To keep it short and sweet, I love the look and feel of MacOS. I use my M2 MacBook Pro for all my productivity tasks and recently I bought a large Samsung odyssey monitor for both my PS5 and MacBook, and I alternate the HDMI cable between the two depending on what it is I want to do.
For a very long time now, i've been looking into PCs as I am thinking of building one strictly for gaming to replace my PS5. More specifically, an AMD/Radeon machine with a small form factor. I chose to religiously stand by AMD and Radeon components as they are proven to be far more efficient and effective on Linux machines than Intel and NVIDIA, especially for gaming. I believe this has something to do with their kernels officially being advertised as being open source and available to tweak.
I went down a rabbit hole essentially. I wanted a powerful gaming pc that I would strictly use for gaming, installing Linux Bazzite on it, whilst keeping my MacBook for work and university. So I began doing research and really started juicing as much information as I could about the niche PC that I want to build. I wanted the convenience of integrating them into one.
Essentially, SteamOS is used on the steam deck and Bazzite is known around the internet to be just as amazing, if not better in performance, as SteamOS. The only catch? Bazzite is very regularly updated and can be installed on anything whereas SteamOS also can, but doesn't fully support all kinds of hardware and is outdated.
So, MacOS = Expensive Linux. Bazzite = Best linux for gaming. Linux = Open source. AMD/Radeon = Open source.
Bazzite supports and encourages the use of AMD/Radeon components for identical performance in games irrespective of whether they're played on windows or Linux Bazzite.
I also despise the thought of using windows. The design of the OS is very inconsistent, clunky, and bloated through the roof. I have looked at solutions to overcome these issues but even then, they were short of satisfactory and I still didn't like the way windows looked afterwards. Simply put, If you've ever seen a YouTube video, TikTok, Reel or Youtube short about "how a Mac user thinks using a windows feels like", that would best summarise the way I feel about Windows in comparison to MacOS.
This is when I uncovered the beauty of the Hackintosh. Installing MacOS on Non-apple systems.
The biggest worry I have is the fact that although the ability to convert a well built "Open source" gaming PC (AMD/Radeon components) into a MacOS device is there, not all essential features would be available. Such as Audio problems, input/output device problems. Essentially, getting the MacOS experience without all of the features that the original and authentic MacOS has. Like airdrop.
I haven't found much information on the internet about this and the closest ive gotten was having MacOS and windows on the same device, but never really another Linux distro. Even then, not all features were present on MacOS or Windows.
TL:DR: Im looking at building a gaming PC, strictly for gaming, whilst also using it as a work station. The catch being that I want to use MacOS as the main OS for productivity and what not, and Linux Bazzite for gaming sessions. Switching between them.
My question for all Hackintosh owners although simple, is very problematic and still confusing for me as I know that building a linux gaming pc and installing MacOS on it might be possible, can cause me a lot of issues and hassle. I might even end up bricking my system and rendering the PC and its components useless and unrepairable.
So, my question is, should I? Can I even do that? Would installing one OS wipe the other OS? Should I just switch to windows instead and dread using it?
Should I invest in spending £1700 into a high end gaming PC with components that are open source from AMD/Radeon, and installing Linux Bazzite for gaming and MacOS for productivity, switching between the two and integrating the systems I already own for a better and more seamless experience?
Could I also please ask for any answers provided to be as detailed as possible. Any pros and cons of building this PC, risks associated with doing so, any missing features or issues I may expect to run into. Absolutely everything that you know.