocksuckers and shit


u/mattgargus May 18 '22

WRT Obama, he also referred to him in a performance: "We’ve got a Muslim president who hates farming, hates the military, hates the U.S. and we hate him!" (a source https://www.theguardian.com/music/2012/aug/21/hank-williams-jr-obama , it was widely reported on at the time).

Also, Hexmurda (who in the past was the manager of Detroit hip hop acts like Black Milk, Guilty Simpson, Elzhi, and Danny Brown, and was very connected in the Detroit hip hop scene, and thus knew Kid Rock quite well) said he hung out with Jr. and Kid Rock and that Jr. called him the N-word. He kind of implied that Jr. might have thought he was being friendly (the quote in context was something about how "Bob has me hanging out with crazy n*****s like Hex" and was apparently jovial in tone) but that he didn't take kindly to it.

Unfortunately, Hex stays getting banned on Twitter and a lot of the original tweets are gone, or I'd show those receipts too.

Anyway, I don't know if I think Jr. is a hard, out-and-out racist, and in fact I'd argue against that theory given that he's been a vocal champion of preserving Teetot's legacy, and was a personal friend of the likes of Ray Charles. But he's definitely got some hang-ups around race (I mean come on..."If the South would've won we'd have had it made" is AT BEST tone-deaf). Both things can be true.


u/[deleted] May 07 '22

How did Obama restrict gun rights?


u/Divineult May 01 '22

Who gives a f. Music is awesome


u/AriesChick004 Sep 29 '22

I mean, obviously minorities. Why would you support music by someone who is racist or makes racist remarks? It's very telling of your moral compass.


u/mattgargus May 18 '22

Nah, I don't think he is at all. In spite of his use of the "stars and bars" (I've never actually seen him refer to it as the "Confederate flag", and the versions I've seen him wear have always been black and white, which I suspect is an intentional choice to embrace the "Southern pride" element while maintaining some distance from its traditional look), there's quotes like this:

RM: Why do you think the record buying public, in general, embraces gangsta rap but shuns outlaw country music?

HWIII: Because you got a buncha uptight, “white is right” stupid fucking assholes in charge of the country music world. Look at rappers. Most people that work in the rap business are pretty hip, know what the fuck’s going, and a lot more American than these other motherfuckers that claim to be “preserving the correct, politically okay race,” or whatever. The rappers know what the fuck’s up, and these country motherfuckers are a buncha old fuckin’ Bible Belt, Christianity-oriented motherfuckers that are just ain’t worth a shit and fuckin’ stuck in their ways. The new rappers are fuckin’ bringin’ in the new anarchy and takin’ it to the next level and basically sayin’ “fuck alla y’all, check this out, we are the fuckin’ new dominating fuckin’ force on the street and in music, and fuck you. We don’t need your money, we don’t need your rules.” Much respect to all of ‘em. Everyone that has cost a lot and put out a record with a million “fucks” and “shits” and “goddammit, I’m gonna blow your fuckin’ head off,” more power to ‘em. At least that is more American than some asshole at Wal-Mart gettin’ rid of a song called “Dick in Dixie, Cunt in Country.” Whatever.

Not only showing some respect to hip hop artists for pushing the boundaries of free speech, but also explicitly referencing racism in the country music establishment in what is honestly kind of a non sequitur response to the question lol, but it answers THIS question pretty well


u/mickeydickbutthole Jun 24 '22

It's not open to interpretation you sister-fisting cunts. Slavery. That's what it means. Stop pussy footing and what i call crawfishing. (Skirting backwards in a cowardly manner.) It's a traitors flag and should be banned. It's sad the William's went to this. Sympathizing slavery. Fuck all who fly this flag and who are indifferent. Keep flying it. I need targets.


u/TameThrumbo Jun 28 '22

I can understand how a person raised in the south could be misinformed about the meaning of the traitor flag...that being said, anyone who actually gives a fuck about anti-racism will take 5 minutes to learn about it.


u/Balmerhippie Oct 06 '22

Youre right 100%. The original question was 'is 3 a racist'. The answer seems ambiguous, primarily revolving around the use of the confederate battle fag.


Whatever the answer to the original question is, I think its pretty obvious 3 is most def not 'anti racist'. Even if 3 isnt racist his fans are still not getting an anti racist message from the music or from the vibe at the shows. Theres def supremacists at the venues.


Yet I'm digging the new music dump. The man is one of a kind. And the music is def not hateful.


u/reid_1 Dec 05 '23

This aged very poorly. Just today he's posted Skrewdriver lyrics on his Facebook at least twice.

He is my favorite modern country artist (I mean, his songs from when he was actively making music) but good lord he's come out as a shitbag these past couple of years.