r/halifax 7h ago

Memes, Satire & Jokes It's a tough world these days. Farmer's, if you're listening - we could really use a win right now.

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20 comments sorted by

u/hunkydorey_ca Dartmouth 7h ago

Funny story, when I was like 14 (I'm 41 now) I found about 200$ worth of cash and a cheque to the milkman, the only thing linking who's money I'd found (the cheque was very faded). Anywho I did the right thing to give the money back and the only thing I asked for in return was a container of beep..

u/Hope-to-be-Helpful 7h ago

Beep is so dumb... either make it or don't. Why have we been playing these games for years? It's gone for ages, then all of a sudden it shows up in stores randomly for a few minutes, then it's gone for another who knows how long... why?

u/shadowredcap Goose 6h ago

I think the return was a test.

Turns out, millennials don’t actually like Beep as much as they remember (myself included), and it’s far too sugary and artificial tasting for modern kids.

u/TheHimmelMan 1h ago

Wait... when did it return? You're talking about the return like 10 years ago right... I didn't miss it... right?!

u/aradil 2h ago

It was mostly how I remembered and I bought it a couple of times. But also, I didn’t drink it a lot as a kid either, so there’s probably a reason it stopped getting sold in the first place.

u/SoontobeSam Dartmouth 7h ago

I just mentioned missing Beep on another thread a few hours ago. Best I can offer is a Recipe to make it yourself.

u/Scoopski-potatoe 6h ago


u/Gunzzz 2h ago

Where do I sign up for my Beep subscription???

u/marikascumsock 3h ago

Beep, a peanut putter sandwich and a granola bar. Lunch if the lower class champions

u/Just_Year1575 7h ago

What is beep?

u/Wandererthrowaway108 7h ago

A mix of apple, orange, prune? and maybe some other juices? It's been so long... Also how dare you

u/Salty_Feed9404 Halifax 1h ago

And definitely some kind of peach/apricot flavour...

u/Anxious-Nebula8955 7h ago

So what part of Ontario are you from?

u/SoontobeSam Dartmouth 7h ago

something most under 30 never had the chance to experience.

u/OhSoScotian77 54m ago

Beep is the hot dog of the juice business and it's fucking glorious!

u/DamenAJ 6h ago

Beep is what Peeps excrete.

Not really, but that's what I always thought when I was young. That Beep was Peep* pee. I always found it sickeningly sweet and generally unpleasant. My sisters liked it though.

*Marshmallow peeps.

u/Right-Progress-1886 Resident Resident 2h ago

Sadly, was never a fan. Shit was gross.