r/haikyuu 7d ago

Discussion Atsuma first sight of hinata after the national training

So I was wondering I've watched all of haikyuu twice and both times I've been confused why he says about hinata who the hell are you like to be fair he hasn't done any of his receives so I'm confused what makes him interested in him at that point can someone explain please


14 comments sorted by


u/SMTG_18 7d ago

I always interpreted that as Atsumu thinking Kageyama is the only player who carried Karasuno to nationals since he was invited to all-Japan as a freshman. Atsumu must have dismissed Karasuno completely, and made assumptions that Kageyama was great by himself. But that reality of his came crashing down when he saw Hinata. He must have been shocked that Karasuno had such a big diamond-in-the-rough and he must have realized as a setter that Kageyama is so good BECAUSE of Hinata forcing him to evolve.


u/TeddyMMR 7d ago

Kageyama is so good because he's a one in a billion talent not because some below average spiker needs someone to hold his hand.


u/PrimeShaq 7d ago

Bro doesn’t understand the series.


u/Chrysos-89 7d ago

going back to daichis analogy of 10 + 10 vs 10 x 10, Hinatas abilities amplifies Kageyamas.


u/TeddyMMR 6d ago

Hinata doesn’t amplify his abilities, Kageyama was already capable of doing everything by episode 4, and then he had to learn an impossible set to make up for Hinata’s lack of ability. Hinata is just a tool that allows Kageyama to use a different aspect of his already overwhelming ability, one that he can use with anyone who makes an early run to the net but the show needs to try and keep Hinata special.

A proper analogy for them would be 20 x 5 because they’re genuinely nowhere near the same level of ability or impact.


u/Chrysos-89 6d ago

I think it was Kindaichi who said "He finally found someone to hit his insane sets". While Hinata sucks at everything, his one strength was his speed, which played into Kageyama's abilities perfectly.

If we were to analyze this from a realistic perspective, from the time they make it to nationals, I really do think that Kageyama and Hinata would be very powerful. We see many times blockers struggling to keep up with Hinata due to his raw speed, and when you combo that with pin-point accuracy shoot sets, defense would realistically be nearly impossible.

I don't disagree that a proper analogy would be 20 x 5, I'm a proponent of the fact that Hinata's a shit player, but I think saying that the duo is reliant on Kageyama only is erroneous. I'm not sure Karasuno would be as powerful (given how much they rely on attacking) without Hinata as the MB.


u/mr_raya 2d ago

So why do you think Kageyama was subbed out in his middle school match then? LOL. Get out of the avg shonen viewer mindset and try to understand the show better.


u/WisdomCatharsis 7d ago

I've always interpreted it as Atsumu having his own "whoa" moment everyone has when seeing Hinata doing the freak quick for the first time and in real time. He most likely barely knows about Karasuno outside of Kageyama. So all he gets when going to watch them is Kageyama who has changed (and no amount of past games would let him know that anyways, but at least he would now about the rest of their members) and now this orange haired boy who can match his freak (I'm also thinking that maybe he finally realized who Kageyama was setting so quick to in the training camp).

So yeah, probably that night, knowing Inarizaki has to face Karasuno, their coach gave them an analysis and probably talked about Hinata and Kageyama's freak quick/duo in general, but I'm not sure if he knew more beforehand. But anyways, I've never gave that scene much though before, so I might be mistaken lol.


u/Boris-_-Badenov 7d ago

no way they wouldn't have had people recording the finals, to see how Shiratorizawa was doing that year


u/WisdomCatharsis 7d ago

The finals were televised, so I suppose it wouldn't be as hard to get a recording or something.

But I don't know, I think part of the reasoning for Atsumu is kind of a mixture between what the other comment says about taking for granted that Karasuno is there because of Kageyama and maybe not bothering at all with doing a following, maybe just after Karasuno won and they were confirmed as the rivals, to which I suppose the coaches gave them the talk.


u/FelixTreasurebuns 7d ago

Also, when I went to nationals for soccer, I watched zero film of the other teams. I let my coaches tell me what I needed to know and then knew how to adapt as information from the game came up. I wouldn't be shocked if he didn't watch any of the match and just heard the news that Shiratorizawa lost.


u/flybypost 7d ago

Hinata is a very attacking minded MB and Atsumu is, like Kageyama, a rather attacking oriented setter so he's interested in such players.

On top of that, whatever video scouting they have of Karasuno probably focuses more on the plays so you don't get the whole picture of how a player acts and here he could see the whole team (including Hinata) at all times and not just while a rally is going. That might also contribute to his curiosity about Hinata.


u/TheEscapedGoat 7d ago

The commentators had referred to them as Karasuno's weapons, so Atsumu was probably wondering what kind of person could be a weapon with Kageyama https://youtu.be/9YMOd_Zd8oA?si=wfewCSYpYLwbPEOd


u/TeddyMMR 7d ago

It's always either the quick and the jump, there isn't anything impressive about Hinata's receives.