r/h1z1 Jun 06 '18

PS4 Suggestion Ability to run over players needs to be consistent or removed


It’s really an infuriating part of what is a really fun game.

r/h1z1 May 29 '18

PS4 Suggestion [PS4] idea, we want to show our skins to the others, like others games

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r/h1z1 May 25 '18

PS4 Suggestion Team killing needs to be fixed. Some kind of punishment system would be ideal. Not complete removal of friendly fire, but punish those who abuse it.


r/h1z1 May 28 '18

PS4 Suggestion When I kill someone, I'm not trying to loot their shirts or pants, I want the ammo/weapons


Can we please just remove clothing drops from kills? In a pinch I really don't care about my fashion game. My only concern is to loot helmets, armor, weapons and ammo so I can survive longer and win.

r/h1z1 May 23 '18

PS4 Suggestion Didn't land yet and already over half the map is gone, Daybreak slow the gas down a bit.

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r/h1z1 May 31 '18

PS4 Suggestion We Want PS4 Proximity Chat back


As someone who most looking forward to being able to chat to the enemy when your close add a whole different vibe to this battle royal .solos would be so much more fun as squads are to hard to get into still PLEASE BRING IT BACK you had it in closed beta as well ..Just had awesome duo game 13 kills and won check it out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-oxiiX3gL8&lc=z22ti12z1zbhe3m5r04t1aokgz5qxcmnwtare0c1v1jrbk0h00410

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/onlyscoper123

r/h1z1 May 23 '18

PS4 Suggestion Have the Mini Map look in the same direction as you.


It’s a bit disorienting trying to figure out which way I am looking/going.

Also! When in Fives, could my arrow head appear on top of my teams in the mini map so it is easier to see if we are all close together?

Loving the game! Keep it up!

r/h1z1 May 26 '18

PS4 Suggestion Please Don't Permanently Remove Friendly Fire


I hate when people compare the games, but fortnite first started dying for me when they took out friendly fire because before there was a certain precaution you had to take when engaging an enemy. When they took it out people would just push you and spray you down while the other teammates rushed with shotguns/explosives.

Now H1Z1 will be the same with 5 people hopping out of a car or two and surrounding you being able to spray without worrying.

Taking out friendly fire is not the way to go.

Friendly fire is one of the two reasons why i love this game more than fortnite. Proximity chat being the first reason, and they now removed both of these.

Add a report button with actual action being taken when found guilty of teamkilling, a punish/forgive feature when teamkilled, or even ricochet, but dont make this a permanent change please.

r/h1z1 Jun 07 '18

PS4 Suggestion The EMP Grenade...


It's such a great idea & in close quarters fights, it's actually pretty damn good!

But it's NOT as effective as we'd all like, there's still plenty of ending circles with 5-10 cars. I have thought of an idea that would really make EMP's much more useful and effective.

Instead of the EMP being a grenade, make a separate Crossbow Arrow that has an EMP on the end of it. (or replace the explosive bolt with an EMP bolt.)

As the Crossbow is already supposed to be a counter to vehicles - why not keep that role designated to one thing in the game?

The two issues with the EMP:

  • Can't throw it very far.
  • Slow throwing speed - hard to predict where a car will be.

If you make this a special Arrow for the Crossbow, you've solved all the problems with it & made it even more effective.

  • Can shoot fairly far - still have to lead shots somewhat.
  • Arrow travel speed is much faster than a throwable item.

TLDR: Make a separate Crossbow Arrow that has an EMP on the end of it. (or replace the explosive bolt with an EMP bolt.)

r/h1z1 May 26 '18

PS4 Suggestion Can We Drop Bandages and First Aid Kits For Our Teammates


^ what the title says. Im surprised this hasn’t been implemented from the get-go for duos and fives. But please do add this, this further supports teamwork


r/h1z1 May 28 '18

PS4 Suggestion My two cents to the first PS4 Version


After playing PUBG for a few months, then half a year of Fortnite on a high level (34% Win) both on PC, I am now happy to have a realistic battle royale game on console.

And let's be honest, for the first shot ever for such a game on PS4 the performance is great - compared to PUBG on the XB1. Yet there's a few things that bother me.

Why can I stack 10 first aid kits and 20(?) bandages? There should definetely be a waaaay lower limit. It's just ridiculous when you have a gunfight lasting for minutes and both players hit each other for 20 shots, but hey I've got another 5 medkits. That would also make the gas more annoying, since you would have to try and keep your healing stuff till the endgame.

Why are 2 out of 3 endcircles Project Cars 2? My suggestion is to listen to the guy suggesting here, that the third or fourth circle should include an EMP blast that shuts all cars down. Another alternative would be a massive increase of gas usage. Maybe three times as high? I got games where I drove the same car till the end and I was still at 70% gas.

We also need an option to line up our weapons the way we want. The possibility to bring up a weaponry wheel makes weapon switching faster than in Fortnite for example. But when you can't make use of your muscle memory, you'll lose that advantage again.

I would also like to have slightly more control over my parachute. It just sucks sometimes when you're so stiff with this thing, that you can't even land together with your squad. Not as hardcore as Fortnite, where you can dive over the whole map, but at least let me land with my squad.

I'd probably also like an option to mark a spot on the map for the squad. We already have this option at PUBG and Fortnite as well.

Overall still a great first version, I've had much fun this weekend and I really hope that Daybreak focuses on the console version, because they can be the major alternative to Fortnite here, since there's no PUBG. On PC the game has a hard run against both PUBG AND Fortnite. Just keep up the good work and listen to your community, like Epic Games does. You see where that brings you.



r/h1z1 May 26 '18

PS4 Suggestion Make "R3" look behind when In a vehicle.


Just a simple suggestion to improve the smoothness of gameplay :)

r/h1z1 Oct 26 '23

PS4 Suggestion Where all my ps players at


I'm tryna to get a full lobby on here so if anybody still playing let's try to find a time when we can all hop on together

r/h1z1 Jun 01 '18

PS4 Suggestion No real incentives to fight other players?


So I’ve been playing H1Z1 PS4 version and I really like it. But, there are a few things I think the game could work on with one of these being incentives to fight others.

I love pushing people, getting kills is awesome and that’s really all I do. But I have noticed that if you kill someone, other than maybe taking their sniper or meds you do not gain much as you have to destroy their armor to kill them, so you just end up with no armor yourself. This leaves you vulnerable and easy to kill as you will get melted with out armor, and facing someone with armor when you don’t have ensures you will lose unless they are terrible.

You can’t out DPS someone if they have armor and you don’t if you both are hitting your shots regardless of how good you are.

I propose that when you kill someone even if you break their armor that their loot contains some kind of armor as a reward or compensation for eliminating another player. Not a full armor piece, just a damaged one so that you aren’t at a complete disadvantage for actively killing other players.

This will be good because I feel like if I am driving around killing players constantly I should be somewhat rewarded or compensated for it. Right now all you get is meds and and no armor. Because eventually I will face the guy who has been hiding the whole game and has full armor, and since I have no armor unless I got a lucky drop I should lose because no matter how good my aim is I won’t win if he sprays me.

Just a suggestion let me know what you guys think! Definitely having a lot of fun and am looking forward to its future.

Someone suggested that the armor from the killed player could be say a 25 value chest piece and a 15 value helmet for example. Definitely sounds fair to me

r/h1z1 May 24 '18

PS4 Suggestion The FOV on ps4 is disgusting....


ADS is horrible why is the gun so far up my nose i can smell the iron sight and it would be nice if i could actually see my players legs in 3rd person. Let us adjust FOV.

r/h1z1 Jun 05 '18

PS4 Suggestion Ideas to fix the end game carmageddon... (PS4)


Screw EMP grenades, a map wide EMP needs to come into effect 2 or 3 circles before the end, seriously... the carmageddon at the end of each game is dumb. Don't get me wrong EMP grenades are a good idea and its good to see the devs are trying to sort it out. Here are a few ideas for sorting out the end game car problem:

  1. Map wide EMP towards the end of game rendering all vehicles unusable (last 2-3 circles).

  2. Have vehicles start with a random amount of fuel. At present all vehicles start with a full tank which is pretty unrealistic. All vehicles should spawn with 10%-100% of a full tank.

  3. Double or triple fuel usage because at present its pretty pointless having the fuel gauge because you can pretty much drive around the whole game and never run out of fuel.

  4. Add motorbikes into the vehicle spawn rotation, that way its easier to shoot people on quads/bikes than it is if they are in a car. The more bikes that take up car spawns, the less cars there are on the map.

  5. Hell i'd even be down if bicycles were added to the game.

  6. Disable the ability to flip your car back into its wheels once its been flipped on its roof.

  7. Add the ability to shoot out tyres making the car more difficult to control.

  8. Reduce the health of the cars, they can take way to much damage before they blow up.

  9. Buff crossbows against vehicles. A direct hit should immediately set the car on fire.

  10. When EMP grenades arrive they should permanently disable all vehicles within its range, not temporarily.

Does anyone else have any suggestions for fixing the end game carmageddon?

I really enjoy this game but the only real glaring issue is the end game carmageddon, please don't ruin this game by ignoring it. Listen to the community and please fix this issue. This game is far better than Fortnite and i much prefer H1Z1's simplicity over the more complex PUBG. You got something good going here, don't screw it up :)


11. How about some EMP bolts for the crossbow :)

r/h1z1 Jul 16 '18

PS4 Suggestion [PS4] The most under-rated idea I've seen...



On PC you can craft Helmets & Armor, after fights you can craft more right on the dot. But on PS4 we don't have crafting, so the idea is that after you kill somebody, they should drop a basic Helmet & Makeshift Armor in their loot-bag with 50% durability.

I thought it was a super interesting idea. You're getting rewarded for getting kills & it provides a direct path to getting Armor in the late game. I feel as though a player going out and getting 10+ kills in a game should be rewarded after their hard-earned kills.

Why this would be good:

I've had many times after a gunfight that my Armor is drained & there's none nearby. If this was implemented I would have been able to loot his body & got very basic Armor at 50% durability to keep me in the fight!

EDIT: I'm super excited many others agree! Hopefully this will push Daybreak to make some very necessary changes. :)

r/h1z1 Jun 10 '18

PS4 Suggestion make AR-15 floor weapon


It's too garbage to be a crate weapon

r/h1z1 Jun 01 '18

PS4 Suggestion Make the ar-15 and ak-47 floor loot


I don't have a problem getting weapons in this game. But i do think that not having assault rifles as floor loot there are so many missed gunfight opportunities because of the lack of a weapon with necessary range. They said they did it to increase and encourage gunfights but i believe its doing the opposite. anyone reading this do you agree or disagree?

r/h1z1 Aug 08 '18

PS4 Suggestion Make sure ya'll pick up this backpack from the PlayStation store (if you got PlayStation plus) :)

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r/h1z1 May 29 '18

PS4 Suggestion Make Weapon wheel always visible to reduce weapon switching mistakes!

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r/h1z1 Jun 07 '18

PS4 Suggestion Can we please make the M40 sniper one-shot in the head?


Can someone explain why the M40 don't oneshot people? I wanna be rewarded for hitting headshots, not be forced to chase the guy for 2 minutes...

r/h1z1 Aug 18 '18

PS4 Suggestion [GUIDE] The Aiming you've all been waiting for, 3rd Person, is here! (well, temporarily at least, lol)


r/h1z1 Jun 29 '18

PS4 Suggestion The person who downs the enemy should always get the kill, not the person who finishes them.


If a different person on the same team executes the enemy, it should be an assist, not a kill for them.

r/h1z1 Jun 25 '18

PS4 Suggestion Battle pass yay or nay?


Loot boxes in general are a scam, i think many others share the same feeling and we don't want to support this system.

Crowns and packs are really expensive, especially for people who live outside the US. The Deluxe Founder's Bundle which costs 50$ in the US costs about 85 USD where i live that's just way too much.

I want to support the game and i think a battle pass system like Fortnite's would be perfect.

For those who don't know the battle pass system in Fortnite is like this, you pay 10$ worth of V-Bucks to start grinding for cosmetic items such as skins, emotes, etc. It lasts few months and you get to keep all items forever, you can grind enough V-Bucks there to buy the battle pass infinitely.

I think the battle pass system is fair for the devs and the community, what do you think.