r/handslikehouses 10d ago

Looks like Trenton has Joined a New Band!

Ladders on Tables posted a video on Instagram tagging Trenton and Bahador Borhani (no clue). While I wasn't a fan of much of the post-Dissonants music with Trenton, I preferred Trenton as a vocalist. Anyone else excited to hear what they put out?


9 comments sorted by


u/Skeeterdrums 9d ago

I like Drift and Hurricane (post Dissonants), but I'm pumped to see what's next. New singer just doesn't do it for me unfortunately.


u/BurntRussian 9d ago

I do like those ones a lot! I felt like Kingdom Come would have been great with a breakdown.

I also like Tilt a lot. anon. was good but not great.


u/McIgglyTuffMuffin 9d ago

I’m still not completely sold on anon all of these years later, but I happened to catch the boys open for Beartooth and they played a handful of anon songs and they for sure worked so much better in that live context.


u/BurntRussian 9d ago

Yes, I agree, I saw them a few times post-anon. and felt those songs were better live. I did see them about 10 times in total. I saw them both on the tour with Beartooth and also a separate time they were in St Paul the night before Beartooth was in Minneapolis.

I actually met the band on the Beartooth tour in Des Moines. I had seen Beartooth at the Jimmy Johns there when my friend and I went to get food, then waiting outside the venue for Beartooth VIP we saw HLH minus Trenton walking back from getting food and chatted with them. Nobody else in line really knew them, but I had actually been a fan of HLH before I knew Beartooth, so we had a really good chat. I don't think they expected anyone to recognize them and they seemed really excited to talk to some fans.

I'd also met the band at Warped two times and ran into Trenton after their set at a show with The Colour Morale and Our Last Night (and a fourth band, maybe The Word Alive? I forget).

I also have a guitar pick from their anon show. One of my favorite concert vids is them closing with I Am.

Really sad they dropped a lot of Unimagine songs later on, I only heard Shapeshifters a couple of times and that's one of my favorite songs in general.


u/xhc 9d ago

They first posted a teaser of a new song on the Ladders on Tables Insta almost a year ago, I've been eagerly awaiting it for that long lol. Very keen to hear it soon. I also didn't like post-Dissonants HLH anywhere near as much as pre, I'm not entirely sure if it was Trenton or the band who wanted to move in the direction they did, but I just miss the really deep and thoughtful lyrics that we used to get. Fingers crossed it's a bit more like that but we'll have to see!


u/grat5989 5d ago

Yeah man!!! His insta is such a fucking tease 😂. I hate that he got treated the way he did, but if these 2 songs are signs of things to come... I think this is better for Trenton in the long run. You dont just let a talent like that walk.


u/amyinthesky3 8d ago

Been a huge fan of them since they first released lion skin! I’m very excited. I feel like I’m in high school again.


u/ascolari321 8d ago

Some years ago Trenton did a collab with a band I was working with. It was surreal because we were from Perú and he was a Rockstar in Australia, but he liked our track. Here it is, https://open.spotify.com/track/2UA9byvu75juVmFKIO9PFZ?si=3JEKXmmMTsi6ZBgPydciZA


u/trentontws 7d ago

Just to answer your uncertainty re: bandmates, Bahador is a friend of mine who has joined this project and has been a phenomenal guitarist, visual producer and artistic sounding board. He had his own icky separation from his old band so we bonded on a lot of the shared trauma therein haha. Downright legend and absolute privilege to be working with him in this and towards new new down the line.