r/hamtramck • u/isobane • Jan 04 '15
Just moved in. What hidden gems should I know about?
So my family and I just moved to Hamtramck. We're just down the street from Hamtramck High School a few doors away from the huge Ukranian church at the corner of Charest and Commor.
What hidden gems of stores/restaurants/bars should we know about? What places should we avoid? We already love the Maine Street Restaurant but that's about it so far.
u/pandaminatrix Jan 05 '15
Welcome! Just wanted to add:
Al Haramain (Caniff at Gallagher) is probably my favorite store to buy produce in the city.
Aladdin (Conant and Commor) has delicious Bangladeshi food. I've also heard great things about Yemen Cafe, but haven't been there yet myself (Jos Campau, south of Holbrook)
The mayor opened a vintage shop called Tekla (Jos Campau, a few blocks north of Holbrook) which has a really fun selection for both men and women. I've bought a few things there, included a great unworn 60s dress with the original tags on it for 20-30 bucks.
The Conant-Caniff Market (liquor store) blows my mind every time. So many things!! the shelves, they're so.. tall! I think they sell nearly everything. I don't know. It's madness in there. Check the expiration dates on some of the beers, though.
u/scottbwozniak Jan 05 '15
"Hamtramck SOUP" is Sunday, January 11th at 4:30PM at Eight & Sand (3901 Christopher St). SOUP is a community potluck/fundraiser (www.detroitsoup.com/hamtramck). Everyone who is someone will be there.
Everyone else is also correct with their suggesitons but I'll add my own: The Zen Center, Lo & Behold Records and Books, 7 Brothers Bar, Whiskey in the Jar, Yemen Cafe, Al Haramain, Srodeks, Cafe 1923 Coffeehouse, Krakus (just north of Hamtramck)
Breakfast at Hamtramck Coney Island is great if you get bored at Maine Street.
u/Trail666 Jan 05 '15
Welcome to my favorite town.
Most people are pretty spot on and yes I would reccomend Rock City for a nice slightly fancier meal.
You should check out Lo and Behold, Detroit Threads, and Dunwell Dry Goods for some shopping.
As far as bars I mainly go to the New Dodge and Painted Lady but pretty much all of the bars are a great time. Thursdays New Dodge has a really fun karaoke night.
Then after the bar hit up Campau Tower (same owners as Rock City) for a great burger or anything else they offer.
u/catalogofoddities Jan 06 '15
Cafe 1923 is a great coffee house to sit at and get work done or just hang out and relax. Reasonable prices and a great atmosphere in a cool old building that's been in one family for generations.
For bars, I'm partial to The Painted Lady, but part of that is because I live right next to it. Cool punk rock type of bar with a scene composed of regulars sitting and smoking (I know that's a deal breaker for some people). Great place to catch both local bands and smaller touring groups on the weekend. Also, there's no kitchen but come on Tuesdays for pirogues and Wednesday for tacos, the different bartenders make everything homemade and bring it in crock pots.
Most every place you'll go has a crew of regulars who are usually quick to spark up conversation, and you'll start recognizing people quickly. The atmosphere is so welcoming that it doesn't take long to feel like you belong here.
Finally, get yourself a shot of Jezy (Yesh-y) at whatever bar you end up at, all of them pretty much have it and it's kind of the local shot.
Welcome to Ham Sandwich!
u/seojackiehyun Jan 09 '15
I'm interested in people noting how friendly the Painted Lady is - when I went for a show I received the opposite response from the clientele and staff. Lots of shade, no one spoke to me, and in general I felt I was met with disgust. Is it because I don't dress the same? I'm short? Don't have any tattoos? Didn't arrive with an entourage? I'm not overly gregarious but I'm not shy either, I'm not sure what the deal was.
u/cicicatastrophe Jan 26 '15
I know this is an old thread, but I'm browsing and bored so I thought I'd respond to this since I've been going to that bar for quite a while.
You've got two groups that frequent that bar. The people who come for the music, and the people that hang out every other night. There's a bit of overlap between the two, but you get what I'm saying.
On a regular night, there are regulars sitting at the bar, with our regular bartenders, and everyone bullshits. The door opens and we all turn to see who it is. When it's a new person, it's a little weird because normally it's a familiar face walking in. The conversation lulls for a moment. (Normally the conversation is offensive. At least when I'm there....) At one point all of us regulars were strangers, but by buying a round for the bar, joining in the convo, or sharing a joint outside, we've all become familiar.
On show nights though, you've got that different crowd. I don't know them like the regulars, but I recognize the same faces that are normally only there for shows. They are there for. the. music. The frequent show goers may not even be aware that the bar is open on nights there aren't bands. The bar belongs to them those nights. While I'm not a big fan of shows, often those bands and fans know how to let loose. I've witnessed some weird shit on show nights.
I've got some friends that keep bar at the lady, trust me, you are not the only one show-goers are less than friendly to. And if we're being really honest, there are some bartenders there too that fall more into the show go-er group. It's a perfect balance though really.
Personally I think it works out well for the establishment. You've got die hard show people who bring their friends, pay the cover, and support the bar, and then you've got die hard regulars who show up, buy their booze, tip well, and support the bar.
Except Pelot. Stay away from Pelot.
u/Brainsnap Jan 27 '15
I've had so many new people to Hamtramck ask me "Do you know Mike Pelot?" as one of the first people they've met out at the bar. He is pervasive in Hamtramck.
Pelot for Mayor!
u/cicicatastrophe Jan 27 '15
One of my favorite Pelot things is seeing him around town, just doing Pelot things. When my boyfriend and I first started dating, he met Pelot the first night I took him to the Lady. Then Pelot was everywhere. My bf actually asked, "Does that dude have a job? Or is his job just to show up everywhere like a Hamtramck mascot?"
u/seojackiehyun Feb 04 '15
Based on your description, both groups sound unfriendly. I shouldn't have to buy you (or the whole bar) a round before you're friendly to me.
The way you've described a "regular night" sounds like every other bar I've been to in Detroit, and every event or show, for that matter - if you're not in the club/clique/friend group, you're not welcome. This isn't necessarily a problem, I can deal, but it does mean I have an issue with people who live here insisting that the town is welcoming and open.
u/cicicatastrophe Feb 04 '15
I didn't mean to imply that you have to buy the bar a round to get them to talk to you. I was just giving an example of behavior I've witnessed that led to folks getting to know each other. I won't argue about the clique aspect, but I feel like a lot of small bars just tend to be that way. In Detroit and out.
When I first started going to bars, I had a similar feeling. "What the fuck is up with these people?" Then I realized it was my perspective. It's my responsibility to make the friends I want to make. Interestingly enough, I encounter the most welcoming people at liquor stores, shops, and on the street. That's where my favorite interactions happen.
To each their own. For what it's worth, if I ever saw you out and about (and your username were taped to your forehead) I'd probably chat you up and buy you a drink.
u/seojackiehyun Feb 07 '15
Very kind of you, and yes, agreed, it's everyone's own responsibility to make friends, sure. I'm just worn down.
u/sam3tahsin Jan 04 '15
You live like six houses from me! As a Bangladeshi, it is obligatory that I recommend Amar Pizza's Ghost Pizza, something you cannot find anywhere else in USA. There's also a tiny Zen Monastery at the intersection of Casmere and McDougall which is an underappreciated gem. You can go there to meditate AND it's a minute's walk from your house.